La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, April 21, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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if P
: V
. 4 ;
One of the Most Disas
trous Conflagrations in
the History of Canada
at Toronto.
Toronto, April 20 "ire started in
a Wellington afreet fao'ory, from
oinsea as ' yet uuknown, at. 9 last
night. A series of explosions scatter
ed it tremendously earl; tbereaftui,
though it wa 'I. ought to be under
control at 11. At lb-it hour, however
it stiff wind sprang up and until 8 tbia
morning it was a fight lor the life of
I ib city. '.-.'"..
Toront , April 20 it 8 th'ie morn
ing Ibe great fire is uoder control.
The flames laid waste more than 150
buildiogB, with a pioperty - Ires esti
mated at from 110000,000 to ?l5,O00,
About the April - .
Shirt Waist Sa!e?
We've bem thinking ubnul tliem for
some time. Have one thought ail c.--pressed
iu garments now, nml vtt.'vo
put on them. . . .
All hit ( Hi up ditciif cs ai c to m i!': i BtCF. '1 l.e geims thrive wheitver
th ( re )! li! iu ' m ks and tier v. 'J 1 ! n t ' t i pninBt then is to ninke
the lioinii ii sanitary ui miis i- ri i r t a fiit huld. All finks, drains,
cellars, closets, im 1 olhrr dimmer -pots uius-l Im- kept th 'roughly diiti!cld.
We li iv- all I'm reliible f'u iii'it''r.- ami lisiuC'tauls. En h hits its ap
propriate us. The quality f v-rytlii'r we up;dv is the highest end the
prire is right. (J in ive yo i any pe iui vou need,
Electric Storm
Peedteuiu, April 20 The electrio
storm that i ted Pendleton 1st t ever. -iug
lisa put the telephone service out
of commission (or the most part and
did its beat towards leaving tbe city in
i'ive hundred 'phones are burned
out thin morning out of a total oi 650.
Whea Ibe bultetiuck '.be wires yes
terday it ran into the central office
and onto the boards wbere it blst-d
and sitzled in all colors and . shapes.
The operators got away -so last tbat
several of the sir Is nearly pulled their
balr and ears off Hying to get the re
ceivers of) their he .a. Afier tbe
ehnck was over all eat ready tn jimp
(or tbe remainder nl i tie at. in,. -on
and tnday whenever a dour .1 ma
,mostnf them atarc to run
The wires of ibe elfctrio light, tlnnt
we e r 'nick in Iron t of the K. r ter
pinning mill and this morning I "in aa
our y as a negro's hair The lorn- of
the b H was arretted by the linn log
arro ere in the power station L.i'ore
it reached tbt) machinery of -tl.e
swi chboird
It will be some time Lcfote . tbe
damage can be repaired for it ia not
kn.wn whether it 8 tbe 'phnnea or
the fu'es that are damaged Extra
linemen are now.nt work putting
things to riiih'ts
You must hove shirt waists for the coming warm
weather, so here is your chance. 1000 waists in
our 6toek and all reduced. Waists runging in
pi ice from 40u up. A nice line of wash t-itk wsisls
beautifully trimmed in drawa work and insertion
at $3 00. Come early as thia big sale ouly lag's
three duys, ending Saturday, April 16.
Landing of Japs at Niu
Chwang One of Most
Important Events of
the Campaign.
London, April 20 A News
correspondent at St FoUreburg, wires
tbat a report is current at the Rus
sian capita! tbat the Japanese have
landed ic loroe near Niu Cbwang.
London, April 20 The Niu
Chwang landing it believed here to
be the most important event tbua (ar
in the campaign. Niu Chwang is be
ing fortified stroogly by tbe Russians.
Should tbe port fall into tbe Japs'
bands it will be ol immense, advan
tage to the letter in Its harbor facili
ties and approach to inland oitlea. ,.
Paris, A pril 20 A kational pollii-
ciao claims to bate authority (or tie
j statemeot'lhat tbe Pelropavlovsk was
euult by a Japanese submarine aaid to
here been tbe famous Goubet, sold to
tba Japanese alter Russia bad refused
to purchase tbe vessel.
Parker Leads
The De.nocretio State Convention
bating Instruotid for Judge Parker
it now looks I'ko be will be the nom
inee for President ol that party. '
Ordinance No 285 Series of 1904
An ordinance providing tor the Issuing
and negotiating of additional bonds of
the city of La Grande to tba amount
of twenty-five thousand dollars (or
the purpose pi constructing a City
. Ball (or said city.
The city of La Grande does ordain as
follows: f
Section One: That under and by vir
the of the authority coufered upon the
Council ol the city of La Urande, Union
County. Oregon, at a regular and gen
eral eleotion held in; the city of La
Grande Oregon on tbe' 14th day of
March A D 1904 (or the purpose ol au
thorizing the Council o( the city of La
(Jiande to issue and negotiate tweuly
five thousand dollars additional Honda
of said city of La oraude, Oregon to be
used in the construction of a City Hall
for aaid City, taicl election being beld
under the provisions of Section one
hundred and thirty one t if the Charter
of the said city of La urande Oregon and
the ' provisions of Ordinance No 2S,
Series 1904 of said city if La Grande
entitled, "An Ordinanco providing for
submitting to the. legal votors of the
eity ol La rjiunde Oregon t i he
election to be held in said city on the
l lih day of Miuch A D l'.H)4, the ques
tion of' authorizing the Cout.cll .of the
city of l.iMi-anilo Or"uon to Issue and
negotiate Twenty-Five thoiiBaml dollars
additional bonds of en id city for the pur
pose of constructing a City Hall (or said
city",pased by th ) council of said city
of La, urande Origon on the 20th day of
February 1904 and approved by the
mayor l.I said city on the 23rd day of
February 1UU4 there shall l.e Issued and
sold a hereinafter provided additional
bonds of the city of La ornnde Oregon
to tho.uinou it of twenty five thousand
dolliiis for tlio purpose of constructing
a (Jily Ball for said city of La orando
ejection Two : That said bonOa shall
ha of the denomination of Five hundred
dollars each and shall be numbered
from one to fifty inclusive and shall
bear date the 1st day ol. July 1904 and
shall bear interest at the , rale of five
per cent per annum payable semi annu
ally on the 1st day of January aud 1st
day of July In each year.
Section Three: Tbat said bonds shall
be so drawn as to become due in twenty
yeara from date tliorecf ajid redei mable
alter ten years (roin the date thereof at
the option of said city of La araude and
tbe firrt Installment of interest thereon
shall become due and payable on the
1st day Of January 1904, principal
and interest to be payable In II 8 gold
colu at some place to be agreed upon by
tbe said city, and tbe purchaser of aaid
bonds and to be designated therein.
Section Four: Ibat there ahall be at
tached to each of said bonds forty cou.
pons each of which shall bear date and
be numbered tbe same as the bond to
...l. 1 I- ...... -I.-. 1 n Fi .1 . 1. .. 1 1 .... t I
the Interest thereon lor each half year j
from the 1st day of July 1904 aud each
to be payable at a dato to be therein
Section Five: That tbe said bonds
shall be signed by the mayor an 1 attest
ed by tbe Keeorder and have tbo seal of
said city ol La aran o affixed thereto;
the coupons shall be elgni d by the Re
corder. ,
Section Six: That tbs Keeorder of the
suid city of f.a orando shall enter in a
register to be !y him kept for the pur
K)8e, the number nf each of said bonds,
the date, amount, rate of Interest, the
lime when due, the number of coupons
attached to each of the same aud to
vhom sold and the place of payment.
Bection So von : That sealed bids may
be received by the Keeorder of said city
until eight o'elo k I'M of May llth
IWll, at which time the common council
oi c.ld c.:y of I. a UMiule shall frpi-n s't-j
tii g (.pen nil ol ?4ifl bid- ro.0;ved ;
ami HWrd mo hi!c of sn,d Imn-is to llio
IntihcAl ami hem bidder therefor, provhl
eel, that the ml i conn il -hall have the
riuht lo reject soy aii-l all bids ant pro t
viin-d further thnt sail bonds hhall not I
tie bold at Icfd thiiil par.
All bit's ( t hclliia fcliall he a iilcd and
diteced to the Recorder and shall have
plainly undorted on some part cf the
outside of the envelope tho ttorda, "Did
lor City Hall Itnniln" and lh Hecorder
of Shid citv slcill cause due notice of the
reception of hi. la for taid bonds to be
given in the Daily Oreouian fur two Is
sues thereof at leHSi ten diiya before the
time at which said bide ate to be opened
and shall abo give notice of the recep
tion of ruch bids In such papers and per
lodicals as the ways and means com
mittee ol the council may'dlrect
Section Eight: That tbe proceeds of
Continued on laat page.
is Not Desired by Secre
tary Shaw Office of
Vice President Has no
Charms for Him.
Washington, April 80 Secretary ol
tba Treasury baw tonight made th
positive declaration mat nothing oan
induce him to beoome a osndidste (or
ihs Vice-Presidential , n miration
neither does be tesire tbe, office. Be
declares it is an office without influ
ence aud forbids its incumbent (rom
participation in active polilloal cam
paigns from all forms of legislation,
and is no posi'.ion (or any man who
euros for something besides the mere
honor of prcsldiug' over tbe United
States Senate.' '' '.". '
GATES-BOLMAN; In this cltv
Wednesday April 21, If 04. at the home
of the grooms mother Mr. S. P, Gates,
Mr. Wm E. Union and Miss Myrtle Hot
man Judge M. A . Harrison officatir.g
The house wits beautifully decorated
with ever greens. The follow!' g is the
liBt of presents mid the giieta. 1 . . :.
Mr..& Mis. S, P. Gat. s, set of dining
room chairs, and Mrs. & Mra. cPeeblei,
center table, Mr. A Mrs, F. A. Rodgera
glasB tea set and rplasher Verda oates
?ot rt irons,. Mr. ,tMrs. I. W. Allen
china beiry set, Ula i Roy Peebler
vegetable dishes, Alia and Mary Ban
ton pickle dial), usneand Maud Aanton
tooth pick lioolder, Nettie Leep salt and
pepper shaker and vinegar botlls. Ed
Parker and AdolpPeebler set of silver
knives and forks, Mr. & Mra. Henry
Pe6ber parlor lam , Mr. A Mrs. Ohas
Ounn glass berry set Beseie Bu; roughs
cut glass water eet Mrs. & Mra Win.
Oilpan glass tea sat Mr. oV Mrs. Con
Plant glass bejry set, Mr?, John Walker
parlor lamps. Mis. Joana M. Laughlin
set ol napkins Mrs. E. P. Rlcbey rose
jar, Ohsa Hinder set ofsilvr knlvea and
lorks teasioons A tablespoon fwaltcr
and Leslie LPrrker Avery Harrison
chamber set, .
The First
To Grant Turner belongs the die
tinotion this season of being the first
to leave town id a Wheeled rig.
Granite Gem.
Surprising Sale
of Wrappers.
Wediiei-day ond Thursduy. We plune'on sale our
entire line of $1.2" Percale wrappers. Large assort
mt ntof coli.ringt that will be sure to please This is
just the tiling for hot duys, oroundthe house. For
'. Mrs. Eads Dead
lira Kmlly Eads, wile of Rev A Eads
died id thia city early Wedn'sday
morning at tbe family borne .. on
Fourth street. Tbe funeral wil tk'ae
plaoe today at 8 o'olook - (rom - -tbe
Methodist chiuob Eev J O Walker
officiatiug. Mrs Kada waa born in
Kent England 08 years ago, was mar
ried to Mr Eads August 84, .1874
Mrs Eads waa ell- known- all. over
Eastern Oregon, Idaho and Washing
ton. A fitting obituary will appeal
later. -
Why Married
New York, April 20 Two utterlv
disgusted second cabin passengers on
the steamship Bremen were sent to
Ellis island to be married before tbey.
are allowed to land. They are Miss
Anna Tangermana and Julius Woo
len.' Wbalen ia an Amerioan oitise
wbo a short time ago went to Ger
many (or his bride-to be. ' Tbe regu
lations here prohibit aingle womao
landing unless they have relatives
here. When tbe matter waa explain
ed they decided to get married im
mediately. The couple were taken on
the barge to Ellie island ' wbere thr
bride-tobe must become a wife before
landing. , v
Baseball Sunday
The Reubens will play thir first
practice game of ball next Sunday on
the '.ocal diamond with a pickod team.
They will be out In full force and a good
game la assured The lineup will con
tain three or four new players.
. New suits have been ordered, but will
rpbbly not be here for Sundays game
Toe missionary tea at Mrs,. A O
Huntington's ons been pnalpnnej one
week or uu'il Thursday April 28, 1904
owing to the death of Mra E ids of
Old Town. ' . " '
To the Mines
J' W. Gransty left this morula: for
bis mines up Cir mde Roude river where
he has worked for, the pas-, five seasone
Mr. flraety.bas b's mine in bettor con
dition th in ever before.: This, year he
ail! workon bsdrock for tbe first time
and th i heavy snow in the mountains
Insures him a good seasons rim.
' :..:,- : ; -
Doors and Sash
Send your orders to Stoda.-ds ware
bouse for doors and sash . They were
bought in large qusntities direct (rom
tbe faotory. Tbey are hand'ed cheap
ly and at prloea to defy oompetltion
KIMONAS ol the light, eiry and comfortable ki?
some of thetri trimmed
materials that make plratrg con
price well that is .light too
60 cents lo $2,00
Ntw Silk Flowers
Will Meet:in Pendleton
on ' First Monday in
May- -Only One Case
from Union County.
The May term of the suorome oourt
(or Eastern Oregon distriot will meet
in Pendleton May 3, tbe first Monday
ol tbe month.'
. There are quite a number n( cases
to be beard at this time, though Done
oftuetn are, of .great magnitude.
There arx 13 ca'es on the docket and -itisexpeoted
tbat Ibe ourwber rill he -Increased
to about ?5 by the time .the
Court opens. Judging frofu tbs na
ture of tbe oases it is thought thai
with the number that may be 'oom
pMraised, or ocntinued, the oourt trill
complete its labors ioiide pf a wee sr.
The only ease yet docketed . from
tbia county is that ol E W Oliver ;
plaintiff and respondent va the Ore- .
gon Sugar Company, incorporate oV'
appelant s Ramsey 4 -Olive, ktlor-
neys lor repantleni; John L - Rund
and Leroy Lomax, attorneys -for'-i o-
pellotv , ,
' Loan Exhibit r
The Loan Exhibit at tbe home of
Judge W M Ramsey . laat evening, -though
sjot so liberally patronised at
could be desired was certainly a most
interesting evBnt. . There are gatbor- .
ed together ft Mr Ramsey's borne . a
moat interesting oolleclioq of eunos,
snoleut and modern.' Indeed ( these
r el ios all belonged to one r oolleotioo
they would be very valuable. The
Loan Exhibit will euntmue this alter
noon and evening and you should not
fall to attend as it may be a long time
before you will have a-ohanoe to see
as fiue a oolleotion. : - : p
Claim Adjusted
Mrs T F Patty whose, husband was
killed at Bingham Springs la January
1903, bas received from the O R & N
Oo f2,760 Id adjustment ol ber olaim
againet tbe company. Tbia amount
waa paid to Mrs Patty through her at-.
torney, 8 A Bennett, without a suit.
' and comfortable kir
, oihtjis in contra!
iombiiialioiis, ajjr j
it) luce,
v.. - -v.... ; . i
iwir ---jiFiramnri i mi i i i ; t
V 1 !
Scon y J .
- ji"'
,1 -h. I