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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1904)
'" .1 "ar9BS9Sr m MtgrMMS...; i Golden Opportunity '. 4for Spring House Cleaning and Re-furmShinj!.. ; For a short lime we are offering BIG VALUES KOR CASH J to mako room for due new sonde. For example: A 8 piece ! b.d room suif, regular $1850, now $14.00. Prices pnsi- lively the lowest in city ou suiiie quuliiy of gonila. MATTING "r "eW Une D0W 0,1 di8P,sy tbe window, and many more beautiful 2 patterns inside. Come in and look at them, i Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty: My undertaker H.B. HilSTEN, will respond promptly to I all call?, day or night . E. ANDROSS HOUSE FURNISHINGS Running a House l$Z ..c. 1 house it your own. You can keep putting in little improvements as they ere needed. Each year finds you eituetej more comfortably. Tim ' 'lie w iy t hut d up a bonier V hate j-ist what you want in real ealiiiB. LVzy liis of pr p- etty, improved rod n bii.ioy.d vte always glad to advise you ; gitr lict ii-.U estate investments, . . Call in and soo us. ...... La Grande .1110 Adams Avenue, Investment A Two Light Electrolier "!- Hirtpire style complete with etched glass shades and all atlaehniepts pin up it yt ir residence for jfiX' i ' . Se samples in our window. La Grpde Light & Power Go HBBOHaaaaaaBaaeaa"- J JOHN JAMISON WESTl.'JI, ELY A JAMISON We will call for it and bring it . ..... home when promised. We gu rutilee satisfaction and onlv ask for a trial order to demonstrate to you thai- we un .' .- derstaud the laundry business. You can slop :s' cur wagon at any lime or phone the Laundry ' and your work will be called for ut once. We niuke a specialty of family washing, and can do your washing better and cheaper thau you. A trial order eolicited. Union Steam Laundry o o M a a a a n a a a n c a a a o PHONE 1081. i. uZasZ I ' fib nm When you wnt flRSTCLASS JOB WORK call at the OBShRVER Phone 9-1 Residence Phone 367 1202 Adams Ave Company, Lu Uiande, Oiegonl ;l.lK')K)t 742 FIR STREET. wis mi Opportunity Get hold of a Rock Island System folder, turn to the map, study it a minute or two, and you will get a fair idea of the immensity of the territory traversed by this Compny's lines Minne sota on the North; Texas on the South; Alabama on the hast; Colorado on the West. If you are trointr l'.a-t, now or later, will vou not kinl!y give me an opportur.i'v of quoting rates and telling von what our through car arrangements are? Three routes Last via Denver, Omaha and St. i'aul. . CORHAM. Cnsral 0"l, 1 40 TWrt SL, PorlUnd, Ora. AN ATTEMPT TO CHEAT GALLOWS Chicago Carbarn Bandit Slits Wrist with Lead ; Pencil and Swallows Match Heads in . an Attempt to Suicide. i Chicago, April 18 Peter Neidermeier, the leader of the oarbarn bandits, con demned to die on the gallowa Friday, made two desperate attempts at suicide today. His condition aaa" result Is so precailous that it Is feared he will not survive. Should he still be alive neat Friday, he will be can ied to the gallows and executed. ... Neiilermeler planned bis attempted suicide carefully. First he mastiiatert and swallowed the beads of 76 or 100 sulphur matches. While the phosphorus PORTLAND LOCAL Local Markets. Eggs, Ireeb valley 15jtB Butler, ereannry 65o and firstolas dairy 60o per roll. ; - Potatoes 65ots per sack. . Apple,75c. to SOcts. per oox. Cabbage, 3Jnt. per lb. .. Turkies, 1U ote. Ih. live weight. CEHKALS W heat 74o toSOo per bo. Oats 1.10 per oental Hurley 8Uc per cental 7 Portland Markets. The steady decline in Eastern and foreign nj.irkeL liao laken tlie life out l 'te idtHl vvheut market. Duyfcrs I "ISirs are lartl tr af art than ever .u: Mii-lopes is at srandfti'l, with lie I' - e d"Cil':d!yweak. ' WIIKAT Wal'a Walla, 75u ; Mil a.rni, 82e; Valley,' 81, , RAl.-1.BY F i-d, $2? p. r '. n, brew F IajUK V'i y, fa W 8.115 I" r ' arr 1; hard wl:eai tii'i-toi!, 'H (el and 3.70; cieiir-, J;l.8."i m.l i 0 I; ml wlm pntesjts, $J.()0 and 4C10; lJati.ta Im'U Teachers Meeting Will lie held at Sun merville, Oregon, April 23, 1004. . PROORAM 10:30 a. m. - ',, Music . Fads" ' , Fred 0. Fischer. "Nature Study" A. J. Bonder. "Mutic In the Public Schools" W.- A. Myers. "History" O. C. Maxwell. 1:30 p. in. Music "Uraded Work in the Country Schools" It. A. Wllkeraon. "Object Lessons" Btssie Worsted. "Patriotism in our cchools" Josie Taarling. "Signsof theTime" H. J.Hoekeuterry 7:30 lecture H. J. flockenberry This will be the Inst teacher's meet Ing this yenrf and every teacher w can possibly do so Is earnestly requested to be present. Treasurer's Call for City Warrants Notice is hereby given that there are now funds on hands to pay all out standing warrants Issued on General Fui.d of LaUrande City, nptrt an.l in. cludina. No Sti.Vi ndored April.30 1001. Interest on all wnrcants on General Fund Iroiii Xu3M to No :n:'0 inclusive, ceases fmtn this dte. La flralid.-, Oregon. Afril IS 901. V, I Walsh ' ity fromrer. Dissol Aion Notice Not're i. lien ;)iir" r h( h -v .r. K. D 'V . has this dny dl-oiveil by ui n Dili. I ih-- th at La U ande Of hv yiver ttjt r- e'-tT'J h te- 1 rj K'"' E. D -M 17 ST ALU ' n I i-rc-it o ;i T 1 1 v I 1 ' -i in Un-eJ to IM .(!.. I I vt-ry low pet'- I v : - i lilt-, ai'a.-nti h ii: ' i . , i : fill , in ll kni-y b'f !i I. STL'N'TNEY Ts.-t With rf':ir r -tlefce 8 y rtli'r in, No o her tcrnifl. Can e erfd rr feren ces aa to his colts. ' Wm. O.Hansen. waa burning Ids stomioh he sawed at the artery of bis lelt wriat with sharp pointed lead pencil.. Striking a bone in the writt, he gave up tiylng to sever tha artery and turned his weapon to the large vein on the outer aide of his left forearm, and. with jabe aud a seesaw motion be lacerated the flesh and niua clea of the arm and tore open the veins, leaving a large jagged wound exposed, through wbiyh tlie.lood, gashed ji streams, dyeing his bed clothing and running down- over the bell Boor in 1 pools. AND f MARKETS: wheat, (5.40 and 6.00; graham, IS.90 whole wheat, ft; rye flour,, $4.50 and 4.75 v- ;':. - OATS No. 1 white,.! 17J; gray C1.10 per cental.- MILL8TUFF8--Bran, f 18 per ton; middlings, $24; aborts, $20; ohop, U. S. nulls, $16; linseed, dairy lood $19 HAY Timothy, $16 pur ton; clov er, $12 ; grain, $12 ; cbeit; $13. PRODUCE Potatoes,. 60 to 75 cents per sack. OnicnB 80 cents to $1.00, per sack. Eggs Oregon, 16(1 17 ot, Eastern 20 22c juttor Creamery, 25 nml 80o Dairy, 17 and 20c, store 0810clb Poultry Chickens, nnxed 10c per pound, spring, 10c and hens, JOc , turkeys live, 17 and 18u lb droned 18 and 20o lb 'duck a, !f6 and 7 er ilex, geese, 8c lb,. . - ; LIVESTOCK .. , Cattle Best steers $4.25 and $4.00, medium, 4.C0; oow. $3.25 end St-l-OO Hugs Beet large, lat -ti.25; medium iatfi- (at 4.75 ; . ' '. l!VBeet weathers 43.6U;nixed ret. ,,. . iGtar mm Many people who are neglecting; symptoms of kid n ey trouble, hoping "it will wear away," are drifting towards Bright's Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms. ' stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues of the kid neys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kid neys strain out the impurities from the blood as it passes through tht-m. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by the Circulation to every part of the hotly, causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. If Von have any signs of Kidney or Huiddcr trotihlc commence t ak in:; i oi r.Y's kid:?:y(X'IvH at oner, as it will cure a slight dis order in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. How to Find Out. You can easily determine If your kid ncya are out of order hv s-tti.i n.sido for 21 hours a bottle of the urine. p.-iMed upon arising. If upon examination It Is cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust Kcdinicnt or small partlclen (loot about (n it, vnnr Mdncv nre dif.nsed, find FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should bo tukeu at once. O. 0. Burhana Testifies After Four Years. . f, e. OirftMt of Cirllilr Cntrr. N r, write!: "Atto'lt lour vi-ar, um I wrote jn'i lltlliNr that I hit b"i-n eiilln-!r-mr'ft ol n n-vie kidney trim Me hv l.kintf h-nilliim two lK,t;ct,Ot Kolev'S hi lnev f',ire. Jt enilo ir .t"Ti--1 tti t,rlek en.t -M-iltinent aimI twin :in't .vTnTt'm.n(Nllnev oi.'-me iinait.tre(l. I nni vll lo r Unit I have n-T'T l.ii.l a return nt anv of i)inl t.r, flurlna llifl lour yenr. tlial liave el:iiwnil, ml I nm e.liU-nilr cured to tny cureil. and te ar:' reronifnenil Foley's Ivliliie, Cum to nnr oimi .uflcrlr.a trom klctiwy or bj.uili-r truuulfl." Two ls. BOa and 1O0, SOLO AND BEC0HMEH0EO BT A. T Hill, Prescription Druggist MI'lV CUBE Classified Ads FO It BA UK i Single Dire Beet Plow for sale cheap. Also 3 saddle ponies one halt Shetland. 8 (tend : single , driving horses. J. E. ReynoldB. FOlt BALE A yearling heller, ball Juiney and ball Durham. Ioqulro at this office or pbpne 1603. ' FOB BALE r-o'.- . Indian Buuuer Duck . eggs lbur ougll bred iin ported stock, oly a Uni ted number. W. N, Monroe, La Graode. 9ii Urn. FOB SALE CHEAP ' All the fixtures of the Cove Creamery Including one eight horse power engine and ten horse power boiler,' chnrn and butter works, and large cbeese-preas vata etc. -. ;- " ' " . - Mra Uatt Mitcball. , 8-8-tl. ' -. Cova, Onsya. FOB8ALV: ... . Two acra tract, East of ihe La Orande, Flouring mill, one hall In good bearing orchard. Small cottage, and good barn. Willsell for cash or will; trade for good work horses. ; - ' l o Grout ' ' IP La'Qrande, Or. ' FOR SALE Large two story house, , good barn, about 7 sciea of land - with orohard for sale, will take part payment ' either in city property or farm land.' Sightly located In tld town. For prirtlculara inquire at this office or of E Damon 4-1 tt FOR PALE 160 sacks of fine early rose ' t-ted potatoes. mile east of L Olden burg's farm. , , 4-6 tt -v : J S Chandler FOR RALE T0 acre block with ne 6 room houte, barn, nut houses, well improve! $1100, time given on part. Thia will teiir investigation situated on N Cherry and N street -4-2 tf " ; Fred waring. LUMBER The Stoddard Lumber Co has secured the lumber, from the mills of the Grande Ronde Lumber Co to supply the retail market in the city of La Grande. FOR SALE 6 lots, with good dwell ing house and barn on out skirts of City. For futlier particulars sea G W Thomas at Bock and Thomas Meat Market ' 3 23 tf. ' FOR SALE-6 acre frnit 'arm,- all hear ' mg. good house and barn, well im proved, well wa't red also Jersey milch cow, black menorcn chickens, liouse " hold goods, and etc. Apply to , 4-14tf.dw. , J W Helm-:r, May Park FOR RENT A blnck of sronnd with . bearing orchard, garden, sniaimut4.BiIPf''"' "'' 'lailvery htiinefl; and burn. . Inquire at the oftiueoi F 8 Ivanhoe , - . . , FOR RENT '. A furnished four room cottage, -In- of Mrs Zuber. - , , tt a. MISCELANEOUS, LOST Between 1409 Adams Avenue and . Fecrest Bros. - Hardware and Second Hand Store, one dark red leather bill look containing deposit certificates on ..Grande National Bank to the amount ol three hundred twenty five dollars ((325). Certificates for Mr. and Mrs. W, W- Henderson. Finder please . leave, same at La Crande NallonaJ Bank att receive leaard. Papers ol no valne except to owners. 8-22-tt ' FOB RENT A five room ' furnished hoos (or rent. For particular pt)one 771 or 1933 or Inquire of Mrs Q W Henry. . . 4-1 , TO THE READING PUBLIC- " 'We have Jost received a new lot ot paper back novels. In additien to these we have added SOP rlotb bound book to oar exchange library. Newlln Drug t'o. NOTICE Is bereb: given that I have given my son . William, Wilkla his - time, and rum thia date I will pot be responsible (or any deb's contracted by him, or any contracts he may make March 21, 1004. 3-22-t( Anguste Rothlage. ROSES Roses ROSES I can furnish you with the best burly roses one year old at 25c each, or two years old at 45c. Also all kinds of plat. Is, such H9 Mutinies, Asters, PeWyjine, D-dr-its, Cundytuft, etc. I nutko a specially of all outbids woik, pruning, gmfiing, lutidecnpe work, gardening, luwn most ing, etc , at very reusontible ia es. ' Giye nin a Iriul, I will guiirBtilre to give etilirfao ion. All kinds ot trees, shiub", Binall ftuii", eubbae, celery and ioihuto platilb. Open Sundays from 8 to 12 a. tit. WM. GILPIN, Phone ii6i ; ' : V Greenhouse - OFFICERS: K. hM'Til President J. M. RtRttr Vlt Piesldent J. M. Church Cashier F. L. Mk.ykbd Asst. Cashier 3655 . - vt r A VtRANDE IN La Grand. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000. Transacts a general banking business. Buys and sails) ' all narta At tha anvM II " "ROTICK Having; disposed of my gfocery bli nesa, ( would like all thoso who are lb. debtetf to ni, to pleate call and aeltla. either by cash or nolo. My bonk are at C h 'Jliorn's groceiy store on Fir street, where settlement cau be made. Tl - O IS FOWLER NollCE linivsiiiakingaud Pluin Be ing. Next door to Mrs. Shuak's resi dence. , North ol the Itailroad shops. 4-3.11 ' Mrs. Adna Roaaaa. LOST Hetween LaOraude and . Deal ""Canyon, a 1M Sinitiiand Weaion re volver. Finder, please leave at tbia oflU-eand rorelve rewaid. ' . ' O W Martin ' WANTED Cream at La Ura.ide Dreg Co. . 4 li-lft. .: WANTED " V '"' Two girls to learn the millinery trade at ooca. inqoira of lira J BFurrest. ; . BOABD AND ROOM - -y; Plesasnt rooms and good- board, for gwatlamen. Inquire at 601 T street known aa tha Hughes house. 8 - tl ''Much more abundant than last year, and open tor all kinds of stock daring April. Small pastures for stock needed at short notice etc , Apply to 1110; B, St, Old town. P. O. Box 14. Tele ' phone 11178.... ;;,..' - : tt ' LI CM The tr. Ltebig staff, only epeoieltists for men, "eon- Unas to euro all obronio. private and oeivons ailments, ol Importance, skin diseases, ihrmatism, catarrah, eto. Dr. A,, O. Stoddard, Ph ., lor 27 years medical direotor.- 74 sixth Ht Portland, Or. Ill Yeoler Way, 8eat le, Wash. Call or write. ' v INVESTORS month can be made by parties who can invest (rem $600 to $1600. One eastern investor, made $66,000 in 1903, call or write for particulars The Wm.B White Co., 812 Pine St Portland, Oregon. ' . t ; Pasture, Wood, Horses, Houses ' Good leed and strall pastures easily reached $1.25 lor single head per month, rates lees lor buuebes. Beat yellow pine and other wood in any length, work, riding and . driving horses for sale. ' Houses for rent in the best residence sites in the com munity. Apply 1101 B s'tpjd town". F O Box 841 , Pbtme 427.fJ 4-tlj ...... . , .ML Express ; r and Delivery Adua BogcrvPhusia.1497, refelve . prompt attentiuu. All onlls Geneia tl " "TP- Gcddcs Bros. Why are Uoddes Itrna.' kept so busy' Why dj they sell the best foods at tho lowest prices. . 'referred 8t'k Ttm aroes'S for 66c Preferred Block Corn 3for60o Preferred Stock Salmtin 8 for60o Prelerred Stodk Peas . 8 fof 60c Preferred 8took,Ueau 3 (orSOe Don't pay other grocers 20 cent a can ier any of these goods. Standard tomatoes, corn, beans peas, etc., 9 for 26 cents. They have the best butter made In the vaHey, and their creamery batter has no equal here. Try tt and see. Dill pickles, Helnse'i mince meat, Swift' pickle pig feet, premium hems, loose olives. Everything tasty, nice and cheap , Xelepbon 481 ; ... Geddes Bros; DIRECTORS! ' ' .'I . J J. M. Rerrv. J. M. (Ihiirt h A. B. Conley, B. Smith L. O.btanlejr Jj ' AT ION A I Oiegon rvoi-A,inn. - : "ft' Ml spdNsf ue.m sain av . --. mm mm mm m"r t-t jaw f v XL , tl.'it I. th. swntleknkfsrwluai : r lo to bur Wlttk H,u4 S.l. , D.WIH S Vnc Hu.1 ! U tb , Ortctnii a. 4 Uy Is fS , O.WIU'SI.Ui. onlyWIUk Hu.lB!,. IM a aMda rran. tk. HuduU.nM : Witch-Hazel AM otkMS it aaaitwU-am. Iml. " fettksu, chMS and ortJil.M nm S(v D.WraWltcliHu.lSlTS -IS a OMUIe roff PIIm; In. Bkwaat, ltehlnffHtdPratnidlnirll.a, AICs. . - Bunw, BUwlMS, SpnliM, I wwriona, baaiutaia. Sods, (Uthaeka. Iwasv Tttr, sn airs, mi sll otaaf Sum PMuai SAW asuwaaaar-sir"-'-' E.C.DeWliC.,Caka aiMsMsBMMaraaMstvvr For Sale by all, Druggists : Ghanges or cmcnt w CI '-..: : Tho Undersigned lias purchased 'g A the b'usin se known as the Harris J , Cash Meat Market and will here f after conduct the BtMi'ifwiiirifii i.We wish tqjTsforrn the public , ' - that we are prepared to ifurniab . ' r all , kinds .', of meatsy. gamft4ndjj; poultry at the very lowest prices ? . ? , oonsistaut with ret-claa articles V we 4iave-.our. own ? delivery K - J ' and make two trips daily to the w .J "i Old -Town. Highest market ! price paid for all cattle, hogs and sheep. We solicit a share of ' your patiouage and guarantee : ? V: the very best satisfaction," : Phone orders receive prompt and careful attention. :..V ' : Harris meat market aoross the track. Phono 1601. TURNER & WALTER i ; Deligh!fiil,Ko"te.,J)ayliiibt:ili(le, ;? Dizisy Crags,; Teep Cunoua. 'A GoMeSagfgpportunity See nature iniull s her; gloriqur;, bouuly, ntid-eth'oacline.of , man's liandiwork.i - ;The first is" found i itlotig - tho line of-rthe Denver & Rio Grande Kauroad and tlm latter,- ul . the St. Louts World's Fuir, Your trip will be ''. one of pleasure make the most ; , of it. For information and illua ' : trated literature write t . . t ... . -1. . v , - . I'.-; -:'r. -7KJ.'- W, 0.,MoBRlDE, Oen. Agt.-:-.-,;; ':' i" , ' ' Portland, Orogoa r J . . -. .... , . ,s . .,, . -Oregon Supiijiiiim Union PACifJt Tiro HehMliiA LA OUAKUE. NO. 3 8:50 p. m. NO. . S:80 a. m. BU Luke. Tinnvnr Vt. Worth, Omaha, Kaorm City, St. Umii, ChloftKO u tall, niuiuiiu, I'HiiL-ai, reu- NO I. ileum, wini WfttiaJ Dnvton. I'd mpmt J Col fax, MotMioW.bpO I'orl In ud. Dalit. Fen. NOS die ton II tfcitilMii. WmI, iuiu. iwifitjii.tiirii.x Mowow. WfiMHt'ti Wurl w:it p m i ai.or, poKne auu Ullitrr "Ullil" 4"lSl HIIUI norm vu Hpakutie. Hn!?!l U'nli'cr. nil E..i HlinUuy IconiKN'floiii rI Kh-ln 9-.1A k ni with xtnito ruriNiinw . i in vYrtiuw rouuiy llanm, Ut. ... mnfa.' hcruuasin Plttt I aUVl tf Sun FVaocte f 'fcry Ave dnya V : ; : v v;. o. Mooii. Apt p. . " . .r lip - t i 111 ",:;":'. '-;J 'f'fyi:yj no. u :"'w:-;v:'.v"v J; no . ;yc4 ijs ; mo - - j--'? ' .6s'b n :. -'' i : i .V" i .' ,1 -'4 mm- .y'. 'r. ' fojii '-'t'' ''