.aia-5W4sriavjua K t .J . I 5: J" - ft if I is. 1 t I - f I I !'! -r - ' i . - aa :'' ' ,'"? - t If t- i 3 fr -. '. V.....V i 1 Don't Neglect to Grasft.tha Opportunity tocoamlt an wpMt, If yon haw detective-area or improperly fitted glasses. The modem inventions and inetrument, also Block of Uncut ' Lentee tarried by DB O D POMS ii the lluest ond largeat on the road, n4tMWihfiteajfoalWly thatlilthe only apeclallat who visit f oor town prepared to ' Ton our Eyes, Grind Your Glissei and Fit Your Frame. Han alio, suffer adtb.aexare beadaohea do to from defective vlaloo caosed by aa eetoe of refroetton. emora of refraction positively fitted area Co the worst forma of Myopia, pypermetropio, and Presby ophl. The moat dlfflcnlt caaea and children a apecialty. Dr. C. D. Pons, the Eye Specialist will be here 23 to 26. at Thi, Rainbow Store LA GRANDE MORNING OBSERVER CURREY 6R.OS, Editors and Proprietors. iCotared at the Pout Offloe at La Grande, Kii Mattel.- Urecsm, aa Second CUse Publlihed Dally Except Monday. Oue Year In Advance. . . Hir Months In Advance. 16.60 3.50 Per Month . . Single Copy: .66 .06 WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 20, 1904 AN?3iITAI0N ! TO YOU, i " THIS 18 A 8PECIAL INVITATION TO YOU. We are receiving daiy many new desighs in Wall ( Paper and Wall Decorations, and we extend this special ) invitation, to you and your friends to call and see them. 1. We are aaxious to have you see our line and we feel j? sure you will be delighted with the visit. 1 Yours Respectfully, rL " V Stackland & McLachlen PAINTS. 0IL?S AND GLAbS ) Paper Is Chcapci Than Coal and Looks Better. In other words If your walls are well papered jont fuel biH will be reduced. We do proper Paper Hanging at drices yoq can afford to pay, HARRIS & PRiCE Painters, Paper Hangers and Decorators. A,,0.,HARRIS,Phone 1566, , .M. PRICE, Phone 1491 IF BROKEN HEARTS could be mended as neatly, quickly ano thoroughly aa I oan repair your jewelry there would be no sor row in the world. No matter whether it be a watch, ring, aneck - lace or a baby pin dear from sbbo . elation needs repairing, bring it to me and It will be mended ao you oan not tell It from new. My apeoialty ia watoh repairing. Bring it here and have it done honestly, expertly and cheaply. J. H.Pcare, the Jeweler Fresh Chocolates - Fresh Bon Bona Fresh Nougaot -Fresh Carmels Fresh Taffey Fresh Salted Peanuts Fresh Salted Almonds Frenh Popcorn Fresh Fruit GREENE & CO. ' a -r xx r a x r r vfiL VV A Y o - ON TIME .9"5R, THING REPUBLICAN TICKET. State Supreme Judge, F A Moore Food and Dairy Commiuioner, ' J W Bailey ,., Presidential EIclor, JameiA Fee, J N Hart, G B Demick, A C Hough I Second District. Congressman J N WIIIIuidbod. Union and Wallowa. Joint Senator Petor McDonald. Joint Representative J H Dobbin Eighth Judicial District. Prosecitlng Ait'y. Leroy Lomax Union County. Jti'pr sentative N 0 MuLeod, Cleik-Jas B Gi ham Sherff J W Waldon.. Assessor Ben Brown. Reoorder D H Proctor Treasurer John Frawley Commissioner J M Selders School Supt. R A Wilkerson Surveyor T R Brrry Coroner J C Uenry. La Grande Precinct. Justice Peace J E Hough Constable J W Fraeor One of the encouraging signs of the times in Union county, from a political point of view, is the evidence of the abandonment-of the strife and conten tion that has for so loug a time caused the sacrifice of gold men who were nominated upon tho republican ticket in this county. That there is a great change in this respect, seems to be con ceded by many who are in a po aition to know; and thoe for mer leaders who have so generously stepped aside in the interests of party harmony, are entitled to much credit at this lime. If the republican party is ever to win in Uuion county a start must be made toward that end, and it i indeed grati fying to note that the signs of the times point to that start be ing made this y.ar. Union Republican. IMPORTANT The ' voters of this county should remember that ail who do not vote on the county seat question are iu reality voting for Uuion, as the law provides that before a change can be made the place asking for a change must receive 60 per cent of all the votes oast. There fore, a ballot voted upon which the county seat .question is left bluuk, is a vote agiinst La Grande. This matter should be thoroughly understood. It is .. surprising what mis guided ideas some people have regarding the ability of cata logue houses to furuuh . goods at prices fur - below the prices asked by local merchants. Nearly every day we hear of some one who hus ordered some article from some mail order only to find that when they re ceive the article and pay the freight or express charges that their expected saving has re sulted in an actual loss One effort along this line is usually sufficient to demonstrate the fact that the local merchant sells his goods about right. It will pay any citi .on of this city to take an afternoon off and take a - stroll or a drive over the di lie rent pai-ls of the town. The number of new houses in course of construction, the number of new fences be ing built aud the general ah- of prosperity will have a better stimulating effect than a large doBe of tonic. La Grande 'is fast building up and a few hours spent in investigation will dem onstrate the fact that the future of the city is very bright. V ben yon rrdci groceries from us 31 o are tore to have themjdellvered on time ; r. . v V am wrnAAriAA frnm ua von are a j& jV W Had' We kep on,y 41 "'aurolat 01 sure to le best . Congratulations. Mr. John H. Oullom, Editor o' the Garland, Texat, News, has written a factUTes congratulations to tie manu letter of of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, aa follows : "Sixteen years ago when our first ohild was a baby be was eubjeot to oroupy spells and we wc uld be very unnaBy about him. We began using Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and rinding it such a reliable remedy for colds and croup, we have never beeu without it in the houen siuce that time. Wo Imve five children and hate given it to all of them with gnod results." For Sale by all druggists. La Grande School of Muic Opposite Sonimer hoose. Ooe of the beet musical institutions in the stale. Four rooms need for musical instruction, 16 gtades of musio Uught. Department 1, 2 rooms used for ihe 3 first gradea. Children at the age o( 5 and older come one hour every day. Department 2, 2 rooms for gradea 4 to 16 for pupils of all ages. The latest course best prac tioal musical inslruotion. Musioal contests (or medals every few wetks. t E. Porter Day, Principal. Mrs. Day, Assistant The World's Fair Route "HEN YOU WANT RUBBER Tlmsn aittiriputinK tin Kits Urn trip, or( STAMPS REMEMBER ME. a visit to the Louisiana run-base expo-1 1 inanuiaerire every 6tyic on any sition at St. Louis, cannot all'ord to n"tii'g and tarry a complete slock overlook the advantages ottered by the ' Pads Ink-, Hacks, Daiers, Rubber Muwoi'Ri Pacific Kam.wav, whii-h, on' Type, eic St-ala, 81 ncila, Trade account of its vaiinua routes and itale Cluck-, I'oor I'Ihiis, Postal Hcales. -ways, has boon appropriately named; Willi-me what vou went I can ptt-a.e you liy return mail Eveiy tamp n qniri nient supplied. ! WESLEY ANDRFWt P.,k.r fik, Th World's Fair Route. Pns-engcrs from the Northwest take i the MiHsotml PAoivia trains from Den-I vcror Pueblo ith thoohoice of oilher going tllreet throiili the Kansas City, via Wichita, Fort Scott aud Pleasant Hill. Two trains ilally from Denver and Puchlo tu St. I.ouls without rhange, carrying all claasce of modern equip ment, including electric lighted obser vation patlor cafe dining cara. Ten unity trains between Kaneaa City aud St bonis. Write, or rail on W. O. McRrMe, lieneral Agent, 1-M 'lhinlet, Portland for iletniled information and lllusttatod literalme. tf. e"" . Pasture IvTSv avrejat our store 4 Mk V'V i'f. ' ?T BACON t 0 've MEATS ! v . Harare - j Anyone having rows o put In a pas ture call on Louis Uarnard Uld Town, or phone O W Sllke M7. Terms (1 78 in advance. 10 21 SACRED HEART ACADEMY La Grande, Oregon. C mducled hy Sisters ol St. Funii SelMt boarding ard day school for .- Young Ladies AcJemio, Preparatory and Kined gar leu courses are couducted on the same .principle as those pursued in our schools if Philadelphia. Music and painting receive spocia mention Letters of Inquiry directed to SISTER SUPERIOR ' ' "'.'' ..' PUBLIC. SALE . At my farm three miles i i of Cove Post Olhee on the foot hill road, oouimeu. iuj! at 10 o'olo k a.' in. -hi SATURDAY, APRIL S3 I will sell at public auction C cows;v 10 two year olds, Deluding 8 steers and two boiler-; 5 yearling; jvar tdd bull, grde Durham; one 3b wagon; two sets of harness and collars; one spring tooth harrow; one bay rako; one good driving horse six year old. TERMS.--Amounta up to $10, cash. Over $10, d months time on approved security. Free L inch. NCW AARKE f : S. W. KOGER. L. B. STEARNS Auctioneer. : StiilwBll j Vandermiileii J "Wish to announce that on Saturday February 27 they will open a first class J Meat Market in the old S Stand S "THE BOSS" - Corner Railroad & Fir St, We will always keep on hai.d a good stockof fresh ; and smokfd meats, sau- sage , fish aud poultry,. and will he glad to meet I all my old petrous and 5 as inuoy new ones. All J orders will receive our prompt attention. l'hoi;e41 '', r 1 CALIFORNIA PRI YET. m M m 1: LA GRANDE NURSERIA Mokes a beau'il'ul fence or screen for city hits. Its foliuge is so deuse as to shut out nil wind. It is au evergre-n und can be cut to any shape or form, It i hurdy ai.il grows on any anil.' Also fine.for cemetery lots. Fruii, shade and weeping trees, shrubs, rose?, ttc. Let ub know your wants we do the rest. Write box 637 or phone 1161. QUEEN CITY GREENHOUSE THE A B C Laundry I9 now Ready. With our new up Position to turn out Order wnk a spe Call us up and our v te Plat t we are in a estof"ork. Short Phone No. 1851 will call. ABC LAUNDRY PHONE j I85i 10BPIIIIIIIIBHI8HIIII! i WHITE ROSE I i FLOUR 5 a u B B Js n.illed with the ida of pleasing every dealer's high oluss trade-customers who appreciate quality. The name of the Pioneer Flouring Mill Co. guarantees re-' liability and highest grade in every sack of flour buiiring the White Rose brtir.d. Poneer Flouring Mill Co BiBiiBBsnadsasBEigBS 0 it 3 .1 a c a r Si a B B Farmers' Natior" LAGRANDE, Cepital Siock fob Surplus fund Liability of Sharel Rerpoi'sibiiity We do a general bank Drafts bought and sold 0 J Traders' Bank. OREGON 1 liO.OOO 13000 . 60,000 133,000 jd ezc)isnge but-iiiess. rn si-e foreign bnuk". 9. "7 Four oi a kind- is n p elt, good hand it cariiH. IJut at tin- butcher's lie the iud Ihul cohiiis,'o1 the lour. Wu lteop nly one kiud oi nicsl,' the kind that's resh, healthy, fen dei-and lu'i-y. Ituy your fitenki an I ciiop- here, and iiey'll nlwjys he rlgtit. Our stock is vll feil and p'opcrly carrd for. Couse. piently our meat has a delicious flavor. Bock &. Thomas iarlf lisers $9 3 TBE FAMOUS LITTLE FILLS. For autck relief from BiHousnkM, Sick Hesdaho, Torpid Uver.'ilaWfW: dies, Dlnlnoss, and all troubles arla,:f Ing from an Inactive or sluggish Msaalif' Uewnt Littia cany Kisera are ua equalled. -' ' They aot promptly and never grip. They are ao dainty that 1 1 la a pleasure to take them. One to two act as a mild laxative ; two or four act as a pleasant and effective cathartic They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. Thejr tonlo the liver. rsirasiD omlt ev X. C. Da-Witt tc Co., Chleaatm For Sale by all Druggists NOTICE: BOS I would like all my old friends and custoii ers to know lhat 1 have rent ed a portion of A. J. Webb, s feed 0,:i for LIVERY PURPOSES and will he found t'tere for business witli llrst-chiss riirsnnd good accomo dations, I will also board horses by Ihe n.onth.' HoreeB bought, sold and exchanged. G. W. ALLEN ADAMS AVE. Phout 1641. lr i;:;'.y 1 :jXP! Like I JfilO In the sky cornea tna star ol health i famous remrrtv V W ' a ana S dr.,;ortl.:!nm. W W'")'. ""P0 U , ... ... , ach that w!iich It 'i Is unbie 10 dolor ltsrit, even if but sllt;hliy disordered or overburdened. T. entdyspepUe, fl curtne IkIL a 1 1 omlan A troubles and dlfostlve disordera, 3 a a M "JOSEPH I .-.-' .. .K. President B n , J. W. SCR1B5R, Cashier fl n d a n b fl n 12 b ss a fl n n d a fl n a-' supplies the natural Juices ofdlgestien and does the wo;k pf the stomach, rofaxlnif Ihe nervous tension, while the lnllamed mu.'icle.t and membranes of lhat orpin sra allowed to rut and heal, Ii cures Indlgt itlon, flatulence, F.iipiu.tre"n of Ilia heart, nervous djanxaai and all atGjr.ach trebles by clesrjnj. puritMnr and strengthening the glands, membranes of the stom ach and digestive organs. V5v It. V. raysstomaon B Vi troubles and B ,VA drgostlve I fit' . ii' ' I! KodolDj'spcpsiato musaaniv. si. 00 sin tks trial ate, Uet sattslsr nfsrlt,s ansa For Sal by all Druggists) "k wmm V . ..r '