La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, April 20, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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    -2- -
City Council in a Body
Viewed the Different
Locations Will Decide
The mayor and members of the
. city oouooil Id a body vie..ed Ibe sitrs
"v offered lor tbe n w city ball Tuesday
afternoon, Tbey will meet Thursday
rSi and etdeavor to deoiilu upon a defl-
nite 'ocation.
-t Tbe council baa considnred Ibe
jl sites offered and it is practioally op-
lam that ilie Dj ri'y of the council
will favor tbe site uffered by the O R
A S Co block 49 known ao tbe ball
ground on the bill between the Metbo
;:v diet and Gatholio olurcties.
- Tbe sites offered a giveo us by Hie
-a mayor last evening aie aa follow:
About the April '
Shirt Waist Sale?
We've been thinking ubnut them for
come time. Have oue thought nil ex
pressed in garments now. ami wo'vo
put on them. . . .
All inf-cliotis diseaEts aie j.erm difeatep. Tho geims thrive whcitvor
there is, (hyiiBiifss and deeay. The t si defcese against then is ft) make
the hoyme so sanitary that germs cannot gel a foot hold. All sinks, drains,
cellar?,erset8, and other dancer spots must he kept th iroughly (Uninfected.
WjitVfilK) all the reliihle fu uigntors and disiufe'.tantB. Ea- h has its ap
proirmrt nse. The quality of evorythiiig we supply is the highest and the
pee is'rigit.' Cn give you any ppe ial infonnnlinn you need.
W B Grand's residence property tbe
prloe being $10,000 and the city 10
wove the buildi'iga or ouo half ol the
traot for 6,600
W B Giandy eff ra another traot
200 feet square situated uear the oily
park, free. v
. J 0 Henry offers to sell the city hia
two lota adjoining the old oity oouo
oil rooms on the corner of Fourth and
P streets for $)00
Tbe O It & N Co offers block 49 pb
above mentioned for f 250
Dr U'Oonnet offers a bluck of land
just west of the old crave yard free
Tbe site in the wester part of tbe
oity where stood tne d - oreaniery
wbiob burned was al'o tfired I ee.-
Nh York, April 1ft DwptK- of
fioial denials, the World's Hamb
correspondent asserts . that ueg x
tioua are under way for the pnrobaBe
of tiitt great liner DelHeohlan 1 ny tbe
Rubsiati government. Trie vess 1.
whioh is now lying at Krantsand, on
tbe lower Elbe bas been vUitnd by a
committee of Russian geutlamen the
correspondent add i" and- examined
particularly as to her engines and
coal capacity .
You must have shirt1 waiuls for the coming warm
weather, so here is your chance. 1000 waists in
our slock and all reduced. Waists ranging in
price from 40c up. A nice line of wash silk waists
beautifully trimmed in drawn work and insertion
at $3 00. Come early as Ihia big sale only lasts
three days, ending Saturday, April 16.
Battle Raging at Port
L Arthur on Land and
Sea--Viceroy Alcxicff
to be Relieved.
London, April 19 A French dis
patch from Iokow states tbat a battle
ia raging at Fort Arthur on both land
and eea ':
St Petersburg Ap.-il ' 20 Viceroy
Alexeiff bas requested to be relieved
of bia duties as viceroy and bia re
quest will be granted
St Petersburg April 19 Admiral
SkridyolF, appointed to succeed Mak-
aroff arrived bare from tbe Baltic
today. It was made the occasion for
a spectacular ovation . He will re
main a Wbf k lo organite a new stuff
tbat of Makaroff having been exterm
a. J. . a A a. j. j j j a m m m
vTe Japanese one claiming lo bo 1
ao Imperial prince were arrwtcd
'vsijg mire Diuaiim ssii w mj uu uu
ongolian frontier and banged 24
tnionra alter. ' :';
LI rt- '.. .' ft r iwi w m-i ' a
V. oeriin, April iwpiue juoaei au
eejgef jftfearns that Vioeroy Aiexieff
baa ordered tbe erection of 23 field
hospitals bapahle of ;aooommodatimg
20,000 wounded between Mukden and
Washington April" 19 Minister
Allen cablea tbe state department
from Seoul that another large forco
Japanese baa just lauded at Chem
ulpo with horses, guns and emmuol-
30, .'',-:...;....
London April 19 The Oentral
Newa correspondent at Liao 'Yang
sends a dispatch via St Petersburg
reporting tbat some important fight
ing between outposts baa ocourred on
tbe banks of tbe Yalu river 8aturr'ay
n'ght aiz Jipanese were killed in an
exobange of shota and 40 Russians
result are not known.
Berlin April 19 The Klein Johr-
nal announce) that an American en
gineer named Meyer has left 8c Peters
burg for Port Arthur to supervise tbe
construction of three new submariner.
Funeral Yesterday
Funeral services befitting tho mem
ory of. Archie Little were held at Ma
soqio hall yesterday afternoon under
tbe auspices of L Grande Lodge No ,
41 a F 4 A 11. A large number , ol
menibeia of tbe lor'ge aud other
friends veie present to pay tboir last
tributes of respect to tbe departed
dead. Tbe funeral sermon waa im
pressively delivered by Rev O H King
pastor of Central Church.
Mr Little waa an old pioneer of this
valley and was well known. He liutt
been a sufferer for months past and
early last Sunday morning death
came to his release. ' m
Democrates Have JVerve
The delegates from Malheur county
to the democratic state convention, E H
JTebt , James Lawrence, the preaent
sheriff, and J R Lackaby, walked from
llnntlDgton to baker City, a distance of
50 miles, Suuday and Monday, in order
to mae connections with a train for
Portland, and lie on band at the open
ng of the slate convention this morn
ing.. :
when they arrived at Huntington,
Saturday night, the bridges on Burnt
river had been, washed out and train
service was demoralised. It was a long.
muddy, perilous trip by ties from Hunt-
ngton to Baker Oity, but they made It,
he 10 yeartplri son of E II Teat walk-
ng the entire distance with the dele
gates. '' .
They intended to hire atemn and make
tho trip by wagon, . but the wagon
bridges had hard the fate of the rail
road bridgea aud so the brave demo
cratic warhorses made the 50 miles In
less than two Jays and are now In Port
land serving their constituency in the
state convention.
New Engines Expected
The new freight engines for the
ountaiu division of tbe O R 4 N are
expected here the latter part of tbi
month . Tbey are ol the latest de
sign and will add greatly to tbe faci
lities of tbe system. Six engines are
Delaware Instructs
ALLover, uei., April tu i ne regular
lsvablicana today indorsed - Roosevelt
and instructed their delegates to
for him.
Neighborhood Club
The Neighborhood Club enjoyed a
very pleasant afternoon in "Dutch
Art" under tbe le dership of Miss
Olive Slater. After the usual busi
ness the following program 'was ren
dered :
ilistuncal Sketch Misa Hlatc-r
Rembrandt Mrs Carpy
Rubens Mrs Geo Currey
facta abont art Irom John Iry't
"Talks in my Studio"
Viewing Art Misa Slatsr
Landscape Art Mis Kiddle
Shadow Mra Bidwell
Aotique Mra Norils
Ohlero Oaouro Mrs VVorstell
Carnation, Harmony... .Misa Aris-ui
Breadth Mrs Reavle
ICE Tho ire is now In mot ion. Phone
your order to I20it and tho wagon will
call promptly. 4 lit 5 10
Democratic Convention
at Portland Refuses to
Indorse .Hearst- -White
. i ...
is Nominated.
Portland April 19-RR Vatch was
choaen teniporaay chairman, R B Mout
ague, of Linn, temporary secretary and
C L Reams,, of Jackson, assistant sec
retary of the democratic state conven
tion. Resolutions indorsing the randldacy
of Hearst for pica: dent were votad mowu
by a vote of 161 tu 115. . .
Sam White was nominated for diatrlot
attorney lo the 8th judicial district over
Turner Oliver ou the second ballot by a
vole of 17 to 12.
Judge Thomas O'Day waa nominated
for supreme Judge and S M Douglas for
State "Fcorf and dairy commissioner.
Owing to the fact that the telephones
were not working good it waa impossible
to get the names of the candidate for
joint representative : for Union and
Wallowa comities. Repeated attempt
to get the name wbb unavailing and we
""' " ' P- The same waa true of
Jnlr'1 x"1"1"'
Harriman is President
The O. R. AN. baa been leorgao-
i.ed on tbe eame principal as most of
the - Harriman lines, with E. H
Haniman as its prualdentln the place'
yl A. L. Moliler Mr Harriman was
formerly aoling as- chairniau of it
board of direolors. The head officer,
aa announced are: President, E. H.
Harriman; vice president and general
manager, W. H. Banorolt; assistant
general manager, E. E. Calvin, and
counsel, R, S. Lovetl.
The Observer made an error in pub
lishing the list of prises at tbe oegio
bsll Saturday -night. There were no
prizes given for beat cos turn. -a. All
three priies were for caka walking
and Lucy : Harmon and Her1 ie Or
mond won fiast fjrizc, Nellie Disqua
and Charley Oliver tbe second and
Etbel Gulling and Archie Stone the
third. ,
Surprising Sale
of Wrappers.
Wednesday and Thursday. We place on gale our.
entire Hue of $1.23 Percale wrappers. Large assort
ment of coloring! that will be sure to please. - This ia
just the thing for hot days, around the house. For
TWO DAYS ONLY. - . . -
tiiti! jri
If Jill New Silk Flowers -rJ"
llk ":
Porto Rico Condition
New York, April . 18 Governor
Hunt, ol Porto Rico arrived ibis
morning from Sao Juan He reports
conditions in Porto Rioo generally as
enooursglug with American oapltal
rapidly finding its way into the
country,, . - -
No Decision
81 Paul, A pril 19-No decision
banded down by the United Slates
Circuit Court in the molioo of E. H.
Harriman and W. H. Pierce for leave
to intervene in the settlement of Ibe
Northern Securities Company's case.
Judge Sanborn said to the Associated
Preat tbat decision woold be given on
or before Thursday April 21 Tbe
decision is in ooorse of prepirtion
Yellow Fever in Texas
Dallas, Texas April 10 A serious out
break of yellow fever apposite Latdo is
officially reported. It is expected a quar
antlne will be declared, Appears the
earliest ever known, '. I.
Death Caused by Worry
8t"Lonls April 18 Physieans who at
tended Major Hugb Dennis, stated to
day tbat bis death resulted from con
tinuous brooding over the conviction ol
Benator Burton, because of hia connec
tion With the same company. From tbe
time of Benator ' Burton's conviction,
Major Dennis continually talked of his
case, denouncing himself for havlne
peamitte I Burton to become a renra
aenlativa of the company, ..;;-J .
Children Suffocated
St Petersburg, April 10 Iu the vill
age of Cliadno three children of a worn
an who went lo church 8u day enter
ed a large trunk v,hila playing Tho
heavy lid fell, Imprisoning and su.ll oca t
ing the children. -
A Pleasant Afternoon
The Ladies ol tbe Aid Society of the
Preabylerian Church were delight
fully entertained by Mra M O Kirk
and daughter Miss Margaret on Tues
day afternoon from 8 to 6:80
Tbe afternoon was devoted ' to
musle, social -conversation 1 and
guessing contest in whioh Mra Turner
Oliver waa successful and was award
1 a diinly a nvonir. Rifreumente
were served.
Those present were Moadsmei Ai-
drey Rynearson Olwr A t lereon Bart
let G'ant Wright Ourr liulmeg Brooi
ler J L Riohardson H Hsnseo Heck
rioLsin Gilliam Ingall Ormond and
L D Reavis.
KIMONAS ol the lielit. nirv and comfortable 7 .; jf
-some of them trimmed in lace, others in conn' - ,f! . r
materials that make pleasing coinbiiiati"I!riv. '
price well that iB light loo ' '
Was Resumed on the
6.-R:& N.' Yestenday
After Several Days
up From Floods ?r I
- Beginning vtsteiday freiuhl r-traffio
on the O R & N east of beie (was re
sumed altera tie-up of several days
on aeoouui ol the Burnt river -floods
fraffio bas been Worse congested than.
lor ten years pad.
There have been lo tbe yard bare 1
300 cars standing on the side tracks,
aa many at Huntington and about
200 at Baker Cfty, '
Tbe yarde at Haines ftave been fll '-
ed witb cats, ao grPat has been tbe
uongeatioD at the terminals,
Freight is now moving as rapidly -
aa pow t co be aeoured to carry tbe
oars. During tbe past 24 . hours aix v'
freight have, goo- east from this
point and three1 hate gne west and
more will go today. , Oue train of 22, y .
oar all loaded with potatoes left the
yards yesterday for tho East. :: Perish- '
able stuff aud livestock aro now being
received and traffic will now move -lively.
Trains will be run every hour
to the day lor a short timi, if power
Jan be secured to relieve the blockade
of box cars. The first train waa run
across tho llurot river bridge at noun 1
yesterday. !.
; Bridtgrocm86 Years Old
New York, April 10.-Iu the; pre-'
sence of hia sun, eight grand children
and four- great ) grand j obildren, -James
H. Vancourt, rich resident ' of
Mount Vffrnan, in his 86tb year, and
three times widower, has been raarrl
ed to Mra. Louisa Pines, .40 .years old,
Tbe wedding was solemnised at the
home of' tbe son , who is 67 year . old
and, like his fatber has been married,
font limes- -i,- :. . . . .. '
Armenian Massacre
. London April 10 News roaohes here
of r massacre by Turks in Armenia, -whioh
resulted In killing U'i Armenians
mostly women and children, in the
neighborhood of Baaaoon . - '
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