La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, April 19, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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I A Golden Opportunity
: For Spring House Cleaning and Rt.r.irnishing."
For a short time we are offering BIG VALUES KOR CASH
to make room for our new goods. F-r example: A 3 piece
Ud rootn sun, regular $18.50, now $14.00. Prices posi
tively mc iuvvbov in city ou
patterns inside. Come iu
Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty:
My undertaker M. B. H1STEN, will respond promptly to
- all chIIb, day or night. 5
Running a House tftiZ
"T house U
your own. You can . keep putting !
little Improvement as tiny Me tiered.
Eicb year finds you situate! more
comfortably. Tun ' Ins w i.v to 1ml il
up aj "home. Wi- lm..e j ot what yon
w.-.ul ill real entire d zy I it-of pr p
eity, improved nl u i h,,iovmI tte
always glad to a lvi?e yuu - gardieg rt-ul
es'.a'e Investments.
Call in and see us.
La Grande Investment Company,
1110 Adorns Avenue,
A Two Light Electrolier
Umpire style complete w ith etched g'asr
shades aud all attachments put up u
yi .ir residence for $ t;.oo
Se samples in our window. '
La Grande Liirht & Power Co '
Union Steam Laundry. I
Will Open
We have pui chased
Laundry, which we will commence to op
erate Monday, April 4.
This plant is one of the
Oregon. All ( ur work is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction at the lowest prires.
Our wagon is at your serviee.
Telephone Number 1981.
Your Trade Solicited
Jemison & Company,
MASfSiUflkakettSiiSlBlSlsiSiS) 'l
I .LA -4r-m' II
When you want FIRST-CLASS
131 IX-'I.- I
s2 d?.Es:sar
same quality of gonils.
line now on dist lav in tlm
and look at l hem.
Phone 91 ;
Residence Phone 367 I
J 202 Adams-Ave
La Ginnde, Oregon
the Union Steam
bost equipped in Kuslern
Give Mo an
Get hold of a Rock
Tolond Svstem folder, turn
to the map, study it a
minute or two, and you
... r : l .... f .Uo
r- -; w
Will get a I.:ir iuca "i i"
immensity of the territory traversed
by this Company's lines Minne
sota on the North; Texas on the
Q,rlr Alahama on the Last;
Colorado on the West.
If you are going hast, now or
later, will you not kindly give me
an opportunity of quoting rates
and telling you what our through car
arranecmcnts arc? Three routes bast
via"Denver, Omaha and St. 1 aul.
t, B. OORHAM. C.n.ral Asset.
40 Third 81., Portland, Or.
JOB .WORK call .t the OBStRVER
The resignation it D. II Sargent as
supervisor of road district No. 13 was
J C Miller and 3 H Orton was ap
pointed as supervisors ol road districts
Not. 6 and 23 respectively.
The county road petitioned lor by P
A McDonald, aud others was continued
lor Hie term.
Appioprlationa were made to the fol.'
lowing indigent p rsons: George Hay,
S; Ella Neason,' (IS; Inez Guild, $12;
Anna Ilolman, (12; John Ilildebrand,
tt; Jbhh Medlcek, 5.
Tiie application ol David Conner (or
admission to the county hospital was
The county road petitioned for by
George (iettle,et al, waa continued tor
the term. . ...
The application of George Henkle (or
the redemption uf certain lota in Felv
renback'a addition to I Grande, was
granted upou payment to the clerk ,o(
the sum of 22 87. .
The board of road viewers were d.
rented to meet at fie I eginnkng of th
proposed county road pelltloi.ed lor by
J M Allen, and others, on April .29,
IPO I, at 10,o clock a m and proceed' to
vie out Bald road ace riling to law.
The petit on of various el.ct'rs.of
Union county for t'ts lubmi-s ou ottlie
( oi tion of i he rem .v.i I ol the county
eat ni tlm J u ,e elutlon, 1601, a?
granted . ' .
The petition of R C Mays, guardian (
thu eBiatn .( Divid Troy, (or
ilemption of lands from tax sale, wae
granted. '
The apilication of Walter M. Fierce
for ttiu redemption of certain lands in
section 34, township 3 south, range 37,
E VV M, was continued (or '.he term. -
The following persons were appointed
judges aud clerks of election to fill the
vacancies caused hy the non-acceptance
of -tltpse heretofore sppuinted:
Cove clerk, M J Dully.
North E'gln Judge, Joh i F Sapping,
ton ; clet k, W in Ryder.
South Eiijin jnpaea, Wm Ruseel and
J it Weavei ; clerk, 11 D r-'peucer.
llilgiird judge, James Steward. '
Kamelu judges, J A Stewart, L E
Ferguson aud t) I. Payne; clerks,
Frank Ayi rs, C. D. Crawford and F P
1.4 Graiulo No. 1 judges, B. Logadon
and Henry Yoniig.
La U.-iuido, No. 2 Wm Miller and
Local Markets.
Eggs, fresh valley 15ots
Butter, creamiry Hfto and firelclaes
dairy 60c per roll.
Potatoes 65cts per snck,
pplr's,T5c. lo 80ctp. per doi.
Uablmge, 3nt.. r lb.
l'urkiei, 1U etc lf. live weight.
W heat 74c u.SOo per bn.
Oats 1.10 pel oental
Bailey 8(c per cental
Portland Markets.
The stestly decline in Enstern and
foieign markets has tsken the life out
ol the local wheat market. Buyers
md Belli rn are apart than ever
and business is at a standstill, with
the tcne deoidedly weak.
WHEAT Walla Walla, 75c;
blue stem, 82c; Valley, 81.
BARLEY Feed, 1 28 per ton, brew
iug,$24; rolled 26.
FLOUR Valley, $3.90 and 3.95 per
barrel; hard wheatatraights, S3 60 and
3.70; clears, $3.85 ud 4.00; hard what
p, tents, $4.00 and 4.10; Dakota hard
La Grande School of
Mu c
Oppos.ic S oiim' r lion-' .
One ol the lien niUficnl iuMilutions
in ilichti'-. Foor roc.iu u.ed for
nii'ical li lOriiclloii 15 gisdea of
rnoi:c t,ulit. Department 1, 2 rooms
ue I l. r ihe 3 fi .t grniles. Culldieo
at the Hiie of 6 and o'dcr como one
hour every rl-. Ili-r'r.,nil 2. 2
rooms lor gra.1-- 4 l m i'niil
all ag.. T- I"'"' C'-nfo t, 9 pac
ticAl m.iicRl irtniction. Mu'lcil
contest'" lor medal eveiy few we. k'.
F. Pcrter Day, Principal.
Mrs. Day, Assistant
Mr. John H. Cullom, Editor n t: e
Garland, ' a, S , ' e wri'ten a
factures congialu r-i" to t i min-
lettei of of rlain's Cough
Remedy, as follow: "Suteen yeiir
ago when our rirt child was
a baby he was sulj"Ct U croupy
spells and we w uld lie very uneasy
about him. We began using Cham,
berlsin's l.'oovli II. dy in 1887, anc
tinding it uuu s itnlile remedy foi
co'ds and croup, we have never twi n
without it in the house since that
time. . We have five, children and
Win iirant. ' ; - ,
La Grande No. S clerk, 8 K Baker.
La Grande No. 4 clerk, Otis L Rob-
etrson. . :
Noith Powder judge, H O Gotham;
clerk, John Youncea.
Perry clerk, Jobq I Maht ney
Union No 1 clerk, Homer Bidew. II.
Union No. 2 jodgea, F E Foster and
N FFickli . ;
Camp Carson judge, Wm Minor
Hoglian ; clerk, J. L. Corbett.
Polling places (or the June election,
1904, were designated as following: ,
, Antelope at the s.'hool house In
school district No. St.
Alicel at the school house io school
district No. 40.
Big Creek Wriaht'a Hall.
Camp Carson at the old miners'
book house.
Cove on the second floor of the
Maocabee hall. V ' .
North Elgin at the school boose in
school district No. 23.
' South Elgin at Brownell drug store
building on Main street,
Hilgsrd at school house In luhool
dist let No 22 , ;
ii Kai City at tl school house in
choul district No. 10..
Kamela at school bouse In hool
4 nfctNo. 60.
. La Uiau .No. 1 brick school house.
La Grande No 2 at 'the cample
room N 88, Summer building.
lAGrsn-lu No. 2 -mi the old council
Lt Grande No 4. at StoddarJ Lum
ber company's office. .. "
North Power at the school house in
school district No 8. '
Perry Athlelio hall.
8uinmervill at the school house in
school district No. 13. :
Starkey at the school house in schuol
district No 62.' '
Union No. 1 at high school in school
district No. 6
Union No, 2 at the court house. .
In addition to other receipts, vouchers
etc, filed, the county treasurer was given
credtt for the redemption of outstand
ing warrants, as follows:
603 county warrants '.(25,230 03
0 scalp bounty warrants , 10 89
13 contingent warrants 232 65
17 rosd warrnuta 2415 15
(25,71.3 62
(Continued tomorrow)
vt'ieat, 6.40 and $6.00; graiisni, $3.90
whole wheat, $4; rye flour, $4,50 and
OATS No. 1 white, $1.17J; gray
$1.10 per oental.
MILL8TUFF8--Bran, $18 per ton;
middlings, $24; shorts, $20; obop, U.
8, mills, $10; Unseed, dairy lood $19
HAY Timothy, $16 per ton; clov
er, $1;J; grain, $12; cheat, $13.
Potatoes, 60 to 76 oents pel saok.
OnicuB 80 cents to $1 00 per saok.
Eggs Oregon, 10J917 ots, Eastern
S0 22o .
iiutter Creamery, 26 nd 80o
Daily, 1 and 20c, store 0810o lb
Poultry Chickens, mixed lOo per
pound, spring, 10o and hens,
)0o , turkoys live, 17 and 18o
lb dressed 18 and 20o lb-, ducks, $6
and 7 , er doa. geese, 8o lb.
Cattle Best steers $4.J6 and 14.00,
medium, 4.00; eowc $3.26 and $4.00
Hogs Best large, 1st $6.26; medium
large fat 4,76
Bbeep Best weathers $3.60; mised
sheep $3.
bate given it to all of them with
good results." For Sale by all drag
gins. Pasture
Anioue having cows 'o nut in a nan-
lure call on Louis Barnard Old Town.
or phone U W f-ilke 1274. Terms (1 75
in advanco. 4 10 22
Cleening Time
D :e. voor alley or ytrl te(! an
uig' Have jou uny old riihl.ia!. that
needr to lie taken away? If so, ririv no
phone 12.11, and you can get the gar-
Dage wagon.
3-18-I 18
La Grande, Oregon.
0 inducted t y Hit-lrrr of St. Fraud
Heleit bosrding si d day school for
Young Ladies
AcJemio, Preparatory and Kined
garten courses are couductod - on the
same principles as those pursued in
our schools 3f Philadelphia.
Mu.;c and painting receive roc I a
Letters of inquiry directed to '
Classified Ads
FOR SALE H Single Disc Beet Plows
(or sale cheap.. Also 3 saddle ponies
one half Shetland. 3 goid singje
driving horses J. E. Reynolds.
FOR SALE A ynarling heifer, hall
Jersey and half Durham. Inquire at
this office or phone 160.
Indian Runner Duck eggs,' thor
ough bred imported stock, in iy a Uni
ted number, W. N.. Monroe, La
Grande. . 89-2 di.
' All the fixtures ol the Cove Creamery
Including one eight horse power engine
and ten hone power, boiler, .churn end
butter works,' and a large cheese-press
vats etc,
Mrs Matt Mitchell
S-3-tl ' Cora, Oregon.
FOB SALS . i ... , i .
' Two acre tract, Bast nl the La Grande
Floating null, one hall in good, bearing
orchard. Small cottage, and good barn.
Willlsell lor cash or will; trade for good
work bones. . .' L 3 Gnat '
T F La Grande, Ore. "
FOR SALE Large two story house,
good barn, about '7 acres of land
with orohard (or sale, will take part
payment either . in : city o property
or farm land. Sightly located tin
t Id town. For particulars inqolie at
. this office or of E Damon .. 4-1 tl.
FOR PALE-110 sack of fine early rose
iced potatoes. mile east of L Olden
burg's farm. ,.,..t
. 4-6 tl . J S Chandler .
FOR SALE Two aoie block with hew
6 room liouec, barn, nut houses, -well
improve t (1100, time given on part.
This will l-ear investigation alluattd
on N Cherry and N street. , ', ' .
4-2 tf . ...... Fred waring.
LUMBER The Stoddard Lumber Co
has seemed the lumber from tlio
mills ol the Grande' ltonde -Lumber
Co to supply tho retail market in the
city of Ijt Grande.
FOR SALE 5 lota, with good dwell
tng house '.and barn on out skirts of
City. For father particulars see G W
Thomas at Bock and Thomas Meat
Market 8 32 tf. ,
FOR SALE 6 acre fruit 'arm. all tear
ing, good house anil barn, well Im
proved, well wa'ered also Ji rtoy milch
cow, black menorca chickens, house
hold goods, nd etc. Apply to
4-l ltf.dw. J W Helin-r, May Park
FOR RENT A block of ground with
bearing orchard, garden, small house
and barn. Inquire at the office ol F
8 Ivanhoe
A furnished four room cottage. In
olMrsZuber. , tl
LOST Between 1409 Adams Avenue
and f ecrest Bros. Hardware and
Second Hend Store, one dark red
loather bill book containing, deposit
certificates ou i a .Grande National
Bank to the amount ol three hundred
twenty five dollars ((328). Certificates
(or Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Henderson,
Finder - please leave same at La
Grande National Bank and receive
eward. Papers of no value except to
owners. , . 8-22t(
FOR RENT A five room furnished
house (or rent.' For particulars phone
771 or 1938 or Inquire of Mrs G W
Henry. . .4-1
We have Just received a new lot ol
paper back novels. Ir addition to these
we have added 80P cloth bound books to"
out exchange librsry.' .- - -
Newlin Drag Co.
NOTICE Is herebr given that I have
.given my ton William Wllkle bis
time and (rum this dste I will not be
responsible lor any debt contracted
by him.oranycontractshe may make
March 21, 1004. '
8 22-tf Angnste Roihlage.
I can furiiihh you with the best hardy iosos
onneur uld al 25o each, or two years old at 45c.
Als'i all kinds of plai ts, such ns Pansies, Aaters,
Pi'iuniiiK, D.ii-K-p, Cunilytuft, cto, I muko a
Fpeiiuliy of .ill ouiaide woik, pruning, grafting, -lni
dscupp wotk, giirilening, lawn mowing, etc.,
at very rcusm.uble ta ts. Give mn a lriul,I will
guuiuiitte to give salisfaciion. All kinds of trets,
i-li nib", Htnull fiuitc, cabbage, celery and tomato
plai.tb. Open Sundays from 8 to 12 a. m .
' r
Phonen6i Greenhouse
It. Shitu
J. M. Bxaitr...
J. M. Ciiuacii.
F. L. Mkvkus..
.Vice President
..Asst. Cashier
,a Grande National B
La Grand. Oiegon
Transacts a general banking business. Bays sod sells) l,R0 ff
all parU ol the world.
S . L .' f
Having disposed ol my grocery but
nesaJ would like all tboss who are Io.
dented to ma, to'please, call and settle,
either by cash or note. My books are
at CL Thorn's grocery store on Fir
street, where settlement can be made.
NOTICE Dressmaking and Plain Sew
ing. Next door to Mrs. Shoak's resi
dence. North of the Railroad shops.
4-3-11 Mrs. Adna Booaaa.
LOST Between La Grande and Deal
"Canyon, a 33 "Smith and Wesson le
; volver. Finder, please leave at this
office and receive rewaid.
-i OW Martin
WANTED Cream at La Grajde Drrg
Co. t 12-19.
-: . . WANTED i .
Two girls to learn the millinery trade
at once. . Inquire ol Mis J BKorrest.
I Pleasant rooms and good . board for
gentlemen. Inquire at 501 T street
known as the Hughes boose. 8 4 tl
I Much more abundant than Isst year,
and open for all kinds of stock daring
April. Small pastures for stock needed
at snort notice etc Apply to 1110. U
St. Old town. P. O. Box 14. Tele
phone 1273. u
UCM The tt. Liebig stall, only
I'lUl specialtiats lor men, oon-
tinne to eure all cbronio; privme and
nervous ailniaots, ol importance, skin
diseases, iheniaiiatn, catarrah, eio.
Dr. A. O. Stoddard, Ph G lor 27
yeara medical director 74 aixtb fcl.,
Portland, Or. Ill Yealer Way, Seat
le, Wash.. Call or write.
INVESTORS': ,?.r-00,
month can be made by parlies who
oan invest Ircni $500 to $1500. One
eastern investor made $66,000 in
1908, call or'wiile lor paiticulsrs
Trie Wm. B W bile Co., 312 Pine St
Portland, Oregon.
Pasture, Wood, Horses, Houses
Good teed and small pastures easily
rescued $1.26 lor single head per
month, rates less for bunches. Best
yellow pine and other wood in any
'ength, work, riding and driving
horses for sale. Houses for rent in
the beat resideuoe sites in the com
munity. Apply 1101 B st old town.
e O Box 341. Plume 1270, 4-0-tf
Express and Delivery
Adna Rogers, Phone 1497. All calls
receive prompt attention. Geneia.
express and delivery business. tf
I Why are Geddes Bros, kept so
ibnsy? Why dj they sell the best
I goods at the lowest prices .
Preferred St'k Tomatoes 3 for ftflu
I Preferred Stock Corn 8 for 50a
I Preferred Stock Salmnii 3 for 50u
1 Preferred Btodk Petu 8 fof Mo
Preferred Stock Beans "8 for50o
Dun't pay other grocers 20 cents
a can (or Bny of these goods. '
.Standard tomatoes, corn, beans
ipeas, etc., 2 tor 25 rente.
They have the best butter made
'In the valley, and their creamery
batter has no equal here, Try
'it and see.
DIII pickles, Helnca's mince
meat, Swilt's pickle pig (est,
Inremlum hams, loose olives.
Everything tasty, nice and cheap
Telephon 401
Geddes Bros.
J. M. Berry, J. M. Church
A.B. Conler, R. Smith
L. C. Stanley
Geddes Bros.
J.01). with
' . 'cra
doreiia atr
Collections a sped"
Change of
Tho undersiKiitd lias purchased
the btisin s koown as Ihe Harris
Cash Meat Murket aud will here- '
after conduct the Btttne.
We wish to inform the public '
that we are prepared to furnish
all. kinds of meats, game 'and
poultry at the very lowest prices
consistaut with firut-elas articles
We have our own delivery .
and make two trips daily to the
Old Town.. Highest market-
price paid for all cattle, hogs and
sheep. We solicit a share of :
your patronage and guarantee
the very best satisfaction. .
Piioue orders receive prompt
and careful attention. ;- . '
Harris meat market across the .
track. Phone 1601. .
LoaT A ladies black macintosh cape.
Xellowish brown color lined with red
white and blue chock. Was lost some
where between La Qiande and Ladd .; '
Canyon school house.' Finder please '
loaveatthisoillce. ' 4-10tf r
A great opportuuityj for you
to breed to oue of the best at a
very low price. I will make
thin season with my imported
fmaous Hojkncy stallion
With return privilege $3 pay
able iu advance. No other
terms. . Cau give good referen
ces uo to his colts.
- . Win.C. Hanson.
Delightful Route, Daylight Ride,
Dizzy Crags, Deep Canoua.p,
A Golden Opportunity Se
nature In all her glorious
beauty, and then the . acme of
man's handiwork. - The first is
found along the line of the
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad
and tho latter at the St. Louis
World's Fair. Your trip will be
one of pleasure make the most ;
of it. For iuformation and illus
trated literature write .- i , . ...
W. O. MoBRIDE, Gen. Agt.
. . Portland, Oregon
o union PAcunt.
Tlm Hobertnl
no. a
8:60 p, m.
. NO. 8.
S:tfO a. m.
Ratlt Lak0. Denver Ft. I
NO. i.
Worth, Omaha, KiDtu
city, St. LouU, Chicago I
5 AO a. m.
NO h
ui aai
10:30 p. in
HO 1, -B:fi0
dlt'Umwulla Valltt,
Ditvton. Po miirni.
9.05 p Ok
Colfux, Moftcovr,Bpo-l
natll HIJIIU4
j . . lh via Hpo
Fori. and, PnllM, ren
NO 5
0:15 pm
(1 rton Umatilla Wn .
Mnoow, W allure Wirl
rin or, nnojcnnn nun
ftlln-r polntf etiHt auil
n(rllivla Hptikmio.
alnnd ' City, .llerl
imuier. ana I'.imn
rniinrcllouH at Kltiln
OtlA n m
with nt Hare fornotnu!
I in WH-unwu couniy
Oonan Steamers between t'ortiar- ; , r
Ban FranclB'-o every live days Vt ! y
-; . e. c. moors, f,;;; i
I euaran- A
lie ia La Qrto:
TO. $25.00.
I IKi'ios
Nona ? ,
r 1 ....--'V '-