j A Golden Opportunity jjl at a. ... . -----Uv .' For Spring House Cleaning and Re-furnishing, For a short time we are offering BIG VALUES fOK CASH to make room for our new goods. - For example: A 3 piece bed room suit, regular $18.60, now $14.00. prices posi tively the lewest in city ou same quality 0f goods. MATTING 0ur,newlinenow on Wlay in the . " ,-'",ndw' und ,nH,1y " beautiful patterns inside. Come in aud look at them. Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty : My undertaker H. B. HISTEN, will respond promptly to I all calls, day or night. - i-iiM-'ivwjp Residence Phone 36? : : HOUSE FURNISHINGS i202 Ad.,. Ave Sunday at the Churches. ' 4-r-rr4-4-4--r4-M-M LA1TER DAY SAINTS 8'jndiy School v -' 10 a in Regular Services . 2pm Mutual Improvement Association meet conjointly at 7.31) p m. IF. BAPTIST CHURCH . Sunday feebcol - 10 a m Midweek services Wednesday tven iug at 7:30 p ni B Y. P U. 0:80 p m All ate cordially invited. CHRI8TAIN 80IENCE S Irene King, let Reader The Ohristain Boienoe services at the residence of John E Page in Old Town every Sunday at 11 a m. All are cordially invited. TF Funning a House tZtZ 1 h o ti a e is yi.sir own. You enn keep putting .in lit tie improvement as th. y nie i,e-(!ed. E ch year tin-'n v-u situ te: more comfortably. Tii.i a.1!'1' w ty to hui d up ii b line, Vi t.:r.e j f I what yon v lit in real endue. C-zy i-it' of pr p. eitv. improved ami unimpiinvd . Wo fli v vB glait to advise you n gunling it;-l es:u'e Investments..,- Call ill tt:il BOB 118. CENTRAL CHUCH OF CHRIST Services Sunday April 17 Bible School 10 a m Moving Worship ' 11am Y P S C E 6:45 p m Eveniug Service - 7:30 p to A cordial invitation to all. La Grande 1110 Adams Avenue, Investment 4m Company, La (ii nude, Oiegoti A Two Light Electrolier I i? Empire style complete wiih c'.ched gl isr shades and all attachme i ts pi'i ::p-h ! yc ar residence fr f .cc Se samples iu oi:r winder. La Grande Light & Power Co S M. E. CHURCH, fiOCTU, Corner 3rd street an, I Jeirersun Avenue, J. W. Complou, Pastor. . Pmih hiiiK at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. ni, SunduySclioilatlOa.nl. Preaching by Rev. H. 8V Shangle P. E., at 11 a. m. and at Sand Kidge at 30 p. m. , Preaching by the Pastor at Island City at 3:30 p. m. All are cordially Invited to attend these services. Classified Ads ',- ' - .' ' ? - - FOR SALE 2 Single Dlso Bert Plows lor aula cheap. Also 3 saddle ponies . one ball Shetland. S gocd single driving horses. - 3. E. Beynolds, FOR BALE A yearling heller, ball Jersey and nail Durham, Inquire at this office or phone 1603. M E OHUROH ' t 0 Waknr, pastir Announcements for April 17. ' So&dav. School 10 a m Sermon ' Ham Subject, "The Glory of Young men" ("; ' - " Claas meeting ' ... 1S:16 "V Evening ssrvlcea Epxorth League 6:30 p In led by Herman Clark, subjeot "The transforming porer of Christ" Prescbing 7 :30 p m Subjeot, "The OlariBed Vlsicn" ' A oordial invitation is extended to all sod especially to the young men. FOB BALB Indian Runner Duok . eggs, thor ough bred imported slock, i oly a lim ted number. W. N. Monroe,' La Grande. : W- d 4 W. St PETER'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH April 17 Second Sunday after Eas ter . Sunday oliool 10 am Morning Piayer and sermon Ham Subjeot of the eetmou. to be read "How can one know that be is a Christian, or what he should believef , A lay service. All invited to at tend. ' ' Local Markets. Ere, fresh vuller 15jts Hutu-i, creannry 6uo anil firstclaes dairy 50o Der roll. r. routoe Carta p?r b8ck. Appl ,75o. to DOct. per (Ms. CiillwgH, Sfit. per lb. rtuliun, lOcte. lh. live weight, CEI1BALS W heat 74o toBOc per bu. Ontt 1.10 per cental, itiirlcj 8'1 per cental Poitland JVlarkeb. 1 -Hdy d. clino in Etgtern n d . , :sl, ,i:.irkets v.ns lakMi the life jui r,;; i-c.it wtv,':i, niarlait. .Bu-'tr , i ft t x arc 'Mtil t r nj art than fv- r ...i M-iiKK ih :ii. i f'midUi'l, Wv.h iie t 'ce d-cidet!iy wof,b. VUK:i T v-'idla, 75o; blue-stem, 82v; V iiiey, 8!. BAH LEY Feed, 2:' ptr ton, brew inK,f 24! rolled zo. i FLOUR Valley, $3.9(1 ami 8.1)5 per tarrel; bard wheat Btraiglits, .S 60 and 3.70; oleara, $3.85 ami 4 00; Hard what patents, $4.00 and 4.10; Dakota bard wheat, 5 40 and $6.0 ; graliam, $3.90 whole wheat, $4; rye Sour, $4.60 aud 4.75 OATS No. 1 white, $1.17; gray $1.10 per cent?.!. MILLSTUFFS--Bran, $18 per ton; middlings, $24; uhortB, $20; ohop, U. S. mills, $16; linseed, dairy tood $19 HAY Timothy, $16 per ton; otov er, $12 ; grain; $12 ; cheat, $13. PHODOCB . t . , Potatoes, tiO to 75 cents per snck. Omens 80 cenU to $1 00 per sack. Eggs Oregon, 16J17 cts, Eastern 20 22c ' outter Creamer, 25 and 80c Daily, 17and 20c, store 0810c lb Poultry Cbiokens, mixed lOo per pound, spring, 10c and hens, JOo , turkeys live, 17 and 18o lb dreesed 18 and 20c lb-, duoks, $6 ano 7 . er do, geese, 8o lb. FOB SALE CHEAP . , .. t. All the fixtures of the Cove Creamery Including one eight bone power engine and ten hone power boiler, tburn and butter works, and a large eheeee-preas vats etc. ' ' v Hre Watt Mliebell ' 8-3-tl , ; ( . ? Cove; Oregon. : , FOB SALE -,i . Two acre tract, East ol the La Grande Flourln -mill, one hall In good bearing orchard. Small cottage, and good bara. Willsell lor cash or will; trade tor good workhorses. ' tO Grout ' TF '.-LaGnnde,0r,.v , ' i 1 , i i 1 1 . . FOR SALE iJirge tw0 torj house, , good barn, about 1 acres ol land with orchard for sale, will take part .payment ' eit I or farm 'land. 'Sightly i Id town. ' For particulars Inquire at this office or of. E Damon J-l t(. XOTIOE . -Having dtaposed of my grocer bus ness, I would like all those who an in. debtad to me, to.please, call and settle. either by cash or note. My books an at CL Thorn's grocery store on Fir street, where settlement can be made. Tl " U E FOWLER NOTICE Dressmaking and Plain Saw ing. Next door to Mra. Sbeak's resi dence. North of the Railroad shops. 4-3-11 - Mrs. Adn Rooms. - LOST Between La)- Grande and Deal "Paoyon, a 33 Suiitir and Wesson re volver. Finderj please- leave at this oBioe and receive rewaid. CHT MarOn WANTED Cream at L , Oraude Dru Co. .-, v. 4 13-19. 'j . WANTED Two girls to learn the millinery trade at ones. Inquire ol Mn J BForreat. , . ..- - tl. . " BOARD AND ROOM Pleasant rooms and good board for gentlemen. Inquire at Ml T street kaowta as the Hughes house. 3-4-tf Pasture . Much more abondant than" last year,! and open lor all kinds ol stock during I April. Small pastures lor stork needed at snort notice eUV Apply to 1110. is. St, Old town. P. O. Box 14. Tele phone 1J78. V tl Liebig stall, only Farmers & Traders NATIONAL BANK La Grande, - : Oiegon Capital Stock ' fully . paid $60,000.00. , Surplus Fund : ; $13,000.00 Liability of Shareholders 60,000.00. - Reponsibility (133,000,00 We do a general banking und exohange business, ' - - -1 Drafts bought and cold on eastern and foreign banks. her in cltv '( oronertv '-AAPM "The Er. L Hirhil Iwail (lln , ''-, speoialtista for men, oon- FOR SALE- ISO sacks of fine early rose seed potatoes. mile east of L Olden burg's farm. 4-6 tl J S Chandler FOR PALE Tuoacte block with new B room house, tarn, nut houses, ell nn prove 1 $11G0, time given on pert This will tear investigation situated on N Cherry and N street. 4-2 tl . Fred waring. tlnne to-oura all obronto. private and nervous ailments, of importance, skin diseases, ihematism, catarrab, etc. Dr. A. C. Stoddard, Ph G for 27 years medioal direotor, 74 sixth St. Portland, Or. Ill Yeeler Way, Beat !e, Waab. Calf or write. , JOS PALMER, Pres. J V SCRIBER, Cashier: IW7PCTriDC ' f'on' $500.00 to lllL-JI-riJ 4000.00 a month oan be made hy names who mn invest from $500 to $1500. One astern investor made foouuu in - STALLION NOTICE A great opportuiiityfor- you to breed to one of the Deat at a . very low price. I will- make LUMBER The Stoddard Lumber Co has seemed the lumber from the mills of the Grande Ronde Lumber Co to supply the retail market lu the city of La Grande. FOR SALE 5 lotB, with good dwell ing house nd barn on out skirts of City. For tuther particulars see G W .. Thomas at Bock and Thomas Meat Market 8 23 tf. II id x&J L IF THEY ARE WEAK You are in constant danger of Pneu monia or Consumption which can be prevented by FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR if taken in time. IF THEY ARE INFLAMED You already have the first symp toms of lung trouble that may prove fatal and you should not delay taking FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It cures all inflammatory con ditions of the respiratory organs. IF THEY ARE OBSTRUCTED-It is dangerous to use hareh expectorants which strain and weaken the lungs. FOLEY S HONEY AND TAR soothes and strengthens and enables the tubes to be naturally cleared. 3 mum -1 tU .ii'.-L "-3 gives the greatest comfort and relief in advanced stages of lung trouble !nd never fails to cure incipient Consumption. Contains no opiates. For Coughs, Colds, Croup? Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia and Grippe- It stops the Cough and prevents Pneumonia. See That Ycu Got FOLEY'S Honey and Tap A POLICEMAN'S TESTIIHONY J. N. Patterson, niglit policeman ot Nsshus, Is., writes:-" Last vinrcr I . bad a bad cold on my lungs -"d at least s half dozen advertised cou?,h medicines snd had trestmem from two physicians without gett.ns an' : "CJ'. A friend recommended FOLtr HONEY AND TAR and tvo thirds of a bottle cured me. I consider It the . grestest cough and lung remedy m - tie worm. UVKSTOCK Cattle Beat steers $4.26 and $4.00, medium, 4.00; cow $3.25 and $4.00 Hogs Best large, fat $6.26; medium area tat 4.75 Sbeop Best weatberr S3.6U; mixed sheep $3. of La Grande School Music Opposite Somrner home. One of the beet musical Institutions in 'the state. Four rooms nsed for mnaioal instruction, 15 -giades of mliaio taught. Department 1, 2 rooms used for the S first grades. Children at the age of 5 and older como one hour every day. Department 2, 2 looms for grades 4 to Iff for pupils of all ages. The latest course best prac tical musical . instruction. Mnaioal eonteit for medals every few weeks. E. Porter Day, Principal. Mrs. Day, Assistant FOR SALE 6 acre fruit (arm all bear ing, good house and barn, well im proved, well waiired also Jercey milch cow, black rnonorca chickens, house hold goods, and etc. Apply to 4-l4lf.dw. J W Helnr-r, May Park FOR RENT A block of ground with bearing orchard, garden, small house - and barn. Inquire at the office of F S Ivanhoe FOR RENT A furnished four mom cottage. - lo ot Mrs Zuber. tl - :; MISCELANEOUS. LOST Between , 1409 Adams Avenue, and , raciest Bros. .Hardware . and Second Hsoa Store, one dark red leather bill book containing deposit, certificates On i a (Urande National Bank to the amount ol three hundred twenty five dollars (1325). Certifies tea for Mr. and Mrs, W.W.Henderson Finder - please leave ' same ' at 1A Grande National Bank and receive isvtard. Papers ol no valne except to owners. - 8-23-tf FOR RENT A five room , furnished house for rent, For particulars phone 771 lor 1938 or Inquire of Mra G W Henry. -4-1 TO THE READING PUBLIC We have lost received a new lot ot paper back novels. In addition to these we have added SOC cloth bound books to oui exchange library. Kewlin Drni Co, 1903, call or write for particular tujB aon8on with ray imported Toe Wm. R White Co., 312 Pine Hi I . , . 1 Portland. Oregon. , unaous uo-Kiioy smtiton . .. BTUN INKY TWSO .: Pasture, Wood, Horses, Mouses With return privilege $3 pay able in advance, - No other terms. -Can give good referen- Good feed and small pastures easily readied $1.25 lor single bead pet mouth, rates lees for bunches. Best oetf as to his colts, yellow pine and other wood in any length,- work, riding and driving horses for sale, Houses for rent in the best residence sites in the com munity. Apply 1101 B at old town P O Box 341, Phone 1276, ! 4-6-lf Wm. O. Hansen . Express and Delivery i Kg; Adna Sogers, Phone 149T. All ells reliet,tful Route. Davlicht Ride, rtfUCl TO uruuiui nvivuituue ueuri n, expr?M snd (lelitery bueinefls. tl Geddes Bros. THREE 6IZE3 25c, 50c, $1.00 1 m Hum 'm f A 41.- mmaoLjiliit "mn i. Congratulations. Mr. John H. Cullnm, Editor o' the Garland, Texas, News, has written a factnree congratulatinnii to t i- -tiiinu-lettei of of Chamberlain's Cough Itemeoy, as toilows : "Hixleeo years ago when our first obnd was a baby bo was eulij-'Ct to oruupy spells and we w utd be very uneasy about him. We began 'using Chtun- berlain'e Cough Remedy in 1887, and ! rinding it such a reliable remedy for oolds and croup, we have never been without it in tle hfn-p sin that time. We liav,- liu- l'idi-i; m.d have given it to all of th'-m wiih good resultc" For 8a!e by ail drug-' gists. NOTICE is bereb given that I have given my son William Wllkie - hit time and from this date I will not be ' responsible tor any debts contracted' fry him, or any contracts he may make ' March 21, 1004. 3 22 tf - Auguete Rothlage. : Whv are Oeddes Krns. kent so busyT' Why do they sell the best kimiiib ai me iiiwrai pricnii . ' Preferred St'k Tomatoes 3 for 50c Preferred Stock Corn 3 for 50c Preferred Stork Salmon 3 for 60o Preferred Stodk Peas , . 8 fof fiOc - Preferred Stook Beans 41 for 60a I Don't pay other grocers 20 cents a can for any of these goods. - - - i . Standard tomatoes, corn, beans iwM at. Q fnr Oft r.nt. 'f-1, a k.iM Iiji tuaat Kultn. " m.il-' n the va'ley, and their creamery butter has no equal here, Try It and see. 411 pickles,. Helnse'e mince- eat. Swift's pickle pig feet, iremtum hams, loose olives. verything tasty, nice and cheap leiepnon sot Geddes Bros. Dizzy Crags, Deep CanouB. A Golden Opportunity See u ature ; In all her -: : glorious beauty, and then the acme of man's handiwork. . The first, is found along the line of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad and the latter at the St. Louis World's Fair. Your trip will be one of pleasure make the most I bt it. For iuformation and lllus trated literature write -- V -s ; ' : ', W, 0. MoBRIDE, Gen. Agt. 'Portland, Oregon OREGON " a IJMON PACIFIC Z SOLD AND RECGluBEflDED BY A T HILL, Prescription Druggist SACRED HEART I A C A I) h M Y La Grande, Oregon. Ciiidtc'rdly Hlners of HI. Frsncl Helert tosrding ai d day school for Young Ladies AcAlomio, Preparatory and Kined garten ooorses are conducted on the same principles as those pursued io onr schools ol Philadelphia. MikIc and painting receive spjoia attention Letters of inquiry dirreted to SISTER BUPEBIOE ROSES Roses ROSES I cnti furnihh you with the best hardy rosea one year old ot 256 each, or two years old at 45o. Ala. oil Li. nla of plui.ts, such us Pantries, Aeters, I't'ttinius, IXii.-in", Cundytuft, etc, I make a up? i iiilty of iill outside wotk, pruning, griifiing, lm tlsfiiic work, gardening, lawn mowing, etc., nt very rensntiiiblo ta fa. Give me a trial, I will . ' guarHtitee to give natiefaction. All kinds ot trees,'1' thriili", ettiiill fi uile, cabbage, celery and tomato ilui'ts. Open SuurlayB from 8 to 12 a. m. WM. GILPIN, ; Phonen6i Greenhouse UaPABt Tim. aoh-dul FEOM . lAQilANUK. - 8:60 p. m. Ball l..k., Uenver Ft. suPim Mil a Worth, Omaha, Kansas .' s ail . m 8l- '-eals. onlcaso NO t'ortlntnl. Dalles. Pan. -N( dlaUm, Wullu Willis, M. :!0am 'll;ilZ'""'i0- .05pm . .la. via Hpo- , , kims. ' '- rnrtlana. Ilallm, Fen M0 6 Olnon Omstlllu Vvnl- - sa . . lulu, LvwIston.Coinii " Miincow, WullticnWiir tbUOnlai 9:15 pm ilnor, Hnoktiae and a oihvr points piist und I ......... north via MMiki,ns. ; A hntaynui ,i,,a "city, " aiii, J C5c-.ll ll,nl,li,r. and Klitlri : sr M Huniliiy Icouncctlnna tit Klutn SsP tKlfi a m villi slntre for points II I In Wallowa count? II Oncan 8ttiimtrs between Portia San Francisco uvury live days . ';' E. C. MOOItfS, W .' uly OFFICERS:, DIRECTORS! R. Smith...; .....President J. M. Berrv. I. M. dhuiuh J. M. BaHT....t Vice President - . B. nonl R s.nlih J. M. Church Cashier . - L.O. Stanley F. L. M KYKas Asst. Cashier guying i v; ;v-t- 'jT" ' s u i an e in LaQrande'. f y; A ljr'O $25.00. ,rs. 3655 La Grande National, B La Craiid., Oretroo v" rtDiTii a vrrv ctraDt,ite SMiiM Transacta a general banking easiness,-' Buys sad sells er M 1 C , all part ol the world. Collections a specif ""'f V smtiTs, $zit 1 nn .-.i. Percaie nn&M.' dozens opa0rt: o; newest ooloriij - c f I. oo rfowc ,. . ft mrsr V: with a ii i ' r 'r fI