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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1904)
.- ! AORN DBSERVER; LA INu S7 u ii. iitt'li" LA GRANDE. OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 17. 1904 NUMBER 139 NARROW ESCAPE Twenty-three Men go Down with Bridge at Weatherby and Several Seriously Injured. An acoidnnt oocured near Weatber liy yesterday which nearly oaused the c.eath of tw'nty three bridge carpen ters who were king on the long bridge known by the railroad men as Dumber 349. The men were iu the renter of (be bridge attempting lo g t i in oonditioo to allow the train to "piss aDd gel the mail aoroM the river when Ibe center b'tiis weut out earry i 'g lire bridge and carpenteis av.ay with It. Six ol tbe men wore more or less lDJ'irrd eeveial seriously injured, The men were carried on down t.ream a considerable distance before they were rweened. nlm.-st miracle that tbe entire twenty three were out drowned. Tbe loss ol thia bridge put all hope of making a trans far ol the m ail and p-ssangirs lor tbe next three or tout di;'S out ol the question. -1 here am now at Baker Cily three trains which are unable to get any luither easi. Lust nights No Swasaonuthd at Pendleton, but No 6 will-go as tar an Bker City in Ibe morning La Graoiic cum expfot but one train a day liom now until tbe road i again open lor business. Mob Demand Prisoner Denver, April 15 Specials from Central City eay l-at mob bae sur rounded the jiil there and demanded that the Sheriff turn over In fthem A ill 1). G ilbraitb, tbe sell ooufet'fd murderer ol bis wile.e nine-year-old boy. Galbraith wti until reoent y a prominent mauager and was held in esteem. Hearst on Top The Itemnoraoy ol Oregon City bve declared tor H" , This alviut set tles the fate ol Parker. (!lrveland, O ney, Bryap, Uoni in and a few others who will re'i e into oblivian and tell tho'ir grandchildren how thry misted being Prrs;d.Mii. by overlooking ibe mighty ni, lie-it i thf fpreading terns ot Ol-oltnmn imnniy Oegnn. NEGRO DANCE Prof, and Mrs. W. A. Simpson Entertain the Dark Town Population in Royal Style. enjoyed in La Grande In lougtlme. I Tbe first prise for the most original costume was won oy uicy narmoo auu Herbie Ormond, the second by Ethel Gulling and Archie Htooe and tne cake walk prise; was awarded to Charles Oliver and Nellie Disqua. - Tbe"Drrk Town" population held forth in Armory hall but evening, the guexts of Prof and Mrs W A Simpson All the black Chilians were thereldreeaed in their spade tailed coats andhigh silk hata, . their best calico gowns and stripped stockings, their high collars and llashy ties. The cullud orchestia was there too, and the way those nig gers darned to their old plantation music was not slow. But the dance was a success as all those given by Prof and Mrs Simpson are. Uunder their able management they could not be otherwise. The best of order and decorum was maintained and all present pronounced it one. of the most successful terpinchorean eventB I Thinking hard Abqut the April Shirt Wais n b We've been thinking about tliein for some time. Iluve one tho'iqlil all ex pressed in garments now, nnrl we've put on the in .... PRICES THAT ' TALK AND TAKE You must have sliirt wnisi.-i for the coining wurin weiilber, so here is your chance. 1000 waisls in our block and all reduced. Waists ranging in price from 40 un. A nice line of wash silk walets beautifully trimmea in drawn work aDd insertion at 3 00. Come early as thia big 'sale only lasts three days, ending Sttur-lay, April 16. CHICAGO STORE 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I .W4-W.MMH- NO MATTE It WHAT BOOK pome you wip! vet y hitig for v nli'e t r c-lt for 1 bo h liiiie mid In.nry de,rri fit inn li .v nit' il order i! fo: you an.! I St. ck. U m here fcr il hi li tlrri' Our bock stork ? j. lo be- H mil. jtirluih-s pi a 1 ! Some bjoks i Shot As Spies Washington' April 16 Tba Butt- lan government baa given notice that newspaper correspondents ming wire lees telegraph will La treated as spies and shot. This ootloe was served on tbe State Department by Count Ossein), tbe Russian Ambassador, today, and it is understood that similar communo'ia- lioos were made to all foieltfn offloea Oregon "Gold Washington. ' April IS Secretary 8baw today notified Saoator Mitcholl that be would diieot that Oregon gold be used in. coining , tbe Lewis and Olark souvenir dollars' " DAMEN KRANZ Entertained by Misses Mertie Aldrich and Bessie Worstell at the Latter's Home. LOCAL OPTION Liquor Men Inaugurate a Fight Againt that Law, Claiming it means Prohibition. Tbe brewers and wholesale liquor dealers have op ued their fight againat the local-option law by sending let ters to their customers inlortning them that they have organised to de feat the law. Among other matters this lertor states that the looal-option measure is a d&ngerous law and s drawn that sho ild it pass it would mean practically prohibition in tht stave. That lht liquor iutereat musi poll not less Hmu 35,000 votes ii order to have any ohance to defeat it. The letter clone; ' It tbe looal-option law is not beaten at the oominp -Ju-e election jou will hve to; figh' a prohibition election in your own preoinot next November Did you know this?" Milton Eagle, Chronicle Attached " Tba employes in the Cbronlole of fice for several weeks bare been trying to secure tba wages da .tbem, and matters came to an and ; yesterday they refused to get tba paper out and in tba evening foreman Stephen A Oady filed an attachment in the turn of 1165.00. , The total amount of wages due ia reported to be in tbe neighborhood of ffiOO The probabilities are that matters will be satisfactory ad jotted . Monday. Guilty Scott Good all was arraigned before recorder Miller yesterday morning charged with cruelty to animals in driving a lime botes to his delivery wagon. '; He plead not guilty, aud brought tbe borae before the oourt.besldes other testimony. While it was evident that air Goodall thought he wjb in Sooting no injury to the animal. The oourl held after bearing all the evidence that tbe nrdinanoe bad been violitrd and fined the defendant' the iowrat possible amo.iut Ave dollais and ousts, in all $17.40. - DO NOT MIX WELL Rector of St. James Episcopal Church, in Chicago, Objects to Light Operas. Tbe yon ng ladies uf the D vnen Kraus were entertaiuttd tnottt plea santly at the borne ol Mire Beetle Worntell last evening, Mis Vortell being assisted in ontertaiuing hy Miss Mertie Aldrich. The ev.'ii iik'i enter tainment was in the form ol an "Old Maids Party." The program were written on oards out to rosnmhle a cat Refreshments such as only old naids enj'iy, were served consisting of tea wafers etc Tbe prise for the most original old maids costume was awarded to Miss Allie Stevens and Miss Lillian Mo Oall won tbe prise in a guessing contest Those present wre Misses Edna Schilke Lilliaa MoOall Mary Ramsey Moina Aikine Gertrude Mitchell Graoe Kinaey Emma and Marie Olark Mrs U J Scriber and Mrs 8 O Williams. About 10 o'olock tbe old maids were surprised by the arrival of several old bachelors who deolared ttasy had been spending a woefully lonesome evening and thought tbey would seek more congenial company Tbe old bache lors were cetera Fred Geibel Fred Fischer Elva Jamison Walter Fsrgu ton and Mr Mo "arland A pew member was taken into tbe olob in tbe person ol MrsO J Soriber, W. C. T. U. Election At their regular meeting the W ( T U ehoted the following officers foi the. ensuing yean President, Mi Olive Bolton ; Vice Pres., Mrs MB Stephenson ; Treasurer, Mrs M Ad- cook; Keo See, Mia M Aldriob; Oor tii'O, Mrs L B Smith. The Union extended a unanimous vote ol tbauks to the retiring presi dent, Mrs M R Stephainon, who has served the society eo long and effioient ly, Mrs Stephenson has been a mem her of the Union for 20 years, during whiob time she baa been a eouroe of great help and strength to the organ! iation,aod has been a leading factor in ell its efforts for good. She ' will long be held in grateful remembrance by those associated with ber in tbe work. 8be declined to longer take the lead, her heart ie still with tbe Uulon and she will labor with and for it as she bae always done. Warriors of 1844 Thirty thousand men are drawing eervloe pensions as survivors of the Mexican war. Chicago April 15 Dr Jamoa S 8tono,' rector of St James Episuopul church has pnt a (top to the ohurch cooir's custom of giving operas, lighter other wise. ' . .. r "Religion aid the theater do. not mix well in the way St Barnes' choir has been trying to m'x it," deulared the rector. "I do not have any object Ion to members of the choir appearing In in oierrsus individuals.. I am, how ever, opposes to operas being given in the nauio of the church " Birthday Anniversary Yesteiday was the eii.h anniver sary u! master Willie Snodgraas of this city. The day was one which neater Wiilie will remember as one ol the most plensaul within his memory V number ot his little ftieuda were in vited to spend the aiternoob with huv ind to say tbey bad a most enj yable loie is st ting the case very nldly. The little ones were treated to cake candy and oranges. Master Willie was the recipient of many bandsomo presents. Tbe amusement oonslatej ol mutio and games Those present were: Dorr i a Keavis Lola Reavis Mil dred Reavis Helen Bartlelt Lois Given Matide Snndgrars A goes Grant Bessie Beuhler Alioel Hill Oepil Lilly Doro thy Komig Ruth ArdreyEtba 'lbomae Leon a NellnJUary Nnwlin Stella Bodmer Trottie Collier Freddie Book Richard Hauaeo Viotor Hansen Clay ton Ingalt Jimmie Romig Gladys Romig Dean Smith Albert MoOrsry Marie and Willie Snodg rasa. Roosevelt end Elkins Charlestun W Va April 16 The West -f, Virginia Ropubllcnti fatute Convention .; toduy instructed its delegates at largo . -for Kooaevolt tor Proaldont und lilklnn . for Vire President. All the district con. ' ventlona had previously acted likewise,-. ; making 14 dulegaios secured for tlm .. Hoorevell column, The 'feature of tho '. convention was the speech of Senator Scott, chairman of the convention, member of ' the National committee, . . former associate of Senator Hanna, and '. prominently uiontloned for chairman of the next National Convention;"'"' ' . . Mohair Pool Sold Da'laa, oT. April 15. The Polk Ccuuty Mobair Association sold its pool today to H. L. Fenton, o! Dallas at 34 cents Tbe p tol lepresents 40,000 pouods. It was told at publlo auction. ' ' i .. $100,000 School The Young Mene Cbristain Assooia tion at Spokane are planning to build . a houBf to oost 9100,000 in which nn Industrial Sohool will be established. Bottled Up . The little sober Japs are giving the beer bloated, brandy oblusoated . big ltnssiaos a striking temperance lecture by bottliug them up in Port , Arthur. . ' , Buglar Dead . Daniel Keegan the buglar who blew tbe l ist oall at Appomattox and really blew the last bugle oall sounded for Ibe Confederacy la dead at New Oi- . leans. , i. an put li lu'i's' if ir s, so y. ti ure lik-.'ly t (l"Tliy !i o r Vf I till' l.C t'lt tiilllf V. llOll 11 In (ink y u ? tlioncli .ok ..r 'y i I oiwiiys flrc -y lie re. .ti.l. t .r ' h occii'-i' icia nlway." rigli', ma .il ii v - n . no, wli' n 1 UV 'I.' NEWL1N DRUG CO. Farmers Dance Tbe widely heralded Farmers dsnoe to be given under tbe direct in of Prof, and Mrs. Simpson two of the moat successful originators of novelties to be louod in the entire Wret, will be given in Armory hall Thursday even ing, April 21 The genteel farmer and the evkwatd rube, the ! shltil girl and the gay dairy m till w I il hi their. The fellers are n quested to bring their lanteroi sk the burn will be a leotle dark Th Armvy h .11 w II be muln to oj' as miiali liun a a n as possible an1! tin riii a c!i -tr w ll be seate'l on bales of hny and trw. The gianil niiirch will h'i led i. Hm -ah Lizi Perkio sn't Iter f-ill.T, U-ise kiah Hupeltil. The i'l.ll.irn will play-.!- '.un.' y il Vint P I'Uth ir .th1 cllr elT when mi i- c.i t.i '.i a caw.lrillo. Gills ra.i.t, t.itt b' Imali'iil- whrn the fellers ak the n to d inco. Gals m.Ht not be higlif ihiten in drsss- in( j ist waro calicer an. I ninfltiiMi (ires es and sunblniiets snd itr tw hale and r'mexber the date, 1 hur.-.lny. April 12 For invites see pro, rii taii Shiping Rhubarb- Wslls Wallf, April it) Probably 1,000 boif'S ol "gri-en st ff" oimatv iug mainly of rhoStr'", hu. with a small ptoporlioi of apnrsgui snd greea onion ware sent ou'. of Wal'a Walla yenterdar. IT PAYS TO KNOW There is no "luck" aboul 1t. It's the mn who pissesaes the knowledge that makes his mark. . That, "knolelge is power end power. is uioaey," baa been demount rated too often to meet any further argument. . We tuoution thesb facts "bectuso we beliuve that comporatively speaking, few of La Grande's Male Population fully realize how complete our Men's -Store is in every department ... . and liow-die iply . tliey can buy first class dependable sititu and furnishings. We h;iv eon growing we have devote i time and onorny. wt study your wiints mid believe we know ttiotn tiiuro'ili'y . and in inl.lii.ioti lo this we have, f.miliucs for buying enjoyed bv no other bouje in La Oraude and guarim- toe that IT SAVES YOU MONEY buiidos g you the best assorted and most complete in Lit (Jriiiii to select from. SUITS 5.00 TO 25.0l)v Jag - ' , , ran-. . MONSTER SALE OF BOYS' CLOTHING for two days more. All of 200 suits to ohooso from at prices never quoted quite so low. Fit the boy out now, 25 tc 35 per cent is woith saving THE STAR HAT $3 00. is equal to any $4 hat on the mar ket. . Hats down to 95 cents. PONGEE SHIRTS.XgiviMgr ,- and $3.00, with of La Grande 1 1 1 I . 'anf 7" IBIS. I uicuio LO.i;il. J ' f - V in dozens ol" j , ,.m newest cola' frra t"f ?ii ' A' f ' percale Sim SOAM STETSON "puna of paf QHpA eweat noloniiw sj i i.ou aowr vwg ttlRTi Meet In May $3.50 this " y with a The Or. goo Federatlod ol Labor rtHlinilllllllllllll'IIIIMimWMMMI meet this year In Oregon Oily Mar 1 118 Ol W '"Mm ,;,vj'