HIGH LIVING J , j is possible at low cost. Our patrons are particulprly well fed, et none could be accused of spending too much money on tin- "inner uian", At . A FEW OBSERVATIONS BY OUR REPORTERS WE HAVE THEM! 1 7f- CAILIQ VIILD AMD MOO FNCB. I Untaai tt (hut. Had Miuj had , . flmnr u TmmM Quito; SUM Win ,MC. iiiiiwwitm,.. ... MMrHMMn HIHt.. P.KSIO.W. THERE IS AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING STOCK " From running at large, but you can see , thsra iu the streets jast the tame. Tbe ' only ssfe way ii protect your lawn and flower gardeni ia to fence against them. I hare several different styles of yard fence t prices to sait all. Also all heights of poultry fence for your chicken yard. MRS. T. N. MURPHY Shovels, Spades, Hardware Restaurant for Sale The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams. i'SJlL"4 "2U ".HE1; 'Phone 1581 at fecaod Hand GoodMl j . -"ii i TURKESTAN ALFALFA. The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri-. gation. ROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House in Union County. A. V. Oliver ' JEFFERSON AVE Phone 1571 X.;" N In and examine our line of lAfeppN shirts tVS tV ?GJ. n t m n J M Church ia in Purl land. , Mrs Kills Cran fall is visiting friends in Elgin,." -;t '.. Dr Biggers (pent 8atu-day in Baler City. . . .; v. Haines ia to have a new hardware tore and a new drujr store. Adney Roger's bright red express wagon Is another sign of spring. . The weather man lias been delivei ing the real goods the past few days. Elmer Bishop and Walter Fay, of Elgin, are in tbe city on basinets. Dr F W Whitl.ig, an Elgin physician, is registered at the Bommer Hotel. J A Arbuckle ia having tbe Model Restaurant treated to a fresh coat of paint. ; A washout near Bingham Springs de layed No 6 eeverr.l bouts yesteri ay morning. - J F Baker left last evening for Port land to attend the republican state con vection.. .. Mrs L H Huf sell who has been very low for the past ten days is slowly re covering. W M Wlltee and wife, of Elgin, are In the oity on land office business and visiting friends. j Mrs Frank tike and Mrs Beaubier, of Xelocaset spent the day in the city yesterday. ' ' ' '. If you think business Hs not pic kin up ask the deliverymer. they are the first to notice the increase. E W Bartlett went lo Buker City lust Saturday to eee In. w politics are maul pulated In Baker County. ,, Ii B Haisiin, undertaker for E And ross & Co has moved his residence to the corner of Otb and 0 St. . ChasOlsen, the well known Miller ho ie now wilb the Imblcr mill, spent Sunday in the city. The Basket & clal to have been given hy the ladies of the WHO has been postponed until some future date. The hills close to town Sunday wore dotted with pleasure seekers who re turned ladened with pretty flowers. Btreet Commissioner Earl Jones is at the Hot Lake win re he lias been sever al days drying to regain his health. Goo Mapesaud CIiiis Hug, of Elgin, delegates to the republican state con vention left for Portland last evening. G M Uicliuy was a passenger last evening euroute to Portland where he will atUind the rephblican Btate con veutlon. J oo W Teach was In the city Mon day suiting the river was overflowing his meadow also a portion of his winter wheat. The report was current Sundoy that tbe high water in the riveriind weaken ed the Untitle Rondo Lnnilfr Co's dam at Perry, bu fortunately U proved to be uuiy a false rumor. Mrs David Bay loft Monilay for Sum mervilleto be at the bedside of Mrs Will Couch who la very low with con sumption and practically nil hope of her recovery haB been abandoned. A phone message from Perry BtAteB that the water ia higher than It has been fur years, but that there is no dan ger of an overflow, as the flood gates have not even yet been entirely opened. Mr and Mrs J H Klnehart who have been in Purllandlbrthe past live months have rotiinied to their Sunmiorville home. Mr liinehnrts health has greatly improved and lie ia looking hale and healthy. Ju Palmer, president of the light and power Co Btnted that the river Sunday night was higher than any Mime Bince they built the new dam at Or O'Uell, between six and seven feet of water pissing over the dam. The Ladies of tho Home Mission Society of the M K c hurch South met at Mrs Crippins Monday afternoon, re freshments were served, and all hail a good toc'ial time, and a neat sum for their treasury was the result. Urpair wor has commenced on the Hotel Foley. The bar has been tem porarily located in the vacant store room east of tho hotel ollice and the di.iing room will tie loaned where the bar, hartor shop, otc are located uow. J S llonx, 01 Cove was in the oity yestonluy with load of early Triumph potatoes which he disposed nl to Romlg ft Staples. l liese Hitatoes arc some thing out of the ordinary and parties d-sit Ing seed potatoes will do well to try this vntiety. The Wallowa county delegates lo (In state republ.can convention, including U W Hyatt, J H Dol.bln, E A Holmes. W II Allen, J A Rumble, and P A Clarke, puseed through the city last night on their way to Portland. Wit Holmes ami A C Miller also accom panied the delegation. Marshal Knyhuin swore out a war rant for the arrest of Hcott Uoodall yes tonluy, charging him with crneltly to a hone which ti drives to bis delivery wagon. The animal In question is bad ly crippled and in no condition to be worked. Mr Goodsll had been warned by tbe Marshal to cease driving the horse to which he paid no attention. Marshal Rayburn is lo be comn.ended for bis human action in the matter. SOMMER HOUSE Earnest Sihen Baker City H B Mo-ley ' Spokai e S K Silver , ., . . , v . . do j Etmer Berkly ' walla w,. Ha waiter Fay. ; wallow a Qw wilson Idaho P w whltiig . Elgin 8 L Mohroe Portland FMS.yder . . do H S Dorman do James Klendt do E Johnson v-v. : . , t Tacoma C A Lyon and wife - Pullerton C B English Wallace Iowa L Meatley North Yakima LMeAlpine. . Hairy Nise ' "' ' " Baker City ; The World's Fair Route Those anticipating an Eastern trip, or a visit to the Louisiana Purchase expo sition at St. Louis, cannot afford to overlook the advantages offered by the Missouri Pacific Railway, which, on account of Its various routes and gate ways, has been appropriately named "The World's Fair Route." Passengers from tbe Northwest take the Mibsoobi pacific trains from Den ver or Pueblo with the choice of either going direct through the Kansas City, via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill. Two trains daily from Denver and Puciilo tu St. Louis without change, carrying all classes of modern equip ment, including clectriu lighted obser vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten daily trains between Kansas City ami St Louis. Write, or call on W. C. McBride, General Agent, 124 Third st, Portland for detailed information nnd illustrated literatute. If. Notice to Water Consumers All persons using oity water will piy their water rent into tbe office of Wm Miller, Recorder, bjfore the 10th day of each month, otherwise their witer will be shut off, and a delink quenoy fine assessed. By order of the Mayor and Council oi the City of La Grande, Oreg n. 8hr " - THE MODEL RESTAURANT . excellent meals are served at a very reasonable price, Tbe "food is of the finest quality; well looked and well served.- Dining room is well appointed and comfort able. -, MODEK RESTAURANT -J. A. AKBUOKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT We icll weekly Meal , Tickets, Csth. '$4-50 Money back if not sat isfied. So few come we can afford to do this. C. V. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist, Depot Street. Express and Delivery Adna Rogers, Phone 1497. Al; ciH. receive prompt attention. Genet a express and delivery business. tf BANKRUPT SALE. Today we start to close out the cnlire stock of (iroceries & Provisions Of the late Orraond & Co. If you need supplies, now ia the time to stock up lor tlie season at Portlaud prices. Everything will be sold either al wholesale or retail. t Remember the sale starts promptly at 8 o'clock, April 7th. ADAMS AVE. South side between Elm and Depot Sts. FRANKLIN & CO. Portland, Oregon, Purchasers of the Stock. Ladies dierf and walking skirts. . .. ".. . .2 '85 iSnd up Misses ilitss and walking skirts.:;. ..AH FiCeB Ladif s shirt wuists .............. . . . .. ff'n 60c UP ' A hdiidsome line of Muslin Underwear. .- . ; We have a hammer in a Indite s1i lor. . . ..... I1-30 . ' It can't be bent anywhere. , : We also cui'.-y u l andsome line ofJhe Krippendorf Ditttnan shoe, Ihe best on tlie tDtirkut., Babies shoes nt.35c and up. W e will be delighted at any time to have you step in and inspect our goods and prices. . Yours Truly . La Grande Mercantile Co., Phone 1901 LA GRANDE, - - OREGON . WOOD WOOD The best in Ibejiiiy, lowest pi ct. COAL FINE LUMF. Anything in tins HAY aud GRAIN line Call Bt cur i-toro -Sinter buildii , or plnio 1801. GRANDE RONDE CASH COMPANY. Free delivery 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Retail 4iwt-M-S -&&Q&4 inoeits Latest in PURSES an 1 HANI) "ft AOS. Latent in STICK PINS. A new and stylish line ot IVtem hats Latest K. M. Wellman & Co. H : How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT- HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN HY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and lens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its mrvoua strain rest it: and at the same time As ist ti e Sim.nu h and Diges tive Organs in Digesting and A-sitnulating Sufficient Food to Kebnild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Invnleed. There ii but one remedy that will do thi, nnd that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come iu and WE WILL TELL YOU A. T. HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore r--r T m First-Class JOB WORK at the OBSERVER mmm ? We Have Not Said Much About It, But We Have Ladies' Trimmed Hats Too The Very Latest Direct From New York, The City That Sets the Pace in Fashions. THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY 1308 1310 1312, ADAMS AVENUE, LA GRANDE. IIMIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIHHfrtHWTtvIMMHMMHtMtlMTtMIIIIMW 1 1 1 1 H I III - 4- " v. A v.