at "1 v.. . ..i r AC- ' : Spring Houst Cleaning and Re furniAing. ortunity For a short time we are offering BIO VALUES TOR CASH to make ro..m lor our now goods. For example: A 3.piecS bfd room suit, regular $18.50, now $14.00. Prices posi tively the lowest in city ou same qunlity o! gon.Js. MATTING "r D6W 11,18 "0W n digpW 'iu Hie window, and many more beautiful patterns inside. Come in and look at tliein. Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty : My undertaker H. B. H1STEN, will respond promptly to I ail calls, day or night. E. ANDROSS HOUSE FURNISHINGS Phone 9-1 Residence Phone 367 1202 Adams Ave Hiimti im Sunday at the Churches. imtttiiiHiiiiiii LATTER DAY SAINTS ' Sunday School 10 em Regular Bervioea 3pm Mutual Improvement Aesooletiou meet conjointly at 7.30 p m. , T F. ; BAPTIST OHUROH Sunday bohool : 10 m Midweek services Wsdneeday even ing at 7:30 p m B.Y. P, U. 0:30 pm All are cordially invited.' l(ALM rsj. 1 A HOME. The man who doee not have a home ot Ills own misses the greatest blessing ol existence. "Every man's home is his castle," said the law ot our forefathers; and our own law up holds its sacrednese. We have a tour room house and eight lots for sale at (900, half cash, balance ou easy terms. Also several other improve proper ties and vacant lots suitable for building If yon want to get an imposing home of your own without an undue strain on your income, we'll help you do it. . La Grande 1110 Aduins Aveuue, Investment Company, La Giamie, Oregon A Two Light Electrolier , Empire style complete with etched glass shades and all attachments put up iu , yt ar residence for j.oo See samples in our window. La Grande Light & Power Co CH BIST A IN S0IENOE ; . S Iran King, let Beadar Tbe Ohristain Scienoe envies at tb residenoo ol John E Pag Id Old Town every Sunday at 11 a m.. All are oordislly invited. . :; T F St PETER'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH April 10th. First Sunday alter Eas ter . ' ' Sunday Bohool Warn Morning Prayer and Sermon 11am Subject ol sermon to be read ' The B.-surieotioo Body." V A lay service. All are invited. Prayer. Prof. Hoekenberrr Beading Tbe slaughter ot lh : Innooenu......Mrs 6 M Bolton SoDg. . .He loves me too By little glrle Recitation...... The BulteiBle IV Jeane Maria " Recitation... . Scatter seeds ot kind ness Alma Gore Duet...:.... Borne time, Somewhere . MisrAldrioh, Mis Willium Recitation Catching tbe Colt t Ceeil Bolton R'Mtion. . . .Simon Qrubb's D.-aam Enid Tbomaaon Soog. .... .Will mere be any atars in my crown ....... ... By Choir CENTRAL OHUROH OF CHRIST Bervioea Sunday April 10 Bible School 10m Morning Worship ... , 11 a m Y P 8 O B f S'ao p n Evening Bervioe ; 70 p m Subject ot Sermons'. (subject to change) '- Morning ' The Qualification -and Duties ol Bishop and Deacons eto ' ..' 1 TimotbyS- Evening 41 Handling aright the Word ol' Truth" " ' A cordial imitation to all. ME OHUROH J O Walker, pastor Sunday School 10 a m Sermon by presiding Elder O E Qibsoo II a m followed by tb Sacra ment of tbe Lord's Supper Epwo'tb League .. 6:30 led by Lydia Beavea Snhj-ot 'Two standard ol life." full.. wing tbe Epwortb Ljague Mercy program will be given. MERCY PROOkAal At M E Churob, Sunday April 10th 7:30 : 8ong....When it ia jurldsrk euouau by choir ', 3E TUB IF THEY ARE WEAK You are in constant danger of Pneu monia or Consumption which can be prevented by FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR if taken in time. IF THEY ARE INFLAMED You already have the first symp toms of lung trouble that may prove fatal and you should not delay taking FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It cures all inflammatory con ditions of the respiratory organs. IF THEY ARE OBSTRUCTED It is dangerous to use harsh expectorants which strain and weaken the lungs. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR soothes and strengthens and enables the tubes to bo naturally cleared. IMEV'S HOCIV AH TflE gives the greatest comfort and relief in advanced stages of lung trouble and never fails to cure incipient Consumption. Contains no opiates. Fof Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia and Grippe. It stops the Cough and prevents Pneumonia. 8ee That You Get FOLEY'S Honey and Tar A POLICEMAN'S TESTIM0NT J. N. Patterson, night policeman of Nashua, la., wrltes:-"Ust winter I tad a bad cold on my lungs and tried at least a hall doiett advertised cough medicines and bad treatment from two physicians without getting any jfnn A Mend recommended FOLEY S HONEY AND TAR and two thirds of . kt rnrcd me. I consider It tbe greatest cough and lung remedy in toe worm. THREE SIZES 25o, 60o, $1.00 SOLD AND RECOMMENDED IY A. T HILL, Prescription Druggist Local Markets. Eggs, fresh valley' louts Butter; creamery.' 6Se and firetolaar dairy 60o per roll. Potatoes Soots per sack. App)e,76o. to 80c ts. per box. Cabbage, Sot. per lb. " Turklss, 10 ota. lb. live weight. '.. j.-. I. CBRBaLS ." , Wheat T4c to80o per bu. . Oata 1.10 per eental ' , Barley 80o per cental Portland Markets. The steady decline in Eastern and loreign markets ha taken the lite ont ol tbe local wbeat market. 'Bayers and sellers are farther apart than ever and business ia at a standstill, with cfae lena deoidedly weak.: ft WHEAT Walla Walla, 76o; blue-stem, 82oj Valley, 8U . BABLEY Feed, 2S per ton, brew- ing,24; rolled 25. FLOUR Valley, $3.90 and 8.96 per barrel; hard wbeat straights, IS 60 and 3.70; Blears, $3.85 and 4.00; hard what patents, $4.00 and 4.10; Dakota bard wheat, (6.40 and $6.0 ; graham, $3.90 whole wheat, $4; rye fljur, $4.60 and 4.76 : ..; OATS No. 1 white, $1,171; gray $1.10 per cental. MILL8TUFF8--Bran,$18per ton; middlings, $24; shorts, $20; chop, U. 8f mills, $16; linseed, dairy lood $19 HAY Timothy, $16 per ton; oov er, $12; grain, $12; cheat, $13. , - FHOOUO ;' Potatoes, 60 to 76 oents per ssok. - Ouivua 80 cents to $1.00 per sack. Ecgs Oregon, 16317 ots, Eastern Q 82o Gutter Creamery, 26 and- 30o Dairy, 17$ and 20c, store 0810o lb f Poultry Chiokene, mixed 10c per pound, spring, lOo and hens, )0o, lurkxys live, 17 aud 18c lb drowsed 18 and 20c lb-, ducks, $6 and 7 er dos. geese, 8o lb. UVK8T0CK Cattle Best steers $4.2t and $4.00, medium, 4.00; cowi $3.26 and $4.00 Hogs Beet large, fat $6.26; medium arue fat 4.76 . Sheep Best weather $3J0; mixed sheep $3. Classified Ads "rrr- 'vrr FOR SALE A yearlltig belter, ball Jaeesy and halt Da ream. Inquire at this office or phone lout. FOB SALE Single Disc Beet Plow ' for sal cheap. Also 8 saddle poo one hall ahetland. 8 goid single driving hone. J. E. Reynold. .- FO&8AI.B. Indian Runner Duck eggs, Uur ougb bred imported stook, i aly a lim led Dumber. W. N. Monroe, La Grande. ' : 99-1 d 4 w. ,- FOB SALE CHEAP ' All the flxlures el the Cove Orsemery Inoloding on eight home power engine and ten hone power holler, churn and butter work, and a large cheese-press vats etc. . Mr Matt Mitchell S-S-tt Cove, Oregon. FOB BALE , ; Two acre tract, East ol the La Grand Flouring mill, one ball In good bearing orchard. Small cottage, and good barn. Willi .11 lor cash or win; trade for good work horse. . . L O Grout TF La Grande. Ore. FOR BALE Large two story house, good bam, about 7' acre ol land ; with orchard lor sale, will take part payment either in city property or farm land. SlghUy located in ld town:. For particular inquire at this office or of E Damon 4-1- tf, MEN The Er. Ltebig staff, only seoialtiat for men. con tinue to our all obronio. private and nervous ailment, ol Importance, akin disess, inemaiiam, eetarran, , etc. Dr.A.0. Stoddard, Ph G.. lor 17 yr medical director. 74 lxib Ht Portland, Or. Ill Yler Way, Beet le, Wash. Call or writn. INVESTORS to moeth eao be mad by partis who can invest from $600 to $1600. One eastern investor mad $66,000 In 1903, oall or write lor paiticulars Tb Wm.B. Whit Co., 811 fin Bt Portland, Oregon. Pasture, Wood, Horses, Houses Good lead and imall pastures slly reached $1.16 for single head par aoatb, rat lees for buncoes. Best yellow pine and other wood in any length, work, riding and driving horses for sale, tlous lor rant in the best residence die in tbe eom- nlty. Apply 1101 B st old town. P O Box 341 , Phone 1876. 4-6-1 1 FOB BALE-1MN sacks of fine early roes seed potatoes. mile east ol L Olden. hnrg't farm. ' 4-6 tf J 8 Chandler FOB 8ALB Two acre bloek with ' new ' 6 room bouse, barn, out house, well . improved $1100, time given on part : This will bear investigation situated on N Cherry and N street ' 4-8 tl Fred waring. Central Church of Christ Opposite Soinmer House. OPEN EVERY DAY Pastor's Office Hours 1 to 2:30 Free Reading Room open from nooruntil 9 pm. Men and , - ,j :, boys invited. Bible school Sunday 10 a m Preachiug Sunday Ham and 7:80 p m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at . 7:30 p. m. MisceiANeou& LOST Between 1409 Adam Avenur .. and Poorest Bros. Hardware and Second Hand Store, one dark red leather bill book containing deposit certificate on a Grande National Bank to the amount ol three -hundred twenty five dollar (1325). CartlBcstas lor Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Henderson. Finder plesse leave same at La Grande National Bank and receive leward. Paper ol ho value except to owner. . 3-22-tl ' FOR BENT A' five room furnished house for rent, For particulate phone 771 or 1938 or Inquire of Mra G W Henry. - 4-1 TO THE BEADING PDBLIO We have Just-received a new lot ot paper back novels. In addition to these we have added 80? cloth bound books to our exchaug library. - Newlln Drug Co, . BOARD AND ROOM Pleasaut rooms and good board tor gentlemen. Inquire at 601 T street known a tb Hnghes house. 8 4 tl PASTURB Much more abandant than last year, and open tor all kinds ot stock during April. Small pastures for stork needed at short notice etc. Apply to 1110. B, St. Old town. P. O. Box 14. Tel phone 1273, tf Chance of Management Tbo undersigned baa purchased the busin s known as the Harris Cash Meat Market und will here after conduct the same. We wish to inform tbe public that we are prepared to furnish all kinds of meats, eame and poultry at the very lowest prices consistent with first-clas articles We have our own delivery and make two trips daily to the Old Town Highest market price paid for all cuttle, hogs and sheep. We solicit a share of your patronage and guarantee the very best satisfaction. Phone orders receive prompt s.nd careful attention. Munis uieul market across ihe track. Phone 1601. TURNER & WALTER NOTICE Haviog disposed ol my grocery bus- ness, I would Ilk all those who ar in debted tome, to please oall and settle, either by cash or note. My books are at O ti Thorn' grocery (tor on Fir street, where aettlement can be made. Tl G E FOWLER DeWitt vssss snaa w saaaSaMai Witch-Hazel uSSS, 2XiiSjersa 'arawaJBaMiaina ls win(iifcru nfebfj fnfj $JaTVA8k PUMk J FTi TTlt I laP' I TnTm!! ll II t r L SALVH I ' saavaass at - C.C0eriltCCkka For Sale by all Diuggiets WANTED Two girl to learn tbe millinery trade at one. Inquire of Mrs J R Korrest. . tf. NOTICE is bereb. given that I have given my son William Wllkl bis time and trum this date I will not be responsible for any debt contracted by him, or any contract he may mak. March 21, 1004. 3 22-tf Anguste Rothlag. Geddes Bros. Why are (lxMw llnw. kept so busy? Why d.i thuy ih'II the best foods at the lowest prices . 'referred Bt'k Tomatoes 3 tor o0 Preferred Stock Corn . 3 for ftOo Preferred Stock Salmon 8 for 80o Preferred Stodk Peas 8 tot AOo Preferred Stook Beans 3 for 60s Don't pay other grocers 90 cents a can lor any ot these goods. Standard tomatoes, com,' bean peas, ate., 2 lor 3D rents. They neve the best butter mad In the vaUey, and their creamery butter ha no equal here. Try. It And see. Dill pickles, Helnse's mince meat, Swift's pickle pig feet, ErCmlum hams, loose olives. Ivarythlng tasty, nice and cheap Tetephou 461 i Geddes Bros. SACRED HEART ACADEMY La Grande, Oregon. Conducted ly Sisters of St. FranTl Select boarding and day school lor Young Ladle Aovlemio, Preparatory and Kined garten com sea are conducted on III am principles as those pursued in our sohools ol Philadelphia. Musio and painting receiva spocit attention Letters of inqnlry directed to SISTER 8UPEBIOB ROSES ROSES' ROSES I can furnish you with tbe best hardy loses -one year old at 25o eaoh, or two years old at 45o. Also all kinds of plants, such as'Pansies, Asters, Petunias, Ddisies, Candytuft, eto, I make' a specially ol all outside wotk, pruniug, grafting,,, landscape work, gardening, lkwn mowing, etc., at very reasonable tales. Give me a trial, I will guarantee to give satisfaction.; All kinds of trees, shrub, small fruits, cabbage, celery and tomato plants. Opeu Sundays from 8 to 12 a. m. WM. GILPIN, .Phone n6i - Greenhouse Farmers & Traders - s NATIONAL BANX , La CraiKic, ' ' a Oiejon Capital Stock fully , t $60,000.00. , paid . ft Surplus Fund ; : 1 3,000 JWl- Liability of Shareholders $60,000.00.- Reponsibihty $133,000.00 We do. a general, banking . and exchange business. - Draits bought and old on eastern and foreign banks. JOS PALMER Pres. 3 W SCRIBER,"CssWer STALLION NOTICE, A great opportunity for you '; to breed to one) of the best at a very low price. ' I will make this season with my imported fmaous Hojkney stallion 8TUNTNEY TASSO With return privilege $8 pay able in advance. No other terms. Can give good refemn cas as to his oolts. . : vVm. O. Hansen. Delightful Route, Daylight Ride, Dizzy Crags, Peep.Canoua.; , A Golden : Opportunity See nature In all her glorious beauty, 'and tlieu the. acme of" ainu's handiwork.- The'tlrst is found along the line -of the ' Denver & Rio Grande .Railroad., and the lulter at the St. Louis World's Fair. : Your trip will be one of pleasure make the most ot it. For information and illna . trated literature write , ' ; i W. 0. McBRIDE, Qen..Agt . ; .-; Portlaud, Oregon OREGON dspbt hMd vaoa 'f WoM'aSi'.'nJi Portland, Dalles, Pea- -: . .. .... NOl Uleton, WallaWalla, Mn . IM a m Ooftai, Itosoow.Upo- os o as kanaannu . w p i.u ,th vla Bpo ajuw. 1 Portland, Dallsa, Pen4 t " NOS dlovon Umatilla WaW wo ai lQla,LswUton,Colhx Bu ' Moaeow, Wallace Wari -kin. ajispnt dner, Hpokaaa ana other points east and nortb via Bpokane. . ' 'i OPPIOKR8: R, Smith I.M.BSBRT.. J. M.CiiL-acn F.L.MKTEBS. .r President ..Vic President Cashier ...Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS: V ' J. M. Barry, . M. Church A.B.Oonlev, R. Smith UC.titanley ai NfffiDallr axoea, Baaday S-.1S a 1 'aland Oily, Allosl, imeier, ana Elfin ' eonnaeuoas at KikIb wiui slate lor poinial id wauuwK ooai7 n -utfs' Ocean Steamers between Portland San Francisco every five day , . ..-js" ;, Afl n E. C. MOORE, many needed. I rat-vw II fTn, Ifi S 1101186 , complete ver pluced ou snle. Bnbbiiietf -A, -curlfliti niiule oxlonsive a rleaiiua Jmeo'.' ... In ( hm r Prices f,'and r 3655 ... ( '. ; La Grande National B .in von ;;8.00,Z7o,'r ,1.25, 1.00 and.'- La Grand. Oiagoa "li ' , : CAPITAL AND SURPLUS; $72,000.00, . Trmnsacu a general banking business. Buys nd sells' e-' T au part of the world. Collection a po' d nswrt in nest 1 ST-J (71 in nest-p" y.-V W: K-9 i 3 7 EX