0- WE WILL OFFER The Thompson Jewelry Stock Which we purchased at SO cents on the dollar at prices ..,... unknown in Eastern Oregon. r ... . Jm Bom year open-faced gold-filled 18 size eases, (13, now (6.60 0 ilM ladies' sis bunting rate, SO year ease worth (10, now , . . 6. 26 17-waled adjusted Beth Tboma movement complete in nlckle ... .. . ease, 6.76, - . - ., ... ..... .7-Jeweled Waltbam and Elgin movement, 18 site.. ...4.60 Diamond ring, worth (20, now (14. Elk teeth mounted worth (12 bow (740. .ColT bottom worth 66o, We, 40o, now 85o.. . The above quotations are only a few of our great 1 bargains, Bemember these goods are no humbug, or trath-L-we guarantee every article and will refnud your money u free as we take it if these goods are not as represented. The Rainbow Store AN INV1TAI0N TO YOU, , THIS 18 A SPECIAL INVITATION TO YOU. . ' Wa am receiving rlaliv manv new deeiehs in Wall ( 1 Paper and Wall Decorations, and we extend this special ) 1 invitation to vnn anil vnur friends to call and see them. SJ -- j r We are anxious to have you see our line aud we feel g sura you win oe ueiigutitu wiiiu tun vihii. Stackland & McLachlen PAINTS. 0lLtS AND GLASS : ' -'..' . en Paper Is Cheaper Than Coal and I nnk Ktnfor. In other words if your walls are well pagered . ',' . jour fuel bill will be reduced. We do proper 1 Paper Hanging at drioes you can afford to pay. HARRIS & PRICE ; Painters,3 Paper Hangers and Decorators. A, 0. HARRIS, Phone 1666, , J.M. PRICE, Phone 1491 IF BROKEN HEAfcTB could be mended a neatly, quickly and thoroughly as I oan repair your jewelry there would be no sor row in the world. No matter whether it be a watob, ring, a neck lace or a baby pin dear from asso oiation needs repairing, bring it to me and it will be mended eo you oan not tell it from new. My epeoialty ie watoh repairing. Bring it here and have it done honestly, expertly and cheaply. J. H. Peare, the Jeweler Freth Chocolated Fresh Bon Bons Fresh Nougact . Fresh Carmels Fresh TafTey Fresh Balled Peauuls Fresh Salted Almonds ; . ' Fresh Popcorn ' Fresh Fruit GREENE & CO. v ALWAYS ON TIME W hen yon order groceries from us joo are ante to hate themjdelivered on time LA GRANDE MORNING OBSERVER : CURREY rJROS. Editors and Proprietor. Sintered at toe Poet Offioe at La Grande, Citron, aa Beeond OUaa .i? Kail Mattel. : Published Daily Except aiortday. nt Yar in Advance;. ......... (6.60 j Per Month.;.., Hli Months in Adeanoe. ....... (3.50 1 Single Copy. . . . .66 .06 SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, 1904 A VALUABLE BOOK. - m . a. w ..X ?ER THING groceries from us you are sure to V, be had. We keep only the best 4. - u- . ' Vm lal nnr aim fr:;f.:,.Wf, Kline of LST BACON , CED MEATS store The Obsbbvsb received yes terday 'from - tbe Statistical Bureau of the United States De partment" of Commerce - and Labor, a valuable book of 650 pages full of figures t bowing the population, tbe occupations the people have followed from 1790 to 1900, and tbe exports and im ports id and from foreign countries to 1903 and the pro ducts of the several states and much other data about "schools, colleges, shipping and railroads. Tbe data is puhlished, to aBsiei citizens in forming intell igent opinions on the . many ciuestisns of public policies that come before them for approval or disapproval. To illustrate, take the labor Question. In it we find that of the total popula tion of 76,305,389, in 1900, there 29,094,117 of the people ten years old and over, that were engaged in some gainful . oc cupation. Of these 10,831,785 were farmers. President John Mitchell, of tbe labor organiza-' tions, - places the aggregate strength of the labor organiza tions in the United States at 2,- 000,000 which is leas than ten per cent of tbe people in the United States engaged in some gainful occupation aud only about one fifth as many as the Agriculturalists so far have not joined the labor movement. The Department ' of Labor places tbe total population of the United States for' 1903 ' at 80,372,000, tbe same year that Mr. John Mitchell placed the total number of persons belong ing to labor organizations at 2, 000,000. Tnis indicates that the persons belonging to the various labor organizations in the United States constitute less than one fortieth of tb whole people. , In 1900 there were 18,918,697 hite males of voting age in the United States or more ' than nine votes to every -member of (belabor unicus. The ticket nominated at the convention April 7 is one which should receive the support of every Republican in tbe county, and it is safe to say it will. There can be no good reason why any man on this ticket should not receive the full party vote. Union . .county is Re publican by at least two hundred and therefor tbe entire : Repub lican ticket from top to bottom should be electod. If you are a Republican, lay aside all 'person al prejudices aud do your part to elect a full Republican ticket, Try tbe experiment of filling the court houso with Republicans and see how it would seem. -. The Lewis and Clark : bill passed the House Friday and will now goto the Senate. The bin provides for en appropria tion of (475,000, lilso provides for the coinage of 250,000 gold souvenir dolfars which tbe ex position may sell at a profit. The World's Fair Route Those anticipating an Eastern trip, or a visit to the .Louisiana Purchase expo sition at St. Louis, cannot afford to overlook the advantages offered by the Missouri Pacific Railway, which, on account of its various routes and gate ways, has been appropriately named "The World's Fair Route." Pasiengera from the No-IU west take the Missoubi PAOirio trains from Den ver Or Pueblo with the choice of either going direct through the Kansas City, via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill. Two trains dally from Denver and Pueblo to 8t. Louis without change, carrying all classes ol modern equip ment, including electric lighted obser vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten dally trains between Kansas City anil St Louis. : .. i ; . . ' . Write, or call on W. O. McBrlde, General Agent, 124 Third et, Portland for detailed Information and illustrated literatuie. tf. Congratulations. Mr. John 11. Oullom, Editor o' tht Garland, Texas, News, has written a facjuree congratulations to tbe menii lettei of. of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, as follows: "Hiiteeo years ago when our first child was a baby be was . subjoot to oroupy spells and we w uld be very uneasy about biro. We began nslng Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and Hulling it such a reliable remedy for colds and oroup, we have never been without it in the house siuoe that time. We have five children and have uiveu it to all ol them with good remits." For Sale by all druggists. Notice to Water Consumers j All persons using city waier will pay their water rent into the office of Wm Miller, Recorder, before the 10th day of each month, otherwise their water will be shut off, and i dolin- quenoyfina assessed. By order of the, Mayor and Council of the City ol La Gr'aBile, Oreg n. KOR RENT A furnished four room cottage, fn- of Mrs Zuber. U Cleaning Time Does your alley or yari need d an ingf Have you any old rubbish that needs to be taken away? If so, tins up phono 12.11, and you can get the gar bage WBgOD . 3-18-t-!8 FOR RENT A block of ground with bearing orchard, garden, small house and barn. Inquire at the office of F S Ivanhoe NOTICE Dressmaking and Plain Sew ing. Next door to Mrs. Sheak'a resi dence. 'North of the Railroad shops. 4-3-11 Mrs. Adna Rogers. LOST Between La Grande and Deal Canyon, a 33 Smith and Wesson re volver. Finder please leave a" this office and receive rewatd. : . C W Martin FOR SALE 5 lots, with good dwell ing house 'and barn on out skirts of City. For futher particulars see G W Thomas at Bock and Thomas Meat Market " 3 22 tf. WHEN YOU WANT ROBBER STAMPS REMEMBER ME. I manufacture every etyle on any niountiug and tarry a complete stock of Pads, Inks, Racks, Daters, Rubber Type, eto. Seals,' St. noils, Trade Check, Door Plates, Postal Scales. Write me what you wnnt, I can please you by return mail. Eveiy -tamp requirement supplied. WESLEY ANDREWS, Biker City. I Handsome Men - j Should protect their S beauty by eeoing that they have, only ; COMPETENT BARBERS j J To shave tliem. We S will protect your face J Evans & Fitzgerald aBBBBrlBBBBaieiStBaillllB j BH i S STEWARD'S OPERA HOUSE , -i Wednesday, April 13 . B A Speclacular Production of the Beayliful : . Southern Drama I Si well $ ' H Vandnrmulen : o ! v "In Old Kentucky" I Presented by local talent under the auspices of the Forresters of America n H m Z PRICES 25. 35 and 50c Seats on Sale at Van Bi rrn's D , ' Sunday Morning. Doors open at 7:30. ODIBBIHDDRBSBRai 1EI9II CALIFORNIA PRIVET. ,i Mukes a beautiful fence or screen for city lots. Its , foliage is so dense as to tlmt out nil wind. It is an evergreen and can be cut to any shape or form, It is hardy and grows on any soil. Also fiue for cemetery lots. Fruit, shade and weeping trees, shrubs, roses, tic. Let us know your want we do the rest. Write box 637 or phone 1101. i . l,,t ' QUEEN CITY GREENHOUSE THE ABC S ' T .-4r Is now Rnadyjf' : ; Launary fr n.isiue : With our new up-to-da!e Plant we are in a Position to turn out tliu best of work. Shor Order wnk a spen:alty. Phone No. 185 Call us up und our wagon will call. ! A B C LAUNDRY PHONE j i85i IIBP1IIII BiailBRBBB B n D AC raarosssmfma. imMWNiiMwtsBss!igsaiasi9 tms sssssmmsBimsti'iessisB DO YOU WANT CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? If so, we can locate you ou some fine claims in Wallowa County, WHITE FLOUR " Js n.illrd with the idea of pleasing every dealer's high B olass trade-cuBtomers who appreciate quality. The & name of the Pioneer Flouring Mill Co. guarantees re- liability aud highest grade in every sack of flnu B bearing the White Rose brand. Poneer Flouring Mill Co. B B IBIIIHIllDllflllllilin iBOOBoaBaDgBaBDssp.ssiitiiii : Union Steam Laundry. Will Open Monday. We have put chased the Union Steam a Laundry, which we will commence to op- er ate Monday, April 4. o This plant is one of the best t'iinpped in Ea-tern Oregon. All our work is guaranteed to .ive perfect O satisfaction at the lowest trire. " ' a Our wagon is at your service. Telephone Number ,931. "j Your Trade Solicited ; Jeinison & Company, ! WUh to announce that on Saturday February 27 ' tbey will open a first class Meat Market iu the phi 1 Stand : "the boss" Corner Railroad & Fir Sty ! We will always keep on baud agoodBtockoflreBh and pmoki'd meats, sau- suge , fish aud poultry, ! . and will be glad to meet ! nil in old natrons arid as many new ones. AH i -orders will receive our ; prompt attention. J Phune48l . Fonr of a kind is a prett7 good hand at canls. Uut at tho butclier's its the kind that counts, not the four. Wa keep only one kind of meat, the kind that's fresh, healthy, tender and uicy. ' Buy your steaki an1 chops here, and they'll always he right. Our stook is well-led and p-1 operly cared for. Conse quently our moitt hits a delicious flavor. Bock & Thomas Early Risers ' THE MH0US LITTLE PILLS. 1 Per quick relief from Biliousness, Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun dice, LMulness, and all troublea aris ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver, DeWltt'a Little Early Risers are un equalled. They act promptly and never gripe. They are so dainty that 1 1 Is a pleasure to take them. One to two act as a mild laxative ; two or four aot as a pleasant and effective cathartlo. They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonlo the liver. ' FRKPARID OHkV SV B. C. DaWitt tc Co., Chloarfn Foi" Sn'e by all Druggists NOTICE: I would like all my old frieiids and custoii ers to know lhat I have rent ed a portion of A. J. Webb.s feed qm for LIVERY P11KP08ES and will be found there for-buslness with first-class rigs and good accomo dations, I will also board horses by Ihe n.onth. Horses bought, sold and exchanged. G. W. ALLEN ADAMS AVE. Phone mi. o o o Th o Like a Comet is flmnil VMmstrli do9 for ihm tlnm. men mat which It Is unable to do (or ltlf ur II h..a wwi tilltuODIO, Kodol aturmllt ihak ...) 1 luicea of rfiastin j I doe tho work of the 1 tomach. re axlntv ik. DarVOIiej tnstlnn ..Lit- 1 urn Inflamed muscte.. 1 and membr.nMAf ik.i Orpan ara ii...j rest and heal. It cures IndlPflltfnn l-i. .1- DalDltatfnn nt ik. k..a ' IWrvoua Hvnni ..j I y-r-"r's aim til stomach troubles by cleansltia ntrif. j v, aii;ui mna I fengthenlng the glands, I membnnss a! tk. ch and dlgesUvs organs. In the sky comas me aiar or neaiui to the weak and weary despot uoiu aspepna our ma; an to m ton troubles and dlgestlvt) auoraarsb Kodol DyspepaaCure McDanlel 6c McDonald, 742 FIR STREET tmtrit Tm. L. WALLOWA, OREGON aMMfflmiillli III IISIU1IHS lliHHIIISIalaMSPWaUSMW Y or bale by all Druggists V i '