1 A. MORNING LA GRANDE OBSERVER:1-:, VOLUME III LA GRANDE. OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 8. 1904. NUMBER m REPUBLICANS NAME A GOOD TICKET A Spirited Session, but the Nominees are Enti , ( tied to and will Receive the Full Party Strength. The Ticket Representative N OMoLeod, Elgin Oletk Jamea B Oilman, La Grande ' Sheriff J W WalJon, Onion Assessor lien Qromi, Inland City Recorder D U Pr.iotor, Elgin Coraminiioner J M Seldere, Cove " Treasurer John FrawUy, Summer ville. Sebool Superintendent R A Wil kinson, La Uranda Surveyor T R Berry, Union ' Corooor J C Henry, Lk Grande Elgin was the . p ilitioal en er of thought and action ul tlin o uinty WE HAVE PLANNED FOR AN IMMENSELY INCREASED BUSINESS THIS SEASON IN Mens Superbly Tailored Suits and Topcoats To a compllsh this we rrnllze that we must place this Btoie firmly lu the minda of still greater numbers of men as trw eafnat place In the state to purchase clothes. The lines have been carefully selected aftor a thorough, personal lniiei'tiun of thi most reliahH pm tactions of trn8t.v..rthy rainiifiiGturora. Culm, Wilmpold & Co'a. superb line IB our leader. The values have been made absolutely greater and more apparent than ever before fnr the rrieej. -., No'i y Pinelieck worsted fn t lniiortul lilm k lliibel uit Swell So cli tweed suite Smoi tU liulfhyil CHPsinieretiiiilH llood Wo liiiigU.n ('lu vi' I nitE Black clay worste-t s-m-s An enormous aiitlieiin of the dressiest s-cav-s fur eoi reel prine and summer wear. Coats out in the l.ew :t Ini ton and 4-bnttrn ed ka. Al o ilnjjle and double breamed .- Evtry ganni'Lt if of finest cus tom tailoring eort. metropolitan etylts, high-clssi finishing. , In fit every karmenl lonfurm to the figure, n matter whai position y u nvninu. BtlUllig. een b lin.l bllltun boies made to withstand' severe strains, long and peri-Went wear. THE CHICAGO A COUGH SUGGESTION Tbis is the teason wlim obronic throat find lung troubles get their start. Any cough is teri us enough to have prompt attention and it is also important that th? bait poih'.e lem jdy is secured. We hopf you will try our WHITE PINE COUGH BALSAM We feel that this is i:i many respects a superior remedy and that once familiar with it, you will rely ou it as your gnneral household cough cure. It is pleasant to lake and cures as quickly as any safe remedy can. Price 25 and 50 cents. NEWLIN DRUG CO. Thursday. The opening ol the cam paign started by the holding ol the Republicin county convention. At 11:30 county chairman JD Ctsey oilleJ theoonveoti n to order en 1 8?oretary W B .Sargent read tb call. On motion of J. F Baker, Cbaa E Coahrao was noninated temporary obairman, H G Rinehart moved the the no-nination be made unanimous which carrie I. WB Sargent wa uominited tem porary secretary which was made nn- animouB on motion ISO McLeod. lu taking the ch. lir Mr Oiuhrao de- j lUlMHIIIItH .t ''- 1 WMfOLO t CO. 'iMM ''rl I Anurlca't moat ?iErl I Clothe Mttw. livered an eloquent address, citing tlie laot that Oregon woulrt be the first state to open the campaign which would reault In plaoing the greatest living champion of the righn tf the public, Theodoia Roosevelt in the presidential chair. The chair on motion appointed the following committees: ON CKEDEFTIAL8 Jasper H Slevens, Ohaa Q Hugg, Cove; 0 D Gondnough', La Qr anile; J E Reynolds, La Grande; F W Davis Union . . ON PERM EN ANT ORGANIZATION E W Bartlett, La Grande; H 0 Rinehart, Surumerville; VY 0 Eyder, Elgin; 0 W Noyee La Grande; JE Foley La Grajide. ORDER OF BUSINESS J vV Knowles La Grande; L A wright Uuion; George Hapes Elgin; J 1' Baker La Grande, W 6 MoM.ll leo Starkly. ; ON RESOLUTIONS : J H Peare La Grande; F Ktlpatriok La Graude; J 0 Bun net t Summeiville SO Swaokhammer Union; J L Tuck er Inland City. . ; After the chair announced tbe oom mttties the convention adjourned un til 1:30 . .. . ; . Upon reconvening the reports of tbe credential was adopted also tbe Fani'5 strips worked suits Mixtl Englich wor-ti-d tnils' 2 -piece q Hurler lint! hjnie spun suits. Con. crash c ate ami trnt.ners Kflncy mlxetl cheviot tojicnuls Fine covert cloth topcoats The man in ilu picture is weur I k a b i' Menlical with the ones we are Belling,. The artist drew this picture of a man wear!.. gone of our garmeuta o as to show you the exa-t np pfarance of this suit in a trying position. You do not hove to bo of regu lar p oportioiif, fur m to fit you. Our eizeB run !a longs, ellmi and at -utfl, so that wo cin meet ihe reqoircuir-iite of your figure a well as any t nil or. All ourijArtucnts larthe Union iaM the symbol r f sanitary ami or thy gixKls. Hon 8ii i: s and topcoat (15 to $18 STORE " oommitty'a report on organ'iation which raa o make tbe temporary or- ganiiatioo permanent . Tae report of tbe committee on re solutions a followj was adopted. Resolutions Adopted RE80LVED, that vra earnestly en dorse tbe present Republican adminl stratlon ta admini tered by President Koosevelt tid earnestly desire his re noeitnatlon as president. RESOLVED, that we compliment our present senators and representatives for the earnest work they have dons lu behalf of onr teloved state. RESOLVED, also that we as re pre sentatlves of tbe republican party of this countv, realizing that there baa been disscntlon in our ranks in the part, would earnestly favor any propoei tlon that ia equity would promote bar mony In the paity aud acceptable to the majority ol the republican party. Com on Resolutions. Thus far there was not a jtr until tbe report on order of business. Tbe majority report favored ono. delega tion to both state and congressional conventions the minority report fav ored ten delegates to eaob. Ihe vote on this question was the first test vote to show the relative atreog' li of tbe Moody and Williamson supporters re sulting in a vote of 33 to 60 in favor of the Moody men adopting tbe ma jority report. Following the adopted order of busi neas tbe folio., ing ticket wr.s nominat ed. For repr .'Mutative attorney N 0 MoLaod of Elgin was nominated by J F Baker and on motion of J w Knowles was deolared tbe uuanimoua cboioe of the convention. In response to ories for a b peach Hr McLeod oortainly demonstrated his ability that when elected be was qualified on the 11 lor of tbe leglnla- tme to maintain and oarry out tbe wishes of bis constituents. Jamea u Utlham of La Uranae was nominated for olerk by Lucius wright of Union. Mr Gilliam deultned at this tin e and this order of busineen w passed, wheu taken up latter Mr Gilham aocepted the nomination and In ovation teudered him oortainly wus inch to convince him that he would receive the hearty support of ivory delegate in. the couvuntiou. J vi wtldon ol Uuion waa nominat ed for riheriff b acclamation. For Assessor Ben Browo ol Island Oity was nominated without oppmi tiou. I) H Proctor was renominated by reclamation for Reoorder. Tbe fiist con lee t was for oimmis inner the nominees being P A Mo Donald of Alioel and J M Beldors of the Cove the resu't of tbe vo e being 34 to 66 in favor of Mr Bnldere. . A Republican ticket would not be ocroplete without tbe name of John Frawley for treasure and be was no minated by acclamation. For rlchool Superintendent R A Wilkinson of La O rands waa unanim ously chosen . T R Berry of Union waa nominal) d for county surveyor For Goronor J O Henry and Dr willard Smith were placed in nomi nation tbe ballot standing 75 to 15 in favor of Mr Homy. Precinct Officers John E Huff was nominated for Juatloe of tbe Peace and J M Frasiei for Constable for La Crande, Following the completion of tbe tioket osine the selection of 10 dele gates to tbe state and eongressional conventions. At this j ncture the following resolutions were adopted and a battle royal was waged on tbe II Kir for over one bour: RF.80I.UT10N9 W'llEHEAH, the factional differences In the Republican party of this county. have resulted in the laat eight years, in the election of democrat to all the political and Important offices; and, WHKRKAB, the majority of the re. publican party is so imall in this conn'y, that it is necessary to have unit ed and harmonious action in the ail ministration of party e Hairs, in order to be suucei'ful at the pills at the com ing election; therefore; BE IT RESOLVED, that it is the tin psrative duty of Ihe delegates In this convention asaemhled. to lay aside, for the common party good, all personal and factional differences and ambitions. BE IT RKHOLVEI), that we favor electing a statu and corigreealonsl dele gstion, selected from the different sec tions of the county, si cording to the representation of snch sectlou In this convention, and that each locality, by its delegates In this convention make the seleotion and that such selection be ratified by this convention. BE IT RESOLVED, that tbe delega tion to the state Congressional conven. tlon, be selected from men of each of the reeognlsed party factions in equal proportions, instructed to cast one half of the vote of this county for erntrse- ni an Williamson, and one half ol said vote for ex-congressman Moody. : Here it was demonstrated what a thoroughly organised minority may aoomplish. Tbe Williamson forces an der the leadership of j w Knowles, F S Ivanboe, Q M Rlchey, H B Oavana and others in tbe interests ol bat mony pleaded for a divided delegation and tbe result of tbe vote on a motion to lay the resolution on tbe table shows how nearly tbey succeeded. Tbe vote to lay on table 46, opposed 41, blank votes 6. Tbe leaders on the floor who opposed the resolution were J A Good brod, J F Baker, and K w Bartlett who took the position that an in structed divided delegation would have no standi igor influence in the conventions. , ; Following the tabling of tbe resolu tions came the election of 10 delegates to tbe state and congressional con ventions resulting In tbe selection ol tbe following: ; O E Cochran, 8 O 8wokhamer, Di 0 T Bacon Judd Geer Frank Kllpat riok jos Nibley j M Craig U G Couoh U O Mapes and Charles Hug. Mo instructions were made bui there is no question but all rill sup port Mr Moody if bis name is present ed, while tbe eootrst was presuinsd to bava been made along tbe Moody aod Williamson lines tbe prosecuting attorneyship was no small factor, Tbi success of tbe Moody men was con strued to mean anti-Ivauboe. A di vided de'egation would mean at least 6 delegates for M'. Ivanhoe in tbis oouniy. The result is now said to narrow tbe ooi.teat for district attor ney to Mr Luuiai of ; Union and Mi Moore of Baker City. Cbaa K Cochran as a result ol his ruling on ail questions was unani mously elected chairman of the coun ty ceotral committee and the effici ni 8-rvinea of tbe past made w B Sargentn election as secretary likewise uuani moua. After Ilia nominations for preoinot ulficers aud committeemen and the vote of thanks for the careful consid eration of the convention at the bands of the good oitisns of Elgin the oon voution adjourned. ' They did a good days work, placed a good tieket in tbe field, one that every republican oan an J will support uezt June. Extraordinary Values in Boys' Clothing If you have not visited our boys' department lately ycu can not realize the purchasing power ol your dollar. We CAN, AND DO, give more REAL value in boys' wearing apparel than any house in Eastern ' Oregon This coupled with the largest in all lines that are necessary for the dressing of the coming man easily makes us the Boys' Outfitters of the season. BOY3" NORFOLKS tl 60 This is not a leader but a true index to tbe large as sortment open for your inspection in our boys' de pitrtmmit. Neat dark mixed pnttems made in Norfolk style 11.50. THE CONVENTION . t IN WALLOWA CO. Moody Forces Were in Moody Delegates will go to ;;r:;i , Portland. Enterprise, April 7 Special to the Observer At the Republican County convention for Wallowa oounty held in Joseph today the Moody forces were in control of the organisation. Tbe delegates ta the State Convention are all avowed Moody men and will support Hr. Mo dy for Congress at the State Convention. - Tbe following oounty ticket was nominated: Oounty Judge, A. O. Miller; Com Convention Chairmen Washington, April 8 Ex-Beoretary Root will be temporary obairman and Speaker Cannon permanent obairman of tbe Republican National Conven tion at Chioago. Tots is in accord ance with the conclusions of leading Republican politicians In Washington and it is understood tbe arrangements meet with tbe approval of those , in itber parts of tbe country - who 'have aeen oonsulted. : ' Easter Party : The Damon Krant gave an enstnr party last night at the home of Mra O 8 Williams anUirtalned by Mrs James Snodgrass and MrB Williams. " III the hird contest MIsr liMna Hchllke and Mr Kred Kiaher won first nriwis. Coiiuulu lion prices wuro won by Mr Giehel unci Mlas Mario Omrk. Ill iiiityinn. th l.ovorB Knot Mlsa Kniina Clnrk scciiieil Urst hunoi'B, A delicious lunch was aerved. : ' .V' :"' ""' : ' '1" ' : Miss Martin Aldrlch ami Miss Ueesie Wurahill will be the next entertainers. A. E. and S. L The A E and S L n:et WeduCHday evening at the hunie of Mra 1) Hais. ten, where tbey were pleaaantly enter tained. Tne evening waa spent in playing ' Flinoh" an I "Trix," after whtob refreshments were served. Those present were : Mr and Mrs BLUE SERQE 3.75. SUITS Made in tbe Norfolk style this euit is all wool, a garment of real met it, such as yon have alway been in tbe habit ol' paying 4 CO to 5.00 for. We have priced thuin at 3,75. , fr It? Control There Too, and .si missioner J T Van! Camp, Sheriff J O Shackolford, Clerk Ben T Weathers, Assessor 0 M Lock wood, Treasurer J . P Hamilton, Bobool Supt J W Kerns, Surveyor J I) Zuioher, Coroner Dr E : RSeeley, , ,. j , " The delegates to the State Conven tion are: ' " ,' - " ' ' , Geo Hyatt, J A Rumble, J H Dot bin. E A Holmes, w. H Allen and w H Baker. T - J Whlby, Mr and Mrs A V Oliver, Mr . aod Mrs J K Wright, Mr and Mrs jonn jininony. mrs u w i nomas ana Miss Berger. Quests who were enter tained were Mr and Mrs H B Halsten - and Mr Jas flaUten., ,v. .... . Birthday Dinner;,- Russell W Cross, wife, daughter and v granddaughter all dtped yeaterdaj at the 'home o( Mr and Mra WB Campbell In hoiKir or. Mr. jCampbell's birthday, An elegant dinnef was served nd Mr and Mra Campbell related many Inter eating incidents of their -travels in Ar . Isoua an I California during tie past winter. After a 'most enjoyable day gocd byes were said and good wishes expruHsod. The day-was ono long to be reniomliernil. f . , ' ; " Whist Club' The VVblat Club was entertained Thursday afternoon at tl.e home of Mra Book, by Mrs -Book - aod Mrs Oavana. Thn firl prize waa won by Mrs White and the second by Mrs Sargent, . Those present . were ' Mesdsme Knoil, Pattiaon, Remilard, Erloksonj Given, Molden, . Hoetcb, ; Bargee tj While, Dunn, Ormond and Bnodgrassi The next meeting will be at tL4 home of Mrs Sargent who will be assisted in entertaining by Mrs Ori mood. long pants suits In fitnoy mixed wool suit-jfl ingA, CBRBiruere and obevfV raugiug from ages JQ K yf g. suits -that havv been regarded" .. ."; values at M'l.tu 5.00. v,-- sV -S3"-, -