FOR BENT : A forniahed four room uctiaga. ! A FEW OBSERVATIONS BY OUR REPORTFRS In- ofMrsZuber. MHIMHM( : ' . -. - - 7, 't'.J.r1r V '; IIS t j . . .. TriaLSt and moo rNC(. CABLIP ri.L AND MOO FKHCK. ii oiwiuil ap4 Ovin ft; awl Web THERE IS AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING STOCK From running tit large, but you can see them in the streets jnst the same. The , . only safe way is protect your lawns and flower gardens is to fenoe against ibem. -1 " ' hare several different styles of yard fence v .at prices to suit all Also all heights of. 1 . poultry fanoe for your chicken yard.-' MRS. T. N. MURPHY ..; .,t. Shovels Spades, Hardware, The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams. ;.r-vrrr iUuiHnf ui mu n fund. Thone 1581 JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 -.14 COME In and examine our line of WILSON SHIRTS Just Arrive j Gar.U-uin is the or ler oltlie day. ' Dr'Molltor i liavltiic life res'dem painted. ' .." . ",'! I MrtieoPulner led last night on business trip tn Omaha. I RherifT C C Pennington and depu y Sheriff Frank Thy are in the city . David Wilson, a capitalist of Rpokace was a Ka Urande visitor yesterday .i. A number of delegate will go to Elgin today from various parts of the county. Mrs Mitchell and family went to Union last night to aitend the funeral of Grandma Mitchell. . The little three yar old daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Meyera ie quite tick with pneumonia, , ; , . j. :, . .. fbe price of potatoes areisdvanclnf?. We were informed yesterday that one blpper was paying 90 centa at sack. , ' Recorder D H Proctor went to Elgin yesterday morning to vIsiyTTf home i scan b or Second Hand Goods Bought and sold. We call at your bouse for your ' aseond hand goods. We offer you the following x ' Bargains:' ' Oavpsntorstoolcheit...., ..$3.60 . Sofa:.'..;..... ...2.50 Lcange..;; ... . :.. ................... .1.50 ... Cook stoves.. .....4to 10 ' ' Carpet par yard,. .... . . . .10 to 25o ' BedBteads .." ....lto5 ; Bteyoles... ........... ..6to 20 ' Sot double harness ............... ... ........ 7.50 . Sewing machine............ '..4 Extension table...... 4 TURKESTAN ALFALFA. . . , The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri- .' ''wiV'": gtion, ,.t .,...'.. BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley. Oats, Etc' The only Seed House in Union County. A:. V. Oliver Till DBS AND CENTS FURNISHINGS. OS - 11 LV.'.a .'.) eee and will remain over to that Thursday. G Franklin & On who. pmf Ormond bankrupt grace y I , SOMMER HOUE , Frank III il'nan . ,, Rik-rCiy !" K'leg ; , - ' v I'or-latnl II Puirbn.lliia do R W Cox - ' w do ' S K Manin ,: . . do M L Kvlroii do I. Dsvia - ' do O ltio ' Spokane Marry Bartlett . . do : O Smith Boise Kobt Illumeastein , - Elgin J If Pby 'J ' , '' Union oeo Price . ' . Boston Mrs Y M Littleton ' . Enterprise GIRL WANTER Girl wanted to do ' general bouse work' No washing. - done in the house. Inquire at the Observer office. - IUB1UI.U going toc'oBe it out withi few days. See their ad elsew! "Old Kentucky" will be tb traction at Steward's Orjera will be played on Wednesdale of 13, under tlie auspices of the-fi ners John E Buff bas vetur California, he was on the that met the train that was bandits. He aaw the murdei man. Engineer. Moore who has for the past 37 yt ars and is no' of age, is to be congratulated excellent physical examinaU yesterday. ' The Bev W L Van Nuya wllll foe the usual Wednesday evetingl meeting this evenintr. lie ex( leave on the eve .ing train aiheir prayer meeting for Pendleton, lease J A Arbuckle has placed in tue". Restaurant a new cash register very latest design. Mr Arhuc; . Iieea In keeping the Model strii to-dute in every respect. in reporting the names oi the teachers ol the Blue Mountain eity who attended the reunion tjo: of Attorney Job F Kaker waa on' Mr baker taught for several years Parties from Union who came last evening state that county clerk Mlnipaugh bad decided to ask for nomination at the hands of the cratlc convention. He at one made It public that he did not desire a renomlnation. Thus Roup and eon, W J Roup, of Joseph, passed through the city last bight enroute to Boise, Idaho, where they expect to buy 'property and looate. The Roups are ploneor sittlers of Wal lowa valley and this is the first time the elder Mr Roup has been out of the valley for ID years. ... Joha Alden was down fivm Slarkey Tuesday and took home with htm a thoroughbred birkshire pig purchased from Blockland Broa. Mr Alden atatoe that spring lias finally made Its appear ance at Utarkcy, stock are being turned out to pasture and white the feeding season wus long there were fewer losses than common. Hon D A McAlister was In the city Tuesday and publicly announced his candidacy for cougreaa on the Democra tic ticket If Mr McAliater really de sins the nomination we do not ' pre sume he will have any opposition. As this district is so largely republican that there is seldom mucb of a contest for tliis olllce on tho democratic ticket. The Diroi tor of lira Willametlee Glee Club has arranged a delightful prog mm for the season of 19(11, a program that Is emphatically entertaining from begin ning to eod. The Ulee Club always slugs best to a full house, so if you want the beet there Is In the club, induce your friends to attend. The concert oc.'iirp next Friday night at the Opera House, u ifoDesty . , Had there been but two more Democrats On"tbe Supreme Court bench the . dr cUion would have been alL that J. J. Hill. and all the trusts a in America could desire, for it would have declared ' that " the Constitution granted the gener al government no authority to control trusts created by state laws and doing business within .state lines. ' 1 , ' ' ' So long as the Democratic party adheres to ' its "time honored principle" of "slriot construction of the United Stoles Constitution" and "state rights," the hope of the trusts and monopolists is concentrated in tbe success of the Democratic party. - - HIUH GIVING is possible at low cost. Our patrons are particularly well fed, tet none could be accused of spending too much money on the "inner man" At THE MODEL RE8TAURANT excellent meals are served at a vory reasonable pii -e. The food is of the fin at quality; well cooked and well served . Dining room is elk .appointed and comfort able. - .. . : ' Shod el l RESTAURANT jg J. A. AKBUUKLK, Prop. I OPEN DAY AND MIGHT We Fell weekly Ileal iicaets, uti al t u 'H50 . L it.. mis. y DacK it not sat- ftd. So few come if a a B can ailord to do W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist, Depot Street r TX ... ...... - . . K Vi. f 1 . . - "... . : : --t ik I'V" 'f' T k "XT TT trt1 .fN A r 11 I I The Entire Stock of I Staple & Fancy GROCERIES Congratulations. Mr. John H. Cullom, Editor o' the Garland, Texas, News, bas written s farturea congratulations to tie manu lettei of of Chamberlain's Cough Kemciy, aa follows: "Sixteen years ago ulien our first child was a baby be was subjeot to oroupy spells and we w tild be very uneasy about bim. We began using Cham berlain'! Cough Remedy in 1887, and Hulling It eucb a reliable remedy for onlds and croup, we have never been without it in the house since that time. We have five children and hate given it to all of them with good results." For Sals by ail drug gins. FOR BALE IM aacka of fine early rose (red potatoes. S H ut ol L Olden burg's farm. 4-0 U J 8 Chandler BOARD AND ROOM Ploasant rooms and good board for gentlemen. In(ul-e at 601 T alreel known aa the Hughes house. 3 4 tl FOR RENT A five room furnished house for rent. For particulate phone 771 or 19;I3 or Inquire of Mrs G W Henry. ' 4-1 - Of Ormond & Co. will be Stock muse be sold quickly, up now for tbe season. sold .t CUT PRICES. It will pay you to stock SALE STARTS THURSDAY, APRIL 7 i Franklin & Co. La Grande AW. Co. Ycu can sav; mor.ey . by buying your goods' at the New Store. Watch our ad.-We special Sale Saturday. will have ancther La Grande Mercantile Co., Phone 1901 . LA GRANDE, - - - - OREGON WOOD WOOL1; Tbe best in the try, lowest fnici. , COAL FINE LUMP. Anything in (lie HAY and GKAIN line. Call at our tt'ire Sinter building, or phone 1801. GRANDE RONDE CASH COMPANY. Free delivery 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Retail (1,JH t4&S 4 A very handsome find complete line of MILLINERY now on sale At the Bargain Store. I E. ML Wellman & Co. t&$&$Q&$Q-&9& Wt'l-ti-.Vilt&frfr!t S I y". a y . W now k,an i ure Ay INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but ono way to do this; namely, relievo the Stomach of its tit rvous strain rest it; and at the same time t.l:e Stomach and Diges tive Organs in Digesting and Asimu)atiug Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Iuvoleed. There it but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL TELL YOU A. T. HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore First-Class JOB WORK at the OBSERVER We Have Not Said Much About It, But r444.K.irHm. I We Have Ladies' Trimmed Hats Too The Very Latest Direct From New York, The City That Sets the Pace in Fashions. I THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY V 1308-1310. 1312, ADAMS AVLNUE. LA GRANDE.' MIMIIIHIIIIItMMIMMH.IIIt')IIIIIIHHMHtHHf4iMM.tMHltttHmttl ttlllllllt, I 4 i t 1