40 swtaWJS-'X" .. ... . .. - - " - : t . s r - f' " r .1 ...- 4..yS. J?:-. r VOLUME III LA GRANDE. OREGON. WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 6. 1904. NUMBER 129 LA GRANDE r "l -!l:" DEMOCRATS HOLD PRECINCT CAUCUS Delegates Nominated in Three Precincts 7 - Attend the Convention at ' Elgin April 14. Then wen D-iroooratio eauaus last evening: in preoinois one two and thro, Rod the Inllowitig were nomi nated to 1e o'ed npja at the pri aaarias next fhiiirdav . Precinoi Ni I Henry Hensan 0 E Fowler 0 Bal aton B Logedoo Oha L Owsh y Thou Bobbt Ja Terry Soott . Ooodall J C Galling CIiiib Teal A Tbomai Mike Oartall E U Roberts Will R)nearoo. Preoinot No 2 A Newliu T Waleh J P Halley B , L Llnooln H L Alexander 0 8 Duon J If Berry L Riyburn J B F.sher L D .. Reevi M J Ually H 0 Grady J J) Mo WE HAVE PLANNED FOR and Topcoats To a 'coinplleh this we realize list we must place this store firmly In the minds of still greater numbers of men as the safest place In the state to purchase clothes. The lines liave been carefully selected after a thorough, personal Inspection of the most reliable productions of trustworthy nunofaetarers. Cahn.Vampld A Co's. snperb line ie our leader. The values have been made absolutely greater and .more apparent than ', . aver before lor. tlietu;ke. . ,(w j ' v;-,ii-'i-:' ; s'" e-;:r .'- '' "' ' '. Nobby Pincheok worsted suits Imported blaek Thibet suits . Swell Scotch tweed suits 8mooth. finished Caesimere suits Good Washington Clu vli t Ftiits Black clay worated soils An enormous gatlierinr of the dressle't weav s for correct Fring and summer w i r. Coats out in the new :i button and 4-bnttnn sa ks. Also single and double breacted. - Every garment is of finest cus tom tailoring sort metropolitan styles, high-class finishings. In fit every ga-ment conforms to the figure, no matter what position y n assume. Stitching, eeams an1 huttoi -holes mode to withstand severe strains, long and ieriitetit wear. THE CHICAGO A COUGH SUGGESTION This is the season when cbr.mic throat and lung troubles gnt tlioir sUrt. Any cough is teri tus enough to have prompt attention and it is also important that the be 3t po.aible reinvdy is secured. We ' hope you will try our WHITE PINE COUGH BALSAM We leel that this is in in tiny respects a luperior remedy and that once familiar with it, you will rely ou it as your general household ' riiugh cure. It is plcasaut to lake and cures a; quickly aa any safe remedy can. Price 25 and 50 cents. NEWLIN DRUG CO. to Kenuon F Bock Julius Roesoh J H MoLachlen Wm Masterton D Wilsoo. Eighteen wire nominated 8 to be elec ted. Preciuot So 3 J M McOall 4 Staokland John Wit eon Jobn Slater J W Kennedy J as Lasley Jat White 0 E Oliver O Llley Jas MoCoy A Cuitis H Bowe AL Richardson Clerk There aie 7 to te elected. For Elgin A number nf delegates and otbera from Union and North Powder came AN IMMENSELY INCREASED Superbly f nil in last evening on Ibeir wav to Elgin including Ohae E Cochran. Leroy Lomax, John Walden, Jobn Gilkin aon and county tressure Jobn Fntwley FLOOD, SITUATION GROWING WORSE Vlooeune?, Ind April 5 Tba flood situation . here baa not improved. High wiuds have still further weaken ed the levees and breska are oonttant- ly occurring. Mure men than ever before are working on them. Beliel partiee are being tent from here and fiom Illinois towns aoroee the river. A steamer left today tor Bnsiellville Belgrade and other towns with provi sions. Easter services were held at St Thomas C.iuicu though it was sur rounded by water.. Ferry-toate and skills were used by the congregation. One boat upset with five women. All were rescued. In Lawrenoe County, Illinois and Knox Oonnty Indiana the flood loss will be $100,000. K Pensions Increased Washington April 6 The house pass ed the senate bill Increasing, tba pen sions . of soldiers and sailors totally blind as a result, of military or naval aervlce from (72 to f 100 per month . The number of these pensioners la (00. BUSINESS THIS SEASON IN Tailored Suits Fancy stripe wonted suits Mtxd English uorfted suits 2-plece. quarter lined home spun suite. Coo! ornsh c ats and trousers l''ancy uilxol cheviot topmals Fine covert cloth topcoats The man in the picture is wear, i g a s it identical with the ones we are selling. The artist drew this picture Ol a man wearing one of our garments so as to show you the exa t an- . pearanre of this suit in a trying position. , You do not have to be of regu lar p oportions for us to fit you. Our sizes run in longs, slims and stouts, so that we cm meet the requirements of your figure ai well as any tailor. All ourgarments hear the Union Label the symbol of sanitary and worthy goods. ' Men suits and topcoats (15 to (IS STORE CRIMINAL CASES Three Cases Came Up in u .t Justice!;; Grant's Court Tuesday One Bound Overjj Justice Grant's ooljrt was busy Tuesday witb criminal-matters. , The first ease was tba one ot' the Stale of Oregon vs Ubae Ellsworth. Ellsworth is accused of breaking-Into Fraiisr'a grain waieboute some time ago and stealing a number of se)ks of wheat. He was placed under bonds ot $100 to appear for trial oeit Friday wbloh bonds were tarnished, -i ' ' '" The next was a cam ib wblcb Chas Henry is accused ot pointing a gun at Thos. Baylis. .-. He will have bis bearing this (Wed nesday) morning. ,, J T W Wells was the third viotlm He is charged with stealing a tailor's outfit from the annex : of tba Hotel Foley. After a preliminary . hearing be was bound over to tba oirouit oourt in tba sum ol $100, in default of wbiob he will be takto' to Union and lodged in til. -3v .'..' A Merry Affair The Pink Two-step given at the Arm ory last evening by Prof and Mrs Simp- eon was a decided tuecess, and adds to their alreadysplendld reputation among the pleasure seekers of La Grande. Easter bells, Venation decorations. streamers of green, pink and white witb plnk-pcaaVianinsliaXt '" trlandirW oak leaves around the walls! made the hall a veritable bower of beiuty. The occasion was one of the moat pleasant of the entire Beacon. . Invita. tions were given out last evening for two more dances to be given by Mr and Mrs Simpson. The first after the "Who is Who" pany next Thursday evening, is a cake walk for . April K. The next is .the Fanners dancu. on April 21. OS-TE-OP-A-THY ELL WHEELER WILCOX J ON OSTEOPATHY The day of powder and pill and knife is nearing its end. The world is becoming too intelligent to be drug- ged'and backed in the vain searob (or health when more agreeable methods are available and better results may he obtained at the same price. I would suggest Osteopathy, The world wauls it. It is absolutely harmless and is more in harmony with Natnre than drugs. Ella Wheeler Wileox Annenl District Attorney Blltor Observer: Tbe Baker City Herald, In its politi cal column, has something to offer In the way of suggesting ideal candidates for the office ol District Attorney, on the Republican ticket, at tho coming elec tion. It suggest Moore of Baker end Lomax, ot Union, a candidates who could defeat White and Messick, re spectively. Upon this question we ap proached a delegate to our coming County Convention, and bo remarked that It was peculiar tbe Baker paper could only see Moore and Lomax in tire field, in view of the fact that Col Ivan, boe, of this city, Is prominently men tionee for tbe place. "I may not fully understand," said the delegate, "what Is Intended by the term 'Ideal') bat If 'an Ideal candidate' meant a man who, geographically, prolesslonally, pollti cally and personally, -all taken together,- Is the strongest man in tbe Dis trict for that office, -and It should go, at this time, to the strongest man, -Col Ivanhoe fully meets the requlrments, I do not say this in criticism of either the Baker paper, or either of its candl dates mentioned, but aa my view of the situation." The office la one of such Importance that It will probably be filled with a nominee who will, in the judgment of the convention, not only win at the polls but ably and honestly perform his duty when elected. X Grande, Oregon, pril 6th, 1004. La Crande Republican. Express and Delivery - Adna Sogers, Phone 1407. All calls receive prompt attention, Ueneial express and delivery buainetf, tf PORT ARTHUR IS IN DANGER Irkutsk, April 6 Local newspaper say Port Arthur is imperiled by lbs proximity of a Russian volunteer ship loaded with 850 torpedoes, each oou tainln( 840 pounds of the terrible ex ploaive, pyroxltne. The ship la an chored behind Eleetrio Hill. .'The Japanese have 'jeen Inlormed of the vessel's situation and are instructed to aim shells in that direction ' Stung to Death Ontario. Of, April- 6 Tba S-yaao-old son tt V W Metcalf, superinten dent of the K 3 A D fruit farm at Ar cadia mat ftotad late last evening. The little fallow was playing about the yard and in soma manner gained ad mittance to an enclosure filled witb numerous stands of bees. Tba base immediately attacked film, and be fore help arrived he was stung so fat tlly that be died ehortly after. . : No Opposition to Hepburn Grestota Iowa, April 6 Tba republl can convention of tt.e Eighth district held here today, renominated Ool P Hepburn by acclamation, , ' Commenced Monday Work waa eommenoed snooting wood down lbs flume from Fox Hill to tba eleetrio light plant at Oro Dell, Monday. About 40 cords wars sent down, wbioh Is about the daily oena- otly of Ibe flame. The flume is ebont two miles long and six men are e ployed in getting down tba wood. Carrying Weapons About eight o'clock last night of ficer Ootoer arrested J a MoCrea or MoOray and took bim before Eeoordtr MUJae na ahataw al ewiyrng- oovrceai--ed weapons. Tba prisoner 1 plead guilty and Mr Miller let bias off witb the minimum fine ot $5.00 after kind ly pointing cut to Ibe gentleman the error of bis ways. Let Us Celebrate La Grande during the past lew years has passed op several celebra tions, now. That the OAR onosmp mailt is to be with in let us get in and assist them on the last day and have a rousing old time Fourth of July celebraliou. La Oraude knows how and let us do it. SPRING HATS. D uutiful aii'l ex'Ousivenees of style combined witb extremely low prices are strong features of our spring millinery department. True worth is stamped ou every bat, and such vaiiety of styles as will be sure to please the most exacting taste. $1.50 to $7.50. EASTER GLOVES. A choice assortment of fine kid gloves that bave stood the lest for many years. Regular i ou gloves me world are priced here 11.25. TRIED I & W WATER FRONT JO' An Infernal Machine Found in cPortland Loaded 1 i Dynamite and Nitro . Glycerine, ' - -. ivf V;"v; j ' Portland," April" B--An 'infernal maobine sufficiently powerful to tear down a business block, was discovered this morning In tba big freight and towing Hear steamer Albany,' ol ibe Western Tranp6rtioi ' line. The boat was lying at the dock, - having bar shaft repaired. , i A defective fuea had burned within an loah of a cap whioli w imbedded in the midst of a box containing 1U0 dynamite caps and the whole: sun t A Reception The Misses Jessie Wad; and Nettle Kiddie received in honor ol Mlsf Vera Oooduough, of Portland, Tuesday evening at Island City. Tba meeting of an old sohool male ant the charm ing entertaioment by ' the1 hostesses, made tbe evening a most pleasant one Miaa Oaro'ine Quimby , and , Howard Eberly oarried iff first and aeoond prises In the first oonteit and .. Miss Imogene Russell and Guy Johnson look the prises in tbe second contest. Those present were:,"'; . Mies Vera Goodnough, Portland; Miss Merl Goodnough, La Grande; Misses Ad'He and Stella Hunter, Tmo- UW? J""Ua ..and 1 Nellie Grimmett, 8crUa7ous, Oaro - lloe Quimby, Jessie Wade and Nettle Kiddle, Messra Meitnn Kiddle, Olaud Stanton, Hugh MoOall , AKa Thomas Ployd Jones, Benjamin and Wilber Zubriok, Clyde Kiddle Guy Johnson and Howard Eberly. - W. R. C. Social ' - : .... " .' The WHO will g'vM a basket social April IS iu Armory hall. ' Kiotl lady is reques'-ed ,o bring a haiket and two bows-of ribbon Instead nf name,. There will be a program and many enter taining feature. .-' e "If you see - it in This boast of the New York Sun is known th" world over and it's about true, "' ; Here is what the New says of. . . . . . Women's Diamond Special $3.00 "The itrenuout life ct the outdoor girl has had Ittefl'ectun the footwear man. The noeds of the up-to-date maiden are no longer met ' by a dainty shoe with only Its beauty to eommena it. A trim, shapely shoe she must have, graceful In Its lines as a Louie Qttinse slipper, but It must be built to stud hard knock of pavement and field. From out of the sturdy west come a aboe that meet this requirement. It rejoices ia the name of ''.Dianiocd Special" and Is muob in evidence," New ITork Soa.-' y - They're Still $ 3.00-No Higher. ;t V The onlv genuine made by the IVters Shoe Co., Jtuis, and we are exclusive agexls. No bi3J tot pf.lc is made in the world. JFKangaroo Dia mond SDAoial i3.no atiJtneri is soft and elegant.: It will not THiD over Jr. v. rounded witb several pounds ol bltro--1 ' glycerine. : '-rA:' ?-;?i? V ; Osteotives deotara if to be at' work? ft ': of Chinese. ". Captain Wbitcomb ae-'?y. oently issued orders barring ait ' Ohini'; ese labor from bis line sidoe which he i has been threatened:1' .The Infernal machine .oolitained , . Chinese napkins used to wad the ex-,v plosives tightly.; (,i'X-f''i''fhV:i-f'-' The orew of Vi men was asleep In ; their bunks at the time when, the fuee ' waa prosomably Ignited', j, pi. : :'90thBiktdaygf I On'. Thursday . April 'tf Pf -Gnb Palmer will oelebrats bar frothy .birtk--day and she will be pJaaaed to bava a)),, her friends call on bar on that date at the residence of her son, .Joseph Pal mer iu Old Town. - Grandma . Palmer 'J, baa a wide otrole of Irieods in iois oily and community, who will be pleased" to extend her congratulations on this ' occasion., i . . Annual Parish Meeting The annual parhb meeting of St. Peter's parish was held at tbe Oburoh last night, and D 8iater,.AIbVI Pat': terson, Mrs Hons'n.' WM i.maev Land, JtfiaMrjndAja p;; 1 vestrymen oltbe parieli lor 'the , pre-l'': :; sent year'.. The subjeot pi; oalliog a olergyman waa discussed but not de cided.. Tba parish meeting adioojoed s'?, to meet again on Sunday, April 17 tlf,. immediately after the regaUr morn. ing servioe at the Episcopal Oburob. ; Kresbytenan Meeting - j- . Thera will bit a congregational meet i ,' - ing ol the Presbyleriana at tbe aburclt on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock . All members uf tho c burckv siDd ' eoogrrg a-' lion i are espeoially iiivited tp he - pie stnt as matters of i'mpottance are to lie dibtuseed; V; ' ;' Wm Giant, Clerk nf Session ' the 'Sun' it's so. York Sun t- ' '''','. Shoes. V "Diamond.' efW ' shoe is FAiy tf MADE FOR US I PETERS SHOECQl li li. l-'-t ' .. .ft..'' s -. n t. ,441 IIHtl mi r SI .1 .