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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1904)
!' -? & t $1 3r ? I i . TMa r m mm AM - . w m t-;iV r r . t MIIIIHIIHI' rlM THERE IS AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING STOCK ; From running at large, but. you can see them iu the streets just the eeme. The only Mfe way ii protect your .lawns and flower gardens ie to fenoe against them. I have several different styles of yard fenoe t price to suit alL Also all heights of -poultry fence for your chicken yard. MRS. T.N. MURPHY ' . . Shovels, Spades, Hardware A FEW OBSERVATIONS BY OUR REPORTERS Second Hand Goods , Bought and sold. We eall at your house for your second hand goods. We offer you the following Bargains: . Carpenters tool oheit .... . .$3.60 Sofa.....'...... 2 60 Lounge...... 150 Cook stoves ..4to 10 Carpet per yard,......; 10to26o BedSteada Bieyclee...... ..; ........6to 20 Set double harness 7.50 Sewing machine. 4 Extension table.. .. 4 The La Grande Pawnbrokers Comer Fir and Adams. RsWrTw. still tot and sail .11 kind. 'phone 1581 ei Inn Hud Goodaj . BP) TURKESTAN ALFALFA. The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gation. . - BROME GRASS " Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House in Union County. A.. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 COME ry Just Arrived. In and examine our line of WILSON SHIRTS Strews, AILOR5 AND GENTS PURNISHINCJ. Attorney O A M.'' Baker City is in the city on UowneLW. mini.. . a.mblor ol Joseph, IS onJer arre.t for bigamy..' Eter eetvicei were .beld in several of the chorcfcM Sunday. ' T r. Moninnii. nroDfietor of the ImMer flonring mill, ia in the city. J P Galeener a buiined man of Grant Fafl Or ia in our eity for a -few daya. i , The weather, Sunday, waa not very favorable to the, wearing of Kaeter bop. neta. : County ' oourt convenM tomorrow. Action ia expected at this term on the county seat pe'.ltiona. ' - The ladies of the Kaffee Klatcb will be entertained by Mrs E W Bartlett at her home, on Friday afternoon. According to the old adage, we are to have rain for seven Sundays yet, but then we have gotten OBcd to rain. The La Urande Marble works has just received a car load of monuments, tha finest dee una ever brought to tins valley..-, '' The ladles of the High Fiva club will i . ..tiln1 hv Mm J K and E B Romli. Wednesday at the home of the former. Roy Coykendall arrived in the city from Walla Walla Snturdiiy evening and left Monday morning for his home at EnU-rprlae. ; Mies ! Anna Mc Alistsr. paesed through the city yesterday morning enroute to her home at Enterprlie after a visit in Pendleton. Following the Sunday school exercises at the' Methodist church last Sunday, several children were baptised, Kev. Walker, tie pastor, officiating The quarantine wa.s raised Saturday on the residence of Mr and Mrs F B Currey. Their little daughter Gladys has recovered from her attack of the diptherla. The Neighborhood club will meet in the club room this aUernoo at 2 o'clock. Subject for study will be "Laster Madonna," and Mra Tamer Oliver will be the leader. Mr and Mrs SO Hwackhammer who attended the Blue Mouulain University reunion and the Knights easter services returned to their home in Union last evening. A pleasent surprise was given Father Roade last night by his Converts who presented him with a handsome gold cane alter which dainty refesbments were served. We noticed a sign on a box of eggs in front of a grocery store to day marked 2 doz for !t5 cents. This is the lowest price jon eggs in this city for many months. One of the richest ledges of iron ore ever discovered in the state of Oregon was uncovered In West Orogon City Saturday, the ore assaying 51 per cent pnre iron. , Ernest Lewis, of La Grnirue was here the first of the week looking after busi ness. He shipped a carload of hay from this place Monday. N P Citizen. Arrangements have been made, to hold the Elgin train Thursday, the day of the Republican convention, uutil tl o'clock in order to permit the delegates to return tho same day. Chas Vinecover, a sawmill man of Spring Creek, returned from Pendleton, lat night, whero he had taken his wife to have a tumor removed. The operation was successful and Mrs Vine cover is dolmr nicely. The young men of the Presbyterian Christian Endeavor Society will serve a wirftle social on Thursday evening af ter tiie Congregational mooting, waf fles, Maple syrup and coflee will be served. Everybody invited, 16 for all you can eat, There Is to be a "Sliver Medal Con test" Friday evening, Aril 15th at the Methodist church. It will be some thing out of the ordinary, as the con ti'stnnts nre nil boys, Kep this in mind mid watch for the program next week. Mrs W A Simpson received a hand some box of cut flowers Lilliee, carna tions, Symlax and Orange blossmiis, yostordiiy from her friends, Mr aud Mrs W A Weiithorby, former pioneers of Baker county hul now residents of Los Angeles t 'al. J I. Cavluess Is preparing to put In a hyrjrulio ram on his farm to pump water into a largo tank with which to furnish a small power sufficient to run a wood saw. cream sepcrator, feed chopper and other usos about a farm that requires power. The Willamette Glee Club Is giving a popular program In the concerts dur ing the Kaster tour. There Is not a classical piece in the repertoire, to yon ueed not fear that you will not be able to understand the music. Of course, If you have had the privilege of hearing a good Glee Club, you will not expect a clarslcal program. The democrats will caucus in this city this evening at 8 o'clock in the several precincts aa follows: Fre rinct No 1 at the Staples building on Kir street, No 3 at the Council room ou Elm street, No 3 at the old council room on 4th street and No 4 in the office o( the J B Stoddard planing mill. Theraucut at the latter place will be at I o'clock in the afternoon Saturday. Hev Van Nnye preached bis farewell sermon In the Presbyterianehurch San. day, and will immediately take np bis work at Pendleton. Kev Van Nuys has accomplished much good during his stay in this city and has many irlenda wno are sorry to nave him leave, bat wish him suecets in his new Meld of labor. . ' " A gruesome reminder of the terrible calamity which befell the little town of Heppner on the 14th of last June was found by Marlon Evans, a farmer living on Willow Creek, last Thursday. It was the remains of a man, which bad been thrown aphy the late high waters. The body waa badly decomposed anif could not be recognized, , . . Dr and Mra A L Richardson returned from Portland Sunday morning. Mra Richardson baa been studying music in Portland for the past four months, both vocal and instrumental. She studied voice culture under Mrs waiter Reed and took instruction on the guitar fron a Peruvian instructor. Prof Rebagllatl. Mrs Richardson is possessed of more than ordinary musical talent and bav I log taken instruction, nnder each able instructors, will be able to charmingly entertain her friends with song and guitar, v . :. . - FOR SALE Two acre block with new 8 room house, barn, out hoiiaes, well unprovel $1100, time given on part. This will bear investigation situated on N Cherry and N street . t i-f. tl Fred waring,- . Change of Management. Tbo undersigned ban. purchased the busin Bo known as the Harris Cash Meat Market and will here after conduct the same. . We wish to inform the pul ie; that we are prepared to furn h' all kinds of meats, game a d' poultry at the very lowest pri a' consistaut with first-clas artit ?s j We have our own deliv-.yi and make two trips daily to , se . Old Town. Highest mat et! price paid for all cattle, hogs bud sheep. We solicit a share of your patrouage and guarantee the very host satisfaction. Phone orders receive prompt and careful attention. Harris meat market across the track. Phone 1601. TURNER & WALTER La Grande Mer. Co. You can save moLey by buying your goods ai the New Store. Express and Delivery Adna Rogers, Phoie 1497. Allcalls receive prompt attention. General express and delivery business. tl FOR RENT A furnished four room cottage. In- of MrsZuhtr. : - tf WHEN YOU WANT RUBBER STAMPS REMEMBER. ME. I manufacture every style on . any mounting and carry a complete slock of Pads, Ink, Raoks, Daters, Rubber Type, etc. Seals, Stencils, Trade Check, Door Plates, Postal Scales. Write me what you want. I can please you by return mail. Eveiy stamp requirement supplied. . WESLEY ANDREWS, Baker Cliy. Central Church of Christ Opposite Souamer House. OPEN EVERY DAY Pastor's Office Hours 1 to 2:30 Free Reading Room open from noon until 9 pm. Men and boys invited. Bible school Sunday 10 a m Preacbiug Sunday 11am and 7:30 pm. Prayer MeetiDg Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. . HIQII LIVING is poBsihle at low cost. Our patrona are particularly well fed, et none could be accused of spending too much money on tho "inner man" At THE MODEL RESTAURANT excellent meats are served at a verv reasonable price. The food is of the finest quality; well cooked and well served . Dining room is well appointed and comfortable. .MODEL , . RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUOKLE, Prop. OPEN. DAY AND NIGHT We sell weekly Meal , SACRED HEART ACADEMY La Grande, Oregon. Conducted by Bisters of 8t. Franol 8elect boarding and day school for ' Young Ladies AoaJemio, Preparatory and Kined garten courses are oouduoted on the same principles as those pursued in oar schools ol Philadelphia. Mnslo and painting receive spools attention Letters of inquiry directed to SISTER SUPERIOR Tickets, Cash. $4-50 All included iu the J. E. TILT SHOE. Qood lea the i good wear, good fit, So there you are, at C. W. PRESTON'S Shoe Specialist Depot Street ROSES RQses ROSES I can furnish you with the best hardy toses one year old at 25o each, or two years old at 45c. Also all kinds of plants, such as Pausies, Asters, Petunias, Daisies, Candytuft, etc. I make a specially of all outside.woik, pruniug, grafting, landscape work, gardening, lawn mowing, etc., at very reasonable rates. Give mo a trial, I will guarantee to give satisfaction. All kinds of trees, shrubs, small fruits, cabbage, celery and tomato plants. Open Sundays from 8 to 12 a. m. WM. GILPIN, Phone 1161 Greenhouse Watch our ad.We special Sale Saturday. will have ancther La Grande Mercantile Co., ' :.'.;- . ' Phone 1901 LA GRANDE, ; . OREGON WOOD WOOD " ' The best in the city, lowest price . - ' GOAL FINE LUMP. Anything in the HAY and GRAIN line- ... Call at bur store Slater building,' or phone 1801. GRANDE .RONDE CASH COMPANY. Free delivery 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Retail ete M A very handsome and complete line of MILLINERY now on sale at the Bargain Store. I B. M. Well man & Co. How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, tb.ii'i8&nds and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; atid at the same time Assist the Stomach and Diges tive Orgaus in Digesting and Assimulating Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing tho Organs Iuvoleed. There is but one' remedy that will do this, and that remedy ia KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL TELL. YOU A. T. Prescription Druggist HILL, La Grande, Ore First-Class JOB WORK at the OBSERVER MH iiiiHtiimtmwotiiMntiiiniit; We Have Not Said Much About It, But ! We Have Ladies Trimmed Hats Too The Very Latest Direct From New York, The City That Sets the Pace in Fashions. THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY 1308-1310-1312. ADAfS AVENUE. IA GRANDE. tMMttmiMHIIIIIIIIIWHI'IHIIIIIIIIHH . H M M I M 1 1 1 MC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 It 1 1 1 1 1 (l$ 5m FrX '