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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1904) v -f -'t MX I 1 A ..-,T 1 ml , I Q 1 AM U SERB ,Mi 5 wi nun Mi uai SIM ui Twiufa) oui; lutl Win . Mb ' In THERE lis; AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING if OCK From running at large, but you can tea , , , then-fai tba streets just tho same. Tba " , j only tafa way ia protect your lawn and , e ( " flower gardtns ia to fence against them. ' I "' have several different styles of yard fence ""-' J etprioeeto suit all Also all, heights of A ponltry fence for yonr chicken yard. ). o i .i0 m '. Shovels, Spades, Hardware . it - Bftigittnd sold. We eall at your house for your U8tA lnd "goods7 Bargains: :'f'l -1 ' .".'.- Oarntarsseeloheit f Sofa.., Lcunge Cook stoves Carpet per yard,' Bed Steads....... Bioyolea. Bet deuble harness We offer you the following i t i ........ ci-r i.- ' l. j i oowiug luacuius. ... . . vi Extension table. . . . .v.'; . ......... ! ' ' t'V' ' . f ...... . .1 r. s .Vi ......13.60 2.60 v.C; i.5o : .4 to 10 .10to25o ...lto6 ..5 to 20 7.60 4 .......4 The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams. 'Phone 1581 fcMM-akiiCw tm way aad Mil til Uadi i Botm4 Hud CoodM - j . . TURKESTAN ALFALFA V 1 The Dry Land ' Alfalfa grows without irri gation. ; w ., BROME GRASS Rtd Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc: The only Seed House in Union County. A. V. JEFFERSON AVE. Oliver Phone 1571 A FEW OBSERVATIONS : BY OUR REPORTERS ; i. iiMMte teeeeseei COME In and examine our line of WILSON SHOES Just Anfd.I j SS) GENTS fURNISHINGS. ' 3 W Soriber (pent yeiterdty Id Biker City. - . Jewa Imbler of Hood Blvr h In the tlty. - Alva . JemUon' went to Huntington yetterdsy. ' , Bock A ThomM, neat market it re ceiving a new coat ol ptlnt. , , : . ; Seat will be on eale (or the Nntmeg Hatch thii morning at Van Bureni. ; ' Frank and Baaaell Ralttoa loftlait night (or Kamela (or a (ew daya outing. ' The Union Steam laundry ad appeara In thii itiue. They open (or boaineat Monday. V 6 eommlasioner John Hailay waa over from Pendleton yeeterday on Land ofBce bntinaee. Today the Republican prlmarlea of thla county will beheld to tlent dtle gatea to the county convention. Msttrt Harper and Smith are over from Union on butlneae eoniected with the opening of the new creamery. . , A elan often or twelve children will be baptised at the Mutbodiat chun h to morrow mornlnr Immediately following the Sunday School. ; , . Mr N K Koordboff; who (or the part year baa been with the Golden Rule, hae reelgned and on Monday will take charge of the Imbler acbool. The fine weather of the paat two daya haa made it Foulble for work to re uiue on a number of new buildingt that are in eourae of conttructiou. Mr John McDanlela of St Paul who haa been In the city aevera! daya re turna home thia morning. He la high ly pleaaed with our county and ezpecu to reiurn in rfnne. Mlea May Roblton who for a number of years waa local manager of the lele phone office, haa resigned and accepted the poaltion of book keeper in N Weat'a establishment. The regular quarterly conference will be held In the M E church next Bator. day and Elder 0 E Gibson will preach and condnct the sacrament .of the The Lord's Supper on Sunday. Geo Bartlmesi the well known plo neer wno nsiles on Urave creek waa In the city yetterdar, He reports tna snow oft" the bald ridge but in the shaded timbered lections it la a foot more deep. A dance and sapper will be given Perry, Oregon, Saturday evening, April 2, 1004, by the Foresters of Perry Camp 1U47U, Modern Woodmen of America, to raise funds for the uniforms of the team.- Everybody welcome. Editor end Mra 8 A Paulson of Cou- don, are the oity guests of Mr Peter Kuhn, MraPattlson waa formerly Mlas Hattie Stone and la well known in the city haa been a student in the Blue Mountain University, They came attend the reunion. Mr M Sorenson, of Pocatello, saium ed charge of the express olHoe yester day morning. Mr Soreiuon had yeara experience in thia work. Mr Claud Hamilton who had filled the position with entire aatiafaction for the past year left laat evening for Portland. From the number present Thursday evening It would seem that the interest In the reading room of Central church la growing. A group of young fellowa were buay with papers and magailnea. Bucli a place la certainly worthy a good word Iron any one who la interested in men and boys. Did you tee the "Oregon Red Bat? If you did not you probably will not for another year. It was only an April fool bird. It waa In a barrel In front of the Hotel Foley and tboae about tbe lobby had more fun than the proverbial box of monkeys. Metrly every paater by wanted to see tbe red bat and owing to the poaitiou of the barrel In the aun it waa necessary to shade oOea ayae to see to the bottom ol the screen covered bar rel. A piece of red brick bat then r. minded each oue who looked that it waa April fools daya, . The Lady Maccabeea of Ever Ready Hive wo. 34, of Cove, will present Farce entitled "Mra. Willis Will" on Saturday evening, April 9, at the Mac. cabee Hall. An excellent east of char actera haa been secured. Besides this very laughable farce, the Cove orcheat ra will render some very fine mualc and tome excellent tableau will be presented. Admission 10 cents. After the enter talnment, an icecream social will b given. You are invltei to be preaent. mmnfaera agree dnriog this special week, to do without all luxuries, and eveu some of tbe necessaries of life, in order to help swell tbe fund in aid of tbe home and foreign missionary work of the organisation; Oar readers will be urgently appealed to by tbe Officer and 8oldier of tbe Army loudly to asulat In thla effort, and again we advise those who are not in tbe habit of denying themselves to do so at this time and prove with the more bleated to Change of etnent The undersigned has purchased the busin known as the Harris Cash Meat Market and will bee after oonduct tbe eamc. We wish to inform tbe pul o that we are prepared to furn i all kinds of meats, game a ' I poultry at the very lowest pri - oonaistaut with first-claa artie ta .We have our own del'v.i) and make two trips daily to Ix Old Town. 'Highest ma kei price paid for all cattle, hogs ' nd sheep. We solicit a share of our patronage and guarantee e very best satisfaction. Phone orders receive prompt d careful attention. Harris meat market across the Yick. I'lione 1601. TURNER. & WALTER at to SOMMER HOUSE W W Jones L O Johnson Moee Meyer W L Davis W Wharton A Taylor S L Henter O E Harper K S Smith Mlae Ballon H K Dehaplaln Cbaa Arthur Arthur Keenan CA8nowAwife J W Hayes J Hall A wife JWOox WallaWalla Spokane Portlaod do do do Union do do Lovely Tacoma Petersburg Pa '.Michigan Pallerton Neb Baker Cihy Pittsburg Pa McKets Rock Ky Self Denial Week The Salvation Army announce its annual Week of Prayer and Self Denial, to take place March 17 to April 8, and though dally practicing tali denial, these Ijhe Convention will be held at Elgin Oregon April 7th 1904, Tbe places where said election shall occur in the four precincts of La Grande, tbe Jndgea to aerveat said election and tliAnnmhor I of delegatus to be elected in each of tbe aaid (our precincts are as follows. PrecinotNo 1 Polling place in the1 building north of Bomig and. Staplea Bakery on Fir Street. Judges, John Williamson, J, N. Young, and Chaa. Anderson. Number of delegate to be elected Six (6) . Precinct No 8 Polling place new Council room on Elm Street. Judges, P Stephenson, J M Hilta, J E Foley. Number of delegates to be elected nine (). Precinct No 8 Polling place Old Council room corner fourth and P Street.. Judges, OF1 Coolidge, F B Bramwell, and C 7 Noyes. Number of delegates to be elected seven (7). Precinct No . 4 Polling place La Grande Flouring Mill Go's Mill. Judges TF Sherwood, Ed W Kammerer and J H Fraker. Number of delegates four (4), foils oien from 1 to 7 p in. W. B. SARGENT. Secretary Union County Republican Central Committee express and Delivery Adn Boera, Phone 1821. Allcalls receive pn.nipt attention. General express and delivery business. ' tf FOR RENT A furniBbed four room cottage. In' of Mra Zub r. - ' - tf Nutmeg Match "A Nutmeg Match" will be present ed under the auspioe of the La Grande Cornet band at Steward's opera house Monday evening April 4. 1 be play will be managed by a- man experienced in such work and the lead ing parts will be played by experienc ed actors. It is said by the press of oitiea where it has been played to be an exceptionally meritorious play. In Boise, Idaho, it attraoted large erowds for 14 eonseoutive nights. Seoure your tiokets early and help the band at tbe aame time witness one of the best plays pot on tbe stage in La Grande this season. WHEN YOU WANT RUBBER STAMPS REMEMBER ME.J I manufacture every style on any mounting and carry a complete stock' of Pads, Ink, Racks, Daters, Rubber Type, eto. Seals, Stencils, Trade Cheeks, Door Pistes, Postal Scales. Write me what you went. I can please you by return mail. Every stamp requirement supplied. WESLEY ANDREWS, Baker City. A source of trouble in home cooked meals is their lack of variety. Yon have nn choice of viands. Your appetite is jaded one day. When you sit down to dinner at borne the menu contains everything you do not want. It ie different hete. Providirg for so many, we can offer the greatest variety. If you do not care for one item on the bill of fare, choose another. They are all good, but tbe choice is yours. Try It for a while, and bring that tired wife of yours with you. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. AKBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT We sell weekly Meal , , -Tickets, Cash $4-50 All included iu the J. E. TILT SHOE. Good leatiit good wear, good fit, So there you are, at C. W. PRESTON'S Shoe Specialist Depot Street ROSES SgsES ROSES I can furnish you with the best hardy roses one year old at 25o each, or two years old at 45o. Also all kinds of plants, such as Pansies, Asters, Petunias, Daisies, Candytuft, eto, I make a specially of tell outside woik, pruning, grafting, landscape work, gardening, lawn mowing, etc., at very reasonable rales. Give me a trial, I will guarantee togive satisfaction. All kinds ot trees, shrubs, small fruits, cabbage, celery and soinato plants. Open Sundays from 8 to 12 a. m. WM. GILPIN, Phone n6i Greenhouse Easter Slaughter Q 'lll Next Saturday, April 2, Oal!! Lasting One Day Only On ladies' and cbildren'i Kid and Fabric Gloves. ' Ve will sell these gloves absolutely regardless of cost, as we did the satin ribbon last Saturday. Tbe follow ing is a sample of what we will do for you: I .35 Gloves , .85 Gloves 1 25 Gloves 1 75 Gloves .14 .42 .62 .98 $ .65 Gloves .95 Gloves ,1.50 Gloves 2.00 Gloves .29 .44 .93 125 The 30-day sa'e U still on and we a'e polling every- ' thing at a reduction.' The latest novelties we guar antee to be as cheap as you can get-them' anywhere,., and then , wo give you 10 per cent off. "S eing is believing." . titep in and see. La Grande Mercantile Co., Phone 190i LA GRANDE, . . . OREGON WOOD WOOD The best in the city, lowest price. COAL FINE LUMP. Anything in the HAY and GRAIN line. Call at our store Slater building, or phone 1801. GRANDE RONDE CASH COMPANY. I ree delivery 'Phone Main ISOI Wholesale and Retail U f I - II now i jxz my INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and, at the same time Assist the Stomach and Digee-' tiije Orgaus in Digesting and Assimulatiug Sufficient Food to Rebuild tbe Tissues Support ing the Organs Iuvoleed. There is but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL TELL YOU A. T. HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore Off VVVVtvyTVVtTtT4 First-Class JOB WORK at the OBSERVER 1 tTWWTl lIMMMIIIIIIHir4tIIH HIIMtl0 We Have Not Said Much About It, But . We Have Ladies' Trimmed Hats Too The Very Latest Direct From New York, The City That Sets the Pace in Fashions. THE GOLDEN ULE COMPANY 1308 1310 1312, ADA' S AV5,A JE. LA GRANDE. HHIIMII ' iU0 V