V S) a 'S a a a a a n a a a a n a a a a a A Golden Opportunity j For Spring House Cleaning and Re-furnishing. ! For a short time we are offering BIG VALUES FOR CASH to make room for our Dew goods. For example: A 3-piece bed room sui, regular $18.50, now $14.00. Prices posi tively the lowest in city ou same quality of go ids. Our new line now ou display in the window, and many more beautiful patterns inside. Come in aud look at tliem. MATTING Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty : My undertaker H. B. HAISTEN, will respond promptly to i all calls, day or night. E. ANDROSS HOUSE FURNISHINGS Phone 91 Residence Phone 367 S 1202 Adams Ave a . OUR TELEPHONE IS MAIN 1921 Going to build that feuce? We, have a new lot of fencing material. Let us figure with your. STODDARD LUMBER COMPANY At the LA GRANDE PL ANING MILL Sunday at the Churches. 4 IIMIUHHHHUMI . LATTER DAY SAINTS Band? School 10 m Regular Servioea 1pm Mutual Improvement Association meet conjointly at 7.30 p n. T F. . BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School 10 a ro ! Midweek services Wednesday even ing at 7:80 p m B.Y. P U. 0:80 pm All aie cordially invited. CHRISTAIN 80IENOE 8 Irene King, let Reader : Tbe Obriatain Science services ad the residence of John E Page in , Old! Town every Sunday Ham., All are cordially invited. , T F ST PEATER'S EPISCOPAL OUDRCH EA8TER DAY. APRIL 3 . Sunday eohool " , 10 am Morning Prayer and Sermon 11 a m : Subject of the , sermon to be read; "The Living Ous.'VAn Eaiter Sermon. A lay service All Invited to attend. On Monday evening of this week at 7:80 o'clock p m the regular annual Pariah Meeting will be hale at the Church to elect vestrymen and trane act other buetneea. All friends and member! of the church are) urged to attend this meetlng, a M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. ' J. V7. Compton, Paator. , Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 30 n. Sunday School 10 a, m. Pastor will preach at Island Olty 3 p.m. j. . t CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRI8T SERVICES SUNDAY APRIL 8 Bible School ' ' 10 a i Morning Worship 11am V PSOE 2:30 pm ' Evening Service . 7:80 pm Morning Sermon on "The New Life in Christ." Evening "Jesus the Son of God.' A cordial invitation to all. , , i. ' MRCfHUROH JO Walker, Pastor. , y Services for Sunday, April 8. " Sunday School 10 a m Etarmon by the pastor ' 11am Subject The debt owed to children. Followed by a baptismal service. Epworth League 6:80 Led by Emll Niederer. 8uhject-Our victories through Christ. The service following the Epworth League will be an Easter service. A program will be glvtn by the Bunday School. The public is cordially Invited. A very handsome and complete line of MILLINERY now ou sale at the Bargain Store. EC. M. Well man & Co. OFFICERS R. Smith J. M. Bkhrt... J. M.ClIURCH; F. L. M STUBS.. President .Vice President Cashier ..Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS: 1. M. Berry, J. M. Church A. B. Couley. R. Smith L. O. Stanley 3655 LaG RANDE N ATIONAL, B NIC La Grande. Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 Transacts a general banking business. Buys and Bella (exchange on all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. SBDOaBOBDODBODRD lf k9ft Union Steam Laundry. Will Open Monday. We have pt chased the Union Steam Laundry, which we will commence to op erate Monday, April 4. This plant is one of the best equipped in Eastern Oregon. All our work is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction at the lowest prices Our wagon is at your serviee. Telephone Number 198L Your Trade Solicited Jeffiison & Company, 742 FIR STREET. Imbler Items On the evening of the 33rd, the people of Imbler enjoyed a leoture on "Local Option" which was not well- attended owing to the severity of the weather. . On the 25th, the Old Folks party came off and' was a decided suocess. Mr. Wells.ralled the people to order at pro 11 pt 7, and Mr. J. H. Salisbury in a neat speech welcomed the guests explaining the origin and object of the 'Old Folk party" both in Utah and Idaho, as inculcation reBpect and love to our Fathers and Mothers, reverence for old aKe and. helping those who are poor and in d stress, and expressed cinlilhatlon that we bad no poor in Imbler, as sren in mere populous com munities, The move cent is spreading generally over the "Union" and Ib tbe coming Institution binding all classes socially I n a kindly feeling. Over 100 people sat down to a supper which the Hotel Foley could nut Improve upon, and after all wereratisfled, thtre was so much left over thai it was nent to var ious homes where sicknets prevailed and made every one happy. The mtitdc was furdished by Messrs. Howell, Os? wald and H. WeBtenekow. - Bruce Brown called, and tbe committee ,waa unremitting in Its attention to all. Songs, recitations, comic aeadings,and step dancing wcie interspersed through the dancing, which every one participat ed in except three gentlemen wall flowers, who were soon signalled out by the committee of ladier who soon bad them on the floor to the amusement J of all. Every one seemed to enjoy ; them selves and parted with mutual feelings of good will at their good time. . .. ; Mr. Lloyd assumed oharge of tbe Wade & Robiui-on planer this week. parents, wbo are located at M. Mc Goldrlck's. - - . The present Htcka weather retards work, but from the ponds in the neigh borhood everyone thinks Oregon is her. self "again and everything pcinta to bounteous harvests. Prof. Bean has sent in his resignation to the" Board of Trustees to reButne bis farming operations, A delegation of Maccabees consisting of Messrs Iaaao Skillings and O. O. Howell went to Pendleton last night to assist in the initiation of 200 members it is said to their lodge. Jack Nutmeg Match "A Nutmeg Matob" will be present ed under the auspices of tbe La Grande Cornet band at Steward's opera house Monday evening April 4. The play will be managed by a man experienced in such work and the lead ing parts will be played by experienc ed actors. It is said by the press of nities where it has beeu played, to be au exceptionally meritorious play. In !oi., Idaho, it attracted large orowda lor , 14 consecutive nights. Seoure your tickets early and help the band at tbe same time witness one of the beet plays put on the stage in La Grande this season, "ClassifieS SSs Br-T"TrrTfnTm,r-ir"rrT"f"r"" -Tr?iv FOB . 8 ALU A yearling belter, half Jersey and half Durham, . Inquire at ! tbia office or phone 1508. 1 FOR SALE i Single Diao Beet Plows for tale cheap, Also 3 saddle . ponies one half Shetland. 8 gocd single driving horses. J." E. Reynolds. , FOR SALE : .Indian Runner Duck .eggs, thor ough bred imported stock, inly Uni ted number. W, N . . Monroe, . La- Qrande. . fW-J dw ; FOR SALE CHEAP i All tbe fix to res of tbe Cava Creamery Including one eight bone power engine and ten horse power boiler, churn and bettor works, and a large cbeese-press vats etc . 8-8-tf Mrs Matt Mitchell Cove, Oregon, FOR SALE Two acre tract, East of the La Grande Flouring mill, one Jtialf in (ood bearing orchard. Small cottage, and good barai Wlll.eell for cash or will; trrda for good workhorses. ,:;.... 1 Li'O Groat V TF ' La Grande, Ore. ' .....UJI. 't-l a asacialtiata for man. .- tinue to cure all chronic private an nervous ailments, of lmportanoer.kia diseases, ibematism,; eatarrab, -tka vt.a.,v, Biouaara, TB or If? years medical direasor, , 74 sixth 8L Portland, Or. Ill Yaeler Way, Beet le, Wash. Ml or wrlto.., MfaritiMrjacv INVESTORS RBfflff meotboanbe mada by parties who can invest from I&0O to flMO. i One eastern investor made 866.OOO in 1908, call or write for narticnlara The Wm.R. White Co.. SIS Pins 8t Portland, Oregon. ' ; tflftonld pwteM thei'r iMauty lby.jeciug thai : Tt they hs?ti inly U COHPCTEiSlJ BARBERS To , shay them. WV ' will protoci yonr face. g Cleaning Time Does yonr alley or yard need clean ing f Have you any old rubbish that nefdt to be taken awayT ' If so, ring np phone 1831, and you can . get the i gar. bags wagon. 4 ' 1 k FOR SALE Large two story , "house, : good barn, about 7 acres of land with orchard for aale, will' take part na Truant ' either in -'eltv : nrobertv or farm land. Bigbtly located ' In this offloe or of E Damon ' ' 4-1- tf. M1SCELANEOUS.: LOST Between 1409 Adams .Avsaus and . fecreet . Bros. Hardware , and Second Hand Store, one .dark ..red leather bill book, containing .deposit certificates on 1 a .Grande. National . Bank to the amount of three, hundred ; twenty five dollars (:t26). Certlflcates . tor Mr. and' Mrs. W. W. Henderson; Finder please leave same at Lai Grande National Bank and receive reward. Papers of no value except to owners. A ' 8-22-tf -' . FURNISHED OOM8 . , , Newly , furnished , rooms In 1 .new house, apply to Mrs Emms Simmons, Cor 8th and N Stieeta 118-24. , Invitation To all who were formerly officially connecU-d and those who held life eobolarBbips and to those who shared the responsibility in tbe maintanoe of the Blue Mountain University are cordially invited to be present at (be rennipo of tbe students wbleb will be Mr. Grsnt Tucker returned from Ar- held in this oity, in Elk's ball Satur. kansas bringing him . a wife and his J day evening April 2, 1904. , .... PORTLAND AND LOCAL MARKETS. Eggs, fresh valley 2Cjt3, eastern, 28o Butter, creamery 60c and firstolass dairy 50c per roll. Potatoes SOcts per sack, Apples,50c. to 75ct. per box. Cabbage, ljnt. per lb. , Turkies, 10 cts. lb. live weight. CEREALS Wheat 74c toBOc per bu. Oats 1.10 per oental Barley 80c per oental Portland Markets. The steady decline in Em torn and foreign market has takeo the life out of the local wheat market. Buyers and selltrs are farther apart than ever and business is at standstill, with the tone decidedly weak. WHEAT Walla Walla, 76c; blue-stem, 79c; Valley, 80. BARLEY Feed, f 22 per ton, brew ine,t24; rolled $26. FLOUR Valley, 83 90 and 8.96 per tarrel; bar dwheat straights, 84.20 and 4.10: clear", 3.85 and 4.00; hard what patents, 84.00 and 4.10; Dakota bard wheat, 1.5.40 and 18.00; graliam, $3.90, TO THE READING PUBLIO ; We have Just received a new lot 1 ot paper back novels. In addition to these we have added 80P cloth bound books to our exchange library. . . ,. .- Newlin Drug Co, LADIES We " are prepared to ,mae your dresses in . all the up-to-date fashions at reasonable prices. Wo will make wiappera at from 75 cents to 81 25, shirt waists from 60 cents up. ' We also do plain sewing. Resi dence two blocks north of little brick school house. Phone 57-B Mrs Lewis and Miss Smith. ' 1 ... . PASTURE ,,; Much mora abundant than last 1 year, and open for all kinds of stock -during April.. Small pastures lor stock needed at short notice etc. 1 Apply to 1110, B. St. Old, town.. P. O. Box 14. Tele phone 1374. 'tf , , .. notice ; ;., ' Having disposed of my grocery, bus ness, 1 would like all tboss wbo ara In,, debted to me, to please call audn settle, either by oash or note. . My. books are at 0 L , Thorn's grocery . store on .Fir street, where settlement on, ,be made. Tf OK FOWLER ; ' , ' LADIES ATTENTION ..; . During, the , month, ot, March, I wTll mke any sblrt.walst at the greatly, re duced prloe f from &0 .cents to 11.25. Mrs Ettie E Wines. Residence ,n th at between O 4. N . , D.-W.-4.-1. , WANTED ., I,.,", Two girls to learn the millinery trade at once. Inquire of Mrs J R Forrest.' tf. whole wheat, Hi rye wheal, 84.60 and 4.76 OATS No. I white, 81.171; gray 11.10 per cental. MILL 8TUFF3 Bran, 118 per ton; middlings, $23; shorts, $19; obop, U. S. mills, $18; linseed, dairy lood $19 HAY Timothy, $16 per ton; oiov- er, $12 ; grain, $12; cheat, $13, Potatoes, oOto 76 cents per seek. Onicos 80 cents to $1.00 peyiack. Egn Oregon, 80 32J oU, 9'rn 26 2c juttwr Orcam"ry, 27) sod 30c, IHity, 20and 220, store lulclc lb Poultry Chickens, mixed lOo per pound, spring, 10a and bens, lOo , turkeys live, 17 and 18c lb dressed 18 and 20c lb-, ducks, $0 and 7 , er dox. geese, 80 lb. livestock Cattle Beat steers $4.26 and $4.00, medium, 4.00; cowj $3.26 and $4.00 Hogs Best large, fat $5.25; medium arge fat 4.75 Sheen Best weathers $3.60; mixed sheep $3. NOTIOE-is bereby given that I have given my ton ' William Wilkle -bis time and from this date I will riot be responsible for any debt ' contracted by him, or any contracts he may make. March 21, 1004. 3-22-tf Anguste Rothlege. ' Geddesr Brosr Whv are Geddee' Bros, kept so busyl.-Why sU they sell the best M ooos at me lowest prices. , Preferred Bt' k. Tomatoes 8 for 50c .J rreierreo dioce vorn o ror ouo Preferred Stock Salmon 8 for 60c Preferred Btodk Peas . 8 fof SOo 'Preferred Stock Beans? 8 for 50a Don't pay other grocers 20 cents a can tor any of these goods. Standard tomatoes, com, beans, peas, etc., 8 for 36 cents. They have the beet batter made In the valley, and their oreamery butter hat no equal here. Try I It and see. . xiu pnxiee, . nssuse a . nunoe. jmeot. Swift's pickle pig feet, premium " hams, loose olives. Everything tasty, nice sad cheap , Telephon 401 Geddes Bros. DeWitt baMa-asniA mm sat a tw 'Saw Is a rM SW aaaSaasHSai' Witch-Hazel j i fulfil Or fUMi SMSMks, EaaSrVMwiiasPUaa, AlaCMa, Tatkw.aWi nissyaaasistsa ar ... B.C.DoWlllCe.,Chkage 'VsMsBnsT4 'J . For Bale by all Druggists SALVE 9M Hsn - i u eeeeeee mi. SI; 4i- Deligiialate, Daylight Bide, j UlnyXJrags.'Deep UsuioM. : 'i 'i.. : ' v; In i 1 11 w d- . I, Golden, , Quportjanity flew ( , nature In U,hM, glorious. beauty, and then the acme of 4 man, haadiwjiJtf ,The flrtt ii ij founfd 'along -the ltne of the u DeniW!! & Rio Grande Railroad and the latter at the St. Louis Worid'sTair. 'Ydttf ttlrt(Tirie - aef-pleeettre asAftirrarmotit trated, literatnre write r ' ffirolnlAgi. 1 ,4 fortland.Oregon '2, ) :W. 0. Mb! i;V-: .'.1- -OREGON . . .. . , . : - iHoUMONRiCmC PWT NO. 1 80 p. m. 'NO. a i-J30 a. m. . "OL S,-S0a u BilOpm VeCTDally saccdl Sunday S:14 a,.,ml 1 flmMasil' uasuuiBa. . unni . v. Omaha. Kanau ;. loalatChlsaeo! 'HO. la I M0 a. m, iMOS Ukap.m PorUanfl. Dalles. I uitjion, watia viia, ma a -a j.tt vis Hpo-I . u,.. uu, , ( rain dloLon Umatilla WaU dner, Hpokaaa aaa other polnu east and norm via gpofcane. 'stand Oily. Allest, imoiar, aaa &ii mnnsaiiona at K wthatai tMpJiolal ID WMIOVW .KJU1M MO S: "fcDs m in fcso.ani Ocean Steamers between Portland and Ban Francisco every five days j Please .Out. Of SPJCESe , o C0FFEE,TEAa DAKlNOPOtVDtR. Usaiurtfwiry. . HmsI nuar. OrttlwrShmh.lkuoniM.r CLOSSET&PEyEW,. , PORTLAND, OfrXQON. MS. La Grande 1110 Adams Avenue, The road to suocese is gederally rep resented as heing long and uphill. But this need not be so, at least of monetary success. One has only to exercise intel- ; ligence and judgment, in making Invest--. ments.. Real estate offers an attractive field for those who wish to avoid the risks incident to othor investments. Buy real estate through us and you will get property that will increase in value and yield a good rate ot conservative interest. investment Company, j - La Giande, Oregon i CREAM "WANTED Stops the COUGH and Heals the LUNGS AT HILL, Prescription Druggist COKTJtlMt HO OHjtTMJ ' BOARD AND ROOM Pleasan. rooms and good board for gentlemen. Inqnl-e at 601 T street known as tbe Hnghes bouse. 3 - 4 tf FOR RENT A five room furnished house for rent. For particulars phone 771 or 1938 or inquire of Mr! G W Henry. 4-1 Farmers, bring your oreara tojus and we will pay the very highest market price for it. At the.preeont price of butter it trill pay you far better to sell tbe cream than to churn it. We are agents for the famous DE; LAVEL separator. The best made. COVE4CREAMERYCOMPANY, E.O. Harper, Mgr. Headquarters at Hill k Allen's, La Grande. i &M lncraaaa ore Deism sea from nly; 15, 1891, to July J8,1908, U 1 rears. --: 5.. i.. ,- v isx.r , Burplus fund acenm. - uUtad. ........ ,$li O0l 0 Capital paid in .... 0 0,000.09 Reliability ol share- , r , , holsri:....v,.sg;oooio ProtecSoS to da- ''' posltors; ...;...;$V f - 5 0 (Ml 0 Dsoait-enb)ect to ' :."" cnackweiauoa ' .1 "-. Joly41801. -y, ' " " '-M91 ' J )189B ion "...1896 . : " ' 1898 M 1891 f 1898 "MA9BM T 7 9 9.99 " tOfinM -4M4801 ; 8497.70 43,64 7.59 7 8J7-J 81,7 8049' 89,708.90 8 8.711 7 73 45.88 " 1899 " 1900 "iisoi ;; H 1909 j3.;"t:J90BJ35 1 8,1 , 1 0 3.7ft Uoee not the ;abov flgnres furs jou that the management of this bank meets witn the approval of Its board of directors and pat tens i and "deeen Ing of it joa patronage. We want yonr 111 . ing business, large or small, f On interest will be protected at the Farmers and Trajan National La feaikiaOttgoii- STALLION WTICE A great opportunity.for you to breed to one of the best at a very low price. " I will make tbis season with my imported fmaous Hojkney stallion ,-..t . STUNTNEY T4S80 ' nrn nrivlleoe 18 DST- - g 0 j advance. No other W 1 Can give good wfrn-.J CLVtO bis colli. - J3f ' irW mtvn ii. Vf in. vw sxsusv- ... , FOB 8ALR- lots.'wi''' ing house and ha City. For futhr I' . i Tbemaa at .Bech '4 Market . ,f -y : ' JlTJT ! F J I ; 1 A- ice I AT- . ' 'i'' . I - 1 T..'X'; X