La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, April 02, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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    - It?
fowl yinu I
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i n .i.fii-M K'nif irt'iJ 'V--.'.'. .a
.One hundred Armed
Men Hunting Holdups
Who Killed Express
Messenger. -
Bedding, Cal. , April 1 One hun
dred men, beavily armed are looming
tbe woods along the river Dear Kes-
wlo and Bedding, searching for the
four train, r bber who held op No 15
' but night and kil el Messenger O'Neill
and blew tbe express oar to pieces.
Tbe men bad boreee staked east
of Keewiok bridge and mounted them
after the robbery. Fireman Buy-,
mood was taking water when the bold
up occurred He was compelled to
get down and tie with the two
ana one trampwere lined up by tbe
train Brakeman Stone refused to
line np and one ol the robbers smash-
ed him over the bead with a title 'giv
ing him a bad wound. .
Tbe robbers got no looty. Tbe
charge of dynamite destroyed every
tbing. Pieces of paper nod coin and
pieoes of paper money ' torn and
twisted were picked up great dis
tance from tbe oar. '
O'Neill wat not gien a chanoe for
his life. Ab soon aa tbe door was
opened, he was killed. '
Tbe passengers bid everything ol
value end were panic-striken. A
heriff'a posse got trail of three horse
men thia morning and if now follow
ing it eastward. Tbe robbers were
camped at Coyeley all day yesterday,
and a good description of them is in
the possession of the sheriff. Tbe
people are determined to hang tbe
robbers it caught, and posse are
forming hourly.
Commandery Election
Eastern Oregon Commandery No 6
of this city held their annual election
of offiotrs last night. " .
Emenent Com., W J Ohurob; Gen-
eraliesmo, Will Wright; Oapt General,
Or Bacon; Prelate, E W Davis; Sen.
War, Turner Oliver ; Jr. War, J M
Church; Ben., d L Hunter; Warder,
J E Reynold; Standard Bearer, W J
Townloy; Sword Bearer, E A Holmra. !
Pendleton Man attempt
ed to Ford River With
Delivery Wagon and
Was Drowned.
Pendleton, April 1 Tivie MoBroom
one ol the deliverymeu employed by
M F Castle, waa drownod Ibis morn
ing a short time before noon, while
attempting to ford the river at the old
stage ford at tbe end of Lllleth street.
Tbe horse and the body of the back
lodged against a breakwater a little
further down, and were dragged - out
by aid of ropes.
The body was fo'ind about 1:30 pm
in the bend of tbe river, opposite tb
Oliver place, three mibs below the
city. It haoVftoated into the eddy in
the bend, and wai brought out by
Albert Humphrey, wbu saw it floating
ana swam tne river to reaon it. ,
This is the season when chronic throat and lung troubles get their
start. Any cough is terbus enough to haye prompt attention and
it is also important that the bast possible remedy is secured. We
hope you will try onr
We feel that this is in many respects a superior remedy and that
once familiar with it, you will rely on it aB your general household
cough cure. It is pleasant to take and cures as quickly as any safe
remedy can. Price 25 and 50 cents.
Farewell Reception
That Rev and Mrs W L Van Nuys
have gained a host of friends during
their residences in this city was evidenc
ed last evening by tbe large number
who attended the farewell reception
given at the church by the ladies of tbe
A short program was rendered. It
consisted of , . , .
Duet.; .........Misses Noble
Recitation Miss Mo all
Vocol8olo... .. ....... Mrs FE Moore
Trlo..v Miss Tlt. Mrs Forrest Mrs
After this program, every number of
which waa delightful. MrNoordhoff
read the resolutions, previously adopt
ed, expressing the gratitude and well
wishes of the church toward Mr and
If re Van Nuys. Then Mr Holm, on be
hall of the Ladles Aid, presented Rev
Van Nuys with handsome amount of
cash, and to Mrs Van Nuys he gave a
beautiful cut glass fruit dish. ' ' -
Coffee and cake and cheerful chat
finished an evening whtoh, bnt for the
Knowledge that those they came to
honor are soon to leave La Grande, wsb
altogetbw pleasant to those attending
tbe reception, .
All Legal Obstacles to
Transfer of A Panama
. Canal to United States
1 Are lembved1 : ,! ,
Paris April 1 Tbe oivil tribunal to.
day decided in lavor ol the defendant
in the case ol Colombia against the
Panama Canal Company. This re
moves all legal obstacles to transfer of
the canal to the Hoi ted States. ;-
Fighting in Bulgaria.
Vienna, April 1 Fierce fighting
is reported near Koatur in the Moo
ostir district' Twelve Greeks and 20
Bulgarians were killed.
Dinner Party
Mrs. Fred Kiddle of Island City en-
tertained a number of her La Grande
friends Friday alternoon at dinner.
Those present were Mesderaes Finn,
Swaney, Aikin, Hnmilton, Molden,
Slack, Allison and Aab.
Surprise Party
A few friends on Thursday evening
surprised Mr and Mrs J A Frakes who
live just south of the city. ' The occas
sion being the birth-day anniversary of
Mrs Frakes. Those prefect were Mr
and Mrs M Carrol, Mr and Mrs P B
Dickenson of May Park and Mr and
Mrs Geo Ball oi this city.
Elks Election ;
At tbe election of officers of B, P. E.
held In this city J C Gulling was chosen
Exhaulter. Ruler; F 8 Ivanboe,
Leading Knight; Jas Murphy, Loyal
Knight, 0 H Bid well Lecturing Knight,
Paul Lederle, Tyler; J VV Scrlber,
Treasure; Guy Mo Cully, Hecre tarry;
L D Reavlt, Trustee for three years. '
O D Goodnough . wss choecn repre
sentative to the grsnd lodge; J II
Peare, Alternative. '
We believe it is posrable for the
Osteopathic lesion to be lost sight of
for a time, whilst one is constantly
taking a drug to overcome tbe effects
of disturbed innervation. !
For example, normal bowel aetivity
is dependent upon normal peristalio
aetivity, wbiob, in turn, is dependent
upon tbe activity of the centre! gov
erning the nerves supplying the in
testinal tract.
We all know, in cues where peris-
(alio activity is ohecked, induelng oon
ttipation, the administration ol
oatoartio will excite temporary aotion
ol tbe bowel; but it will not maintain
tbat action.
Remove tbe Osteopstbio lesion an
inhibitory influence aud permanent
authomatio aotion ensues. Herein
lies tbe difference between Osteopath
ic and drug therapy.
Dr Moore, Summer Bldg,
The World's Fair Route
Those anticipating an Eastern trip, or
a visitto the Louisiana Purchase expo
sition at St. Louis, cannot afford to
overlook the advantages offered by tbe
Missouri Pacific Railway, which, on
account of its various routes and gate
ways, has been appropriately named
Th World's fair Koute."
Passengers from tbe Northwest take
tbe Missoobi pacirio trains from Den
ver or Pueblo with the choice of either
going direct tbrongh the Kanus City,
via Wichita, Fort Bcott and Pleasant
Two trains dally from Denver and
Pueblo to St. Louis without change,
carrying all classes ol modern equip
ment, including electric lighted obser
vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten
daily trains between Kansas City and
Hi Louis.
Write, or call on W. C. McBrlde.
General Agent, 124 Third st, Portland
lor ueialltu Information and Illustrated
literature. tf.
Complete Surprise
- Yesterday was the 60th. birthday of
Mrs Hugh Montgomery and. a ; nam
bar of ber friends gathered at her
home last evening to help' her cele
brate the event. She was oompletly
surprised as aba Jiad retired and her
husband was preparing tb retire when
tbe parsy demanded admittance.
A dainty lunob was served alter
wbioh the friends bade ber good night
wishing ber many more such happy
events. ' :; .
Those present were Mr and Mrs J U
Price, Mr and Mrs J H Terry, Mrs
Haworth and daughter, Mrs Key end
daughter, Mrs Farquarson, Mrs Stall ,
Mrs Buok, Mrs Orossen, Rose and
Minnie Terry.
Glee Club
The Willamette Glee Club is mak
ing its annual tour, being sent out by
the University Trustees, Tbe club
will appear in the oity Friday bight,
April 8, with an elaborate program of
college songs and glees, solos, duets,
quintets, readings and stunts. Tbe
first half hour of tbe program consists
ol a part of the seoond act of tbe
00 oilo opera Robin Hood, ' presented
in concert form. For variety and
beauty of mush for excellence of tone
quality and harmony, this great Glee
Club and its program cannot be
equaled on the Paciflo Coast. 'This
concert will be given at the Opera
House, and tbe tiokets are 00 sale at
Jay Van Burens; prloes SO and 26
oents. .,. ''v.
Hobo Boys
There are a number of young boys
in La Grande ranging in age from
about 10 to IS to 17 years in , whom
the bubo propensities are being deve
loped to an alarming degree. These
boys make a practice of secreting
themselves in a box oar and riding to
Pendleton or some other point where
they remain until they , are broke,.
which doesn t take long, when they
return in the -tame manner., ..How.
they subsist while1 gone they ' 'only
know. This may be considered , a
harmless passtime, but it oertainly" la
not conducive to the development ol
good moral character 0 to good oiti
aensblp, " Tbe boys should be' looked
alter by their parents, or if they have
gotten beyond tbe oontrol ol ' their
parents, by offloere of the law.'
. - '
Washed Thir Feet
Vienna, Arll 1 Emperor 'Joseph
today performed the annual ' cere
mony of washing the feet of la u!d
men whose ages totaled 1,085. years,
Easter Service
.The Eastern Oregon Oommandeiy
No 6 Knigbta Templar will otlebrate
Easier by a publio service held In the
Presbyterian Ohurob Sunday, at - t
o'clock. Rev J S Anderson will de
liver tha address. .The publio is 0
dlaliy Invited to be present.'-" ''' -
Reception Committee
The reception oommittee appointed
tor tbe BUD reunion are Mrs Annie
Baker, Ella Rynearson, Mollis Proeb-
stel,Byra Kubn, Turner-Oliver, Ed
Reynolds and G H Currey.
Mt Glenn ' ;
We bave had 1 (wo 1 weddings 'on
Maroh 30, Mr Wru Smith and' Miss
Anuie Tiffany were married in Union
They will make their home here. '
On Maroh 81 , Mr Obas Suow and
Miss Edith Perry were married at tbe
borne of the bride. Mr and Mrs. ! J. S
Perry by Bishop E I) Whiting, ..
Mr and Mrs Snow upon their re
turn from a two weeks trip east ' will
make their home hi Echo, where Mr.
Show will bave eunervlrion of the
sugar beet industry. ' '"'
The beet acreage' in Mt Glenn will
be considerably increased .over last
season. ... . . '
Mr and Mrs J S Ferry bave moved
into their new bouse. , , . , . , ;,,,
Jos Gibbons is on a months visit In
Idaho. ... , , .1 :
., I 11 J L ,',
Significant OfA
.,.- ,-.., . .ri-uskb:,i:&-MAas
Toklo, April, 1 Sixteen newspaper 1
men, mostly British and, Anjarican, left i
this morning for Mojl, leaving here onP .
the sixth .Japanese last transpprt. Thebs ;.
desttaatlonVaseoretr7 : T
: It Is the first party VS be freed, Mil ls'7
considered (Significant- ot ,at biaj lasoVl)
movement about ready or to be iniaugu ,j '
rated. : 1 '' 1 .7." .f : :, "
--V. I- RUBSIAN VjOTORn ' '',
St'Petersbnrg April' 1 Semiofficial , sj ;
news from Lie Yang credits the first en-
counter in Northern Korea as being a '
victory (or the Russian army, the ea-;;'
emy's lossee jbeiilg, teafiiine those of ' '.
the' Russlaut'.". rT;V. 4i
.; ! , RUSSIA HAS tHER W AT : v iy
NuiChwang.Arril 1 United 8tatee:;f
Consul Miller today, proclaimeel bis ao-v,
quiescence to Russian martial lsw.'The
gunboat Helena' leaves' totn6rrow7'a -.-;
oon as 11 merabants e&.nn. netware
loaded, the port will be closed. . ?
. The worki of J6rtil?Ing proceeds ';i
rapiuiy. 1 ; V . JI I
Tbe reunion of tbe former students
of the Blue Mountain University will
fake plaoe tbie'eyeningin, Elks half.
There his been quite, an Interest
toanifested and It b 1 erpected there
will be,- good ,aUendaooe Had the
date beeq later ill lbs' year quite
number from a distance would have
a-f .
Sir Knights
All members - an''-sMs1tala',M'-'-.'
Knights areoordlsdly la iltjd to attend.,.
tbe Easter services given by the E O
Oo'nmhndery No 6 and aru requested
to meet at the temple at lpm Bun-
fc-' : ';v,:''" A'-L; .?V
: Philadelphia, April 1 Mrs ' Sllsa.
beth Ashesd is held on 4 charge. "of
murder ol Infante by burning them in
a (urnaoe.
Rev. A Hase pastor of Ida Lutheran
ohurob in this city will hold services
in tbe Methodist Cburob at S o'clock
Sunday afternoon Iri tbe German
language. Everybody o.idially
B; null fill ami
of style combined
. with extremnly low .
prices are strong , -features
of our spring
millinery department.
True worth is stamped
011 every liat, and
such vaiiely of ' .
styles as will be sure
to please the most
exacting taste.
$1.50 to $7.50.
A choice assortment of fine
kid gloves that bave stood the
test for many years. Regular
$1.60 gloves the world over
are priced here $1.25.
: it A i
"If you see it in the .'Sun it't so.':
This boast of the New York Sun . is known '
thp world over and it's about true.;
Hereis what the New York Sun'
says of...... ' ';;,y-';t'8;'
Women's Diamond Special
$3.00 Shoes. ,
,. ... yi
"The strenuous life of
the 'outdoor girl has hid
Its effect un the footwear
man. The needs of the
up-to-date maiden are
no longer met by a
dainty sboe with ouly Its
beauty to commend it.
A trim, shapely shoe
she must have, graceful
In its lines as a Louis
Qulnr.e slipper,, but It
must be built to stand
hard knocks of pavement
and hold. , Fritnontot the sturdy west conies a shoe that
meets this requirement. It rejoices In the name of "Diamond
Special" and la much In evidence." New Vork Sen.
They're Still $3.00.No High; TfO I
, The only genuine "Diamond Speoial" shoe is
made by the Peters Shoe Co., of St. Louis, and w
are exclusive ageLts. No better shoe for the price
is made iu the world. OajZJl Kangaroo Dia
mond Special $3.60 shoTi -J men is soft and
;ant. It will not scuff.
-I I ' V5;T"T
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