A-.nv pry,'. VA.'tfv'-n -t' 'Wi'. Sj .wki W' " .... ... " .. j... ... ..... ' .. . . - . LA GRANDE GBSBm& A. A 'I VOLUME III LA GRANDE. OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING.' APRIL 1, 1904.' rtv NUMBER C5 : ', I,;,' MORNING JS '-V V "H ALL HAVE PASSED Thus Far all ofthe O. R. & N. Employes Here ' Have Successfully Pass ed Examinations. The physical examination ol employ es on I be O. R. & N. is progressing lowly. It being a new system the em ployes are slow tu nniterntand its mean ing and extent. 80 (r an the examin ations have progressed no one in this city, Pen letonor Huntington lias lieen found deficient The company is anx ious to retain t very old einploie in (lie - service and anv dis-huiaa that may be made will be strictly in the Interest of public safi-ty ar.d rot until aftur re nested examination have been made and the employe found , ancient . In a pronou.Noed degrte. , . , THE CHICAGO SHOE THE CHJCAGO 44 t t A COUGH SUGGESTION This is the season when chronic throat and long troubles get their Blart. Any cough is serbus enough to haye prompt attention am - it is also important that the beat possible remedy is secured. We hope you will try our WHITE PINE COUGH BALSAM Vie feel that this is in many, respects a superior remedy and that once familiar with ic, you will rely on it as your general household ' cough oure. It is pleasant to take and cures a; quickly as any safe '' remedy can. Price 26 and 50 cents. NEWLIN DRUG CO. Negroes in Race East t Louie, III., March 31 W T Soott, a negroe has aonounoed that preparations have been ooupleted for a National convention for tba ' nomi nation of a oegro candidate lor Presi dent. The convention will be held in 8t. Louis July 6, the data set for tbe National Demooiailo Convention. Tbe name sf the new party is "Tba National Civil Liberty Party," and a platform will be adopted wbioh Soott ays will call for Government oner ablp of transportation faolliUea and . a peoeoa list for ex-slaves. ' New Sleeping Cars Chicago, March 31 Owing largely to sanitary considerations, tbe - Pullman Company has adopted a new standard sleeper whloh little resembles the or. oate cars built a few years ago. The new standard is sevorely plain and is devoid of all suroll and grill work. The upholstery of the car has been reduced materially and all the angles p ssible bavs been taken from the car'. Import- el mohair has been adapted as a stand and curtain and the entire design and decoration and fnruiRhing is planned with a. view to facilitate the work of cleaning the car and preventing the luilgmect of germs.. All Pullu an cars will be built on the Ramn plan and af ter the same pattern so that uniformity in equipment will be attained. " BIG SALE FRIDAY and SATURDAY SEVEN DAYS Japs Expect to Take Newchwang ' Within Seven Days from the Land Side. London, Maroh' 31 A diapateb fiom Bhanhaikwan says tba Japanese expect to captu.e Newohweng from tbe land side within seven days. Few Russians troops are at Mukden but many are in tbe Llso distriot. . - ROASTS AMERICA ' 9t Petersburg, March 31 Tbe news papers of Russia' continue to praiee England and attaok America, taking statements of witnesses of the Che mulpo battle as a text. Tba British ospta n threatened to fire if the Jap- STORE v STORE IN anest pursued tba sinking . Russian vessels for the purpose of destroying 1 hem in the loner harbor. Tbe Amerioso ship Vloksbarg alone refua- d to act tba humroe part due from commander of , sound mind and morals.. DID NOT RESULT .AS DESIRED The meeting held last night in the Commercial elnb by a portion of tbe caucus nominees of tba Republicans of this city did not result as expected and hopee for by those who thought the factional differences In tba past could be eliminated by an equal division of the delegate to be at otto the county convention., , - . ' '' At the eaucutee held in this city Mon day evening there were BO candidates nominated. ' As will be noted, the peti tion cirqulated agreeing to a division, contained 29 signatures of the nomi nees, 7 to whom the petition was pre sented refusned to sign the same, and those circulating the petition failed for various reasons, several being oot of the city others not in their places cf busi ness to meet 1 1 and their opinion re garding the propasition was not ob talned. . ' G M Itlchey- was made cliairma n of the meeting and W i' Snotlgrass secre tnry, . - The roll call uf the sigure showed that 20 of those who signed were pie sent. ' J ".' . 1 . It whs evident that their was not a EUllkient ' number to wnrrnnt taking any action, that wo-ld Le acceptable to bo'h factions when this conclusion wa-i reached, .lie meeting was addressed by various epfaaera who ueuiuieu luai man wito hatl tlgned the agreement but failed to be present had. done so purpo ely and that thote who diJ so were practically aligned with that fa.o- lion known as the Simon win of the party and that those whs weio instru mental in tryiuir to bring about har mony, in the puny aid city were ulijjn ed with that faction of the party known us the Mitchell i g and that "as the Simon men by this refusal to acquiesce In the proposition and thereby made It Impossible to carry out the same, left the factions, as wide apart as in the past and the proposition wu almost unaiuiuonB that tbey would accept the only alternative left and would fight It nut in the primaries text Saturday, J M Ullta moved that, tbe meeting adjourn until 2 o'clock today with the hope that an agreement could be then reached, but the majority thought It useless to make anothor attempt and that the fight was on. W Bartlelt and EE Roralg who were present but bad not signed the agreement were on motion recorded by the secretary as present. The following is the agreement, showing tbe names of the nominees who signed. Tbose marked with a t designating those present at the meet, ing. We tbe undersigned nominated at Candidates for Delegates to Oonnly Convention to be held at Elgin, April 7tb. 1904, believing that It will be lor tbe best interest! ol the Republican Party to divide tbe delegates to tbe Ooubty, State and Congressional Con ventions so as to promote harmony in tbe party hereby agree to meet it tba Library of the Commercial Club Rooms on tbe 31st. day ol March 1904 at the hour uf 7 o'clock P. M. for tbe purpose of effecting such a 00 .1' pro mise. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, tbi 30tb. dsy of Maroh A. D. 1904, C L MeTqiiist, J V Roshf J (V Knouleif C 1 Guodnougbt J H Pearfa M Riohejf i K Wrighlf J A ill ft tottf J D Mathenon, George Dall, J C Henry, O F Coolidgtf J Fischer, J J Carif W 8 Winof John Jemisont JFH.einbeck, F8 Ivanuotf J K Foley, W il Bargentt W F Hnodgraeef E 'Jacobsonf 8 A Uardiuier, 0 O Rock wellt tioo. Groutt H T Williamtf 8 R liawiirtlit Chas. Anderson, H 8 Cav- anat Th( following resolution was panned unit the at'JtJiiruei. Uew.U'.'ii ; 1 liit II in llm ti nsil 'it 1I1 im iiihUi g that the seutetary furnish 10 the ucwi papers ol this city a opy i! tliP ngrcetieiit oalling iliis muvtine, with tbe liiiiii'K ul sll nigncrs and the n lines ol those preswr. Alto, Ibat it is the tense ol those prisent that signers intentionally thsi t,t have ne ed iu bad faith and do not wisn to prom ile harmony in the party but wisn to continue (aati.juai differences in this city county and slate Feed Short Uav la selling at (Hi per ton at Le- banon,Or., and many cattlemen aie now entirely without feed. One man has already lost 05 bead of cattle through a lack of feed and rough weather. NOMINATE TICKET Prohibitionists Nominate Full State and Con gressional Ticket at State Convention. ' Portland Maroh 81 The state pro diblion convention wbioh has been in session here for two days nominated the following etste and congressional t'oket Iat night: : Justioe of the supreme court, 0 J Bright, of Sherman county; dairy and food oommisnioier, Tra W Berry, Mil ton; representative to cnniitress from tbe first distriot, R W Kelsay, of Yam hill oounty; second : distriot, H IV Stone, ol Multnomah; pint senator Multnomah, Columbia and Washing ton, counties, F McKerclier, Multno mah. . l , ; s''. '"J -. ".y , : Presidential uleo'ors : 1'H Ames, Multnomah ) -W Jp Elmore, Linn; Leslie Butler, Waaoo; and T 8 Mc Daniel, Multnomah. ' K' v Miller of Oregon Says ,. "Put back the flags and up they will go." . V'.' NiifOliwang, March 31 (Delayed in transmission) Under a strong re niesentation made by United States Consul Henry B Miller of Oregou that the olvil ad minis rator had invaded neutral rights when he ordered , the lowering of the American ' flag from buildings belonging to American oitl zens, even though it wasdoae through the apprehension thai tbe. flag was illegally used by Cbinete for tbe pur pose of resisting polioe inspection, tbe oivil administrator has promised duly and in proper lorm through the mili tary, to raise the flag over tbe build ing from which it was removed . Tbe British flag, which was ordered taken down, willfleo be a'.lowed to remain up. . -'.---- The removal A the flag wbioh was flying over the quarters of the Ameri can oorrespoudsnts, oaused ninob in dignation among them, and tbey threatened to oomplaln to the United States Minister at Pekin. : 1 : ' New Silk and Covert Coats Just retu'lit'd us by express. Consisting of Black, Cham poigne and Linen Colored Silk Coats and some very exclusive; tt vies in uovert uouis. eltogethor roiiaonuble. NEW SKIKTS. gather (1 for ynur choosing the best line of skirts that expert-" ence and skill can produce from reliable materials. ' A large assortment to choose from in fancy suitings, "voiles ' and all other waiitod fabrics in right don-to-the-minute styles, end of. tiHina that rtnn't Ka mntnbnd nlunwIiArA. SA RA anA u tnlai-.' mediate prices down to THE ITI Campaign Fund New York, March 31 Friends of W R Hears! are oiing with telling effect tbe fact that if ha is nominated Hearst and his friends will contribute 11500.000 to the campaign fund and a straight fight can be made against tba trusts. Nominate Cleveland, Parker, Gorman Oloey or any conservative Demoorat, and you will be forced to go to the trusts for campaign funds, and Roose velt will win with ease, For Parker The Nsw Yoik Hsrald sum np tbel result of tbe Denn 00 ratio primaries In tbe State of New York as rendering U certain that, 'that State's Democratic Oonveot.on will Instruct for Jndte Allen G. Parker for Pttsldent " ' For Hearst The South Dakota Democratic con vention i-ave Instr noted their delegates forw B Hearst for president. f Whooping Cough Union, March 31 Velv , Paulson, tbe 11-month-old daughter ol Mr and Mrs 0 Paulson died as her parent's residenae Monday evening alter a few days' illness Irom whooping cough. Tbe funeral took place from! tbe resi dence Tuesday afternoon, .. : '.;',. j Baby. Scalded - - Sumpter, Ore., Maroh . 81 Tbe 4 year old son . of Mr arid Mrs George Oswald was severely scalded by falling to a DUOKetoi ooiung waver. , ." 'T- n , . ... , ':' .?,fvrs Creamery Incorporated TI10 Grande Ropde:v Creamery Qot have filed their articles of incorporation as to the soucessors of the: Cove Cream ery Co, with O E Harper, president, Alex Knight Jr., Vice Pres.' R E Smith Sea and Traas. : : The eotnpany will operate creameries at Lu Grande and Union and engage in the manufacture and sale of butter, loe cream, oheese etc, f : . They will start this Oreamery In La Grande Jnat as soon as tbe ' building which they have leaaed is completed. This company in addition to their La Grande and Union plants are now oper ating shipping stations at Cora and Medieal Springs. They are also agents for the De Laval separators and all dairy supplies, " ' " J v ; " Wallowa County - At the republican' oounty central oommittes meeting at Enterprise last Saturday evening Joseph was. desig nated as the piece and April ? as the time for holding tui oounty conven tion. , :r."-, EasterBMaistfrSpecials The express brought, ns another large shipment of the i" newest novelties in waists. Creations of the most beautiful . and quite the rage in eastern fashion centers,' We have priced them away below regular-prices, for your Easter choosing. We can .only raontvou a few. Bulgsrisn Trimmed Wlit p-nnrauterd ahaolntely fast.colors in. white ai'd rr am hoily. Thefewdats hive tfken New Vutk City by storm Our Easter price (2.26. j . k Shantung Waists in colorings ol delicate blue and pink with white piping. Easter price 8.75. . ... .. uur faster pricing on these . We honestly believe that, we 11.60. ... V . ; ' '; .' -,' BIG FRUIT HOUSE i s Urge Addition to Oun:t 5 fruitaPacking fliuse Increases its Capidty IVeryiMitenaltyiii J; pftf::nr 1. ft A A Gunst baa completed e large brick addition to hie fruit) and peek- . ing house in Ibis city, whieb . greatly 1 ine'eaaes tbe eapaeity. j Tbe'f buikjisg . win now asounr.moaaw jw oars ,-ui applet and the packing ' department has a eepaelty ol GOO bnxes dally. -s Mr. tinnsl le one ol (be largest (mil end produce dealers on tbe coast pp- erating four bouses. It Is bis present c intention to. give his personal atlen- . tton tcj this, bouse during the present . year.'. Sines he arrived here on the 4tb ol February he has paid out to the growors of sppies-f and putateee c (.be tween 86,IJ0O,BndJ30,0Oljl,He, Is now shipping one ear of Case apples to Philadelphia end tjro ears of pota toes to Teias. , . - VMrOutt states tbaQrinleRonda valley Is destined to be one of the greatest itutt produolog section in the Inland Empire "and intimates that there will be snipped out of this val ley this year 200 cars bf -apples and this will be increase! each year as the ' young orohards beoome ' older end that the present aoreagS as in the past will be Increased eaoh year. , In addition to , his presaol large ; plsnt' be expoots in June ot ibis year to construes e large: briok building on bis property eorosa the street from bis present building wbioh will alio be on tba railroad tract where every shipping oonvenienoe obtainable Is . P?eSiblS... .KYwu.4.:DnrM-ohtwll.lMMMU. '- This plant is a credit to this olty and oounty and is ol Inestimable value to tbe fruit and produoe growers. 5 On Fish I Today is the begining of . the open? season lor trout fishing end many will? be looking up tbe condition 'ol their: I rods, lines and eto. . , ' ' i ine f white and beautiful Pears gray with lace Insertion and lace inlaid collars to match. W.60,- ,' v Waists with Cloay Laeellnaertton made Irom beautiful aheer, white lawns . Special Easter prises 3.76, 1.00,8.35. -1 are.. .have,. tttsj' 14 Si Vr' miiiiH IIIIIIHMHIIIIIIIIMMHMMIIM ,.1--swip',