V3S , -11 1 0 rilLlli VIKLD AMD MOO ilNCI. AUo OsbM Poultry and Owdtn Fetx; 8iwU Wb A' t fMr.lr.sjt L4wq rvncc; fuel (ItUM, H(l PoM utd Stel S11 i Tnw. Plowtr and Tomato Uoatdi. 8tl Win Ithere is an ordinance PROHIBITING STOCK Prom running at large, but you can see them in the streets just the same. The oily' We'' way' 'is protect,, your . lawns and flower gardens is to fence against them. - I have several different styles of yard fence at prices to suit all. Also all heights of poultry fenoe for your chicken yard. MR,N. MURPHY Shovels, Spades, Hardware lit! C ON CITY PROPERTY. 4-room house with barn and orchard, i blk ground oa 4th street, priee $700, $200 cash, balanoe on time, fi-room house, Madison ave., price $1000. $250 down, " balanoe to suit. 5-rooin house, Valley ave., $550 cash. 2-room house, Ry. street, $250, $50 down, balance $10 per month. ' Lots $50 to $100, $10 down bal on time. T-" T We lire not in the real estate business, therefore 1 can save you the profit -We take in snaps and sell """flit isftUHM ' I 'i i ! dTlcie a Grande Pawnbrokers . Comer Fir and Adams. ZEZtZfo" 'Phone 1581 TURKESTAN ALFALFA. The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri- BRONTE GRASS, " " i'.-.HRed'OdvErl'IAIfa.fa and all kinds of Garden .Seed ' in bulk i". : u ? ,s u :.. .. Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed Houee in Union County. A. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 ROSS & ANDREWS We are prepared to do all kinds of repair work and pressing. Send in your clothes. 2s& & Andrews, ' ' RS AND CENTS FURNISHINGS. Ah UMIIIH A FEW OBSERVATIONS BY OUR REPORTERS ' t n m ' A tennis club lias been organized in Pendleton, ' Ex-Congressman, MA Moody was in Pendleton yesterday. . Walter Ferguton is ylalting relatives and friends in Union today. The 8unday aohoolsro all busy pre paring lor Easier services. .-. k : . Southern Oregon towns are talking of organizing a bate ball league. . A H ?areous, of Cove, left on last nights train tor Utah on a business trip. ''-; F 8 Muryhy, of tbe Grande Ronde Lumber Co left laat evening for point) In Idaho. ... ' r : A poetofSee at Lehman springa will open this year on June lat and will con tinue until September 80. A bualneaa that la worth having is worth going anr. Go after it by ad vertizing in tbe Obeerver. - J B Effinger, representing the Hotel Hall Publiabing Co, of Ban Francisco, arrived in the city last night. . . After election by the Elite tonight there will be a social. All membera and viiiting brothers are invited to be preterit A Patlaon, a prominent wool grower of Utah, ia (pending a few days in the city looking after business in which be ia interested. C Ralston, nropriutor of the Nebraska Grocery store bat had t.e place re papered and painted, which adds very mnch to its attractiveness. The many Inends ot Mrs Hattie Mc Donald who baa been quite tick in Walla Walla for the past two weeks will be glad to bear that she la now Im proving A P Davit, T W Lutk, Uv Elledge, John FlUKiruld, Gua Benglr edorf, Jas. Nelson and Grant Keys are In Pendle ton, where they attended a Maccabee bauquet last night . . ' "A Nutmeg Match," which will ap pear at Steward's opera bouse next Monday evening under tbe auspices of the La Grande Cornet Band, promises to be the hit of the aeaaon. Tbe funeral of Mrs Effle Philips oc curred Wednesday afternoon from the no ertaklng parlors of Henry & Can, The services were conducted by Rev O Walker, of the First M E Charon. W A Worn tell who b'B been visiting O W Williams of this city is in Port land to attend the prohibition conven tlon Mr Worstnll will return to hlf home In La Grande. Eugene Register The dog poisoner has been getting in his dirty work In La Grande for a fuw days past and several valuable dogs have been poisoned. Dog owners are indlg uant and say that If the poisoner cau be located they will make him hard to catch. F O Larson returned from a t.ip to North Powder yesterday, wh ?re he pur chaned a large quantity of Lay for the Grande Ropde Cash Co Mr Larson states that he secured the hay very ohcap and It ia tbe Intention to give their customers the beuellt of his bar gain. Fifty yearj ago today, on March SI 1861. Japan was opened to trade and travel to the civilized world by the signing the treaty of peace and amity with Japan and the Uinited States by Commodore Msthew O Perry of the Unitod States Navy and the ruler of Japan, in Japan at Vedo. A small traveler arrived in this city yesterday morning from Walla Walla. His name la Roy Northern and he la on his way to Utah where he will live with a gentloinan who haa adopted him, he being an orphan boy. Ho will remain In this city until Saturday with Frank Hammond, a friend of the boys adopted father. The little lellow ia but five years old. of delegatis to be elected in each of the said lour precincts are as follows. Precinct No 1 Polling place in .the building north ot Rbmlg and 8iaple Bakery on Fir Street. Judges, John Williamson, J. N. Youug, and Chaa. Anderson. Number of delegates to be elected Six to) Precinct No 2-Pol ling place new Council room on Elm Street. Judges, P Stephenson, J M Hilts, J E Foley. Number of delegates to be elected nine (9). Precinct No 3 Polling place Old iouncil room corner fourth- and P Street, Judges, OF Coolldge, F 6 Bramwell, and C V. Noyea. Number of delegates to be elected seven- (7), Precinct No 4 Polling place La Grande Flouring Mill Co's Mill. Judges v onerwoud, m W Hum merer and J H Fraker. Number of delegatea four .fit . rolls open from I Jo 7 p in. -' W. B. SARGENT, Secretary Union County Republican Central Committee ; OS-TE-OP-A-THY Osteopathic Pebbles Colds, laprippe, pneumonia are cut short, aborted and low their sting in cases where an osteopath ia promptly called ; then be is your timely friend. Did it ever oocur to you that tbe delicate mechanism of the human body is often thrown out of gear and that these slips, twists, and atrainr are tbeoaueea cl moat allmeute? The most liberal anil best medical doctors of today are advising the min imnu use cf medicine and the maxi mum of oonunon sense; they decry the liberal use of drugs. Tbe maohinery of ll:e would groan hideously wire il uot lor osteopathy to oil the wheels to prevont friction. and adjust meohanical disorders to prevent pain and eickneea. NOTICE OF REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ELECTION The Primary Election for the pur pone of election delegates to the Re publican Convention for Union County will be held in each precinct In Union County Saturday April U 1IXM. The Convention will be held at Elgin Oregon April 7th 1904, The places where said election ehall occur in the lour preclncti of La Uraode, the Jndgea to serve at said election and the number UNION LAUNDRY WILL REOPEN Tbe Union Steam Laundry will again open up for business next Mon day, April 4, but under new manage ment. Tbe plant has been putobated by J Jamison & Sons. These gentle men are well known in La Grande and one of tbe sons, Alva, baa bad .years of ezperi:i.ce ib Laundry work, having worked in a steam Uujdry in Pendle ton and for several years past baa been oonoected with tne A. B U. 8'eam Laundry in this oity. They will eo ' deavor to build up a good trade by turning out first olasa work. Change of Management. Tho undersigned baa purchase! tbe bustna known a the Han is Cusb Meat Market ipud will hf ' after conduct tbe snnie. . I We witsb loi.furtu tbe public) tbat we are prepared to furni -r all kinds of meats, game a d poultry at fbe very lowest prir- consUtaut with (irot-clua artioltg We have' our own del veiy and make two trips doily to tbe Old Town. Highest markot price paid for all cuttle, hogs and sheep. We solicit a share nf your patronage and guarantee tbe very best satisfaction, . Plione orders receive prompt and careful iitlt nticn. Harris im-l market across tbe track. I'lione 16U1. . , TURNER & WALTER Express and Delivery Adna K'erH, Phone 1821. Alitalia receive pr nipt attention. General express and delivery business. tf FOR RENT A fnrniEhed four room collage. In- of Mrs Zulx-r. tf SOMMER HOUSE J Keeney Mrs A O Hunter W M Fitzgerald John Arloe Goo Brown F S Green L T Osborn I. Euglebum 1 0 Peters Henry Jackson I. Hrursland O E Jones E Patterson H Parson W H Clubb J B Efflnger - ' Pocatello do Portland do do do do do Seattle Spokane Baker City Spokane I m bier do SF do FOR SALE Large two Btory house, good barn, about 7 acres of land with orcliard for sale, will take part payment either in city property or farm land. Sightly located in eld town. For particulars inquiie at this office or of E Damon -1-1 tt. A source of trouble in home cooked meals is their lack of variety. You have no choice of wands. Your appetite is jaded one day. When yori sit down to dinner at home the menu contains eveiytLing yon do not wnt It is different here. Providing for so many, we can offer the greatest varh tv If you do not care for one item on the bill of fare, choose another. They are all good, but the choice is yours. Try it for a while, and bring that tired wife of yours with you. MODELi RESTAURANT J. A. AKBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT We tell weekly Meal nonets, wasn.... BOARD AND ROOM Pleasant rooms-aod good board for gentlemen. Inquire at 501 T street known as tbe Hughes house. 3 - 4 - tf w" HEN YOU WANT RUBBER STAMPS REMEMBER ME.; manufacture every style on any mounting and tarry a complete slock of PaUr, Iukx, Raoks, Datere, Rubber rype, eto. Seals, Stencils, Trade Oheck', Soor Plates, Postal Scales. Write me what you went. I can please you by return mail. Every atamp requirement supplied. WESLEY ANDREWS, Baker City. I $4.50 All included iu tbe J. E. TILT SHOE. Good leather good wear, good fit, So there .yon are, at C. W. PRESTON'S Shoe Specialist Depot Street ROSES Roses ROSES I can furnish you with the best hardy roses one year old at 25o each, or two yeurs old at 45c. Also all kinds of plants, such us Pausies, Asters, Petunias, Daisies, Candytuft, etc. I make a specially of all outside woik, pruniug, grafting, landscape work, gardening, lawn mowing, etc., at very reasonable rates. Give me a trial, I will guarantee to give satisfaction. All kinds ot trees, shrubs, small fruits, cabbage, celery, and tomato plants. Open Sundays from 8 lo 12 a. m. WM. GILPIN, Phone ii6i Greenhouse BIG 30 DAY SALE ' v ia at ill on at tlie -. La Grande Mercantile Company, : i (the new store.) , . Watch our a 1 'Ye are going to have s special sale ''"S.' again next Suturday. Elegantly btylud and trimmed . tailor-made suite in Etemine, Voib, Pto., from 116 to 40. Muslin under wear, 15 per cent off regular : price.. Ladies' and Misses' golf and Hi ess ekivts that will fit your purse as well as your form An elegant line of Ladies' summer' waists. A. glance at our window will ti ll you whoiher our prices are right or not. Everything in the store is being sold uta big reduction. . '. , .' ,. La Grande Mercantile Phone 190i . LA GRANDE, Co., OREGON wnnn wr.r.r. 'o y v - v- l' v v w y jy The best in the ciiy, lowest price.. - COAL FINE LUMF. Anything in the HAY and GRAIN line. Call at our store ' Slater building, or phone 1801. GRANDE RONDE CASH COMPANY. Free delivery 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Retail 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do "this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest il; and at the same time As;ist the Stomach and Diges tive Orgaus in Digesting and Assimulating Sufficient Food to Rebuild tbe Tissues Support ing the Organs Iuvoleed. There is but one remedy tbat will do this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL A. T. Prescription Pruggist TELL YOU HILL, La Grande, Ore tTvtvTtttttTTVVTf ttttttttitf ft 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ' 4 4 First-Class JOB WORK at the OBSERVER 44444444444t4444444444444M444444444444444 . . We Have Not Said Much About It, But Wc Have Ladies' Trimmed Hats Too 4 The Very Latest Direct From New York, The City That Sets the Pace in Fashions. THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY 1308-1310-1312. ADAMS AVt-NlE. LA GRANDE. ....TTlMlf mm ititiiini it tttii-iniiitni muttf Titt-'-t-t t t Hiiiiiiiiiiiinmj w 4 LX.-..V-1 RJS AND 01