A Golden Opportunity I j For Spring House Cleaning and Re-furnishing. j j For a short time we are offering BIG VALUES TOR CASH ! J o make room for our, ,ew goods. For example: A 3-piece ' J M room su.t, regular ,18.60, now ,14.00 Prices poZ J . tively Ibe lowest ,n C1ty ou eame quality of gonds. MATTING UrJUew Ii,le D0W dlay in the S " ., ... w,dw. and many more beautiful j ; patterns inside. Come in and look at tliem. J j Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty! j My undertaker H.B. HASTEN, will respond promptly to ! ' ' all calls, day or night. ' J I E. ANDROSS 7 Phon9 ! iUlVUJJ Residence Phone 367 J I HOUSE FURNISHINGS 1202 Ada.s Ave A JACK THE RIPPER An "Old Timer" writes to the Flora Journal u follow! : "Only a few days ago it waa reported that tba Barnea Bro's., of Pdralise, had a couple of young cows ahot, then ripped open. Tbia adds anot'.er crime to the liat in thit neighborhood. Within the laat two or three years there hna been a number ol eheep ahot and killed by partlea that live not far from Paradise j alsoeatUe and bor.es not s few. It Is abjut time the offioeia of Wallowa county sent a few of tbesa parties oyer the road to learn them something be sides kill and cripple. And If it is not done who can blame Judge Lynch, of Missouri, if be bolda court and does basiuesa according to the old coda." OUR TELEPHONE IS MAIN 1921 ' Goiug to build that fence? We have a new lot of fencing material. Let us Sgnre with your. 8TODDARD LUMBER COMPANY At the LA GRANDE PLANING MILL e0S00Me W1t ti94&My9M'Sl' A very handsome and complete line of MILLINERY uow on sale at the Bargain Store. ED. M. Wellman & Co. OFFICERS: B. UuiTII President J. M. Bibrt. ..... Vice President J. M.Cuubcii Cashier F. L. Meykbs Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS : J. M. Berry, J. M. Chuivh A. B. Con ley, R. Smith L. 0. Stanley 3655 La Orande National B nk La Grande. Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 Transacts a general banking business. Buys and sellsj'exchange on all parte of the world. Collections a specialty. FOR SALE A good work team iientle and kind will sell cheap for rash, one set harness and 1J Mftchel spring wuKon for par ticulars Inquire at Getldfsa Bros Grocery store or a e me at Cinder Pit Round bouse 3-11-26 A. P. Norton. NOTICE is hereby given that I have given my son William Wilkie his time and from this date I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by him, or any contracts he may make. March 21, 1004. ' 3-22 tf Anguete Rothlago. Republican Caucus. The following are the republican oauous nominees for delegates to the county convention, to be voted on at the primaries in this oity next Satur day. The Republicans of the four pre- otnia net yesterday and nominated oandidatea for delegate! to the oounly convention whiob meets in Elgin April 7. The delegate will be oboaen Satur day. Preoinot No. 4 made no nomi nations. ' ' ' ' ;' ' Preoinot No. 1 " " ' John Williamson, John Steinbeck, O II Humphreys, J B Price, Julius Fischer, DM Biddle, H 8 Catena, Frank Carpenter, Obat Anderson, Geo Grout, E Jaco'jeon, 8 J White. No. of delegates to be elected 6. Preoinot No. 3 G M Kicbey, O T Bacon, 0 L Mel quist, J H Peara, J V Boss, H T Wil liama, W F 8nodgrasa, F L . Meyers F 8 I van hoe, J Jamison, J O Henry, W B Sargent, A S Geddes, J E Foley. J D Matheaon, Geo Ball, S B Hawortb 0 0 Bookwell, J W Koowlea, 8 A Gardiner. No. of delegates to be elected 9. Preoinot No S A E Huff, O F Cooledge, E W Bartlett, E E Romig, O U Goodnougb 0 W Noyei, E Albereon, J K Wright '.Vm Grant, F A Mead, J J Carr, W B Wines, J A MoWbirter, F Kilpatrick, J A Matott, J P Clark, J E Reynolds, WKDavia. the responsibility in tbe maintance o! the Bine Mountain University are cordially invited to be present at the reunion of tbe students which will be held in tbia oity, in Elk's hall Satur day evening April S, 1904. Committee Invitation To all who were formerly officially connected and those who held life scholarships and to those who shared 1 Self Denial Week The Ralvatlon Army announcea Its annual Week of Prayer and Belt Denial, to take place March 27 ' April 3, and thongh daily practicing self denial, these members agree during this special week, to do without all luxuries, and even some of tbe necessaries of life, in order to help swell tbe fund in aid of the home and foreign missionary work of the organisation. . Our readers will be urgently appealed to by the Otflotrs and Soldiers of tbe Army loudly to aa 1st In this effort, and again we advise those who are not In tbe habit of denying themselves to do so at this time and prove with the Salvationists that "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Nutmeg Match "A Nutmeg Matoh" will be present ed under tbe auspices of tho La Grande Cornet band at Steward's opera house Monday eveuiug April 4. The play will be managed by a man experienced in euoh work and .the lead ing parte will be played by experienc ed aotors. It is said by tbe press of cities where it baa been played to be an exceptionally meritorious play. In Boise, Idaho, it attraoted large orowds for 14 oonsecutive ' nights. Secure your tickets oarly and help tbe band at tbe same time witness one of the best plays put on the stage in La Grande this season. PORTLAND AND LOCAL MARKETS. Eggs, fresh valley 20uts, eastern, 28c Butter, creamiry 60o and firstolass! dairy 60o per roll. -Potatoes 60cts per sack, AppU s,60c. to 75cib. per box. Cabbage, ljnt. per lb. Turkies, 10 cts. lb. live weight. CKRBAL8 , Wheat 74oto80o per bn. -Oats 1.10 per cental Barley 80o per cental : Portland Markets. The steady decline in Eastern and foreign markets has taken the life out of the local wheat market. Buyers and sellers are farther apart than ever and business is at a standstill, with tbe tone deoidedly weak. WHEAT Walla Walla, 75c; blue-stem, 79c; Valley, 80. BARLEY Feed, $22 per ton, brew iiig,$24; rolled $26. FLOUR Valley, $3.90 and 8.95 per barrel; bar dwbeat straights, 14.20 and i 4.10; clears, $3.85 aud 4.00; hard what j patents, $4.00 and 4.10; Dakota hard I wheat, 6 40 and $6.0; graham, $3.90, w'nle wheat, $4; rye wheat, $4.60 aud 4.76 . OATS No. 1 white, f 1.17; gray $1.10 per cental. MILL STUFFS Bran, $18 per ton; middlings, $23; shorts, $19; chop, U. 8. mills, $18; linseed, dairy lood $19 HAY Timothy, $16 per ton; clov er, $1 2 ; grain, $12 j cheat, $13. Potatoes, 60 to 75 cents per aaok. Onicns 80 cents to $1.00 perjeack. Eggs Oregon, 30 32 ots, "'m Butter Creamery, il) and 80c Dairy, 20 and 22Jo, store 1616)o 'lb Poultry Cbiokent, mixed lOo per pound, spring, lOo and hens, 10c , turkeys live, 17 and 18o lb dressed 18 and 20o lb-, ducks, $6 and 7 t er doi. geese, 8c lb. LIVESTOCK Cattle Best steers $4.26 and $4.00, medium, 4.00; cows $3.26 and $4.00 Hogs Best large, fat $5.26; medium large fat 4.76 Sheep Best weathers. $3.50; mixed abeep $3. SflMTuE LILLTOS When your lungs are sore and Inflamed from coughing1. Is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply. norm AND TAR stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is a safe and never failing remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Thi Deetert Said Hi Rid Consumption- Mirvilou Curi. L. M. Rules, Reasoner, Iowa, writes: "The doctors said I hsd con., sumption and! got no better until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It helped me right from the start and atopped the spitting of blood and the pain in my lungs snd today I am sound and well. THREE SIZES 2So, 60o, and $1.00 REFUSE SUBSUITUTES SOLD 1KD RECOSSIENDED BY Clasd Ads V.Ior half FOR SALE A yearling . ,,,, Jersey and half Durham, Inq. tbia office or phone 1603. FOR SALE 1 Single Disc Beet Plows for sale cheap. Also 3 saddle ponies ' one half Shetland. 8 good single driving horses J. E. Beynolds, FOR 8 ALE Indian Bunnar Duok eggs, thor ough bred imported stock, i nly lim ted number. VY, Grande. nr if v - 99-1 die. FOB BALE CHEAP All the fixtures of the Cove Creamery including one eight horse power engine and ten hone power boiler, churn and butter works, and a large cheese-press vats etc. . . Mrs Matt Mitchell " 8-8-tf Cora, Oregon. .:' FOR SALS . Two acre tract, East of the La Grande Flouring mill, one half In good bearing orchard. Small cottage, and good bars. Willleell for cash or will; trade for good work horses. 10 Grout ' TF La Grande, Ore, " WOOD FOB SALE. ., A large quantity of 16 In. wood for sale. Inquire of Rowe A Hernnan in ad Town or Phone 172-3. ; All orders promptly delivered y. : tf.. MEN f" ooi, - psaaiueu lor men, con tinue to cure all chronic private and nervous ailments, oi importance, skin aiseasee, inematism, eetarrab, etc Dr. A. O. Stoddard. PK a L. a years medical director. .74 sixth Bl. iuinuuiur. in recier way, Beat- wasu. imii or write, u 'i le, . INVES i w 000.00 month can be mad. J ft oan Invest from $500 to h 7nDe eastern investor made $66,v'W 10 1903, call or write tor paitiou.'" The Wm. B. White Co., 311 Pine Bt Portland, Oregon. Cleaning Time Does your alley or yard need clean ing? Have you any old rubbish that needs to be taken awayT . If so, ring op phone 1231, and you can get the gar bage wagon. . : f ' .' .-. ' S-18-4-18 MISCELANEOUS. LOST Between 1409 Adams Avenue and Fee rest Bros. Hardware . and Second Hand Store, one dark red leather bill book containing deposit certificates on 1 a Grande National Bank to the amount of three hundred twenty five dollars ((325). Certificates for Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Henderson. Finder please leave aame at La Grande National Bank and receive reward. Papers of no value except to owners.' 3-22-tt FURNISHED BOOMS -Newly, furnished rooms In a new house, apply to Mrs Emma Bimmona, Cor 8th and N Streets - 118-21. TO THE READING PUBLIC . We have Just received a new lot ot paper back novels. In addition to these we have added SOP cloth bound books to our exchange library. ' V - Newlln Drug Co. LADIES We are prepared to make your dresses in all the up-to-date fashions at reasonable prices. , We will make wrappers at from 76 cents to II 26, shirt waista from 60 cents np. We also do plain sewing. Resi dence two blocks north of little brick school house. Phone 67-6 Mrs Lewis and Miss Smith. PASTURE Much more abundant than last year, and open for all kinds of stock during April. Small pastures for stock needed at short notice etc. Apply to 1110. B, St. Old town. P. O. Box 14. Tele phone 1U7S. tf NOTICE Having disposed of my grocery bus- ness, r would like all those who are in. dented to me, to please call and settle, either by cash or note. My books are at O L Thorn'a grocery store on Fir street, where settlement can be made. Tf Q B FOWLER LADIES ATTENTION . Daring the month of March I will make any shirt waist at the greatly re duced price of from 60 cents to $1.25. Mrs Eltle E Wines. Residence on 9th st between O. N D.-W.-4,-l. WANTED Two girls to learn the uilllinory trade at once. Inquire of Mrs J B Forrest. tf. OSJcenU for Warrants. The Farmers A Traders National Bank will pay 95 cents no the dollar for your Oity warrants issued by the City Of La Grande on General fund in payment of bills against tbe City, Geddes Bros. ..... .. . . r,; j.t Why are Geddes Bros.- kept so . busyT Why do they sell the best goods at the lowest prices. .-.. Preferred Bt'k Tomatoes 3 for EOo Preferred Stock Corn .. 8 for 60c Preferred Stock Salmon 3 for 60o Preferred Stodk Peas 3 fof 60o Preferred Btook Beans 3 for 60c Don't pay other grocers 20 cents a can for any of these goods. Standard tomatoes, corn, beans peas, etc., 2 tor 25 cents. . -They have the best butter made In the ve'ley, and their creamery butter has no equal here, ' Try . It and see. Dill pickles, - Heinle's mince .meat, Swift's pickle ' pig feet, premium hama, loose , olives. Everything tasty, nice and cheap .. j- Telephon 461 - Geddes Bros. DeWitt DsWIH to Iks an k Issk far vlua El r t bu Wllck mnTSirn. Witt's Wnek Haul aWva Is tk. oririnal aaS safv nmtna. hi fMt CtWItt'sUtlM ooljWIIcs litn UK la Bate traa (to aiiiillliilil Witch-Hazel A1hr f eo tffiMs Nwlwt ktlona. hs9 snd wotihVtH tm cUncsurout. DflWltl'sWRcIt HiMlSarv is spacino for ntasi BHnd, BiMOUtg, hbsnd Protrudlat flkM. AlMCuts. ' IflMtV OD run, fcs.llIMa , Dollt, Cevboncks, Icurotv WSMMt, SALVE swiasD ar . E. C. DeWilt 4 Co., Ckicag For Bale by all Druggists IK 11 1 VaMJ o r SPICES, o COFFEE.TEA, BAKING POWDER. ftJeVORlNG EXTRACTS MttltfrtPuriry, MMSftl&vor, Qrntttf Srmtjih, fi&5oiabkfVic(i CLOSSEToDEYERS PORTLAND, ORE00N. Should - protest their ' beauty by geciug that' . i they have only COMPETENT BARBERS I : To shave . them. : We ' will protect your face. 8 : Evans & Fitzgerald ssssssassssssssssansssses.-. Delightful Route, Daylight Ride, i;. Diy( Crags, Deep Oanons. A Golden' Opportunity See .-.w. nature la all her ) glorious ; beauty, and then the acme of man's handiwork. The first is found along: the line of the I. Denver '& Rio "Grande Railroad and thn latter at the St. Louis" World's Fair. Your trip will be r one of pleasure make the 'most.:' of it. For information and illus trated literature write W. 0. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt. v Portland, Oregon OREGOR no. a 8:50 p. m. NO.6. 8:B0 . m. Bstlt LsJca. Denver Ft. ITUIW. VSUlStU. ABUIHI (HtT, St. LouU. OMCftSO Mia un, : , , V NO 1. 6:00 a m ' NO 6 9:10 pm NoS-iDally jxocat Sunday 9:15 a m Tim Robed til , LA QBLAKDS. Portland. DtxHiw. Pan. A, I laytxra, Pomeroi, ,)lnaxt HoBOOW.Hpt u - , UM Til Hpo KtUlO, rui lUlilUi -risi irmt I cu"l lala, Lew is ton, Colfax Moscow, WallaoeWar dner, Hpokaaa. and Qiner puinw caai. ana UUrtll VI PiJOKHUfJ. island City. Allcel, imojer, ana jlikiu connMtloni at Elfin wltn suge for points in wutowB oouniy NO. 1, (Win, NO A l(h p.m NO 9Mp t NO 8:30 a m - m 630 p ru Ooenu Stoamerfl between Portland , San Francisco every five dayi 1 E. O. MOORE, Asent a i Please Note Our Success Cauital Daid In ReTiabllltyof share- bolders.... The road to t access is gcderally rap resented as being long and uphill. But this need not be so, at least of monetary success. One lias only to exercise Intel ligence and Judgment in making Invest ments. Heal estate offers an attractive field for those who wish to avoid the risks incident to othe investments. Buy real estate through ns and yoa will get property that will Increase In value and yield a good rate of vonservstive iuterext. La Grande 1110 Adams Aveuue", Investment Company, .La Giande, Oregon CREAM "WANTED ; Farmers, bring your cream tous and we will pay the very highest market price for it. At tliepresent price of butler it will pay you far ' better to sell the cream than to churn it. We are agents for the famous DE LAVEL separator. The best made. . . COVEjCREAMERYJCOMPANY, E. O. Harper, Mgr. Hoadquarters at Hill & Allen's, La Grande. And 'ineruaSB' ofEbnslnflaa Imm July 15,-1891, to July 16, 1903, II years..". . -! . Bnrulas fund aeeum.': ulated .....tl 1.60 0.00 . 0,U VU.00 60,000.00 Protection to de positors. :tl 8 1, 6 S 0.0 0 Deposit subjeet to - check were, on. -July 15,1891 ' 41,8 9 8.35 " MM f , 7 79 9.99 " ' 1893 ' , 27,328.13 f 1804 . : 80,041.64 " . 1895 ' 42,8 4 8.11 '- " -I896jl - v. 8497.70 " 1897 43,6 4 7.69 " 1898 7 8.7 7 6.26 , 1899 .: 8 8,7 6 0.19 " 1900 8 9 , 7 0 3.90 ".1901. , 8 8,7 81,67 " 1608 7 7,2 4 6.38 1903 S 18 2 ,108.76 "Does not the tabove 6garee a aura yoa that the management ot this bank meets wltn the approval ol its board of directors and pat rons; and desenuiR of . yon patronage. ' We want your i i -ing bushiest, large or small. C on interest will be protected at (be Fsrmen snd Traders National n - U Grandt.SOrejon ' ; , I STALLION NOTICE ' A great opportunity for you to breed to one of the best at a very low prioe. I will make this season with my imported tmaAtia W n 'tnaiT atallinn 1 I1U,UUU mvwbuvj Hna.uwM STUNTNEY T-SSO ' With r-Ainrn nrivilnoA SA n,t. .. r -a- r 'i "Kjf in advance. No oib terms. Can give good 088 as to his colts. refet.i Wm.O.Hasr1 l TOB 84LE-6 le1-1 Ing house an( Oity, For 4- A. T. HiLL, PRESCRIPTION DRUGG16T Thomas, Mark 1