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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1904)
1, A . .i.: Sa. .1 11T l f. h y , I - .J unkmUAFt nntflt wnrth fjOti for 25c. COD vlstiiu of cos handsome sofa pillow, tinted in colon, Including back. OwdUmm leseoo for pillow. specially written by our Japanese pro feeeor of Oriental art embroidery. Four skeins of; of Hiehardaon ' Grand PrlM Urecuw Floss Bilk. On pair good servlcble embroidery boopa. Wa bare a complete stock of center pieeee. THE .RAINBOW iv.ur AN JNVITAION T0 YOU.g , THIS IS A SPECIAL INVITATION TO YOU. ,W aw receiving dairy Taper and Wall Decorations, and we extend this special invitation to yon and your friends to call and see them. "' 1 We art aaxious to have y ou see oar line and we feel sare'you' willbe delighted with the visit ' : Yours Respectfully, Stackland & McLachlen ; PAINTS. ,0II2S AND 6LASS g Paper Is Cheaper Than Coal and Looks Better. In other words if your walls are well papered your fuel bill will be reduced. We do proper ' Paper Hanging at drices you can afford to pay, HARRIS & PRICE Painters, Paper Hangers and Decorators. A. 0. HARRIS, Phone 1566, J.M. PRICE, Phone 1491 J. H, Feare, Fresh Chocolates Fresh Bon Bons Fresh Nougact Fresh Carmels ' ' " ' Fresh Taffey Fresh Salted Peanuts Fresh Salted Almonds Fresh Popcorn Fresh Fruit GREENE & GO- ALWAYS - ON TIME Whan yon order groceries from us yon ajre sure to have themjdelivered on lima ANOTHER THING When yon order groceries from us you are sure to get the verf best to be had. We keep only the best The next time you are at our store skto soe our special line of BREAKFAST BACON ;' & POTTED MEAT S SKA GROCERY STORE I I B-lnlnlJMJ for : 25 CENTS Your choice of "six designs: Rose, Poppy, New Wild - Rose, . - Pansy, 1 Violet, roppy. , j STORE 1 1 many new designs in Wall IF BROKEN HEARTS" oould be mended aa neatly, quickly and thoroughly aa I can repair your jewelry tbera would be no sor row in the world. No matter whether It be a watob, ring, a neck lace or a baby pin dear from asso ciation needs repairing, bring it to me and it will be meoded ao you oannot ' tall It from new. My apeeialty ia watob repairing, Bring It bara and bare it done honestly, expertly and cheaply. ' the Jeweler 'it- X lorFir and Jeffersott Sta. Y LA GRANDE MORNING OBSERVER CURRCY BROS. Editors and Proprietors. aCntered at the Post OfBoa ' at La Grande. tiierm, aa Second OUas Kail Mattel. :' ' '. Published Daily Except pondey. oe Year in Advauce..".";..'.; &50 j Per Month . - .66 dix Months in Advance........ e,3.60 1 Single Copy OS THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 31, 1904 DEADLY WORK OF FACTIONS The Republican party iu many states the same as in Ore gon, is rent with warring fac tions, or rather miserable squab bles over federal offices. It is only a question oi time when the party must go down in ig nomineous " defeat because of these petty strifes, H they con tinue. That time has not yet arrived but unless there is a change for the better, it will come. . There are a great many thoughtful ' ' members' "of the party who think- the day of humiliation cannot be postponed beyond 1908. ' The momentum which its grand historic achievements have given the Republican party and the demonstrated wisdom of its economic policies will safely carry it through the approach ing Presidential election, with Roosevolt as the standard bear er; but by the time 1908 arrives the deadly work of the , factions will have done its job and the people will turn in disgust from a party that elects United States Senators for the sole purpose of acting as office brokers and members of Congress whose only ambition is to reward their political friends with federal offices. Grande Ronde Valley Fruit Farm , The Grande Ronde valley fruit (arm contains 320 acies, and is to be sold in lots of of ten kite and an J np, to suit the purchaser It is situated eight mil es north-eaat of La Grande, Oregon, near the Elgin branch of Uie O. R. & N. ailroad. We furnish the purchaser, at the end of three years, a thrifty growing apple orchard, ono that has been cared for from aetltng, in the most approved manner, cultivating the land six or eight times a year, keeping the gionnd well pulverised, and at all times free from weeds, grass and other vegetation Mar 1st and August 16th of each year ; keeping the trees pruned iu the most scientific manner; removing and born-' ing all cuttings and suckers, and in short, do any and all work which will be for the best interest of the trees. We replant all trees that may die in the first, second and third years, and pay all taxes for three years. Wa furnish the land, labor and material, and trees, and three years' care, at the price ol (ISA per acre, giving three yeara In which to pay (or it. Our terms of payment are B5 per cent of purchase price, cash; balance in three yearly payments, bearing interest at the rates of 6 per cent per annum. The purchaser can remain where be h, make uo immediate okange In his business or noma interests, making his present business pay for his Investment sacrificing no time while the orchard is being brought into bearing condition, and rest assured that skilled horticul tural 1st s will do the work belter than he can unless he has had, horticultural eiperience under conditions existing in Oregon. After trees have had scientific care, pruning and shaping for three years, the subsequent work is much more methodical and can be success fully done by those without horticul tural skill. As an Investment IIJIb gilt edge; and is the nearest possible approach to a guaranteed annuity. We have all our work done by con tract and the contractors are under heavy bonds to us for the lalthful pcr foimauce of- their ork. Wa have executed a bond to the amount of 110,000, and have appointed lion. J. M. Church, cashier of the La Grande National Bank, trustee. ror further particulars see M. L. CAUSEY, President Eastern Oregon Colonising Company. PolovRoea.h Dlilg. fGramle, Ore D..W.-4.-1. Central Church of Christ Opposite Sommer House. OrEN EVERY DAY Pastor's Office Hours 1 to 2:30 Free Reading Room open from noon until 9 pm. Meu And boys invited. Bible school Sunday 10 a m Pleaching Sunday 11am and 7:30 p m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. I Oregon's state building at the World's Fair is one of the picturesque structures. It is s replica of Fort Clatsop, where the Lewi and Clark . expeditiou passed the winter of 1805-06 on the bluff overlooking Astoria Bay. ' ' 'J- The citizens of Rcseburg re cently held a public indignation meeting owing to the exorbit ant rates of ; light and water, They evidently would be glad if the city owned the plants. The press of the state always baa more or less to say at this season of the year regarding "good roads." The prices of lumber in Port land have been reduced $1.50 per thousand feel on ordinary grades. The state board of arbitration reports 3,900,000 work days lost last year through strikes. . Sheriff Story, of Multnomah, who failed to be renomianted, will run independent. Miners in' Oregon will have plenty of water this year. Wlmt Helped Harrlman. "I don't understand how E. II. Hnrrl man got up about two weeks after Mi operation (or appendicitis," said on- : a group at the club, "when 't took r.' six weeks to get on my feet ' "Ob, well, your time was not so vnlt abler etc., from the crowd. Mess while the doctor In the group bad beea silent "Ton heard, of course, what thj found?" he ventured. General inter est "Why, the appendix was full of undi gested securities, and all they had to do was to cut the coupons of." New York Tunes. Why Be Parts It la the Middle, Mrs. Otto C. Helnze of Brooklyn tells why ber son, the successful young mine owner and mining engineer of Montana, "parts his name In the mid dle." White he was a little fellow at tending achool in Brooklyn be ono doy said: "Mother, when I am a man I an going to be cnlled by my middle name, r. Aoaustoa bkixzb. Augustus, and not Frits. The boyi call me German Frits, and I don't llki It" The funny part of It was that when be later attended school In Qermau; the boys poked fun at him because be waa an American. Again he carried hla sorrow to his mother, saying: "They tease uie at home because I am Corumn and call me 'German Fritz' and tease me here because I am an American and call me 'YunBe Frank.' I'll be Frlta no longer, bui Augustus." Bo thst Is whj the man who has eei making a hard fight s gainst the Rock (Hera is koown as V Augustus Helnaa SACRED HEART ACADEMY La Grande, Oregon. C inducted by Hitter of tH. Francl Select boarding and day school for Young Ladies Aotletnic, Preparatory and Kined garten courses are couducled oo Ibe same principles aa those pursued In oar schools of Philadelphia. Music and painting receive spwti attention Letters of inquiry directed to 8I8TER SUPERIOR BIlDlglBBUIIVfllBl11 " OUR SPRING It Sack Suits ate not of the ordinary character, . There is a certain nnlibitiess in the m i K PI K a B O "Hart, Schaffner 0 H aaaiini HOME G-ROWN Healthy Apple Trees In Varity,2Thiilt and Prices. I cm furnish largo c' small orders of Applos. in my vniiety, also shrubs, uines, weeping trees and email fruiti Caroliua Poplars, Black Locust, Syca more, Mull.nry, Catalpa, Linden, Maple, Larch, Birch, Elm, Ash, Privet uud rises in auy variety. Write for prices to Con. Plant, Box 604, LaGrande, Ore. WJI. GILPINS' GREEN HOUSE 'Phone 1161 SfcCBEST BROS. DE vLERS IN New & Seco-id-Fand Goods, SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE. Gardinier Building -- HR STREFf THE Laundry for" i now With our new Position to turn Order wnk s Call us up and ABC LAUNDRY ! PHONE j i85i ! DO YOU WANT I CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? f s ' I If S", we can locate you on some I I fine claims in Wallowa Comity, I McDanlel &, WALLOWA, OREGON 1 55SS!Sa!nStfr'. JaT,3 A Two Ligln El :trolier Umpire style conr ! te vr i-clied glass shades and all a t;chm ts put up iu yt .ir residence foi $t,.ov See samples io ou - winr1 La Grande Liht L I'ower Co If n U B El a a & Mary " Clothes 1 llliat appeals to every stylish man. Theee are decidedly J"young men's clothes" TLey have dish you admire yonr own appe nance if you wear cue, Along" with up-to-date M D clothes goes fine shoes We have them in the Floreheim make, the dressiest and largest stock in town. Let us show you.. J. M. BERRY IDBHUBDIOnnflDB ABC Ready Businesses up-to-date Plant we are iu a J out the best of work. Shor I specialty. Phone No. 185 our wagon will call. McDonald, v gfjaj UfcTO; "Jumps - 1st I" -NEW. MARKET j : StillwBll : Vandermiilen I Wish to announce that on Saturday February 11 they'wi'l open a first olass. J Meat Market iu the old . Stand " . ! "THE BOSS" ' Corner Railroad & Fir St, We will always keep on baud a good stock of fresh and smoked" meats, sau S SHgen, fish aud poultry, a and will be glad to meet i all my old patrons and J . as many new ones. All orders will receive our prompt attention. Phone 48 ' Four of a kind is a p-ett7 good hand at canls. But at the butrher's its the kind that countB, not the four. We keep only one kind of meat, the kind that's fresh, healthy, tender and U'iy. Buy your stoaki an1 chops here, and they'll always he right. Our stock is well-fed and p operly cared for. Cotife. quently our meat has a delicious flavor. Bock & Thomas Early Risers IUb iai'IVV4 bia abb a aa,a, For quick relief from Biliousness, Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun dice, Dlulness, and all troublea aris ing from an inactive or sluggish liver, DoWilt's Little Early Risers are un equalled. They set promptly and never grip. They are so dslnty that Ills a pleasure to take them. One to two act aa a mild laiative; two or four act aa a pleasant and effective cathartlo. They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. The tonlo the liver, msr-ARiD ohlt sv B. C. DoWtu S: Co.. Ctitcaajn For Sale by all Druggists NOTICE: ses I would like all my old friends and customers to know that I have rent ed a portion of A. J. Webb.s feed but for j LIVERY PURPOSES and will be found there for business with first-class rigs and good accomo dations, I will also board horses by the month. Horses bought, sold and exchanged. G. W. ALLEN ADAMS A VE. ' Phone 1641. O o o J3 Like a Comet Th is' In the sky comes ine star of healtn l to the weak and famous remedy does lor the stom weary despon ach that which It Is unable ta dolor dent dyspeptic. curing ail Itself, even If but a i o m ao n Slightly disordered or overburdened. troubles and digestive disorders. Kodol upplie h e natural IlltCAJ fit HitTaaa-llAF. J dOfil IhA r-.rkr Hf ak. 1 sjiDinmnn. rn sr m sk. ----- viiun, wiinrj i IhA lnfl.m-J . - H-u.uigu niuscici 1 nd membranoaof that organ ara allowed to ' : ; u ii cures Indlgeatlon, flatulonca. Hnanila.llAH i 1-. i fmt mrA U. I nervous dyspepsia and all afAfnaok l membranes of the slam- " m aigestive organs. Kodol Dj3p(paCurc Tli,lijKtU x'srLI.M Mac i For Sale by all Druggists If)