La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, March 31, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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    ' 4 i
hi f
In an Important Engagement Which Took Place
. Near the Town of Chongju
J25,66o in Korea. '
8t Petersburg, Marob 30 The em
peror baa received a dispatoh Irom
General Kouropatkin giving a lengthy
report from General Miahtiohecko
dated at 10 p m, Marob 28, wbioti says
that an engagement took
place near the town of Cbongju in
wbiob the Ruiio were defeated, re
tiring in per (eo order.
Tbe Japanese aufltred heavily; the
RuBBian tones including three u liners
wounded. Cavalry and infantry on
both sides were engaged. The Rua
eiona LCcupied a eommanding posi
tion. The Japan 'ae fought gallan'ly Lui
owing to iheir heavy losses were uu
abl to occupy (he politico abmuinued
by tbe Rueaians. ' ' ' .
Rome, Maroh 30 A Seoul dispatch
states the Japanese made a determin
ed attempt to land at Niu Obwang
and that 45 Japanese transports Yes
terday landed a lane number of troops
and 60 guns, and enormous supplies
at Chiuamppo. There are now 125,
000 Jap troops in Korea
Ground Wet
' Farmers throughout the valley state
that the ground is wet deeper tban at
any time within the past five years.
This will insure good grain and beet
crops. ,
Bull Penned
Denver, Maroh 30 The sheriff of
Telluride arrived this morning with
warrants for W D Haywood seoretary
treaaurer of the Western Federation
of the Miners' Union but ' could not
loeate him.
Hail advioee from .Telluride to
Ridgeway state that President Moyer,
charged with Hag desecration obtain
ed a bond last night wbiob was signed
byCounty Jndge Ward law and Moyci
waa released. He was immediately
rearrested by a squad of soldiers and
bull-penned. His three attorneys ar
rived al Ridgeway this morning under
military guard. Not stated whether
tbey were ordered to leave camp or
went of their own volition. .
A "Marked Down" Sociable
You are cordially invited to attend
the Marked Down Sociable to be held
at the home of E E Kidule, on Friday
eveciog A,irii 1. Some novel features
have been planned to make this soci
able of mure Interest than tbe usual
" marked down sale." If you oan not
guess what is in store for you at tbe
sociable, oome and do your guessing
there . . -. . .; .
Kiudly "mark down" on your cal
endar tbe date, and remember a cor
dial welcome await you. Given by
the Epwortb League. . -
Easter Sale
we will place on sale our 'entire line of Dress
Goods, at a reduction of ... .
20 Per Cent
This sale includes both Wool and Wash Goods,
ail of which are the latest weaves and designs
This is an opportunity to secure your Easter
This is the eeason when chronic throat and lung troubles get their
slart. Any cough is serLua enough to have prompt attention and
it is also important that tli6 bast possible remedy is secured. We
hope you will try our
We feel that this is in many respects a superior remedy aud that
once familiar with it, you will rely on it as your general household
cough cure. It is pleasant to take aod cures a quickly as any safe
remedy can. Price 25 and f0 cents.
Russians Remove Amer
ican Ensign which was
Floating over Corres
pondents Messhoute.
suit of the proclamation martial law at
this port the American flag which the
American' correspondents had floating
over their mosshouse was hauled down
today. They are very indignant over
the incident, and are expected to lend
o protest to the United States Embassy
at Pekin at what they term tbe "gross
indignity" placed upon them.
Tbe Korsian regulations ate exceed
ingly strict aod are designed, it is open
ly stated, to compel akV foreign rs with
the exception of tbe French io vacate
the town.
Admits' the Offense
Pendleton, Maroh 80 Professor
Henry Le Oonte who waa, arrested
yesterday at La (Jrande for obtaining
money under falsa preiensrsby pasr
ing a check of 7 on Jesse Shall of
the Exchange saloon waa arraigned
this afternoon before Justice bf the
Peace Thomas Fill Gerald. ,; ; v'" "
La Oonte admits that be passed tbe
oheck bat pleads in extenuation. '.;qI
the offenae that be was led to do it by
the induenoe of drink. He desire to
pa the amount realiied and the coats
of tbe sheriff In bringing him from
La Grande." '. - ''' t.'.'h
: Injunctions Issued J!
: " . .... ur.ij ,i mjoi
Chicago March 80 John , Kerva
naugh on petition of 11 manufactur
ing conoeroe has issued foor Injunc
tions, reaira nin'g seven labor onions
Irom unlawful picketing. It te con
sidered the moat sweeping anti-onion
measure ever lnued from. , a . Cook
county oourt. ,
War Preparations
HAVANA. March 30 Nlraraguan
transports are here loading 20,000 rides
and a million roundsjof ammunition and
general commissary supplies, and will
sail tonight. Captain Albania, (former-'
fly of the Spanish navy, says the muni
tions have no significance, but are
simply preparatory to Nicaraguan de
fense in the event of tbe attempt of the
other states to force that country to
join the Central American nnioo.
Russia Buys Horses
Oskaloosa, la., March 80. One hun
dred head of draft horses were sold to
an agent of the Russian Government
here today. One mare brougnt (250.
Streams are Swelling and
Heavy Rainfalls Endan
ger Life and Property
City Inundated.
New Governor of Guam
WASHINGTON, March 30-Com-man.ler
Dyer, of the cruiser Albany, has
u:,u appointed naval governor
Smool Hearings Postponed
WASHINGTON, March 30-The
Hmoot hearings have again been post
poned till April 20.
Bound Over
Paul Delaney a former newapaper
mai ol this oity but now of Baker
City became involved in a quarrel
with a mining man in Baker City
Tuesday evening strujk his man over
the head with a printers "iron shoot
ing atiok" outting a gaeh five inobea
long. Both men were arrested,
Delaney waived examination and waa
bound over for assault witb a deadly
weapon. . .
Doing Nicely
There are two eases of Jiptheria io
the city at proseut and both oases are
nearly well and the children are up
and around and the greatest difficulty
now is to keep the-n io tbe home, one
oaBe is the six year old son of Mr and
Mrs E L Eckly, the other is tbe six
year old daukbter of Mr and Mrs F B
Currey. It is expected tbe quaran
line in each instance will be raistd
within a week.
BOISE, March 30-A perfect torrent
of raiu has fallen since laet night and
the city ia completely Inundated. Tbe
rain extended into the mountains and
la rapidly melting the snow, swelling
the streams and endangering life and
property. ,
Boise river has rulsed three foot since
last night. The police are warning the
peoplo on tho low lands to get out,
Heavy loss of sheep on the range Is anticipated.
Out Early
' Washington oounty polltioiana are
all ready U work grooming a candi
date to succeed Governor Chamber
laine and ofTur tbe name of B P , Car-
neliiis. Th.y will havd started io on
a long campaign. . . , ,
Calvin. Mew. .iQeneral ''Manager, fleets)
Prominent Officials, Here:Vill
v t ."
B E Calvin, the new general mana
ger of the O H & N under jibe , , rear
rangement 61 the Harrlman Hue ar
rived io tbieeity from Malt Lake on
No 6 yesterday, morning. He , waa
met here by A L Mohler, , the retir
ing president ol the O E N Superin
tendent J P ' O'Brien and' asa atant
Superintendent M J Buckley. 1
A special consisting ol two oan was
formed here, with eonduotor .. Fred
Waffle In oharge aud tbe party left for
a daylight inspection ol the-' line
through Eastern Oregon and Eastern
Washington. ',
When the party reaches- Portland
details of the rearrangement of tie
management of tbe O B & N will , be
oompleted. A notioe waa pasted io
the Bouthern Pacific offices yesterday
morning In Portland giving Seial
nqtlfioatlon tp employee of that ey
tern In Oregori to report, after March ',
39, Io E E Ualviu geneial manager ol
tbe O B A N at bis office ia Portland,.
This means the aolual consolidation :
ol tbe Southern Paeifid and O B 4 H
under the management ol Ut Jaltin;V
What changes will be made OB jthaV
O B 4.1 ao onchs gueaaed aa yet."
It is thought some important change J
will be made but not the least ofDoiat i
Intimation ol aueh changes bat yet-,
been given oat. - '. ,.
Mr Calvin's coming to Portland mi.
not reduoe (ha number qf inperinten- '
nebts and awistapt 'superintendents, '
bat it is generally ooneeded that mora
authority will be vested In tbe nW;
general mauager and less in' the sup-'r
erintendenta . '
Known Here
men on their appearance. The
I pany roster now oootaint 'B6 nama,
PENDLETON. March 80--W R Her- Mot only ten lest than the number f ;
rlok was arrested In this oity today by , neoeasary to a lull oompeny,' ; A. nnm-1
her of yooug men are contemplating .
making applioatioa , for enllsteaent -t
and it Is probable that before lb tlm ,
Sheriff T D Tablor on the description
sent by Sheriff Logan Sammona, ol
Kearney, Neb , and will be held here
until the arrival of the officers Irom the
Eastern state. Herrlck '. la wanted In
that stat for burglary whloh was com
mittedsome time ago, and in which the
bnrglar secured a large amount of money
Herrlck has been working In this mty
and In La Grande, where he has been
representing a nursey company from
tbe East and has been soiling trees.
Want To Borrow
NEW YORK, Maroh, 30 Reports
have been received here which sy that
an' a' tempt is to be made to place
large japanese loan In America. ,
; O. N. G. Inspection
: In pursuance of ordra from head
quarters of the ' Oregon National
Guard, Captain Ooulidgeueld tbe .re
gular quarterly inspection , of Co. , L.
last night. Tbe attendance was good
and the captain complimented nbis
for encampment there will be tbe
fall requisite namber. '
Saloon Tragedy
30 Meager details have been received r
here of a double tragedy at Search- ,
light, Nev.'. ln which William Randolph: r
shot a faroplayer In a saloon. The
shooting attracted the., attention of J ,
Deputy Shorlff Colton, who rushed ln-;,;
to the saloon and who was meet with"
two shots fired at bim.hy Randolph. ,
Oolton retu-neil the fire, fatally
wounding Randolph, who died a abort t
'line later. , ' '
Breaks Record j
NEW YORK, March 30 George Blos
aon, the bllllardlat, broke' the world' i.
record of 322, 18-lnch balk Una, two I
shots hi, held by Ora Mnrringttar. )
Slosaon's run waa 201. -'
I HUt 't H
Passover Feast
Wednesday was tbe beginning of
the Passover, the great Jewish feast
wbiob commemorates tbe delivery of
Israel from bondage iu Egypt. Tbe
Jewish people observe the festival
from one to seven days. Tbe ortho
dox Jews bold services tbe first two
and the last two daya of the hast .
"Tbe obsei vanoe of tue least is ex
plained la Exodus: "And this day
shall be kept unto you for a memor
ial j and ye shall keep it a feast to the
Lord throughout your generations; yo
shall keep it a feast by an ordinance
forever. Seven daya ehall ye eat un-
leetened bread ; even tbe Brat day ye
aball put away leaven out of your
bouses, lor whosoever eatetb leavened
bread from the first day until tbe
seventh day, that soul shall be out off
from Israel."
The express brought ns another large shipment of the
newest novelties iu waists. Creations of the most beautiful
and quite the rage in eastern fashion centers.,-We have
priced them away below regular prices,-for your Easter
choosing. We can only monliou a few. '
Bulgarian Trimmed Wliu
guaranteed absolutely fast colors In
white omnm body These wnisis have
txken New Vork City by storm.
Our Easter price $;.26.
Shantung Waists In colorings of
delicate blue and pink with white
piping. Easier price 2.75
Silk Crepe de Ohlne Walats In
white and beautiful pearce gray with
lace Insertion and lace inlaid collars
to match,- tHjM, '. - V"
' Waists with Cluny Lace Insertion
made from beautiful sheer, white
lawns HpeclaJ taster price 2,1b,
Tbe Ladies ol the Presbyterian
Church will tender a reception to Rev
and Mrs Van Nuys and their friends
oo Friday evening, April 1st at tbe
Presbyterian Church. tl
New Silk and Covert Goats
Jus, reached us Ly express. Consisting of Black, Cham
pMgne and Linen Colored Silk Coats and some very exclusive ' -styles
in Covert Coats. Our Easter pricing on these Are
altogether reasonable. '
NEW SKIRTS. We honestly believe that we have
galhcrd for your choosing the best line of skirts that experi
ence and skill can produce from reliable materials. ; A largo
assortment to choose from in fancy suitings, voiles and all
other wanted fabrics in right don-to-the-minute styles, and
at prices that can't be matched elsewhere. 8.60 and all inter-
mediase prices down to 1.60.
MA m l
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