ud FMkiv mud Guta Iik: Bud W( UK! Tra. rtowac sad Tnula UunU, SMI Win . , Wa rc oSZT hih at,, oMiit THERE IS AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING STOCK From running at large, but you can see tham iu tb streets just the .same. Tbe nljr aafa way ia protect your lawn and flower garden! ia to fence against them. I have Mveral different atylee of yard fence r et prices to suit all. Also all heights of poultry fence for your chioken yard. MRS. T. N. MURPHY Shovels, Spades, Hardware SNAPS ON CITY PROPERTY. 4-room house with barn and orchard, 4 blk ground on 4th street, price 1700, $200 cash, balance on time. 6-room house, Madison ave., price $1000, $250 down, balance to suit. 6-rootn house, Valley ave., $560 cash. S-room house, By. street, $250, $50 down, balance $10 per month. Lots $50 to $100, $10 down bal on time. We are not in tbe real estate business, therefore can save yon the profit We take in snaps and sell tbe same. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams. 'Phone 1581 ReMBbtfCw still bay and hU all kind mi ItCMd Hud Good wl Jt Jt jl TURKESTAN ALFALFA. The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gation. BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House in Union County. A. V. Oliver? JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 ROSS & ANDREWS We are prepared to do all kinds of repair work and pressing. Send in your clothes. Ssss & Andrews, 1 . - K - mrm VllTQRS AND OENTS FURNISHING!. : neiei ! A FEW OBSERVATIONS BY OUR REPORTERS I HIIMHH 44 1 1 1 fTrrvi fall grain in the valley Is reported to be looking fine. Ohaa Halgarlh, tbe well known Elgin capitalist, U In tbe city. - Jake Robbies bss decided to make Boiee City bit borne alter April 1. The Rainbow store baa a change ol ad In this Issue. which yon should not fail to read. . . A blight girl whs would like to learn tjr.ie Kiting can find an opportunity at this office, i E W Rumble, manager of the Elgin Warehouse, was an arrival on last evening's Elgin train. , Attorney T H Crawford was over from Union yesterday attending to some business matters. A few more days like yesterday and the Grande Bonde Lumber Co will re same tbeir log drive. M J Buokley, assistant superintend ent of the O B A N, weot to Pendle ton Tuesday on tour of Inspection. Saturday is the date set for the meet ing of the Union County Teacher's Association, which will meet In Cove. The reunion of the students of the Blue Mountain Universty will bo beld at Elks hall In this city, Saturday evening April i. The strike at the E and E mine whicb has been In progress for about two weeks, has been satlafadorly set tied by arbitration- Green & Co have refitted their rooms and in addition' to tbeir confectionery are arranging to open elegant toe cream parlors wben the season opens. Mr Uilpin, the proprietor of the Green house, will have a niee assort ment of flowers for the Easter trade on sale at the Bed Cross drug store. Emory Froebttel, who has been tak ing a course in mining engineering in Ran Francisco during the past winter, returned home yesterday morning, ' Architect C R Thornton states tbe building outlook in La Grande for this year is most promising and will exceed any of the last few preceding years. Jas Masterson came up from Elgin last evening. He reports Ibe lumber ing outlook Is good and the saw mills are preparing for a good seasons run. Attorney N C McLeod of Elgin is in the eiiy and .states that politically Elgin Is suapremely happy, that so far as he knows. There Is not a candidate in either party. Tbe reunion of the Blue Mouutain Alumni at the. Elks hall, Saturday, promises to be a very enjoyable affair. It ia hoped that every student of tbe old university who can will be present. A J Leland, traveling agent for the Chicago & Northwestern Railway, ar rived in the city last evening, Else where in this paper will be seen the announcement for a Rues : Japanese war atlas. The funeral services of Chas M Mc Clura was largely atteu.led by the pioneers of this city and vicinity yes terday. Rev J C Walker officiated, the services were under the auspiciaof tho Masonic lodge. While the city is in the business of filling in the lakes on some of the streets, there is a lake on tbe corner op posite tbe Star grocery that has out grown its usefulness and no objections would be made it it were destroyed. Malinger Davis, of the Creeent Knitt ing Mills, baa secured the services of Arthur Harve, an espert operator from San Francisco. A new machine will also soon be Installed and the company anticipate a great laureate of trade, Mrs Mary Whitmore, who has been spending the past 10 days visiting her brother, O H Fronthe lu Elgin, passed through the city last evening, enroute to her home in Spokane. She was ac companied by her little nephew, who will visit with her (or a while. The date fur the play "A Nutmeg Mittoh," given under the auspices of the Im Grande Cornet Hand has been changed from Friday evening, April 1 to Monday evening, April 4 on account of Ibe former date being Good Friday. Rehersals are progressing nicely and the play promises to be a decided suc cess. Prof R P Tait says he has a poor opin ion of anyone who will steal an um brella at a funeral, Prof Tait was one of the pall bearers at the funeral yester day and while helping to carry the casket up the stairs to the Masonie hall, loft his umbrella at the foot of the stairs. When he teturned it was gone. The professor says lie don't think there is another one In town like it and he hopes to have it located. BOARD AND ROOM Pleasant rooms and good board for gentlemen. Inqulra at 601 T street known as the Hnghes house. 8 - 4 . tl Congratulations. Mr. John H, Cullom, Editor of the Garland, Teias, News, baa written a fart tires congratulations to I as msnn luttar ol of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, as follows : "Sixteen years ago when our first ohild was a baby be was subject to croopy spells and we w uld be very uneasy bout him, W's began using Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and finding it snob a reliable remedy tor colds and croup, we have never been without it in the bouse siuoe that time. We have five children and bate given it to . all of them witb good results." For Sale by all drag-gists. SOMMER HOUSE D F Came . Salens A R Grant Portland M J Roehe . do J F O'Neill . s do SONewton 8F J W Rood do CH Pearson Minneapolis L Bildebrand Baker City J A McCauley ' Boston E W Rumble ' Elgiu J A Masterson do ' Reception Tbe Ladies of the Presbyterian Cburoh will tender a reoeption to Rev and Mrs Van Nuya snd tbeir friends on Friday evening, April 1st at the Presbyterian Church. tl '. Change of Management. The undersigned has purchase 1 Ibe busin a. known as the Harr j Cash Meat Market aDd will hen . after conduct tbe satne. We wish to inform tbe public that we are prepared to furnish all kinds of meats, game anl ; poultry at tbe very lowest prices coasistaut with fi rut-clan articles ' We have our own del very ' and make two trips daily to the Old Town. Highest market price paid for all cuttle, bogs and sheep. .We solicit a share of your palrouage and guarantee the very best satisfaction. Phone orders receive prompt and careful u'tmticn. Harris mail market across tbe track. I'l one 1601. ; TURNER WALTER Express and Delivery Adim Rukom, Pboie 1821. Ali;clls receive pn nipt . attention. Geneial express and tlflivpry business. tf 10 It KENT A furnished fuur room cottage. In of Mrs Zuber. tl Russo-Japanese Atlas Send ten oems in stamps to A G Barker, 163 third St., P.nlaud, Ore gon, for Russo-Japanese War Ada?, issued by tbe Chicago & Noriuwestein By., three tine oolured uiap, eaon 14 ' x2U, bound in convenient lorm for re i lereooe; The E.slein situation in j detail, witb tables showing relative military and naval' strength tod fiuau oial reiouroes o Russia and Jnpau. I NOTICE Is hereby given that I have ffW given my son William Wilkle Ilia j A source of trouble time and from this date I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by him, or any contracts he may make. March 21, 1004. . 3-22-tf Anguste Rotblage. WHEN YOU WANT RUBBER STAMPS REMEMBER ME., I manufacture every style on any mounting and carry a complete stock of Pads, Inks, Racks, Daters, Rubber Type, eto. Seals, Stencils, Trade Checks, Door Plates, Postal Scales. Write me what you want. I can ploase you by return mail. Eveiy stamp requirement supplied. WESLEY ANDREWS, Baker City. In home cooked : men's is their luck of vnriety. You bnve nr. choii-u of vi wis, lutir appettttt is jude-l one day. Vli3n vo't sit down to dinner at homo the menu contaius eveiytLiug you do not wiint It is rlill'erent hero. Providing for so many, wo can offer the greatest variety. If you tip not care for one item on the bill cf fare, choose another. They are all good, but the choice is yours. Try it for a while, and bring that tired wife of yours with you. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. AKBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT We sell weekly Meal l tenets, LaMi Central Church of Christ Opposite Sotnmer House. OPEN EVERY DAY PaBtor's Office Hours 1 to 2:30 Free Reading Room open from noon until 9 pm. Men and boys invited. Bible school Sunday 10 a m Pieacbiug Sunday 11 a m and 7:30 p m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. '$4-50 All -included iu the J. E. TILT SHOE. Good leather good wear, good fit, So there you are, at C W. PRESTON'S Shot Specialist Depot Street ROSES roses ROSES I can furnish you witb the best hardj rosea one year old at 25o each, or two years old at 45o. Also all kinds of plants, such as Pausies, Asters, Petunias, Daisies, Candytuft, etc, I make a specialty of all outside woik, pruning, grafting, landscape work, gardening, lawn mowing, etc., at very reasonable rates. Give mo a trial, I will guarantee to give sittisfaclioti. All kinds ol Irets, shrubs, small fruits, cabbage, ct'lery and omuto plants. Open Sundays from 8 to 12 a. in. WM. GILPIN, Phone 1161 Greenhouse BIG 30-DAY SALE is still on at tbe La Grande Mercantile Company, ' (the uew store.) Wati h our a I To are going to have s special sale again next Saturday., Elegantly tlylu-1 and trimmed tailor made suits in Etemine, Voilf, etc, from 116 to 40. Muslin under wear, 15 per ceut off regular price. Ladies' and Misses' golf and diess skirts that will fit your purse as well as your form. An elegant line of Ladies' summer waists. A glaure at our window will tell you whether our prices are right or not. Everything in the store is being sold ut a big reduction. La Grande Mercanti! Phone 1 90 i LA GRANDE, Co., OREGON WOOD WOOD ! The be t in the city, lowest price. COAL FINE LUMP. ( Anything in the HAY and GRAIN line. Call at our store Slater building, or phone 1801. iANDE RONDE CASH COMPANY. j. Free delivery 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Retail T as B 11 now an i ure my 4 INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at tbe same time Asust the Stomach and Diges tive Organs in Digesting and Assimulatiug Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Iuvoleed. There is but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL A, TELL YOU T. HILL, Prescription Pruggist La Grande, Ore First-Class JOB WORK at the OBSERVER We Have Not Said Much About It, But We Have Ladies' Trimmed Hats Too The Very Latest Direct From New York, The City That Sets the P ce In Fashions. THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY 1308-1310. 1312. ADA VIS MTM15, LA GRANDE. MMtliH ' I t St