1 $3! s . . -ah 3) KichardsoflS jWash and fmbroidery 50 CENTS for 25 CENTS. Your choice of six designs: Rose, Poppy, New Wild Rose, Pansy,..: , Violet, A complete sofa plllon and embroidery ontfit worth 60o for 26c. Con sisting ol cfle handsome tote, pillow, tinted In oolors, including back. One diagram leans: (or pillow, specially written by our Japaneae pro 'lessor of Oriental art embroidery. Four akeina of of Richardson's Grand Prlae Grecian Floss Silk. One pair good servloible embroidery boopa. We ba?e a complete stock of center piecea. ; THE. RAINBOW STORE 1 I AN INVITAION. T0 Y0U,g THIS 18 A SPECIAL INVITATION TO YOU. . i W are receiving daly many new desighs in Wall Paper and Wall Decorations, and we extend this special ) InyiUtion to yon and your friends to call and see them. j) We areaaxjout to htwe you see our line and we feel tar yoa will be delighted with the visit ? . ' ' ' Yourt Respeetfully, A ) Stackland & McLachlen PAINT?.; 011?$ AND GLASS ) Paper Is Cheaper Than Coal and Looks Better. In other; words if your walls are well papered jour fuel bill will be reduced. We do proper Paper Hanging at driees you can afferd to pay. HARRIS & PRICE ' Painters, ' Paper Hangers and Decorators. ' A. 0. HARRIS, Phone J566 J.M. PRICE, Phone 1491 IF BROKEN HEARTS could be mended as orally, quickly and thoroughly as I can repair yuur jewelry there would be no sor row in Ibe world. No matter whether It be a watob, ring, a neck lace or a baby pin dear from asso ciation needs repairing bring it to 'in and It will be mended so you cannot tell it from new. My specially is watoh repairing, Bring It bere and have it done honestly, expertly and cheaply. J. li. Feare, the Jeweler LA GRANDE MORNING OBSERVER CURREY BROS. Editors and Proprietors. Entered at the Poet Office at La Grande, . lircon, aa Second Clus . KM Matter. Published Daily Except monday. One Yar In Advance. ......... $6.50; Per Month... rtii Months in Advance $3.60 1 Single Copy .66 , .15 WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 30, IQ04. DISFRANCHISEMENT OF CITI- ZENS. descendants. One would think that a cold blooded proposition to disfrau--chise two millions of voters, and nullify the XIV amendment, for the sole purpose of estab lishing an hereditary voting clats based on jls secession his tory aud present purpose to re cover the power it lost at Appo matox, would meet with sotnu protest lrom the uorth, but it does not seem to do so, It is not altogether a furegone conclusion thai Sara Wbitv.wi.j buve'a solid delegation from his horuecounty for a renomination. April lOih is Arbor Day in Oregon. Our school law makes it imperative that all ecuooIb approp.ialely observe the same. The Japanese seem to have several Hobsous among their ranks. Fresh Chocolates , Fresh Bon Bona Freeh Nougaot Fresh Carmels Fresh Taffey Fresh Salted Peanuts Fresh Salted Almonds Fresh Popcorn Fresh Fruit : GREENE & CO. It ALWAYS ON TIME When yon i ider groceries from us yon ' are sure to have Ihemjdclivered on time ANOTHER THING When you order groceries from us you are sure to get the Terr best to be had. We keep only the best The nest time you are at our store ask'to see our speoial line of BREAKFAST BACON & POTTED MEATS C. RALSTON WKA GROCERY STORE The process of disfranchise ing legal voters in those states that were in rebellion against the United States from 18G1 to 186(p goes on with increased momentum,, and widening of scope. The means employed by the ruling class down south is to pass laws diifrancuiseiug all voters who are not educated in a degree satisfactory to the judges of the election board. These judges are appointed by the ruling clues. Among the usual tests put to a voter to show his ability to read, write and cipher, the voter is required 'O read any aectiou of the Con stitution of the United States which the election judges may select, and explain it satisfaolory to the judges. If the' explana tion is not satisfactory the ap plicant to vote is declared in competent to vote and . he is turned away from the polls, dis franchised. There is scarcely a seotion in the Constitution but that the ablest lawyers in the nation from Daniel Webster and Jobu C. Calhoun to those of the present day have differed as to its meaning. To save the illiterate whites of which there were, in 1900, illiterate males . of voting age, 518,962 in the southern states, proviso is made in the disfrau olusement acts that it does not apply to persons who bad the right to vcte during or prior to the rebellion or the descendants of such. This proviso makes the right to vote an hereditary privilege to the descendants of all who were voters before the war, but disfranchises all who cannot satisfy the j ;dges by their interpretation of .he Con stitution of the Unit- d States of their right to vole, whether they can read, write, or cipher or not- It places it in the power of ihe judges of .election to re ject the vote or all who became oitizenB of the United States and of the slate iu which they resido by virtue 01 the XIV amend ment of the Constitution of the United Stetes, which means the negroes. There were, in 1900, negro males, 21 yeurs old and over, in the south, 1,815,380. But the negroes are not all of the popu lation that are under the ban of disfranchisement but it includes all who bad not the right to vote during or prior to the rebellion, this includes all foreign born citizens who did not become naturalized before or during the war or their descendants. Of this cl ins thero are at lea-l 100, 000 men now in thu south. This placing tho foreign born or their descendants in the clas9 whose votes can be received only by the grace of tho judges of .1 ..1 .1 . j. eiecuou was tiimimess a part 01 1 I licrt'by give nutiue Inn from the general plan to secure the and alter ih date I win strickty Grande Ronde Valley Fruit Farm The Grande Ronde valley fruit farm contains 320 acies, and is to be sold in lots of of ten lots and an J up, to suit tho purobaser. It is situated eight mil es north-east of La Grande, Oregon, near the Elgin branch of the O. R. ,$ N. aiiroad. We furnish the purchaser, at the end of three years, a thrifty growing apple orchard, one that has been cared for from setting, in the moat approved manner, cultivating the land six or eight times a year, keeping the giound well pulverized, and at all times free from weeds, grass and otlior vegetation May 1st and August 15th of each year; keeping tho trees pruned in the most scientific manner; removing and burn ing all cuttings and suckers, and in short, do any and all work which will be f ir tho beet interest of the trees. We replant all trees that may die in the llret, second and third years, and pay all taxes for three years. We furnish the Inud, labor ami material, and trees, and three years' care, at the price of $135 per acre, giving three years In which to pay for it. Our terms of payment are 5G per cent of purchase price, cash; balance in three yearly payments, bearing interest at Ihe rates of 6 ;er cent per annum. The purchaser can remain where ho is, make no immediate si. .Inge in his business or home Interests, making his present business pay for his investment, sacrificing no time while tho orchard is being brought into bearing condition, and rest assured that skilled horlicul turalists will do the work beitcr than he can unless he has had horticultural experience under conditions existing in Oregon. After trees have had scientific care, pruuing and shaping for three years, the subsequent work is much more methodical and can be success fully done by thuse without horticul tural skill. As an Investment. it!ie gilt eduo: and is the nearest possible approach to a guaranteed annuity. We have all our work done by con tract and the contractors are under hoavy bonds to us for the faithful foimsm-e of their ork. We have executed a bond to the amount ol $10,000, and have appointed lion. J. M. Church, cashier of the l. Urandu National Bauk, trustee. lor further particulars see M. 1.. CAUSEY, President Eastern Oregon Colc.nising Company. I Folev-Koes h Ilhlg. LaUrnnde. Ore O..W.-4.-1. per- Marshals Notice on SB Bfl3SBIBIBaDa0ailBBAB a - . ;' ... a a a a p n a OUR SPRING Sack Suits a)p not of the ordin ary character. ' There is a certain nobli:ies in the. "Hart, Schaffner & Marx" Clothes that appeals to every stylith man. TheteJiire decidedly J"young men's clothei-." Tl.ey have dash yoa admire your own appearance if you war ne, Along with up-to-date clothe goes fine thoe; We have n; miu the F oreheiti iih'm, ill d'esMesI ui-d largest stork iti town. Li'i us eIiow you. J M. BERRY . H - s3 e a e i D BE B B B 1 ii ii M m m si i 1 'htsBBBtsQEBBBBBBBBll HOME-GROWN i Healthy Apple Trees In jyaritty.Thiilt and Prices. I cun furnish largo cv small orders of Apples iu any var-Utv, lo shrubs, uines, weeping trees nud small fruit! Carolina Poplars, Black Locust, Syra tiioro, Mulhury, Ca'alpn, Linden, Maple, Laroh, Birch, Elm, Ash, Privet and rues in any variety. Write for prces to Con. Plant, Bux 604, LaGrande, Ore. ' ' WM. GILPIN'S' GREEN HOUSE 'Phone 1161 j NEW MARKET j I StillwBll I . : j Vandermfile.i j Wish to utiuruueo that on j J Paturd-.iy February 27 J J ' they wi!! open a firstolass ; I Meat Market in the old I I Stand "THE BOSS" J Corner R lilroad & Fir St, J We will always keep on J batd a good stock of freHh J and smoked meats, sail- J sageo, fish ami poultiy, j and will be glad to meet all my old patrons ami I i as many .new ones. All I I orders- will reeeiv.' our J ; prompt attention. ; Phoue4(il j Four oi a kind is n p ett? g"ud tiand at cards. But at thu hut iter's i;u tha kind that counts, not tho four. Wn Ue p only unc kind of meat, the kind thai s fresh, healthy, ttucr an 1 pi .-y. Buy your steukj an I chnpi li-r, and ' they'll always he riltt. Our slock .s well-fed and p opi-rly i-ard for. Com.: ipiently our meat 1ms a ik-liciuils fl.ivcr." Bock & Thomas . SKCRIv-T BEOS. Dlitl ;:R8 JN' New & Secoit I-Band Goods, SHELF and HLWY HARLiWARB. Gardinier Building - - FIR STREET THE ABC Laundry Is now Rfady for 15iisines.-scr With our new up-to-date Plant we are iu a Position to turn out the best of work. Shor Order wik a specialty. Phone No. 185 Call us up and our wagon will call. IABC- LAUNDRY GROCERY X XvilCnd Jeffewon 8t. v old rebel element in control the south and perpetuate its solidity. Under (he apportionment of members of Congress based up on population, thi south has 2!) in timbers of Congress for its disfranchised negroes that ars not permitted to vote. This carries with it 29 votes in the Kleotorial College to vole or President and Vice President ol ttie United States. The plan when perfected will give one of the hereditary voters in the snuin more power than a voter in any other pail of the Union, for he votes not only for him self and own class but for the negroes and foreigners and their of' huce the ordinsnco prolnhitng sne'r running I'miu, 24-28 at large oitinn the city I.. Rsyhiin,, City Maitml PHONE j l85i DO YOU WANT CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? j Il's' we nir locate you on some line claims in Wallowa County, r McDaniel &. McDonald, ;; WALLOWA, OREGON Early Hissrs P THE FAMOUS UTTIE FILLS. l For quick relief from BHiouanew, Sick Headache, Torpid Llvor, Jaan dlce, Dizziness, and all troubles aris ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver, DeWUt Utile Earl Risers are un equalled. They act promptly and never gripe. They are so dainty that It Is si pleasure to take them. One to two act as a mild laxative; two or four act as a, pleasant and etfective cathartic. They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonic the liver. fRlt FAKED ONLY IV E C. DeWltt & Co. Chicago Fr Sae by nil Druggists NOTICE: Be l would like all my iihl frici.d- mid cnetotr.ers to know ih;,t I ,vi rent ed a portion of A. J. Velibl8 feed bin tor 2 LIVERY I'flU'OSES and will be found t! ere for hiininpy-i with first-class rijiR and gnnd comn dations, I lll also hoard liors.-s l.y Ihe month. Horses Ik,ukIii. toid and exchanged. G. W. ALLEN ADAMS AVE. f'funit 1041. X i 5 I e a i II 1 1 Pry? ""r, t-- ". i . This SACRED HEART ACADEMY A Two Lid. E-Ctrolier La Grande, Oregon. Oondtioted by tflsters of Ht. Franc! Select hoarding and day school lor Young Ladiea AoaJemlo, Preparatory and Klncd garten courses are couducted on the sam principles as those pursued in our sohools ol Philadelphia. Mu(c and painting reoeira tpxia attention Letters of inquiry directed to BISTER SUPERIOR Umpire style coi it te v etched g!asf shades and all a 'chc ts-put up iu yt'-ir residence loi : 00 Se samples in on wine v. La Grande lM & Power Co in 1' jj famous remriy aotsiortiiestom- ach lhai whi.h tt 1 ts unable to do fur itsrlt v.n if ' or overburdftred. Kodol 1 ,r,nl,.. .U lulceaofdigsstionai'.d ds the work u ihe stomach, relalnj the nervous tension, whlls the Inflamed mtis;le.i and mBtnhrtn.. nt organ are alioved to rest and heal. It evr i.iu.jMuon. tutulcnca, DalDltalion nf ,k. I norrous dyjpepsl, an4 all llnma-k t..i.i l uuuuica ey olesrulnf. purilyln. tI1d atrenp!hn(n,. "i, u.o giaruia. "If"1?"" ' Ihe stom- ernes I li'-e i:s.r c( h-iiih i to !nr -.w in(j j . !. c M'ln ? raM ;, m i c h i' lr ' nd I ' ':'i'r!--tlVO I, c.iur Jars. I: i ' '1 Kbdol Dyspepsia Cun . T""talWHTi I ""taVlist mtf For Sale ,y in Druggisia ;