La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, March 30, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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H. La Conte, wanted in
Pendieton for Forgery
was Fouid at the Blue
Mountain House.
Tbe way of transgressor ia bard tod
ia not always past finding out. Mon
day morning U Li Co ale arrived id
tbe city from PendMnn.
He was, or ilainifd lu bp "dead
broke,' and stated uU nondition to1
Major F A. Meade, w!io veiy gnpr
ously took him to the Biue Mountain
House, of which City Marshal Riy
butu ia proprietor and piid lor room
and board for Mr La Conte and bit
wife, who waa with him.
During the day Marshal Rvburn
received a phono fmm Sheriff Taylor,
of UmttilU county, telling biiu to
look o'lt for La Conte. as be waa ., ant-
Easter Sale
we will place on sale our entire line of Dress
Goods, at a reduction of ... .
20 Per Cent
This sale includes both Wool and Wash Goods,
all of which are the latest weaves and designs
This is an opportunity to secure your Easter
This is the season when chronic throat and lung troubles get their
start. Any cough is terijua enough to have prompt attention and
it is also important that the bast possible remedy is secured. We
hop you will try our
We feel that this is in many respects a superior remedy and that
once familiar with ic, you will rely on it as your general household
cough cure. It is pleasaut to take and cures a quickly as any safe
remedy can. Price 25 and 50 cents.
(d la Pendleton for forgery, it being
oherged that be bad forged two cbecka
one for $7.60 aod lbs other $4.
Sheriff Taylor was informed thai bis
man was hers and be oame to La
Grande Tuesday morning on No 6.
He went to the hotel and slept until
about S o'olook in tbe afternoon,
when, in company with Marshal Bay
burn he went out to look for La Coot
Hewasfouud in tbe Cedar Valley
Saloon. When tbe sheriff and mar
shal otered the aalooo, La Conte re
cognized the marshal as bis landlord
and asked him if he knew where be
could get work .
Mr Bayburn replied that be did
stating tbat Mr Taylor bad a job for
him. He was then placed under ar
rest and ttberiff Taylor left with bis
prisoner for Pendleton on No 6
Tuesday night.
La Conte ie said to be an ecorm
plisbed mueioiun. He is of Frenoh
descent and ia supposed to be of noble
birth . .
To Resume Inquiry
Washington March 29 The. inves
tigation of lh protests against Sena
tor ReedKmoot will he resumed April
12 by the Senate committee nn pri
vileges and elections. The witnesses
will include a numhercf-cllioiale of
the Mormon Church.
Fearful Floods Cause
Much Damage in Indi-
. ana-One River is 13
Miles wide.
Petersburg, Ind , March 29 Tbe
flood situation in this county is. ap
palling. White River above here ia
13 miles wide in plaoes and 20 feit
deep in tbe channel.
Patoka River, whiob flows through
the county's oenter, is three miles
wide for nearly 40 milja.
- Farms are under water, bridges and
fences are gone, the s.jil washed away
and much Btock drowned. The loss
now readies $250 000.
It is feared there will be two mote
feet of water, which will quadrop'e
the loss.
e e . .1. . j. a .a ,ti Ji sti sti iti ill Ji slisii slisli f j
rTTTTTTTm 1 T i I I 1 I
j Famous Confederate
Washington Maroh 29 General
William Fitsbugh Payne, a famous
Confederate "Black-Horse" Cavalry
leader, who has been falling for sever
al daya, ia very low tonight. It Is not
thought that he will survive . tbe
Baker County
Baker Oity Or., March 29 Tbe Re
publican County Committee tonight
oalled tbe Bepublioan County Con
vention for April 9, aod the primaries
for April 2. There will be 140 dele
gates in tbe convention. . ,
Southern Storms
LOUISVILLE, K.Y.. March 29-It Is
believed the damage throughout the
South due to the storm now raging,
will aggregate $1,000,000. Here the
property loss is 250,000. Fifty resi
dences were unroofed and churches and
distilleries, dar aged,
Surveyor of Customs
WASHINGTON,' Mweh 29 The pres.
Ident has nominated J J Qreeoaald of
Utah, to he survoyor of cutuuiaat Salt
Wilmer.D. McCully, of
Joseph, gets Appoint
ment as Ass't Pay
master in Navy.
Washington, March .28 Wllmer D
Mo Jully, nf Oregon, who has been noin
mated by the President as Assistant
Paymaster in the Navy, on recomraen
datlob of Senator M Itohell, is a son of
F D McCully, of Joseph.
- Young McOnlly waa until recently a
student at Yale College and secured his
appointment only after passing a rigid
competitive examination.
Each person should know tbat tbe
state of his health is due tooonsoious
or unconscious obedience or disobe
dience to tbe laws of Nature. Ii we
know Nature's laws, conscious obed
ience will preserve health, strength
and vigor ol mind and body.
N store's laws relative to tbe human
body require that the framework or
bony sbonld be normal. Upon this
depends normal distribution of . nerve
force interdependent upon normal
blood circulation, all contributing
their share to normal functional acti
vity ol tbe different vital organs.
Osteopathy puts tbe body right-
Nature does the rest.
To all who were formerly officially
oomnitted and thoso who hil l lile
eofioUrHhips and to thoie who shared
tbe responsibility in the maintauco ol
tbe Blue Mountain University are
cordially invited to ho present at the
reuuion of the studen a which will be
beld in this city, in Kik's hall Satur
day evening April 2, 1904.
Funeral Notice
Tbe funeral ol Mr,. Ellio Philips
will occur tnis afternoon at 1.30
o'clook hum tl:e undertaking parlors
ol Henry & Carr.
In Cuba
In Cuba two hours before a papor is
distributed a copy must be aeot with
tbe editor's naini, to the government
and one to tbo Censor. When tbe
paper is returned with tbe censor's in
dorsement the paper may go to the
Growing Horseradish
A Jackson county man has so far
shipped four tons of horseradish to
San Franoisco, Portland and Seattle,
aod finds the business of raising
Opposing Fleets were
Seen by a Chinese
Junk Nearing Each
Other for a Battle.
WEIHAIWEI, March 29-Tbere is a
possibility that a decisive naval engage
ment between- the Japanese fleet and
the Ruwian Port Arthur squadron was
fought yesterday (Monday). '
A Chinese junk which arrived here
last evening reported having earlier in
the day passed 11 warships, comprising
oriiisers snd battleship. On the horizon
apparently ealiing to meet them, was
the Japanese fle t. As they were sail
ing toward each other, the captain of
the junk believes a battle waa fought
later in the day.
SHAN HAI KWAN, March 29-The
Chinese have received official authorlta
tion to turn over to tbe Japanese the
plant of the Shan Hal Kwan Railway
Ad Gilliam received a letter a few
days ago from his brother, Ralph, who
is now express agent in Evauingaton,
Wyo., enclosing several pn and ink
cartoons. Many of our readers will re
member several sketches be drew while
living here, hits on local matters that
created no small comment. Ralph is
now taking a course of Instruction and
the work he sent shows his natural
ability and improvement along this line.
Repairing C 'lurch
Central Church of Christ is undergo
ang some improvements at present. It
seems that w hen the building waa first
orected It was not finished according to
the plans and specifications, which
called for 2x6 studding. Instead, 2x4
were used in the two ends and owing to
the height and site of the building it
was becoming somewhat racked from
the effects of the wind. 2x0s hive now
been silked to the 2x4s and 0x6 posts
put on either side of the large windows,
which will enable the edifice to with
stood the elements for many years to
come. .
FOR 8ALE-J Single Disc 'Beet Plows
for sale cheap. Also 8 saddle ponies
one half Shetland. 8 good single
driving horses J . E. Reynolds.
. .. ,-r-''., .;'':,
- . V- ' ' ' 1 '" ;
''"'-' I
I $3.00 v !;
I The Equal of any $4.00 Hat. .We , - A U X
., - X.: X A I ' ' t.:
are Sole Distributers in La Grande. . I
Resolutions of Condolence :
Whereas on tbe I8th of March 1004
il pleased our Grand Master on nigh
to call from ni oar beloved brother
Cbaa MoOlnre and as we ' realise it to
be our duty to submit to tbe will of
our Supreme Master who doetb all
things well. ! :
Therefore be it resolved That In
the death of our beloved brother Obas.
HeOlore we ' realise that La Grande
Lodge No 41 A F A A M has lost
faithful brother, the community - an
honored oltiien and tbe family a lov
ing huiband and father';'
Therefore be It resolvod That we
as Mason extend to the bereaved
family our heartfelt sympathy In this
their hour of sill lotion and may the
Almighty who in his mercy temper
the wind to tbe Shorn Lamb be ever
their belp and consolation.
Be it also resolved That out Lodgs
DOni be draped in mourning for a
period of 30 daya in remembrance of
ur deceased brother and that these
esnlutinna be made a part ol our
eoori's. The oommittee, J.K Rey
nolds, H O Ootner, 0 W Noyes-
Lyle Musicale
The program whiob : was arranged
by Miss Jessie Wade for the Lyle
Tuesday Musioa'e proved to be very
"ntertaining aud instructive and waa
thoroughly enjoyed by the ladies who
ware present Tuesday afternoon , .
"The Oiobeatra and . Symphony"
waa tbe subject for stuly and waa
oonduoted by Mrs Clara T Lyle. Tbe
following program was rendered;
. :. Piano Duet '
Surprise Symphony.., Hayden
Misses Caroline Quimby & Jesse Wade
Piano Solo '
Bustle of Spring...... Binding
' Miss Jessie Wade
Vooal Trio
Slumber Song. ,. .... ..Cherubinl
' Mesdamea Neil, Ralston A Forrest
. Vooal Solo
rho flower Bong from Faust. .Gunod
Mrs E O Moore
Piano and Mandolin Duel
"Flower Bong"........ .....Langs
Miss Harvle McKonnou and Mrs Lyle
Contest An old fashion id flower gar
den . .
In reporting the nominees for dele
gates, we omitted the homes of J. W
Knowies and a. A. uardinier In pre'
cinct No. 3, and the name it W. K
Davis in No. 8, who were . regularly
nominated and should have appeared
in the list published yesterday morning.
The ooireotad list is publitbed in
fulljjtbls morning.
Government will Aid in
Darning and Increas
ing Storage Capacity
- '"' f mi a Vstft
of Wallowa Lake.
WASHINGTON March 29-h(ef New
ell, of the reclamation eervior, at- the
request of Senator Fulton, today prom
ised to advance ont of the reclamation
lands sufficient money to construct a
dam at the outlet nf Wallowa Lake, in
Wallowa County, also as to increase its
storage capacity for irrigation purposes!
If settlers in Wallowa Valley will agree
to bear their proportionate share ol the
cost. The figure will not exceed 175,000
or about tl per acre, .
Senator Fulton will confer with the
settlers to see if tjey will agree to the
Department's proposition. '-
Attractive - Place
An Obsxbvbb reporter., dropped into
the free readiug room In Central Church
Tuesday afternoon and Waa pleated''
to note the effort being made to afford
an attractive place where the young
men of our city and the strangers with
in our gates may spend - their lleaure
time in a pleasant and beneficial man-
ner. The place Is quite well supplied
with good books and magazines of a re
ligions nature as well as secular liter
ature of an Instructive and elevating
character, i Central. Church is to be
commended for Its enterprise in estab
lishing a free reading room.
Self Denial! Week
The Salvation r Army announces its
annual Week of Prayer and Bell Denial, .
to take place March 27 to April 3, . and
though dally practicing sell denial, these
members agree during this special week, -
to do without all luxuries, and even
some of the necessaries of life, In order
to help swell the fund In aid of the
home and foreign missionary work of -the
organisation. . i , , v
Our readers will be urgently appealed -to
by the Officers and Soldiers of the
Army locally to mist In this effort,
and again we advise those who are hot
In tbe habit of denying themselves to
do so at this time and prove with, the
Salvationists that "It ia more blessed to
give than to receive." ' , 51'
horseradish profitable. s
,sPs)WfvV-jaii, .. ,
. . '.' '.. . ' '
'j'-.'-. ' i h'ik ii iiiiiisaaaw . r - -