it hull- bfottf IprlTM wa wW jgtvVraaiara!scotirit on torn goods, dres -triiaiiilnaa, hats, ribbooa and hopdrids of other things too nuneron tfspmktloa.' jtyVsmierJVll fat gdodji are new tbta'aeaaon and on 4 pikmtntnavi WW 4r t&tt"wl4 w Arm iVU'arewd. ' "' -W daa't want foa to Uka oar wdrd, .have boudrada of witnesses ; baaldatiolda 6aA lirieairflt will be money in roar pocket to call . tiiTIesVsrrdw )Sd wa'rlglt. tiperl Jeweler who jguarantees all work MitlP. STORE a. . ( AM INVI I All IN g-a n a I iriiaaivii -ffirt 'lS ASPECUIr INVITATION TO YOU. '., iWisrilvlritfaa;nr:i onii- n Wilf f)HinlatlnriiiJ Tp "T ; -TT. i7TT L 7 ----- nr Sal invitation .to yon and yotir Mends to call and see' them. jJ . tir 1. 1. ion aaa tnw ISna Stld Z?a AiaI J'Um W ArOValAlUUV JWf UVV i . - St 1 Jl . iOM'yOTI WllI OT-aeiigaiearwiia - . j ours ifcespeotiuiiy, ; Sffikiei&IGtaGhlen ; . PAINTSeilis! AND- GLASS " g Paper Is -Cheaper Than Goal and Looks Irf 'othoi"' words il yoUr walls are well papered - jfouie iuel bill will be reduced. We do proper Paper flanging at dricei you can afford to pay. ' v ARRIS & PRICE 1 h Tkinter Paper 'Hangers and ; Deoorators. . A. OH ARRIS, Phone 1666,' J.M. PRICE, Phone 1491 .I'l liM I'l l: " . .. m ' I - ! ' J. H. Peare, Fresh Chocolates Fresh Bon Bous Fresh Nougaot . Fresh Carmels . ; . Fresh Taffey t ; I Fresh Saiteol Peanuts . Fresft, Salted Almonds J . Fresh Popcorn i y Fresh Fruit ALWAYS ON TIME When yoo order- groceries from ns yoo . 9 are sore to have them'dellTered oo time ANOTHER THING When yon order groceries from us you are sure to ' get the very best to be bad. We keep only the best 4 The next time you are at our store s1to we our special line of BREAKFAST BACON LADIES Don't tray sweet-shop, maohlne- made hatswban you eto gat the beat hand-made np to data bata just as cheap. . Mad to order bats., specialty. J . , .paj-w "it I a4Tve l . N 11 12 ill II L .5 w- - - - r tji nian'r new desiehs in Wall and we extend this ' iDecial ) TVU uui hu nuu nv Jt At. !!!. tut vibh. - art V. Better IF BROKEN HEARTS could be mended at neatly, quickly and thoroughly aa I can repair your jewelry libera would be no tor- . row Id tbe world. , No matter . whether It be a watcb, ring, a neok i looe or a baby pin dear from aaso- olatlon neede repairing, bring it to me and it will be mended eo . you ..cannot tell it from . new. My specialty is watoh repairing. Bring " it here ind bare it done boneitly, expertly and cheaply. the Jeweler Be, AfjUjtaMLL & POTTED MEATS t . -a. nmm -aw t t & GROCERY STORE J LA GRANDE MORNING OBSERVER CURREY 6R0S. Editors and Proprietors. faulted at tbe Pna Offioe at La Grande, ; Mail Matter. ' ' PublUhtd Daily One Year in Advance... Hii Months in &danoe. 16.60 1 3.50 1 "TUESDAY MORNING, BRECON'S rSHARE SMaLI The .Sundry. Civil Service Bill, reported to! the House on M aroh-25-by4 the committee, cairies 155,623,001, being f 28, 080,208 lesi than were provided tor in that bill a y ear ago. OrAtrfin AnpA niit raaiyi 'to fiire " - . as well in this bill. aS", formerly, and if the bill becomes a law as reported, Oregon will only get $127,000; of this $100,000 is for the canal at Celilo;- 20,000 lor United States Courts in Oregon, $3,000 for Crater Lake Park in Southern Oregon, and $4,000 for rent for post office in Port land. It is claimed lhat our Seuators will endeavor to have tbe . bill amended when it reaches the senate, so as to increase the ap propriation for the Celilo canal from $100,000 to $300,000 and also ask for $625,000 for im provement ' of the Columbia rivor below Portland and $500, 000 to be expended at the mouth of tbe (Jolumbia river: but it is one thing to ask and quite another to receive. " This Congress has a strong leaning toward small appropria tions as is manifested in the heavy slush it made on the Grande Ronde Valley Fruit Farm . The Qrando Ronde valley fruit farm oontiilm 820 noica, and ia to be sold in lots of of ten lota and ani up, to suit the purchaser, It ia situated eight mil ea north-eaat of La Grande, Oregon, near (he Elgin branch of the O. B. & N. allrond. We furniah the purchaser, at the end of three yeara, a thrifty growing apple orchard, one that baa been cared for from aettlng, In t lie moat approved manner, cultivating tbe land bix or eight tlmoB a year, keeping the giound well pulverised, and at all timea free from weeda, graaa aud other vrgetatlon Mav let and August 16th of eacb year; keening the tree pruned in the moat I scientific manner) removing and burn ing all cuttings and suckers, and in j short, do any and all work which will I be for the boat intereat of the treee. We I replant all trees that may die in the I first, second and third years, and pay all taxea for tiiree years. We furnish tbe land, labor and material, and trees, and three years' care, at the price ol tlSft per acre, giving three years in which to pay for it. Our terms of payment are 55 per cent of purchase price,-cash: balance in three yoarly payments, bearing intereat at the ratea of 0 per cent iter annum. The purchaser can remain where ho it, make no immediate ci. jiige In hia bualneBS or borne Intereata, making his present business pay for his investment, sacrificing no time while the orchard Is Being brought into bearing condition, add rest assured that akilled horticui turaliats will do the work better than he can unlesa he ha had horticultural experience undor conditione exietiug in Oregon. Alter trees have had scientific care, pruning and shaping for three yeara, the eubsequent work is ini'cb more methodical and can bo success fully done by those without horticui tuial skill. As an investment it la gilt edge; and Is the nearest possible approach to a guaranteed annuity. We have all our work done by con tract and the contractors are under heavy bonda to us tor the faithful per formance of their aork. We have executed a bond to the amount of (10,00(1, and have appointed Hon. ,1. M. t'hurch, caahier of the I -a O ramie National Bank, truetee. tot further particulars see M. L. CAUSKY, President Kastern Oregon Colonising Company. Folev-R jcei h Uldg, I.aCirnnde. Or D..VV.-4.-1. Marshals Notice I hereby give notice that Irom oo and alter this date I will strickly en force tbe ordinanoe prohibiting ruck ruuulng at large within the oitr limits, 33-28 L. Kayburn, City Maisbal f. A DIES We are prepared to mate your dreasea in all the up-to-date fashions at reasonable prices. We will make wrappers at from 75 cents tol 2ft, shirt ilsta from AO cents np. iiWe also do plain Maine:. Resi dence two blocks north of little brick C'rcran, aa Second CUat Except Monday. Per Month..... Single Copy.... 65 .06 MARCH 29. 1904. amount asked for the Lewis and Clark Fair in the committee room, and yet hesitases about allowing a sum about one quart er the size of the one asked for by our delegation . . The principle t items ;of. re duction in the present bill at compared with items allowed in the bill of last year sho a re duction of $7,995,550 for' public buildings; $12,a35,950 for rivt r and harbor improvements; $3, 000,000 for military: posts at Manila; $750, 00 for office build ings for House of -Representatives, and $200,000 for Denver Among the 'smaller items of retrenchment may be noted that last " year $60,000 were appropriated for furnish ing aud care of the White House and the present bill carries but $35,000. . ' The present outlook is one of hard work for our delegation to preserve their reputation for be ing famous for securing big ap propriations for Ort-gcn. As the Sundry Civil Service bill came from the House Co mini t te, both Washington and Cali fornia get larger appropriations than Oregon; Washington get ting $240,000, and California for rivers and harbors alone getting $425,000. NOTICE OF REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ELECTION The Primary Election for the pur pose of election delegates to the - Re publican Convention for Union County will be held in each precinct in Union County Saturday- April 2d 11104. The Convention will be held at Elgin Oregon April 7th 1904, The places where said election shall occnr in the four preefnets of La Grande, the Judges to serve at aaid election and the number of deiegab-a to be eiected in each of tbe said four precincts are as follows. Pric'tctNo 1 Polling place in the building north of Roraig and Staples Bakery dn Fir Utreot. Judges, John Williamson, J. N. Young, and Chas. Anderson. Number of delegates to be eiected Six (0) Precinct No 2 Foiling place new Council room on Elm Street. Judges, P Stephenson, J M Hilts, J E Foley. Number of delegates to be elected nine (9). Precinct No 3 Polling place Old Council room corner fourth and1 P Street. Judges, O F Coolidge, F 8 Braiuwell, and C W Noyea. Nutuher of delegateB to be elected seven (7). Precinct No 4 Polling place La Drande Flouring Mill Co'a Mill. Judges T F Sherwood, Ed W Kammerer and J U Fraker. Number of dcleirntes four (4). Polls open from 1 to 7 p in. W.B.SARGENT, Secretary Union County Republican Control Committee Congratulations. Mr. John H. Cullom, Editor of the Garland, Texas, News, has written a lectures congratulations to tnn msiiu letter ol of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, as follows: "rjizteen years ago when our first child was a baby be was suhjiot to crimpy spells aud we wi uld be very utoMsy about him. We began using Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and finding it such a reliable remedy lor colds and croup, we hare never been without it iu the bouse since I lint time. We have five children and bate given it to all of them wiib g-od results." For Sale by ail drug gists. FURNISHED ROOMS Newly furnished rooms in a new house, tpply to Mrs Emma Simmons. Cor 8lh ami N Streets llH-'Jl. SACRED HEART ACADEMY La Grande, Oregon. C inducted by Bisters of St. Franni Select boarding and day school for Young Ladies Aca.lemio, Preparatory and Kined garten courses are conducted on the same principles aa tboea puraued in our schools of Philadelphia. Music and paluting receive arocie Mention . Letters of inquiry directed to BISTER SUPERIOR u 12. P K v CT U a p t p R R n n B OUR SPRING Sack Suits are hot of the ordinary character. There is a certain uolibinea in the. ... . . "Hart,MSchaffncr is HOME G-ROWN Healthy Apple Trees In Variety, Thrift and Prices. i c..n furnish largo r t small orders of Apples in my vni iaty, also phrubs, uines, weeping trees and mnll fruitj Carolina Toplsrs, BUck Locust, Syrn- m i Ei pi i k m , more, .Muilmry, Caialpn, Linden, Maple, Larch, Birch, lm, Ah, tJrivit ui d r.wa in any variety. Write for prices to Con. 1'lnnt, B.ix 604, LaGrande, Ore. WM. GILPIM' HRFKM HOUSE 'Pi, . n.. lit I'M SECRET ;R0S -DEALERS IN- New & Second-Hand Goods, SHELF and H!":AVY HARDWARE. Gardinier Building .- FIR STREET" THE Launiry Is now for Bnsinesh; ABC LAUNDRY PHONE i85i i DO YOU WANT I ' i H i CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? ! If 8 i, e ' iu: tine t'ln i ins in McDaniel WALLO A Two Lig r E :trolier Hmpire style conn te w u etched glass shades and all attachments put up iu yc .tr residence for See samples in out window. La Grande Light & Power Co ! fi B 2 93 ; a B B & Marx" Clothes a B . s that appeals to every stylish man. These. are decidedly '"young men's clothes."- TLcy have dasl. yoa ; admire your own appearance if you WPar cne, Along with up-to-date clothes goes fine shoes We have tin m in the F!or lie m in '. ih'i diessieel ut-d larget stotk n i wu. Let us bIiuw you. J. VI. BERRY 1 m l I ABC Ready. With our new up-to-date Plant we are iu a Position to turn out the best of work. Shor Order woik a specialty. Phone No. 185 Cull us up and our wagon will call. neat you on some tf WiiIIowh County, 6 McDonald, I ''A, OREGON I jstillwEllX; : : Vandenrnilen a Wish to announce that on,j I Saturday February 27 they will open a first class J J Meat Market in the old I I Stund ' ? : ' ; S "THE BOSS" ; ; Corner Railroad & Fir St, J We will always keep on J hat-d a good stock of fresh a and pmoki-d meats, snu- J sage.-, tish and poultiy, J S und will he glad to meet , I all my old patrons and a J as many new ones. All I I orders will receive our ; prompt attention. - , JJ a l'liiir.e 41 . J Four o; 11 kind ip a p ett gnod f.fltvi lint at the huutiur's iia th kiii'l that founir?, not tho four. We keep nily 4n kind u-, tw kind that'.-" t'rt ch, tiealtl'y. tender and 'jxy. Iluy your etoiikd un1 chopH hiTpt and t'ey'l! id way h be ri-ht. Our stuck .f! w ll-(ed and p opi-rly rand for. Conwe qwenlly ouruiout has ft delicious flavor. Bock & Thomas THE FAMOUS LITTLE FILLS, For quick relief from Biliousness, Slok Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun dice, Dlulness, and all troubles aris ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver, DsWItt'e Little Early Risers are un equalled. They act promptly and never gripe. They are so dainty that 1 1 is a pleasure to take them. One to two act aa a mild laxative; two or four act as a pleasant and elfective cathartlo. They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonlo the liver. SRaPARBO ONLY av X. C. DaWttt 6c Co., CHlcag-fl For Sale by all Druggists NOTICE: eess I would like all my olil friends nml customers to know lhat I linve rent ed a portion of A. J. Webb.s feed ban for LIVERY rUltPOSES and will be found U erf foi; business with Brat-class rins and good ai como-" dations, I will also hoard horses by the month. Horses bou;lii, sold and exchanged. G. W. ALLEN ADAMS AVK. I'hrmr f il- "laitatf i ls O m the skv comfs , Ji A. & 41 V,' A (y,e slar 0( hB1m J famous remsdy M'0 "ie w"k nd 3 doe-llorlhasloi.. WA5" dPon- t-l ach lhat whu-h it d"dyspeptlc. il Is unab e io rin lor UWvv . Ilwlf. .vn ii h, W,Uatoniaoti slightly disordered ' or overburdened. V? troubles and difTestlvo t alsoruori. Kodol auppllea tha natural lulceaofdlgtationand Xi work of the atami-h ..u.inM .k nervous tension, while tha Inflamed muscle.! and membranes of that 'sn are allowed to rest and heal. Ii curea inoigeation, flatulence, palpitation of the heart, nervoua dyspepsia and all stomach Iroublea by cleanstnr. ourlivin strengthening ihe glands, ti rnembranea ol the atom- X" H i achanddlgeauveorgina. J-Ml fodolDjspaaCuirl Earlviisars fa ' am K lest SsslatCaaSaaetr tea. ' tsjsaallf I.t.laS . WW For Sale by all Druggists, school house. Phone 57-5 Mrs Lewis and Miss Smith. "VaSf'. 7r