La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, March 29, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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    "t ' r . . . ' - -
tmunei. mm
Deportation of Labor
Leaders Continues A
House to House Raid
for Fire Arms.
Telleuride'Col, March 28 At
mon President Meyer, of tbe
Western Federation of Miners,
was unable lo securo bonds, and
is still a prisoner. The. Union
ists who own property and are
willing to become securities,
have bden quietly informed
that to go on Meyer's bond will
make them persona non grata.
' The federation will probably
arrange a cash bond this after
noon. Secretary and Treasurer
Forbes was deportel, but re
Easter Sale
we will place on sale our entire line of Dress
Goods, at a reduction of ... .
20 Per Cent
This sale includes both Wool and Wash Goods,
ail of which are the latest weaves and designs
This is an opportunity to secure your Easter
This is the eeason when chronic throat and lung troubles get the r
start Any cough is ferbus enough to liaye prompt attention and
it is also important th it the best poisible remedy is secured. We
hope you will try our
We feel that this is in many respects a superior remedy and that
once familiar with it, you will rely on it as your goneral household
cough cure. It is pleasant to take and cures a; quickly as any safe
remedy can. Price 25 and 50 cents.
turned last night and was arrest
ed. . H" " V';
Further deportation of strike
leaders, state and national, and
distridt, it is understood, will
be made tonight.
Home to house raids' for fire
arms are being made. . At one
house the troops ware refused
admittance because a ohild lay
dyiog of diphtheria and tbe
doors were broken down.
Nutmeg Match
"A Nutmeg Matob" will be fiesent-
ad under tbe auspioe ol the La
Grande Cornet band at -Steward's
opera home Monday evening April 4.
The play will be managed by a man
experienced in aueb work and the lead
iog parts will be played by experienc
ed actor. It is said by tbe prera of
oitles where it baa been played to be
an exoeptiooally meritorious play, la
Boise, Idaho, it attracted large orowds
for 14 oooaeoutive nights. Seoure
your tioketa early and belp tbe band
at tbe same time witness one of tbe
beat plays put on tbe- stage in La
Grande thisseasnri.
FOR SALE A yenrling heifer, half
Jersey and half Durham. Inquire at
this office or phone 1603.
"Silver Tongued" Orator
of Jayhawker State is
found Guilty on Six
Counts. ' :
8. Louis, March 28 The jury in
tbe Burton case at 12:30 returned a
verdict of guilty.
. The senator was found guilty on six
counts, several being dismissed dur
ing the trial, A motion for a new
trial was immediately filed.
The maximum penalty ie a fine of
10,000 and two years io the peniten
tiary and perpetual disqualification
from holding public office. The sen
tence will be fixed by Judge Adams.
Topeka Kan Maroh 28 Pending
confirmation of tbe Burton convio-
M .
' I
I lion it Is not probable Governor
I Bailey will take any action toward
either appointing his suoeessor or con
vening the legislature in special ses
sion to fill tbe vaoanoy. The oonvio
lion makes Burton an impossiblity to
soooeed himself. . ,
Mrs., Phillips Dead
Mrs. Effle Phillips who let! this olty
a tew days ago lor Salem, died there
Sunday. The remains will arrive In
this oily today and tbe funeral will be
held from the parlor ol Henry and
Can Wednesday sfl moon at 1 -.30 the
interment will be In the Masonlo
cemetery. Besides a husband tbe de
ceased leave a daughter Mable, aged
16 and a son . Louie -aged, 10. Mrs.
Phillip ha been in very poor health
mny months and it was hoped the
list change would prove benefloial.
The Primary Election (or the pur
pose of election delegatee to the Re
publican Convention for Union County
will be held in each precinct in Union
County Saturday April 2d 1804.
The Convention will be bald at Elgin
Oregon April 7tb 1004, Tbe places
where said election shall occur in the
four precfncts of La Grande, the Judges
to serve at said election and the number
of delegates to be elected in each of the
said four precincts are as follows.
. Fnc'cot Mo 1 Polling place in tbe
building north of Romig and Staples
Bakery on Fir Street. Judges, John
Williamson, J. N. Young, and Chaa
Anderson. Number of delegates to be
elected Six (0)
Precinct No 2 Polling place new
Council room on Elm Street. Judges,
P Stephenson, J M Hilts, J B. Foley.
Number of delegates to be elected nine
(9). ; ,
Precinct No .3 Polling place Old
Council room corner fourth and P
Street. Judges, OF Cooliilire. F 8
Bramwell, and C w Noyes. Number
of delegates to be elected seven (7).
Precinct No 4 Polling placer La
Orando Flouring Mill Go's Mill. Judges
X .-herwood, Ed W Kammerer and
J H if'raker. Number of dolegates four.
(4,. Polls open from 1 to 7 p in.
Secretary Union County Republican
Central Committee
- Taa Actor. Hoalb.
Tbe actor's moutb Is essentially ta
die and not Infrequently It exhibit a
tendency to turn to one side or the oth-
Tbls la due. In part, to ita being
constantly used to express emotion and
also to the peculiar but no less well
recognised feet that wben the mouth
la somewhat crooked a greater effeo'
ean be produced than when It Is open
sd quit straight Example after ex
ample could be dted, but for obvious
reasons name may not be mentioned
At one time It was considered the mark
of the low comedian, for nearly every
on of them had a month twisted ei
ther to tbe right or left as the remit of
'mugging." Some of the most serious
actor sv.n those with a reputation
for beauty could, however, be pointed
to a possessing the same characteris
tic, which has also been observed with
aot a few opera linger of tbe tint
rank. London Tstler.
u renallarlslaa.
A man will run as fast as ha can to
mas a railroad track In front of a
train. Then he will watch It till It
goea out of sight Then be win walk
leisurely away. lie seems to be all
right and probably Is. That 1 a roan.
A woman In a street car will open s
satchel and take out a purse, take out
a dime and close tbe purse, open the
eatchel, put In the purse, clow the
satchel and lock both ends. Then slis
will give the dime to tbe conductor.
who will give her a nickel buck. Then
she will open the satchel and take out
the purse, put In the nickel, close Jhr
purse, open the antrhcl anil put In the
purae, close the sntcliel and lock both
soda. Then she will feel for the buckb.
st the bock of ber belt Kansas Clt
She Recognised film.
t utile irirls were ploying In front
af a city dwelling when n strange men
went by.
"That man Is an unacrumer,
tne of tbe little girls.
"now do you know?" askea ner com
eanlon. '
"Oh, because he Is the man who un
tertook my grandmother." Lipplo
lott's. Jail III. Lack.
"I long to go about doing good." said
Mrs. Henpeck.
"Don't hsng back on my account," tv
)lled Mr. Henpeck wearily. "I know a
woman who will come to take care of
the children for her board and clothes."
Then aim flared up and wouldn't go
Chicago Record-Herald.
fa a Baa War
Mary I'm sorry to bear that you've
aot been feeling well. What seems tt
be tbe matter?
Jane I suppose I am ran lawn.
Why, for tbe last month I baver't been
able to pot any heart even Into my
shopping.-Brooklyn Life.
Delegates Nominated in
the Several Precincts
to be Voted Upon at
Primaries April 2.
The Republican of the four pre-
ointa met yesterday and nominated
candidates for delegates to tbe county
convention wbloh meet in Elgin
April 7. . .
Tbe delegate will be ohoseo Satur
day.. Preoinot No. 4 made no nomi
Preoinot No. 1
John Williamson, John Steinbeck,
0 M Humphreys, J P Price, Julias
Fischer, DM Riddle, H 8 Cavane,
Frank Oaipenter, Cba Anderson, Geo
Grout, E Jaoo'json, 8 J White. . No.
of delegates to be eleoted 6.
Preoinot No. 2
G M Ricbey, 0 T Bacon, 0 t Mel
quisb, J H Peare, J V Rots, H T Wil
Hams, W F Boodgrasa, F L ; Meyers,
F 6 Ivanboe, J Jamison, J C Henry,
W B Sargent, A S Gedde, J E Foley.
J D Matheaon, Geo Ball, 6 R Haworth
C 0 Rockwell. No. of delegate to be
eleoted 9.
Preoinot No 3
A E Huff, O F Oooledg, E W
Bartlett, E E Romig, O U Goodnougb
O W Noyes, E Alberson, J K. Wright
Wm Grant, F A Mead, J J Carr, W 8
Wines, J A MoWhirter, F Kilpatrlok,
J A Matott, J P Clark, J E Reynolds.
More Telephones
The Observer is informed that ba-
'sides the 10-party telephone line
wbloh waa put to to Fmitdtle a an
nounced in this papei a few daya ago
a new two party lice was also put io
to Fruitdale. On tbi line is F H
Tatman and 0 J Black.
Ladies Aid
The Ladies Aid of the Praabvtarian
Church will meet tbi afternoon at
tbe bom of Mr. Henry Hansen. All
members an teaueated to attend to
aid in tbe transaction of important
business. .
1 SOI r - i ' ,
g:' I
I The Equal of any $4.00 Hat.;! We .... 1 'fP i
are Sole Distributers tn La Grande. ' ' I I ; f
I B - ' ") mBik
1 '
........... ,'"A
Another Pioneer
- . , . 1-?,
Obsa MoOlure, died at bia borne in
tbi city Monday morning at 2.40 a.
a result of a oauoer. The funeral will
take place today from lb . Masonic
ball at 1 :80 and tbe interment wilt be
io the Maaonio cemetery.
. Chaa MoOlure waa bora io Missouri
in 1836, crossed the plain to Oregon
in 1851 first settling near Brownsville
in Willamette valley, in ; 1853. be
oaoght the gold fever and followed
mining in Southern .' Oregon ' and
Northern California.'"' ! " r -:
la 1861 he engaged in tbe parklug
and stage business In Western Oregon
which extended to the mining opera
tion in Idaho.. In 1870 be made Iilfj
home in Grande Ronde Valley ' where
be lived ever since; During hi "resi
dence in Bouthern Oregon he was
actively engaged in the Indian war of
1863-5. He waa in the . battle oil
Evans creek in whioh General Lan
wa wounded, also in the Grave oretk
fight and at Hungry bill where with
out food tb fight was oontinous tot
24 hours. ' Ho participated in' all ' tbi
movements of the volunteer and 'was
second lieutenant Deceased j leaves
besides a grief striken wife one daugh
ter and four ton, Wm MoOlure re
side in Boise Oity, James, Frank and
Charley Jr. and Mrs Hattie MoOrary
in this oity.
Gives Facts About Advertising
Every man or woman who is. now
advertising or Intending lo advertise,
should send 10 oent for a copy ol
White' Savings published at Seattle
Wash., at $1.00 per year, . '
Tbi paper gives praotloil bints
about advertising systems, adv Illus
trations, writing advertisement and
suggest method to get more business
at less expense. - -. ;. ... iV;.," ;
- It gives the advertising rates of all
the leading publication and in many
other ways Is worth . the $100 per
year. '- . f
Onb Special A paid up subscriber
may aak all Ibe questions be desire
about business and advertising
methods and receive confiden tial "re
plies.. One. department for bustler
telt you how to atari' in business
for yourself and beoom independenl,
Bend 10 oent today, if you are ad
vertising or expect to advertise to
White' Savings, Seattle, Wash. ; ,
.':''';". for sale '' y;; :
A good work team gentle and kind
will sell cheap forcaah, one set harness
and li"Hlthel spring wagon for'par
tlculara Inquire at Geddes 1 Bros
Grocery store or see me at Olnder Pit
Round boose. (;;-;'.
8-11-25 ; A. P. Norton.
. 1 ' , " 4 .11 .'S.
Japanese Plan to Block:!
up cnirance io rort;
Arthur Frustrated and
Channel is Stili Clear.
it ' 1 t
St. Petersbnrg, Maroh 28 An of
ficial dispatch from Port Arthur to
the emporor says that at 1 ' o'olook
thia morning Ihe Russian searoblighta,
made cnt four large merchant taam
en making for tb . antianoe of, the
harbor, supporlod by six torpedo boat
A heavy fire waa opened on them' by'
the batteries and eome warships. The
torpedo boat Stllni, commanded by
Lieutenant Krlnzki, turned tb mer
chant vessels from their course blow
ing op the prow of Ihe first and" than
boldly attacking Ihe enemy's torpedo) ' '
boat. In the fierce fight wbloh fob
lowed Engineer Bwyereff of tbe SlUni
and six marine were killed and ihe
oommaoder and 12 men were injured.
Tbe Japanese plan to-block op the
entrance to Port Arthur wa frustrat
ed and Iheohannel is still otearr
Notice to Masons &.
t1; ft i S ,'.,,.) , '
' Members of th Masonio fraternity
are requested lo meet at 10 o'olook
tbi morning at Maaonio hall to ar
range for tbe funeral of Chaa. Mo
Gluts, also al one, o'clock. Ihia after
noon for the purpose of altanding said
! .mural, wbloh will be held from . th
lodge room al 1 :30, .. -
'By order of Worthy Matter
, rfOSTtfATHlO; PEBBLE8 4-
Ignoraal, unscrupulous, take osteo-
paths are abroad In tha land praying
upon the ick and afSlotad. Assur
yourself thai the osteopath whom yod
patronise is genuine. - Eiamiuehis
oredeatial; look up hi record. :
The human body ii Ihe beat of NaJ
tare' handiwork j it U perfect t in de
sign and wonderful in construction;
its anatomy should form ihe oonstant
study of mankind. Here is ; where
osteopath speolalis,' and il Is tb
use of tbi expert knowledge that
bring unprecedented ours. j .. .
- -. . .