vastest.; -ft.l.,; "' ir ' - It ".l!! rT' 'Ty LA GRAN VOLUME III LA GRANDE, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 26, 1904 NUMBER 120 , i.,. ri... "J ", f. ,7. ., OBSERVER. MORNING DE ft I BUSINESS GOOD Traveiing Men Report a Bright Prospect for Spring and Summer Trade. ' Prospects (or business and trade con ditions throughout Eastern Oregon are brighter tliii spri g th in the; have been for many seasons acrordint to the re . ports of the numerous traveling men who make this teritory. A large number of there druniinars have been in thecily duiingtlie past few days and they all claim th it they are doing a bigger and better business than ever before at this seaion of the year. When the salesman are doing a big business, the merchants must he. Not only .is this true, but in addition, the merchant must be satis-tied with the outlook and future conditli ns or he would not order ' goods in advance in such large quant i- tle. ' J , '" In La Grande the merchants are very anguine of a prosperous season, . Busi ness ia good all the time and ii increas ing. The people are 'buying more and bitter clothes than ever, while the workingman is paying np bis billa promptly and the "bad debt" column ia looking rather lonesome. : Club Hall : The board ol managers of tbe Com meroial Club are contemplating tbe addition this summer of ' another story to the Olnb building to be nsed aa a ball room, both for tbe Club itself and lor other societies of tbe oity. The halj will probably be on tbe lower floor, the expectation being to raise the building one story, This plan will reoeive commendation from tbfi pleasure lovers of tbe entire oity. 1 1 ' Petitions Filed Wm Mil er filed the oounty seat petitions with the county clerk yes terday. The total filed were 2670. Tnis may he supplemented by a few more liBts that hava not bien receiv ed. However' an 1900 would bave been sufficiant, a few mrior less than I be total of tbe Hut filed is immaterial. sunk in tbe desired per itfoa. Tbres nit A l I V I I IV I thoGMud Japanese offio-ra and blue- ivini 1 1 jnr LAND Invasion of Korea and Preparation for War is GiganticSeven Ships Scuttled. - Borne, Harob 25 A Chee Foo tel egram atatea that 8.000 , Japanese landed at Obinnampho March S2 making a total ot 98,000 Japanese on Korean soil. ' ; , London, March 25 Tbe Daily Tele graph publishes a dispatob from its Tokio corres'iondeat under yesterday's date which says: "On the night of March 22 the Japanese fleet reueed the attempt to bottle up Port Arthur. M'uteen warships eaeorted seven mer chant steamers to tbe mouth of tbe harbor, and under cover of boudard ment tbe steamers ran it and were THE CHICAGO STORE Easter Sale COMMENCING MONDAY, MARCH 21 AND CONTINUING UNTIL MONDAY, MARCH 28 we will place on sale our entire line of Dress Goods, at a reduction of ... . . 20 Per Cent Tirs sale includes both Wool and Wash Goods, all of which are the latest weaves and designs This is an opportunity to secure your Easter Gowns. REMEMBER THE DATE. THE CHICAGO STORE jaokels volunteered lor this duty. An official report is expected this even ing." High School Program The members of the High Bchool Literary Society rendered the usual excellent bi-weekly program yesterday afternoon. The Orchestra was misted very mucb, It being engaged at the Fair Store opening. A number of visi tors werejpresent. " Following is tbe program 3 Quotations. Piano Solo Recitation ........ Bong Recitation Debate Resolved : .Vailous Authors . . .Florence MoCall Nina ureever ...... Man Ootoer .......Ada Turner "That ambition has done more barm than good to the world." The debaters on the affirmative, in order, were:; Pearl Huff, Catherine Woodruff and Qraoe DoFord, on the negative, Andrew Allstot, Llewellyn Thomasoti and Ben Grout, The Judges. Miss Wenham, Vt alter Ferguson and Miss Uollenbeck ot Union, deoldcd unanimously that the negative supported and' presented the better argument. ' School Board Meeting The Bcliuol hoard met Inst night in the offloa of Clerk ttillinma and in addition to routine business, euqh as receiving the regular monthly reports authorised the payment of $2,000 of the bonded indebtedness, on or about April 6. v Married i Mr Staiiley Miller and Miss Iua Hedrick w&re united in marriage by Justice Win Grant at his office yes teruny evening.' Mr and Mrs Miller are well known and bave many friend in this oommunty who will wish them all the joy that is obtain able during tbeir married life. SOMMER HOUSE FliStandifh N E Judson K J Bannister 1 O Hall K O Connors M R Tedall SAHtmilton 8 Steinberg" A S Danner A K King W A BebaraJl J A Kirkbam O Appelhoff E A Garrett O B Wiggleworth O L Darnell - R L Cohen S A Bandera M Manasiee A P Bradburry W M Allen OHart ' Detroit Mich do New York Spokane Boise do ' . " Portland do do do do do Dayton Ohio Elgin Promise Or Portland do SanFranclico Portland do Ban Francisco Chicago Superb Correspondence Papers lu the line of fine corroHpondenoe "papers our ') per b stock lonres not bi off to be desired Everything in style, tint and Mulsh that han ni-)t with the approvnl of the writing publio will be found here. The stock m braces papers in BOXcS, BULKS and TABIETS liox papers range In price from 15 cents to H.7S. Vm cannot find bettnr assortment In the stj'te. ijiilk palters are growing rapidly in favor aa yon can get as much or as little aa yoa want, it is an ecououi. ical way of buying paper, especially when you have as large and varied an assortment to choose from as we arford yon. Uur tablet line Is large and woll chosen. Have envelopes to match the lietter tahleta. Pens, pencils, inks, mucilage, paste, erasera and every thing In the stationery line. .Might aa well use good writing papers when they cost no more. NEWLI N DRUG CO. La Grande. Or. BRITT THE WINNER Corbett is Game and Stays to the Last but Loses the Dicision at End of Fight Ban Francisco, March , 12:30 a Special to the Observer Brltt wins the fight In the 80th round. ' Both men were in good shape to put up the fight of their lives. Britt seemed to have the best of the fight from the first round, but Corbett was game and stayed with his adversary almost, to the last minute, when Britt was awarded the decision. Beta were two to one on Corbett at the sounding of the gong early in tho even ing." - ; ., '.y,:,.. I Nutmeg Match The La' Grande oornet band will give a soenia production ol tbe beauti ful rural oomedy drama "A Nutmeg Matcb" at Stewards Opera bouse Fri day April 7. Tbe play will bs present ed by local talent under the direotiou ol Pierce Kingsley . ; , Mr Kingtley bas been for . tbe past four months leading man at the Ray aiond Theatre in Boise and will be as sisted by Miss Pauline Adams and Ohas atofJaney, all of whom appeared in tbe original produottoo of tbe play In Boise wbiob ran for 14 oonseoutlve nigbts to socked bonsea, Tbe band orchestra will furnish tbe musio for the oooasion and tbe story will be staged with special soenery . Seats will be on sale at usual plane Tuesday. Popular prioea 20-36-60 ots, Club Party The Olnb party was very well at tended last nigbl. Twelve tables were surrounded with a jolly congenial orowd. The prises were won by Miss Porter and Mr Bodmer tbe consolation prise to Walter Ferguson - be having made a total of 13 points during tbe evening. Those who were present wilt rem ember the oooasion as having been one of the most enjoyable of tbe season. The Contest "lickety Hop) Uckaty Hop I Junbrs, Juniors, Always on top I" Bach was the ye 1 with which the pupils of the Union High school were greeted as they alighted from No A last evening. . The olaaa colore ot the two schools were quite In evidence and there was evidence of a friendly rivalry. Tonight is the time for the anticipat ed contest between the two schools at the Opera house,. , Seats have been going like wild fire. ' In fact more seats bave already been taken than have ever before been sold for a erbool entertain ment in this city. " ' - ; G. A. R.-Attention! Toe' regular monthly meeting of Oliver P. Morton Post No. 36 Q. A. R., of La Grande, will take plane at the 1. O. O F. hall this afternoon at 1:30 p. m. The members of tie Relief Corps will meet with tbem and a good arx'lal time will be had. This is Phil Sheridan dav and there will be much talk about Little Phil. Preparing for Beets Geo. Ruukman was in the oity yes tertfay statirg bis steam plow was now at work turning over 27 aores daily preparing lor tbis seasons beet orop, ' .-. j, - -. , , .. There will be 170 aores planted on bis fat m this year, an ioorease of SI1 aores over laat season. Afternoon Tea 1 Mrs A T Hill very pleasantly enter tained several friends with an after noon tea yesterday afternoon in honor of her friend, Mrs Marls, of Hot Lake. Those present were MesdamoB Bodmer, Ingalla, Carpy, YVealty ami Maris. OS-TE-OP-A-THY The Usteopa.blo physician Is a nature-etudeut." He learns the nor' mal in order to leoogniie the . abnor mal. , He is a meobanio and seeks to restore tbe normal wbon be fl ds tho msohioe out of order. He is a ohe mist, recognising the ohemloal - com position ol the body and of the essen tial elements taken tnlothe body to restore tbe aotual waste. ' He ; learns the value in these elements and . bow and when they oan be appropriated by tbe body to replenish the waste. That wbioh has proved Itself to be helpful in ouring and. preventing di sease is entitled to investigation and no one is justified in, remaining in Ignoranoe of It when he may be oal'ed upon any moment to assist In reliev ing distress or preserving lite. TEACHER'S MEETING: Meeting of the r Union V County Association to. be Held at Cove, Sat urday, April 2. . Mr Pre para liens are making for a eery successful meeting of the Union County reseller's A sedation at Cove, on Saturn. day, April 3.. Following. is the program prepared for the occasion t ' 1030 A. M. ' ' " , Musio ' ' !' 1 ' , . ' "The feaober In Society' . ( Harriet Ecfcersley. ,,9 w "The Child and its Environment" : - Alex Thompson. "Physiology and Hjgiene" . JU A. McBnde. : ; . r 1:00 P. M - "The Greek Poeta" - R. W. Canfieldf -"What a Teacher Should Read" ' ' Anna Den man, J' v " . The basket ball teams, of the Union and Cove High 8cbooIs will play a match game at 8:18 p. m." Every teacher In Union county should make a special effort to attend this Musio meeting, Aid Meeting ' The ladies ot the aid society. 61 the M E Church met Thursday afternoon : at the home of Mrs Aldrloh on . Fourth street. They spent tbe after- , noon in sewing, f : t .. j ; v j . Auothermeetlng will beheld neat -Wednesday afternoon at the parson age on main streev. All members are , asked to attend, be pi spared to help -on a new quilt, t . ,i ' it t . Good Lecture A very good orowd greeted Captain : Mahone last evening, to hear, bis tec tire on "Tbe Destiny of the Republio" - Tbe speaker dwelt upon the' larger destiny of this country In relation to the nation of the world, outlining the duties o' voters In the ooming oam palgo.'' He was given the oloseet at tent ion and those who attended teem ed well pleased with th lecture ' NOTICE OF REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ELECTION The Primary Election for tbe pur. pose ol election delegate to the Re publican Convention for Union County will be held In each precinct in Union County Saturday April 2d 1004. The Convention will be held at Elgin Oregon April 7th 1904, The places where Bald election shall occnr in the four precincts of La Grande, the Judges to serve at said election and the number of de-egatis to be eiecced in ea'-h of the said four precincts are as follows. Pnc'r.ctNn 1 Polling place in the building north of Koinig and Staples Bakery on Fir Street. Judges, John Williamson, J. N. Young, and Chas. Anderson. Number of delegates to be elected Six tti) Prciii-t No 2 Polling place new Council rcom Elm Ktreot. Judge, P Stephenson, JM Hilts, J K, Foley.' uiiil or hi miiee t-i lie elected nine ). Precinct No 3 Polling place Old Council room corner fourth and P Slricl. Judges, O V Coolidgn, V S HrHinwell, and V V Nnyes, Nunilor of deigaU'S U he elected si.'ven (7). Precliiut No 4 Polling place La Grande Flouring Mill Co'a Mill. J idges TF f-herod, hA W Kammerer and J H Fraker. Number of delegates four (4). Polls oien from 1 to 7 p in. W. B. SARGENT, Secretary Union County Republican Central Committee Gut flowers free 0 Today Commorcing at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, ladies attendiug our Spring Opening will be iiriFunlcd w ith choice out flowor. A choice musical program will be ren dered dui ing the afternoon. You are cordially invited to oome and enjoy yourself.' LADIES We are prepsred to mane your dresses In all the up-to-date fashions at reasonable prices will make wrappers at from 76 cents to tl 26, shirt waist from 60 cents op. We also do plain sewing. Kesl dence tiyo blocks north of little brick school bouse. Phone 67-5 Mr Lewis and Mia Smith. NEW SHIRT WAISTS. . Tliul nre perfect dreams of beauty on display, for the first time during our opening. Large useonnont and alto gelhor popular prices. 50o to 7.50. NEW SKIRTS Opened up yester day. Will be ready for your choosing today, niuny novelties in the lot. PATTERN HATS. to seleot the most exacting tastes, and many beauties among trimmed hats that are pleasing The usual "Fair" prices. 1 : I w NEW WA1STINGS Beautiful shan- . V L'1 ' II (.. t BBB l sa . . 11 NEW SKIRTS Opened up yester- It tune il,a. mercerised oonlius cotton : ':,, - voile, and a large assortment of all - II; y 1 wanted fabrics. - , v fl A v jt wn s im m net , i ki IIIIHMIHIIMMIIIIIIMMIHI ft V MMIMMIHHill.M I II I iavaavaavaavaavaavaavaava.avH(lavaafaTaaf