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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1904)
V V '-. : Sri' ; 1? i -; .Jk Less than Cost! I have a few odd patterns of dishes that I am closing out at greatly reduced prices, to make room for new stock. Now is the time to purchase. Notice the prices in our window. MRS. T. N. MURPHY Hardware and Graniteware Second Hand Goods Bought and Sold MONEY TO LOAN The La Grande Pawnbrokers Cornet Fir and Adams. Remember" we itill buy and tell all kind. 'Phone 1581 of SKood hand Good.i j f-none iso. TURKESTAN ALFALFA- The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gation. BROME GRASS 'Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of ' Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House in Union County. A. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 We are prepared to do all kinds of repair work and pressing. Send in your clothes. TV? AN0,tf AND CENTS FURNISHINGS. nmmt em -mt v-y IMMIIMMIMHMIHII'MH H4 A FEW OBSERVATIONS BY OUR REPORTERS r - - , . tieWMWM 1 1 ltf 1 1 1 1 !' Leo Winn waaa Union visitor Mon day, . - W W Pankey, the llnaman was busy In Elgin Monday. County 8at E E Bragg went through to Elgin Monday, r turning last even ing, , OMar Lnnd, one ol Cove', moat pro gressive and prosperous farmers, was" in the city Monday. G W Molden, of the fair etore, re turned home Monday from a week, viait in Yakima valley. The game ol indoor baseball between the Reda and the Bluea baa been post poned nntil aorae time next week. The data will be announced later. Mra II B Haisten arrived Monday evening from Peettleto Join her hus band, who has chaige of the undertak ing department of E Androsa furnituie bouse. The msnv friends of Mrs Hattix McDonald will be pained to learn that she la quite ill at Valla Walla and it is j I ROSS & ANDREWS j Grande National Bank, trustee. tor further particulars see " r M. L. CAUSEY, President Eastern Oregon ColonUing Company.; , Folev-Roesch Bldg. LaJGrande, Ore, D.-vV.-4,-l. FOR SALE 6 lots, with good dwell ing house and .barn on out skirts o( City. For futhor particulars see Q W Thomas at Bock and Thomas Meat Market. , 3 22 tf. . MAKES ROADS DUST PROOF. ff.w Inve.tlun For Olvtnsr a Clean Surface Co IlgThrrar. The muni' ipul councils of Frankfon find Dresden. Geruiauy, after making exhaustive tests, have adopted the u-'W means of keeping down the dust ol ilKhwnys, culled "westrumite." Weatruiuite la the invention of a Germuii rheuiist. by name Van Wea trurn. who, belns practically expelled from his own house, which was on lu highway In a suburb of Berlin, by res mtn rt tliA (liiat turtlelit Kir nnaalnrr mn feared she will be obliged to go to the, tor8( BOt tiiuiseir to And a remedy uud rouna u m u preparation or peiruieuu and ammoiila, whict) la soluble n wa hospital, Register E V .Davis returned from Portland yesterday morning, where he had been culled as a witness before the federal grande jury in the land fraud case a, Mulr Picken. representing the Col umbia River and Oregon Tlmbrman published at Portland wat In the city Monday and In Hie Interest ol bis paper. We acknowledged a very pleasant call, A grand musical treat to the people of La Grande by the High School Or chestra Friday and Saturday afternoon March 25th and 20th at the grand Spring opening at The Fair. The peo ple of lm uranae are prouu 01 tntwe young musicians. All members of Friendship Tent No 31 KOTM are hereby notified that there will be a grande reveiw of the Sir Knights next Friday evening, ' 8ix candidates will be introduced to the mysteries of the inner tent, and a splen did banquet will be served. Next Saturday Is Ribbon Day fat the La Grande Mercantile Co's i-tor--. They brought in a n- w ad for this issue but it was impossible to get it set. Watch for it tomorrow. State Lenuty Mrs Margaret Her rtn spent Monday evening with the De- gree of Honor. Ten new candidates were Initiated into the order and a n u in bo r of otlu-rs balloted upon. A sploudid banquet helped to make the evening a very pleasant one. Mrs Her- rin has gone to KIgin to spend several days. Do not forget the High School gold medal contest which will be held In this city Saturday Mar:h 26. Thid will be oue of the most lute-rotting and in Btructive eveutegiven iu this city this season. The i-outeHt will bo between the Union High School and the La Grande High School and will consist of a det ute and or'turical competi tion. The proceeds will be devoted to Hi Kb School Library fund. Turn out and see what the young peoplo cau do atl help the librarj fund. i Grande Ronde Valley Fruit Farm The Grande Rondo valley fruit farm contains 320 acie, and is to be sold in lots of of ten lots and ani up, to suit the purchaser. It is situated eight mil north-oaut of La Grande, Oregon, near the KlIn branch of the O. R. & N a! road. We furuUh the purchaser, Ht the end of three years, a thrifty growing apple orchard, one that has been cared for from setting. In the most approved manner, cultivating the land six or eight times a year, keepii-g the gionnd well pulverised, and at all times free from weedtf, grass and other vegetation May 1st and August 15th of each year; keeping the tret1 pruned iu the most scientific manuer; removing and burn ing all cuttings and flickers, and in short, do any and all work which will be f ir the best interest of the trees, tte replant all trees that may die in ihe first, second and third t-itrn, and pay all Uses fur three years. We furuUh tbe land, labor and material, and tre3B, and three years' care, at the nrice of $135 per acre, giving three years In which to pay for it. Our terms of payment are i3 per cent of purchase price, caeh; balance in three yearly payments, bearing interest at the rates of 0 r rent per anuuiii. The purchaser can remain where he fS make no immediate ci. ,nge iu hi business or home interests, making his present butine8 pay for his investment, Harrihctng tm time while the orcliiird Id being brought into bearing condition, and rent ascurcd that skilled horticul turalists will do the work better than he can unions he has had hortit nlturnl experiemc under conditions existiug in Oregon. Alter trees have had m-ieiititl, care, prumug and shaping for three years, the subsequent work is tnuiti mure mothotlical ami can be mcce--f nl ly dune by thoK without horticul. tuial skill. As an Investment it Is gilt edge; and is the nearest posnthie approach. to a Ktiaianteed annuity. We have all our work done by run tract and the contractors are under neavy norms io us lor the talliittil pr- foimanceof their work. We have executed a bund to the amount of $10,1KM, and have appointed Hon. J, M. Chun h, cashier of the La tor, says the New York American. It la clntincd for west ni mite that I per cent of the liquid added to 05 po cent of water Is sufficient to lay the dust on uny ordinary road and that having once been sprinkled, tuo road will not need a fresh application fur f. period varying from two to four week according to the amount of traffic on H It Is claimed that the material is a dis Infectnnt; that U priiViiutL.Uoth dust and mud end consequently to a gmii extent wear and tear. It la nouintbim ma bio and nonpolsonoim, and It doe not stain the clothes should ft fall upoi them. The first cost of treatment of a thirty foot road la less than $0 per mile, and subsequent trentment will cost one bull that amouLt. The effect of cnnttn'.m' application Is cumulative, and the road Improves considerably under the treni ment It Is point la favor of weslruinltr that there Is no need to close the road during Its application. AH that ts re quired for It Is from two to four houra dry weather following the treatment, and, of course, while still wet the lew traffic the hotter. After this period of, say, four hours, rain hna tbe effect of laiornvlnir the snrfura SERVANTS IN ECUADOR. Ulr fbe Traveler la Forced to aiunr to Swrvc Htm. If you wore living In Ecuador and wished In hire a servant wou could linrilly get one by himself or herself, aut would be compelled to tuko up with i drove of thorn, probably far outnuio Bering your own family. For example, with a cook you would hav to receive tier husband and children, and perhaps also her father and mother, Into your tintise to bed nnd board, and each would String along all his or her portable prop erty, consisting mainly of domestic pets, such as pigs, chfcUens, rabbits, itngs and other "live stock." The hus band may have some trade which he follows during the day, but at meal times and when night comes he returns to the bosom of his family and yours. It would be considered downright In humanity to refuse them food and shel ter, and nnt a sen-ant In Ecuador would work for so mean a master or mistress. The children of your cook may be utilized for light services, such as running errands, weeding the gnr den and tending the baby, but the nu merous brood is apt to be "light finger cd" and certain to be lousy, dirty and probably diseased. There Is no help for It, however, hecanse "el costumbre" has decreed that for every servant you hire you must expect at leapt a doses extra mouths to feed. Nor Is this the worst of It. Occasion ally the cook's relatives from nuotlui village come to pay her a visit of a fort night or two lasting as long as you will tolerate It men. women ond chil dren, bringing more dogs, pigs, chick ens, etc., to be housed and fed. Fortu nately, they are not accustomed U "downy bed of ease" or sumptuous living, but consider themselves In clover If plentifully supplied with beans, corn meal and potato soup, nud will sleep contentedly on the stones of the patio or the straw of the stable The danger Is that some of the stranger bangers on may not bo nn honest n the cook herself Is supposed to bo. ami cases are known wboro tblevos and even murderers thus cnlnd adml'op to the Inside oT the oaa with disas trous results. I'lillndelphla Record. Merciful Kit's imk Punch publishes these "merciful e capes;" In a recent account of election proceedings In which a candidate was pelted with dirt, mud thrown in the face of his wife, nnd bis daughter struck with a stick, a dally paper re marked that "the police bad difficulty in preventing a breach of the peace." A correspondent sends a brief account of various other episodes, in each of which by au equally narrow margin a contretemps was slmllaily avoided: "The ex tensive prom ises of M essi a Blank & Co., oil and tallow merchants, were completely gutted by fire last night, all five storiea being ablate at once. It needed all the efforts dt the lo cal brigade to forestall what promised to be a contiagrutlon." "A motor car, proceeding along tbe High street ths other evening, took frlgbt. It is sup posed, at a constable on duty aud itc ploded. blowing tbe occupants In va rious directions over the adjoining building. The policeman Is to be con gratulnted uion averting what might hv titwn n t.Ttotis nceldeuL Congratulations. Mr. John U. Callnro, Editor of tbe Garland, Texas, Newa, bas written a fartures congratulations to tie ananu letterof of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, as follows: "Sixteen year, ago ' wben our first child ma) a baby be was subject to croupy spells and we w uld be very untany about bim. We began using Cham berlain'i Cough Remedy in 1887, and finding it sucb a reliable remedy for colds and croup, we have never beeD without it in tbe bouse since thai time. We have five obildren and bate given it to all of tbem wilb good results." .For Sale by all druggists. Change of Management. The UDilcraignid bas purchased the busin ss koown as the Harris Caab Meat Market aDd will here after ci'iiduct the samo. Wo wish to inform the public that we ure prepared to furnish all kind j of meats, game and poultry at the very lowest prices consistaut with first-claa articles We have our own del very and mah' two trips daily to the Old Town. Highest markel price paid for Jl cattle, hogs and s'lepp. We smicit a share of your potronjge nnd guarantee the very Ik stsutisl'.ction. Phono rders receive prompt and cor ful utlentk ti. Ilari is meal market across the trusk. . Phone 1001. TURNER & WALTER . - ' WOOD WOOD The best in tbe cily, lowest price. t COAL as Anything in the HAY and GRAIN line. Cull at oar store Slator building, or phone 1801. GRANDE RONDE CASH COMPANY. Free delivery 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Retail THE QUICKEST LUNCH-rtan be hud hero. We call it our "rapid-fire luucli'' became It is served so quickly. It is not fired at our patrons, however, but placed before them in a dainty ai d appetizing manner. This lunch cots little, and satieties all but the rrn-t robust appetites. At a slightly high r prico these can be appeased with more substantial viands. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. AKBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NNjHT We sell weekly Meal Tickets, Cash $4.50 All included iu the J. E. TILT SHOE. Rood leather good wear, good fit, So there you are, at C. W. PRESTON'S Shoe Specialist Depiit Street Ladies Attention We will make a special reduction ol 20 per cent on all our ' SPRING SUITS this eek at the SALE Come in aud look at thein. They ure the latest things on the market. Laces and embroideries 15 per cent off regular Underwear at'd hosiery 15 per cent off regular . Cluoy lace and Applique trimmings, 15 per cent off regu'ar price. Shoes .... 10-15-20 per cent off Ben Amerioar. Prints 05 per yard Pen-quality Percale 1 1 per yd llt.-aiit Ladiej' Walking Skirts $3.51 lines' Skirls and Wool Novelties 2.52 In fact everything in the store m tides too . iiruerous to mention are reduced during the sale. We extend a special invitation to every lady in i )v n, and would like to have you bring your husband that we may become acquainted with them also. A Shamrock will b? given ith every purohas-n of 115 cents cr over this week. La Grande Mercantile Co., Phone 1901 LA GRANDE, - .- OREGON How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; aud at the same time Assist the Stomach and Diges tive Orgaus in Digesting and Assiiuulating Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Iuvoleed. There is but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come iu aud WE WILL TELL YOU A. T. HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande, Cre r e H'ftlttttHtHHft:'tKHrTTTMtMttHHHWtHHtHtHttWH-rtTt Lutre Crochet Cotton, Per Spool 4c Clark's 0 NT Spool Cotton, Per Spool 4c S Hire hri: ton rr.i l 'mi 1 pof r.v. atari in .1 Mlrntnre. t- V.tu :iy tad Utrfl-i.-: .:rre? What mad f - t wrote It. I wu ur steal ter keep from TO ALL WEARY iiOUSrWIVES who are using Hint back-breaking, dust raiting corn brnom to sweep their carpets, we pav, avoid this ueles. wiiste of oin' rir v nnd unnecojiiry dust by u?ipg a " CYCO " Heating HIS? ELL, the fitie-t ra'jiet sweeper made, h will brighten and pre serve your carpets aud make sw (ping a pleasure instead of a' drudgery. It will outlast forty brjoros. Note our prices: "Ideal," $3.25. "Standard," $3.25. "Grand Rapids," nickel, $3. "Grand Rapids," Japu, $2.75. "Crown Jewel," $2.75. The Golden Rule Company 1303-1310-1312, ADAMS AVENUE. Clothes Pins, Per Dozen 2c Matches, Per Block lc 1 1 itmmti ..... it i HMI,t( rHII,H