--1. . .jlft,t - Tr.,,.-, .y- - ..j... MVS l .-. r. " 1) We haven't evey thing. Tbe swellest , Our hats are; the awelleat and our price tho lowest. SPECIAL LOT SAT URDAY, 19. We have an extra inducement to offer yon whereby yon can save 20 per cent. We defy competition. Call ind let us show yon we have all new and up-to-date goods for ladies and men. Rainbaw Store AN INVITAION TO YOU, fj THI8 IS A SPECIAL J1NVITATION TO YOU. $ We are receiving dairy many new designs in Wall Paper and Wall Decorations, and we extend this special invitation to yon and your friends to call and see them. We are amxioua to have you see our line and we feel sure you will be delighted with the visit. Yours Respectfully, Stackland & McLachlen . PAINTS. .eiLzS AND GLAbS Paper. Is Cheaper Than Cpa! and Looks Better. In other words if your walls are well papered your fuel bill will be reduced. We do proper Paper Hanging at drioes you can afford to pay. HARRIS & PRICE Paiuters, Paper Hangers and Decorators. A. 0. HARRIS, Phone 1566, J.M. PRICE, Phone 1491 IP BROKEN HEARTS could be mended as neatly, quickly nd thoroughly at I can repair your jewelry there would be do or row Id tbe world. No matter whether it be a watob, ring, a neck lace or a baby pin dear from asso ciation need repairing bring it to mi- and it will be mended eo you cannot tell it from new. My pecialty ii watob repairing. Bring it bar and have it done honestly, expertly and cheaply. J. H. Peare, the Jeweler Fresh Chocolates Fresh Bon Bona Fresh Nougnct Fresh Carmela Fresh Taffoy Fresh Salted Peanuts Fresh Salted Almonds Fresh Popcorn Fresh Fruit GREENE & CO- ALWAYS ON TIME W hen yon order groceries from ue yon re sure to bare themdollrered on lima ANOTHER THING When you order groceriea from us you are sure to Cijt the very best to be had. We keep only the best 'he next time you are at our store i : to fee our ipeoial line of, BREAKFAST BACON & POTTED MEATS RALSTON STORE &Mk. ,' .hV. GROCERY VnSKirjV'v, . i and Jefferson 6 LA GRANDE MORNING OBSERVER CURREY 6R0S. Editors and Proprietors. Entered at tbe Poet Offioe at La Grande. Urczan, as Becond CUm Kail Matter . Publlihtd Daily Exccpi Monday. One Year in Adrance 96.60 1 Per Month. . U'i Months in Adnnoe , t3.S08ingle Copy. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 23, 1904. LINCOLN ON PATRONAGE The first election atwbiob the Republican party participated in with a candidate for tbe presidency, it went down in de feat in 1856. Buchanan, the Democratic candidate, received of tbe popular vote 1,838,169 votes and in the electorial college 174 votes. ' Fremont, the Republican candidate, receivtd 1,384,264 popular votes and 114 electorial votes. The American party candidate received 874, 634 popular votes but no elect orial votes. The strength dis played by the Republican party surprised its friends and. dis gusted the Democrats Events, and the intense excitement on the slavery question from 1850 to I860, made it almost certain that the Republicans would place a man in the Presidential chair. W H. Seward, who had long been in the United States Senate bravely and with great ability battling against tbe further ex tension of slavery, seemed to be the logical candidate for the presidency on the Republican ticket. Abraham 'Lincolu was talked of by a few who attended the 2nd National Convention which met at Chicago on May 16, 1800. On the first and second ballot Mr. Lincoln showed such strength that his friends thought he could be nominated if he would promise to appoint, in his cabinet, if elected, two men named by a couple of strong delegations His friends telegraphed to him at Springfield, Illinois, for until orily to make the deal. Lin colu replied by wire, promptly, "I uulhorizo no bargains and I will be bound by none." He was nominated on the 3rd ballot and elected the following November receiving 180 elector' ial voles nud t popular vote of 1,805,031 votes. The Encyclopedia Briltanica in its biugruphy of Lincoln says: "He never recognized u duty in himself to appoint any man to office simply because he had bten a political friend, and would remove no man Biiuply because he huiLbeen his pontic al enemy." manifest as at the present time. There is really nothing to fight over and the workers in both factions have arrived at the point that they can see it Re publican victory iu this county next June if their efforts are lined up against their rightful opponents and as a result the1 cry has gone forth all over the valley to "cut out" the old fight, nominate a good .ticket and elect it. James Gilham, who hus been a resident of this city for many years is being mentioned as a oandidate on the' Republican ticket for county clerk. Mr. Oilliam is competent in every way for the position and if nom inated will receive a handsome vote wherever he is known and he enjoys a lnrge acquaintance. The name of Ben Brown is being bandied by his friends as a suitable man for assessor Mr. Bro wn filled that office two terms with credit and if nomi nated it means his election, for there are few better vote colters than Uncle Ben. R. A. Wilkinson, who has for a number of years been one of the enthusiastic teachers of this county is being favorably men tioned as a cimnidate for the office of county school superin tendent on the Republican ticket. HEARST ACTIVE The young Democratic aspir ant for Presidency seems to bo giving the grey beards of that party much concern. Several district conventions in numer ous status lnwo declared for the young man and it now looks like his nouiitiiliou is among tho probabilities. In Ohio the Grandpa Democrat? have started a presidential boom for Col, James Kilhourn, of Columbus. The South at present seems to profer Cleavland, but the "Stuffed Profit" is too dignified to make an active push, and the young man may capture the convention and go romping like a schoo! boy to defeat. EXPECTED IT As was expected, the city hull bond proposition curried at La Grande last Monday, and the fact will be used toward intluene ing .voters "bribing" them they railed it over in Wallowa county towurd oustaining tbe scheme (o remove the county sea1. Union Ke-publican. Not for years has the desire for harmony within the ranks of the Republican party been so Congratulations. Mr. John H. Cuilom, Editor o' tbe Garland, Texas, JJuws, baa written a faetures congratulations to t ie raanu letter of of Chamberlain's Congb Remedy, aa follows: "Sixteen years ago when our first child was a baby he was subject to croupy upells and we w uld be very unnaBy about him. We began using Cham berlain's Congo Remedy in 1887, and tiuding it such a reliable remedy for colds and croup, wo have never been without it in the house siuce that time. We have five children and have given it to all of tbem with good results." For Sale by all drug gists. TO THE READING PUBLIC We have Just received a new lot ol paper back novels. In addition to these we have added 300 cloth bound books to our exchange library. Newlin Drug Co. Central Church of Christ Opposite Sommer House. OPEN EVERY DAY Pastor's Office Hours 1 to 2:30 Free Reading Room open from noon until 5) p in. Men and boys invited. Bible school Sunday 10 a m Preaching Sunday 11am and 7:30 p m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. WHEN YOU WANT RUBBER STAMPS REMEMBER Me. I manufacture every style on any nuntiup and tarry a complete ainrk of Pailp, Ink?, Kick-, Hater.-, Kubior ryjH-, etc. Bealu, Ht-nr.il. Tra.lr Check-, Door 1'latrs, Postal Scales. Write me what you want, I can pleaM) ynu by return mai'. Kveiy Ump requirement supplied. WESLEY ANDREWS, Bkcr City. STEWARD'S OPERA - HOUSE Mr. Ed. Redmond and His Kaiuous Company Tonight in: "Chicago Tramp." Popular Prices. Seats on Sale at J. Van Bureu's. B 19 H B IIQIBODEHII VH B m OUR SPRING Sack Suits aie not of tbe ordinary character. There is a certain nobbioess in the sKJ "Hart, Schaffner & Marx" Clothes that appeals to every stylish man. These are decidedly '."young men's clothes." They have dash you admire your own appeararce if y u wear one, Along with up-to-date clothes goes fine shoes We have tlim in the Flor.-.heim in ko, the dressiest and largest stock in inn, Let u show you. B . i m B J. M. BERRY at BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1011 p p" i p dB I m HOME GROWN Healthy Apple Trees In Variety, Thiilt and Prices. I can I'uini8h large cv small orders of Apples in tnyvuiiiy, also shrubs, uines, weeping trees and small fruit i Carolina Poplars, Blck Locust, Syca more, M tilbury, Caialpa, Linden. Maple, Lurch, Birch, Elm, A:'n, I'rivtt and roses in any variety. Write for price to Con. PUnt, Box C04, LaGracde, Ore. WM. GILPINS' GREEN HOUSE 'Phone 1161 i I I E. 1 1 S.KCEESST UROS. -DEAl.i.llS IN New & Second-Hand Goods, SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE. Gardinicr Building FIR STREET THE ABC Laundry Is now UeadVg-. for Bi.sinesi-'s With our new up-to-date Plant we are iu a Position to turn out tbe best cf work. Shor Order wnk a specialty. Phone No. 186 Call us up and our wagon will call. ! A B C LAUNDRY I : PHONE j i85i ! : f DO YOU WANT ! CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? ! H so, we run I, ''-ate yon on sonio I fine claims in Wallowa County. f Mo Daniel M c Donald, WALLOWA, OXZ j J M I A Two Ugh! Electrolier 2m pii-e style comp! wii etched glass shades and all ati.it linicrts pot up iu yi ,;r residence for f h) See samples in our window. La Grande Light & Power Co "NEW MARKET- Still well 2 Vandermulen Wish to announce that on Saturday February 27 they will open a first class Meat Market iu the old Stuud "THE BOSS" Corner Railroad & Fir St, We will always keep on hai;d a good stockof fresh and pmoked meats, sau saged, fish and poultry, and will heglhd to meet all my old patrons and as many new ones. All . orders will receivo our prompt attention. Phone 4) 1 c Fonr of a kind ia a prettv pcoil hand .tt curds. But lit the buti hef's its tha kind that counts, nut tho four. We keep nly one kind of meut, the kind that's 'resh, healthy, tender and ja i-y. liny your Btoakd an I ehnpH Ihtp, and they'll always be right. Our Htock ia v-ll fod and p opcrly eared (or. Cont inently our meat has n delicious fltivor. Bock & Thomas Eari ilsers For quick relief from Biliousness, Sick Headache, Tcrpld Liver, Jaun dice, D I illness, and all troubles aris ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver, DeWltt'i Little Early Risers are un equalled. They act promptly and never gripe. They ai 4 so dainty that ft Is a pleasure to take them. One to two act as a mild laxative; two or four act as a pleasant and effective cathartic Thev - I v .uouiuiui; . J harmless. The tonic iha llvar. -4 PRSPARSD ONLY IT K. C. DWltt & Co., Chicago For Sa.e by all Druggists NOTICE: I would like nil my old friend nnd cueloirersto know tlint I Imvu rent ed a portion of A. J. W'ebb.s feed bin for LIVKRY PtiKPOSES and will be found tlierr fur busines with lirst-clase rips and good ai como dations, I will also bonrd horses by Ihe month. Horses bough', sold and exchanned. G. W. ALLEN ADAMS AVK. J'hmit 1641. fUSiiV 1 iir a Comet 1 "S ln ,'le sky comes xnc s,ar ' health fmo. . a.. to Ihe weak and does for tha stom- Y.v?"y. dcsPon- eh that -hl,-h II . lert1yspeptio, K is unable ia rfft fn. eurine all g Itself, even if but ifW"?' H lihtly disordered V ' Or overhu irdened. V digestive disordara. suppllsa the natural lUiceSof diCMIIn., r,A does tha work m iv-. i stomach. reUxlr ik- Iha uif.'.med muscle, h and memhr.n..ni .u.. r ' I ?v 'A are.. ... ill. -e,-.. -i Kiiuwea 10 Uii met r.J t. F: u cures inaipestion. ntu!ence. Palpitation of th h.,.. nervous dyspepsia and ail stomach troubles by I Cleansfnir nnrituK. j trengthenlnf the jlands. metTlbrar. nf iV. . co and digestive organs. KodolDjpepsiaCui Taar Dnbr Cu lad. I l V I 1 . ; m r'or bale by till Druggist "