If I i 1 ' It fa v-ii I. ' ! I l : Ik Less than Cost! I have a few odd patterns of dishes that I am closing out at greatly reduced prices, to make room for new stock. Now is the time to purchase. Notice the prices in our window. - MRS. T. N. MURPHY Hardware and Graniteware MMIMMHIHMMH'HMMI Second Hand Goods Bought and Sold MONEY TO LOAN The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams. ?E2"?V!3 ,phone )58t TURKESTAN ALFALFA- The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri- . gation. BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc The only Seed House in 1 Union County. A. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 t A FEW OBSERVATIONS : BY OUR REPORTERS On amount of publubiug ilia may or'a message a number of interesting items wore crowded outel this issue. Lee C. Henderson, of this office, has received a cowmisr'on from Oovernor Ghamherlaln aa a notary pnblle for Oregon. Frank Grown left Sunday evening for Caldwell, Idaho, wbere he goes to put up the laundry machinery 'for 8. E. Wsrnser. John Rnodgrass ' lias accepted the position of head baggageman for tbo O. K & N. at Colfax, Washington, and left for that city Hunday evening. Mrs. Emma rjbea, who has been at the bedside other father, David Kiliaey, lu Baker City, who haa been very sirk and is still very low, . returned homo Sunday evening. : . Clean up your back yard now before the warm weather arrives. "You may lie able by exercising a little elbow grease to save your family or your neighbor a spell of typhoid fever. Clenn up. It will make the entire neighbor hood look better and will not take long. ROSS & ANDREWS We are prepared to do all kinds of repair work and pressing. Send in your ? N clothes. V. . T J .'4 fgs" & Andrews, tfc?"RS AND GENTS FURNISHINGS. New Telephone Service Manager Osborne, of the Pacific States Telephone Co. was seen yester day by an Observer reporter aui' ques tinned regaiding the changes for a better and mure up to date telephone exchange and received a statement from bim wbicb was very gratifying and will please tbe patrons of the ex change. Mr. Osborne stated thai tbe com pany was now making arrangements to change tbe exchange from tho pre sent autiquated system to what is known as the mul'iple express system auri it is tbe expectation ol the com pany to have the new system in opera tion early this summer. This will be' tbe best system in the a'ate outside ol Portland. There are now live hun dred phones on the La Grand) ex change and more are being added al most daily. La Grande certainly needs a better and ruort. modem system fur the pre sent seivio" is everything hut saiisfac tory. Th't suh-oribers fully, realiz that the pref opt service is the very best that nan be given with the pre sent pldiit, but they feel that they are entitled lu a belter equipment. Oflicer Cotner's Statement As the statement has been made thai I could nut be found Sunday even lug when the call boy discovered the tire in the water super ntondente of lice Sunday night. I wish to make the following statement in older that the public may know ixactly how hard was to find. At a little altrt twelve o'clock I was standing iu from of the Queen Chop house when the wailei stepped out and informed me that thero was a telephone call there lor me. 1 went ti tho phone and ask ed central who it was that wanted mr and she told me I was wanted at the depot to take caie n( tbe man who hud boea hurt at Kaniela ai d who would anive on a special train. Whi 1 was talking Juilgo Gr.int stopped at tho chop house and said that we weio wanted at the depot and we went over to the dispatchers otliee inquired about when the train wan ex peoied and found that the train would not arrive lot some filteen min utei. The Judge suggested that we return to the chop bouse and hive inine colli, this we did and then oame back to tbe ollice and while therr wailing lor the liaiu the call boy came in and informed me that the hose bouno was Inn ol smoke I went at once to the hos-i houie an I locat d the lire and rung the tiro boll. 1 sounded the tlarm thiee times good and slr.mi;. The lirst to respond to the alarm was Pau Hhohz, Jack Me Ornry, Theodore Keid ndoi , who took 'Mil the oarl uncoiled the hose and did what they could to Milduo the tire. H C Coiner. Dr Koshaba Or Ki flliab. Iho ilistinquiahet, IVr slan Iwiurrr, who Im ipKa-iul In i tho lieliEt. boring tons, ml hn te (X'ntt'tl his loot u io in m-vernl, imt.ibly IVmllotnti nnd WbUh W Utit Ul lo luro Tuesday March -4 . I lis Uvttm will lie a vivhl tlt-rii)liun of the oin went ily IVrwmu, mi l a I hi lially ruftitima. Or Kithnla will apjH'ar lu hi native cotun.o, aintf nntivo tto:tt, Itlvt, ttitt MoliHinme 'nit's rail to prayer, anil tUfrib.t their manner ut living, dreing, couitahlp an J nittrritio. Ho cornea hil.ly rri-oiutut-nltM, aiul all wlm lirHr him nro RiiftrantOTtt n r.ire trt'at. IXm't -forget the dto March -M. TO MEET IN ELGIN Democratic Convention to be Held at Elgin on April 14 Primaries on April 9. The Democratic Couuty Central committee met in the office of Oliver it Kamsey Monday evening and de oided to bold the connty convention at Elgin on Thursday, April 14, and to bold the precinct primaries on April B. . Toe apportionment of dele gates was made on a basis of one dele gate for every 20 votes or major frac tion thereof cast or Couuty Judge 41 A Harrisou at the last eleotion, and one delegate at large for each preoinot. Following is the appor liunment of delegates: A licel 4 Big Creek - 2 Antelope 1 Cove 7 N K'gin 7 Hilgard 3 S Elgin 8 Island City 7 Li G No 1 8 Kamela 2 La G No 2 8 N Powder 4 La G No 3 7 Perry 3 La G No 4 6 Htarkey 2 tmmmbtville 7 Camp CarBou 1 Union No 1 6 Uniou No 2 5 Ihe Drinking Fountain The indies of the W. C. T U. n;et at the honioof Mrs. T. 8 Aldrieb Thurs day afternoon mid among other business discussed plans for securing a public drinking fouutain for the city. This idea had its birth last summer, and at that time many favorrble commenta were made by lea'linK citizens. Six hundred dollars are now iiviiilnhte fur this purpose ami construction will he begun as soon nH a jiractical design is submitted. Mr. E. C. Davis, the marble man of La Grandn, la now working on plaus anil it is the purpo c ol (he W. C T. U. to give him an equal opportunity with Portla.iJ workers to submit estimtiti-H for tho work. This plan of the teti.ieranco workers will meet with none but the heartiest approval of all good citizens of l.a Uriiinle and should they need more money than is now on hand to complete tho fountain, thore is no doubt that it will be easily obtained. On the last day of March another meeting will lie hold at Mrs. Aldrich's residence. To this meeting all temper ance workers are invited, and ii.decd everyone who may wish to s e our city supplied with a modern drlokiug fout tain will he made welcome. Wishes Citizenship Tho Daily Express ol DuWilh, Min neauta. aaVa of Utmeral Jonbert, who give an illtHtratcd h-ctuie on (he linem at (he Prrtzer Mundtty niht : "Ucn O. 1. J-niburt ami Cipt. W O'Uonuell, two CrtMirattnl In.uhna of the Boer army iu the recent war with Kngland, have been in Duluth uetR at tho 8t. Lonif, during the paat work. During their t?tay in Dn I m li thtty miiighd among the Dftplet always ivonvii j HA'iiruncea of u.'i vutcal yniiaihy with t tie people and the eaurte, o. whom they are 'he nubh rcprcachiBlivna. 1'lie cord nl rc-Cep-rton givv'n tkiem h re, l.y the way, n not n estptio Tht y ep miic in grateful term ol I lie liunpitalit y shown the tn by the American ppoplt KeprtDting at they do a twt caiic -ut a iltcnnrHgrd pftiple, they are tht mere aportciativo n( tliw kindly pnh I c interest hcwn evcrywnero. " lh y lee'ure a tin Lyceum Sun iiy night on the U jtrwar and 13 m r hidiory. ''In ringing ('aprain l') nr.ell -airf; "Anierioa aTVri brfikfrt-; to Eng'nt d in 1777. in 1812 you gie them a rtd h'tt dinner, 'it I beluvc i cn gvrvi their iii(i.r whenev. r yon wism I co iltl no: rn-idi? in Somli A'rci tinder (tie jUfnt nt c-'tidi't tiiji anl I have come in A nnne. am proiii'. to lt 1 hare n.Je application to become a citntm of tho United S'-Hten." OS-TE-OP-A-TliY Free Lecture Capt. Luther D. Mahone, will lec tire at the Prnbyteri4u Onuroh We I reMar evrnit'g at 8 p m iiljeot, 1 The Deotiny n the Rfpufttir." You will mis ft treat il ou fail to come. Fuel, oil hU I Writer re to th ! ttlmt f Kv-i, uir ami wnler ere t ihiii-in iiy, id llll treMiwer luL.rl.att' (he pa t ausing ttu in to run, but they caifiot mend Iho iNrts, when out of lit. f au expert in loliiiont I long the repair of the engine mid I ski I ii I osteopath hoiiI ( ill t'irrfi't at I justnuuit of tlie ham mi machinery ; tlinn. M iltl nnt till thim. ill nilhr run ' smooth J and without frutioi. HANGED FOR WIFE MURDER Missoula, Mont., March 21 Lonia H Molt waa hanged today la the yard of the Missoula county jail in the j re sonee of veral score of olllcial witcoaa. ce and spectators. Mott's crime .L.. i ........ I hiq uiuroi r oi nis wiie iait Januar LOST Between 1409 .Adams Avinne and feerest Bros. Hardware and Second Hand Store, one dark red leather bill book, containing der it certificates on a Grande National Bank to the amount of three hundred twenty Ave dollars (ili!5). Certificates for Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Henderson. Finder please leavn same at La Grande National Bank and receive reward. Papers of no valae except to owners. 3-22-tf Change of Management. Tho undersigned has purchased the busin ss known as the Harris Cash Meat Market and will here after conduct the Bams. - We wish to inform the public that we are prepared to furnish all kinds of meats, gume and poultry at Ihe very lowest prices consistent with first-clan articles We have our own del very and nntko two trips daily to the Old Town. Highest market puce paid ft r ..II cattle, hogs and S leep. V( solicit a share of your jk' lon ig" nnd guarantee the vei best riatisf tction. l'li'-i.c i rdcrs rt ceive prompt and il u f'.il n'.tentif.n. Harris ot iil nmrknt across the track. P. one 3 001. TUUNER& WALTER - , . . s WOOD WOOD I The best in the city, lowest price. COAL sffiiSfc Anything In the . HAY and GRAIN line C 11 at our store S!ntr building, or phone 1801. GRANDE RONDE CASH COMPANY. : . Free delivery 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Retail ? rxasEasassaiMs T1IH QflUKKtST I.USCH can be I, el horo. We cull it our "rapid-lire Inn : " hecatt-e it is served so qoickly. i not flreil nt our patrons, however, n placed before them in a ihiillty d AllOcti.illir iilltlllier. 'PIiIr tlincli n .l.u ' little, and sati'lles all but the u -t robust .appetites. At a slightly lii, t piice these can Lo appeased with nure sulntantinl visndi. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. AKBUOKLE, Prop. Ol'ES DAY AND NUiHT We tell weekly Meal , Tickets, t'ash $4.50 IP All in.'ludtd in the J. E, TILT SHOE. Good leather uo id wear, good fit, So there you arc, at C. W. PRESTON'S Shoe Specialist Depot Street Ladies Attention We will make a special rodnc'ion ol 20 per ceut on all our SPRING SUITS this week nt the SALE Come in and look at them. They are the latest things on the market. - Laces and embroideries 15 per cent off regular Underwear ard hosiery 15 per ceut off regular Cluny lace ard Applique trimmings, 15 per cent off regular price. Shoes 10-'i5-20 per cent off Best Americat: Prints . . . .05 per yard; Best quality Percale. ... 1 1 per yd. Elegant Ladies' Walking Skirts $3.51 Misses' Skirls and Wool Nnvellies. . . 2.52 t - . In fact everything in the etore articles too numerous to mention ere reduced during the sale. We extend a special invitation to eveiy lady iu town, and would like to hav&yau bring your husband that we may become acquuititel with them also. . Shamrock will b given with every purchaio of 25 cents t r over this eek. La Grande Mercantile Co., Phone 1901 LA GRANDE, - - - OREGON t 4 4 4 4 444- : 4 tj f i r ii now an i ture my INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thotiB&ndsand tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest, it; and at the same time Assist the Stomach and Diges tive Organs in Digesting aud Assiniulating Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Itivoleed. .There is but, one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come iu and WE WILL TELL YOU A. T. HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande. Ore 4-4- 4' . - r 4.4 Lustre Crochet Cotton, Per Spool 4c. Clark's O NT Spool Cotton, Per Spool 4c englno the lie. to a j Clothtj Pins, Per Dozen 2 . TO ALL WEARY HOUSEWIVES who are using that back-breaking, du-?t raising ccmi broom to sweep their cupels, we say, avoid this tneles- waMe nf etienrv imd unnecessary duet by usirg a " CYCO " Bearing UIS3E1. )-, tbe fine-t ca-pet sweeper made. I, will brighten and pre serve jour carpets and uinke sw t ping pleasure instead of a dn.dgerv. It Will out ast forty t r. oros. N'..te i ur prirV: "Ideal," $3.25. "Standard," $3.25. "Grand Rupids," nickel, $3. "Grand Rapids," Japau, $2.75. "Crown Jewel," $2.75. 'fhc Golden Rule Company 1308-1310-1312, ADAMS AVENUE. Matches, Per Block lc V f 4 4 4" ' 11 V