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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1904)
LQ i X"i -...V ' We haven't evey thihg. . The swellest Our bats are the swellest and our prices the lowest. SPECIAL LOT SAT URDAY, 19. Wabave an extra inducement to offer you' whereby you can save 20 per cent. We defy competition. Call ind let ua show you we have all new and up-to-date goods for ladies and men. Rainbow Store AN INVITAION TO YOU, g THIS IS A SPECIAL INVITATION TO YOU. We are receiving daljy many new desighs in Wall ( Taper and Wall Decorations, and we extend this special V invit tion to you and your friends to call and sae them. ) We are anxious to have .you see our line and we feel sure you will be delighted with the visit. Yours Respectfully, Stackland & McLachlen PAINTS eibS AND GLAbS Paper Is Cheaper Than Coal and Looks Better. In other words if your walls are well papered your fuel bill will' be reduced. We do proper Paper Hanging at drices you can afford to pay. HARRIS & PRICE Painters, Paper Hangers and Decorators. A. 0. HARRIS, Phone 1566, J.M. PRICE, Phone 1491 IP BROKEN HEARTS could be mended as oeally,quickiy and thoroughly as I can repair yuur jewelry there would be no sor row in the world. No matter whether it tie a watob.ring, a neok lace or a baby pin dearjiom asso ciation needs repairing, bring it to mi and it will be mended so you oannot tell it from new. My apeoialty ia watoh repairing. Bring it here and have it done honestly, eipertly and cheaply. J. H. Peare, the Jeweler Fresh Chocolates Fresh Bon Bons Fresh Nougaot Fresh Carmels FreBh Taffey Fresh Sailed Peanuts Fresh Salted Almonds FreBh Popcorn Fresh Fruii GREENE & CO. .7 y ALWAYS ON TIME When yon t rdor groceries from ua yon are sure to bare tuem;dollvered on time ANOTHER THING When you order groceries from us you nre sure to pet the verv best to be had. We keep only the best The next time you are at our store , ask to see our special line of & BREAKFAST BACON I & POTTED MEATS I RALSTON GROCERY STORE J ir aud Jefferson Sts. y LA GRANDE MORNING OBSERVER - CURREY BROS. Editors and Proprietors. Entered at the Post Office at La Grande, Kail Mattel. Oregon, aa Second OUaa PsblUhtd Dairy Except aionday. One Year in Advance 6.60 Per Month .66 Hii Months in Advance 3.50 1 Single Copy ,0S TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 22, 1904. WHO EATS OUR WHEAT? The wheat crop in the Uuited States for the year 1903 is placed by the Unitud States Agricult ural Department in its estimate made in March 1904, at 637,821, 835,bu all of which has been die posed of but 132,666,940 which was held in the farmers hands on March lt The amount of the annual consumption of wheat by the people in con tinental United States is found by taking the United States Treasurer's estimate of the pop ulation for March 1904, and the per capita consumption of wheat by our people as given in the table published on page 2,575 of the Monthly Summary of Com merce and Finance for J muary 1904, issued by the United Status Department of Commerce and Labor, which gives the per capita consumption of wheat for food bv our people per aunum at 4 bushels. These authorities plant the number of people to. be fed in the United States in 1904, at 82,00 ,000, who will consume 328,000,000 bushels of wheat. If the wbeat industry increased in the same propor tion eiuce the last census that it did from 1890 to 1900 the, wheut crop of 1904 will cover 60 000,000 acres, which will require 90,000,000 bushels of good wheat. By adding the amount consum ed by our own people we find tin homo market, food and seed wheat will use 418,000,000, as suming the wbeat crop of 1904 will be larger than that of 1903, and reach 640,000,000 bushels when the food for our people and seed is deducted therefrom there will be 322,000,000 bushels to find market for in our new possessions, Alaska and foreign lands. Should we have this surplus it will suffice to feed for one year 47,500,000 people at the same r.ite of Consumption as that of our people. It will be seen from th- ahove figures that the home market absorbes the greater portion of the wheat grown in the American farms. When the president of the ' Don't Worry Club" in Union received the news that over SO percent of the voters of the county had signed the petition asking for the chance to vote- on the removal of the county seat. he immediately called a special meeting. It in evident that so long as the county seat remains where it is Union will make no great effort to have the county endebl edness reduced. The reasons are aparreut to all. Now that the city election is over, the ordinance prohibiting stock from running at large should be enforced. That ordi nance should be enforced month in the year. every Grande Ronde Valley Fruit Farm berlain'a Cough Remedy in 1887, and nnaing it such a reliable remedy for Tho Urando Ronde vullny fruit farm contains 320 aces, and is to be sold lots of of ten luts snd an-J up, to suit the purchaser, it is situated eight mil es north-enst of I. Granite, Oregon, near the Elgin branch of the O. R. & N, ailroad. We furnish the purchaser, at the end of three years, a thrifty growing apple orchard, one that has been cared for from setting, in the most approved munner, cultivating the land six eight times a year, keeping the giound well pulverized, and at all times free from weeds, grass and other vegetation Mav 1st and August loth of each year keoping the trees pruned in the most scientific umnnur; remuving and burn ing all cuttings aud suckers, and in short, do any and all work which will be tsr the best interest of the trees. We replant all treea that may die in the tirst, second and third years, and pay all Uses for three years. We furnish the luml, labor and material, anil trees, and three years' care, at, the price of 136 per acre, giving three years In which to pay lor it. Our terms of payment are 60 per cent of purchase price, cash; balance in three yearly payments, bearing Interest nt the rates of 0 per cent per annum. The purchaser con remain where ho Is, make no immediate et.dnge in his business or home Interests, making his present business pay for his investment, sacrificing no time while the orchard Is being brought into bearing condition, and rest assured that skilled hortirul- turallsts will do the work better thao lie can unlesa he has hail horticultural experience under conditions existing in Oregon. Alter trees have had srientiQi care, pruning and shaping for three years, the subsequent work is much more methodical and can be success fully done by those without horticul tural skill. As an Investment it is gilt edge; and is the nearest possible approach to a iiunranloed annuity. We have all our work done by con tract aud the contractors are under heavy bonds to us for the faithful t-fouuaiu-eot their work. We liavs executed a bond to the amount of 110,000, and have apKiuted Hon. .1. M, I'hurch, cashier of the La Or undo National Bank, trustee. ror further particulars see M. L.CAUSKY, President Eastern Oregon Colonising Comitauy. FolevKoesih llldg, I.nJUramlc . Ore. IX-VV.-l.-l. Congratulations. Mr. John H. Cullum, Editor o' the OarUnd, Texas, News, has written a farturea congratulations to the menu lettor of of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, as follows : "riixteen years ego whan our Arst nhit.i a baby he was subject to crnuov ' spells and we old be very uneasy about bim. We began using Cham- oolds and oroup, we have never been without it in the bouse eiuce that time. We have five children and have given it to all of them with good results." For Sale by ail drug gists. The World's Fair Route Those anticipating an Eastern trip, or visit to the Louisiana Purchase expo sition at 1st. Lome, cannot afford to overlook the advantages offered by the MissouHl PAcino Railway, which, on account of its various routes and gate ways, has ban appropriately named "The World's Fair Route." Passengers from the Northwest take the Mlssouui pacific trains from Den ver or Pueblo, a ith the choice of either going direct through the Kansas City, via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill. Two trains daily from Denver and Pueblo to St. Louis without change, carrying all classes of modern equip ment, including electric lighted obser vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten dally trains between Kansas City and St LoniB. Write, or call on W. C. McRridn. Oenernl Agent, 124 Third street, Port land, lor detailed information anil Ill ustrated literature. 3-2 tf Central Church of Christ Opposite Sounuer House. OPEN EVERY DAY Pastor's Office Hours 1 to 2:30 Free Rending Room open from noon until 9 p in. Men and boys invited. Bible school S'Miday 10 a m Preaching Sunday 11am and 7:30 p in. Player Meetii'g Wtdnesduy at 7:30 p. m. SKCBE&T BROS. ; DEA1 SRS IX New & Secon l-Hand Goods, SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE. Gardinier Building 1'iK STREET UBla3t1 0 U B B OUR SPRING Sack Suits aie not of the ordinary character. There is a certain nobbiness in the " Hart, Schaffncr & Marx" Clothes that appeals to evt-ry stylii-h man. These are decidedly "young men's clothed." They ' have, dash you admire your own appearance if you wear cue, Along with up-to-date clothes goes fine shoes We hsve them iu the Florsheim make, the dressiest and largest stock in town. Let us show you. J. M. BERRY BlPIHBBlRHEBflmBBBB E8 5 t aid A Two Light Electrolier Empire style comj: !ete w : e -:hed glass shades and all a tachr., tf put up iu yc ur residence for $5.00 See samples in ou wind " . La Grande Li rht ft Power Co m 1 IS ffj i m i 3 a I !EJ!uaiiiiiiiiiiii HOME GROWN Healthy Apple Trees In Variety, Thiilt and Prices. I can furnish large ti1 small orders of Apples in my variaty, also shrubs, uihes, weeping trees and small fruits Carolina Poplars, Black Locust, Syca more, Mulbury, Calalpa, Linden, Maple, Larch, Birch, Elm, Ash, Privet aud rjses in auy variety. WHEN YOU WANT RUBBER STAMPS REMEMBER ME. t manufacture every style on any moiintiup and tarry a complete slock of Pmln, Ink. Rxrks. Dainra. Rnhl. r Type, etc. Seals, Htencils, Trade Cluck , Toor Flutes. Postal Scales. Write me what you wsnt. 1 can pli-ano you by rsluro mail. Kveiy stamp reqniri ment supplied. WESLEY ANDREWS, Bsktr City. Write for prices to Con. Plant, Box 604, LaGrande, Ore. WM, GILPINS" GREEN HOUSE 'Phone 1161 DO YOU WANT CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? If so, we cau locate you on some fine churns in Wallowa County, McDaniel Sc McDonald, WALLOWA, O.iSJM ! THE A B C . juaunary for Baie TO I'll K KEAfil.NO PUBLIC We hare Just recelre.1 a new lot of Swr bsck novels. In addition to these e have addsd 300 clotli bound books to our exchange library. Xewliii Drug t'o. KOR RKNT A furnished foar noin cottage. In ol Mrs Zuber. u With our m up-'w.hi. Plant i osition lo tu n ui Order wnk -per Call us up ant our w we are in a 1' ?l of work. Suor Plione No. 185 i ill call. a a a .NEW MARKET Yandernuilen Wish to announce that' on Saturday February 27 . .they will open a first class Meat Market iu the old Stand "THE BOSS" Corner Railroad & Fir St, We will always keep on hacd a good stock of fresh and smoked meats, sau sages, tish aud poultry, and will be glad to meet all my old patrons and as many new ones. All orders will receive our prompt attention. Phone 48 1 Four of a kind is a prett-' good hand :it ranis. But at the hutrher's its the iiHl that counts, not the four. We keep inly one kind of meat, thu kind that's iresh, healthy, tender and u cy. Buy your steaks an l chops here, and 'hey'll always he right. Out stook ia w U fed and p operly cared for. Coupe, qnenlly our meat has n delicious flavor. Bock & Thomas Earl y Risers THE FAMOUS LITTLE FILLS. For quick relief from Biliousness, Sick Headache, Torpid Liver. Jaun dice, Dizziness, and all troubles aris ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver. DtWItt's Little Early Risers are un equalled. They act promptly and never gripe. They are so dainty that It Is a pleasure to take them. One to two act as a mild laxative ; two or four act as a pleasant and elfectlve cathartic They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonlo the ilver. rstPARBO oSlt sr X. C. DeVWltt & Co., Chicago Foi' Stile by all Druggists NOTICE: sea I would like all my old friends and customers to know I but I have rent ed a portion of A. J. Webb.s feed out fur 2 LIVERY PURPOSES and will be found there for business with first-class rigs and good accomo dations, I i also board horses by the month. Horses bough, so'd and exchanged. G. W. ALLEN ADAMS A I';. phone mu J ! A B C I VUNDRY ! : phoi e i83i : I ; N Like a flfimpr 1 El 5 Cli,n lhe sky cornea Mtho star of health famous remedy W ,h" '"d does for ir.eslom- WW'", aesP" rh thai vik i. YWWder.ldyspeDtlo. Is unable lo dolor "v 0 V ' " 8 L' itself, even II but ' 0 " 0 sllchtlv disor.i-r.H troublesand or overburcen.d. vAW dJeeatlve disorders. Kodol I supplies Ihs natural Ju.w vl oigesuon ana does the work of the stomsch. relaxine tho 11 .uu, tension, wmie the Inflamed muscle.1 and membranes of that organ are allowed to rest and heal. It cures Indigestion, flstulenca. Palpitation of the heart, nervous dyspasia ,nd a I atomach troubles bv 7. i"'iYir.g and stren(.thntn .k. V , membrines of IU siom-' co anddlgesuva organs. Kodol Djspepsi Sl .OO !.. k-j. . najnii ay r. lis iiiriv for Sale i y all Druggists 'v-.' . . .-