) ( w ) 1 V. We haven't evey thing. , The ewellest Our hats are the swellest and our prices the lowest. SPECIAL LOT SAT , URDAY, 19. . We have an extra inducement to offer you whereby you oan save 20 per cent. We defy competition. Call nd let us show you we have all new and up-to-date goods for ladies and men. Rainbow Store Ian INVITAION TO you, THIS IS A SPECIAL INVITATION TO YOU. . We are receiving daly many new designs in Wall. Paper and Wall Decorations, and we extend this special invitation to you and your friends to call and soo them. We are anxious to have you see our line and we feel sure you will be delighted with the visit. Yours Respectfully, Stackland & McLachlen PAINTS, 6lbS AND GLASS Paper Is Cheaper Than arid Looks Better. Coal In other words if your walls are well papered , your fuel bill will be reduced. We do proper "', Paper Hanging at drices you can afford to pay. HARRIS & PRICE Painters, Puper Hangers and Decorators. ,,A. 0. HARRIS, Phone 1500, J.M. PRICE, Phone 1491 IF BROKEN HEARTH could be mended aa neatly, quickly and thoroughly as I cud rrpnir yuur jewelry there would be no aor nw io Hie norld. No waller wliether it he a walcb, ring, a netik lace or a baby ilu dear Irom o ciation needs rrpairinn, bring it to mi' and it will be mended so ynu oannot tell it Irom new. My apeoialty is watoli repairing. Urine it bere and havo it done honestly, expertly and cheaply. J. H. Peare, the Jeweler Freeh Chocolates Fresh Bon Hons Freeh Nongact Fresh Carmels Fresh Tafloy Fresh Sailed Peanuis Fresh Salted Almonds Fresh Popcorn Fresh Fr GREENE & CO- f ALWAYS I i ON TIME V lien yi u crdi i grcrerirs fiom in yon are ure to have them.dclivered on time ANOTHER THING 6 . When you order groceries from ns you are sure to 4& get th very best to bo hud. We kerp only the best & The next time you are nt our store sV to see our special line of BREAKFAST BACON I & POTTED MEATS ) C. RALSTON TA,L,5BRASKA GROCERY STORE Oor. Fir and Jefferson Sin. j LA GRANDE MORNING OBSERVER CURREY BROS. Editors and Proprietors. Catered at the Port Office at La Grande. Oregon, a Beooud Olaai Mail Hatter. PublUhed Daily Except monday. Ine Year in Advance Hi Months in Advance. . . ... 6.50j Far Month ... 3.o0 Single Copy .05 05 SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 20, 1904. CONTRABANDS OF WAR The Russian government, on March 17, declared the following articles contrabands of war, "Provisions of all kinds destined for the Japanese army, includ ing grain, fish, fish products, huaus, bean oil, parts of machines for manufacture of weapons and ammunition." The area of warlike operations already, practically covers Japan, Korea, and the large Cliiiiese'proviace of Manchuria, from all of which the articles declared contraband are exclud ed, most if not all of which the people of this coast have been selling in considerable quan tities. , The Monthly Summary of the United States Department of Commerce and Labor for Jan uary 1904, on page 2482 gives the domestic exports from the U ni tod States to Korea in the year ending June 30, 1903, at $171,400 Of this $27,200 were for Hour, meat and dairy products-; for lumber and wood pro ducts $5,047. During 1903 the United States exported domestic products to Japan to the value of $20,874, 887, of .which $4,085,045 were for floiii; $101,143 for hops; $64,283 butter; lumber $32,319. During the seven months end ing with January 1904, there was exported from the United States to Japan 1,075,444 barrels of wheat II ur valuod at $3,747, 011; $10,311 worth ol canned meals; 02,279 pounds of butter valued at $14,941 and 32,244 pounds of cheese valuod at $5, 029. All the above articles and several others iucluding cavalry horses will be inhibited by the contraband proclamation, or at least their exports to Japan or Korea will be greatly ein harassed and freight rates advanced. The term, contraband of wur, includes such articles as are primarily used for military pur poses, such as guns, ammuni tion and military stores of nil kinds, including clolhirg, modi cine, and provisions of all kinds a.id coal evidently destined for an array in time of wsr. Every government claims thoj right to declare what articles .ire contraband of war, uuless restrained by treaty with tho j neutral nation, whose citizens ure phipping' the objectionable articles to an enemy. The presence of coptraband goods on a' neutral ship renders the whole ship and cargo liable to seizure and condemnation to confisca tion. The Admiralty court ol the bcligerant nation making the seizure is the tribune that passes upon the questions raised by the captuie and proposed confiscation. Should an Ameri can ship be captured by the Russians for having contraband goods on hoard, the Russian Court of Admiralty would try i, lie case and make decree therein which may go to tho extent of confiscating the ship and the whole cargo. Ship owners are shy of monkeying with courts of Admiralty. A very common ell'cct of a war between two nations is to raise all freights to what is termed "war rates" go ing to either of the warring nations. This is especially the case where the ships are wanted to carry goods to or near the theatre of war. That our trade with Japan, Korea and China will be greally embarassod by the war between Japan and Russia is obvious. Should China be diawn into the war, our trade trouble will be en larged. COUNTY SEAT FIGHTON. Now that the ronding prop osilion for a city hall in La Grande, curried at the election iu that city last Monday, it is evident that the old county seat light will be on agaiu at the coming election iu June. That the proposed city hall in La Grande is to be tendered to the county for use as a court house, is wed understood, and the next move will doubtless he the filing of the petitions with the .county court praying that body to order a vote on tho relocation of the county sent. Once let the people of La Grande convince the vot ers of tho county that the seat of government can be moved there without any particular cost to them there is not the slighost doubt but what a good sized inajo ity of them will vote for removal. There is no quostii u but what La Grande is the most convenient, locutiou for a large majority of tho people of tho county. Elgin Recorder. An Interesting Event ZJtS, WHfl here hits Mtttiv poop to will be iuterealed I1 nn I li it-ill am ttiiirwii l.h wiiiH MWrikft iwariiig Uoueral Jouuert and 0pciti j 11CI cultoretl poplu of ttiia eity. To O'lXmiiell toll of their puraonol ex- l(nr ,,. oI wrld wide rei.outi tell at minora neat, Tuesday ovening. Ova. ai ,i,,.ir nernmri nuerinncva in a war Juiilwrl'o uatno was in eveiy bully's ' exi.j..,d n, .vnioalhv and ad- moutli during tlie Umr wai, and of scarcely let.s note was lus associate and friend, O'Dounull. No betine miration v f thn whole world will piove worth while to any stilduat of huiiiiin atl'ftirs. !(aliliat'iltriiisepicai OIUKCTOUS: J. M. Ilerry, J. M. (Jhuivh A. It. l onlov, H. Smith I.. V,. Munley OKHCKKS: H. yaiTii President J. M. Hkiihv Vii e President J. M . I'm in n I'lishier F. I,. Mkvkks Asst. Onslilur 3655 RANDE N ATIONAL B VNK La Gran.lo. Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 Transacla a tenrral hankinu business. Buys and sells, 'exi-hange on all parts of the world. Collectioni a specialty. , A very handsome and complete line of MILLIKKUY row on sale nt the Burgniu Store. I IC. M. Well n inn & Co. SKCREST BROS. -DEALERS IN- New & Second-Hand Goods, SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE. Gardinier Building .-- FIR STREET HI B B B 9 M B a El u a B sa IBIBBIBIBBDBIQfl OUR SPRING Sack Suits ai e not of the ordinary character, There is a certain nobbiness in the "Hart, Schaffner & Marx" Clothes NEW MARKET StlllWElI . ' YanrJermolen Wish to announce that on Saturday February 27 they will open a first class Meat Market iu the old I . Stand "THE BOSS" I Corner Railroad & Fir St, I We will always keep on hni.d a good stock ol iresu and smoked meats, sau sages, fish and poultry, and will beglad to meet ull my old patrons and as many new ones. All orders will receive our prompt attention. B j a 0 that appeals to every stylish man. These are decidedly "young men's cloth e." They have dash you tidmire your own appearance if ytu wear cne, Along with up-to-date clothes goes flue shoes We have them in the Florebeim make, the drestdest and largest stock in town. Let us show you. J. M. BERRY HBnuRBEiaaBBaBBiaHi ill A Two Light Electrolier Empire style complete with etched glass shades and all attachments put up iu yc .ir residence for $15.00 See samples in our window. La Grande Light & Power Co HOME GROWN I Healthy Apple Trees ia In Variety, Thtilt and Prices. g 1 can furnish large :. small orders of Apples iu my variety, also shrubs, uines, weeping trees nnd t small fruits Carolina Poplars, Muck Locust, Syca- S more, Mullmry, Calalpa, Linden. Maple, Larch, Birch, 3 Elm, Ash, Privet and roses in any variety. 1(5 fin1 M Write for prices to Con. Plant. Box G04, LaGrande, Ore. m M WM. GILP1NS' QREEN HOUSE M 'Phone 1101 M I DO YOU WANT I 1 CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? rdl I:, Si Four of a kind is a prctt ;; (rood hand atcnnls. lint at the linl Iter's its Ilia kind that rniims, not tho four. Wu keep only one kind uf iiM'Ht. the kind that'B frenh, healll-y. tender mid U cy. Buy your atenkj an 1 clmps Ikto, and they'll always be right. Onr stock ia w 11-fed and p operly rared for. Oontio qnentty our nu'.'it has a delicious flavor. Bock & Thomas tarlv Risers IIU IDHUUil MUM. For quick relief from BUIousneas, Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun dice, Dlnlness. and all troubles aris ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver, DeWllt'a Little Early Risers are un equalled. They act promptly and nevor gripe. They are so dainty that ills a pleasure to take them. One to two act as a mtld laxative; two or four act as a pleasant and effective cathartic They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonic the liver. PRSFAItRD ONLY ST K. C. DVitt & Co., CHicatfn Foi Sale by all Druggists I If so, we cum locale you on some Ij fine claims in WiiIIjah County, I Mc Daniel Mctlonald, I g WALLOW A, Launi THE ABC ry Is now K-; ! for lliin . With our new up-to-date I'lani we are iu a Position to turn nut the best of work. Shor Older w-iik 1 specially. Phone No. 1 S5 Call ns up nii'1 our Wi.on ill rjiil. ABC LAUNDRY PHONE j i85i NOTICE: I would like nil my old friends and cnjtoir.ers to know I hut I have rent ed a portion of A. J. Wetib.s feed b kit for ; LIVERY Pl'ltPOSES and will be found there for business with llrat-cliisa rit-saiid nood arcomo datioiu, I will also hoard horses by Ihe month. Horses bought, eo!d and exchaiijied. G. W. ALLEN ADAMS A VIC. l'hnne It;,', I. Like a Comet 1 VwVn n0 sv comes VCT, h star of health famous remedy t0 ,he weak nd does for the atom- V;ear!rJ desP0D ah II.- . V dei-.tdvsDeDt c. Is unable to r'o for 0 u r 1 " E all Itself. evn if h. a t o m ao h sll?hllv A-.r.A WVVa troubles and or overburdened. Kodol supplies Ihe natural juices ofdlg-stlonand does the w.t. nf o.. stomach, rniaxlr.g the "-""i" icnsion, while lha Inflamed musclei and membranes of that organ are allowed to rest and heal. 1 1 cures Indigestion, flatulence DalDltation nt IK. I . nervous dyspepsia and B- -.i'iv.n irouoies by cleansing, purifying and ""juicmng tne glands, membranes of the stom ach and digest! va organs. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure the i 10 ' it Vd Va dlgestlva UttWi disorders. 11 T-arDtaUrCaaSanlrTn. a"nlT. (1.00 Sin kd.. .u Ik. Wal alu. whld, alUI wiol hurt tr fL Lfki Por Suie hy all Druggisla Oa. WW "V 4 r