8- .. . GRANDE liiRNlNG OBSERVIR. LA . VOLUME III LA GRANDE. OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 20, 1904. NUMBER 115 r N. CAPTURcD JAPS Battle Fought on Valu in Which Russians Claim to Have Cap tured 1800 Japs. nay London, Maroh 19 Reuter'e Ghee roo oorrsi.pin.lent states that pnvatej dispatohta report fighting between Russians and .1 apatite nn the banks of the Yalu. Ths Kmsiane. claim to have captured 1.800 pr son ere. GATHERING FOR THE CLASH St. Petersburg, March 19 Military ciicles re greatly encouraged by the Japanese landing at Dalny, to attack Manoburia. It ia fully expected that one will bf m vie by ttile limn, poB aibly neo-rssita nig he, Russian evac uation cf all wrritrry eoutli of Muk den, exoept P.ut Arthur. N.nv rein. forcemeats have arrived, and it i be-. lieved it ia poaaible to prevent serious Japanese invasion. -Russian troop continue to stream into Northern Korea in excellent con dition while the Japaneae aro reported to be in a bad stata, dut to an ept demio of typhus. TRAITOU IN RUSSIiN CAMP Berlin, March 19 The Vosa aohe Zoiling report thai Major lnokoff, of tho Runian headquartera atuff, baa hecn discovered selling valuable military secrets to Japan, baa been publicly degraded and abut. -Musical Contest The first nd second classes of the L Grauilo School, of Music, of wbi:h Prof and Mrs. Day are the instruc tors, engaged in a piano content ;eu terday. The first class was oompoaed of Caaadena Keys, Bertha Lewis and Alma Lyman. AlmaLyman proved to be - the moat profioeu and wta awarded a gold ring as a prias. The aeoond class was composed of Alice Mill, Naomi Kirtihy. Carl Wal ters and Bessie Pal.iier. A:ice Hill secured the g id ii.g in thio osntest. The pupils in both damns t'x'nbit rur priaing ability in pian i playing and made an excellent ajnn for the school. IS FOUND HERE Portland Primaries Un March lo ail the political par ties held tbeir Drimaries in Portland Ore, at which tie Socialist cast 132 ballots; the Democrats 379, the Mil shell Rapublioan 7,304. the Simon Republicans 4,693,; other Indepcn danU til. Total i vote cast ' 12,488 I - . . . . n . , Pi j i . ii.i'i -uiuu atrimniiK v 9 iu roriiaua JlUaeni al nillS WIHWryTelegramoftheltyhinet from which , . , i uov ugurea are isxeo ia aoout Academy Huns Away i 6000 ,bo'1 o i,,a ''ed voters . W J BRYAfi IS 44 YEARS OLD Lincoln. Neb., March la At the home of William J ,'Bryan tot'ay con gratulatory messngi'S were rivrlvid from democratic leartera nnd other per- sonr throughout the ironntry, the occa sion bolnir Mr Bryan's 44th birthday, and is Pound in This City! Bert Frohock, a 17-year old etitdon of Hills Military Academy, of Port land, ran away from that institution about 10 daya ago, and the authori tiea of the eohool have been aeatcbing for him in every part of the northwest Friday evening he waa located tins oity, having beaten bia way on the railroad. He Irrnierly lived in this city, his father, having for several years been an engineer on the O ft & N. Hi aunt, Mrs Katherino, Rarnae, of Portland, waa paying his way through school, and will make no effort to get him to return, as be ia determined Id become a railroad employee. THE CHICAGO STORE Easter Sale COMMENCING MONDAY, MARCH 21 AND CONTIiNU NG UNTIL MONDAY, MARCH 28 we will glace on sale our entire line of Dress Goods, at a reduction of ... . 20 Per Cent Tlvs sale includes both Wool and Wash Goods, all of which are the latest weaves and designs This is an opportunity to secure your Easter Gowns. REMEMBER THE DATE. THE CHICAGO STORE Cotton firm Failed New York, Marcli 10 The snsnen slon of the J H Garrison company waa aunouueed ou the Col ton Exchango this morning. ;j , The Redmonds When a show comp.ny can- plaj a week s engageuieqi and have the Opera bouse packed ia was Stewards Opera bouse last night to see (he Redmonds presentation of "Risin from the Dead," the oompany and their pieces must be ajt right. A larger nor more appreciative audience uever greeted a show com pany in thiaoily, which apeake well for the merits of their playa. Bo much of a hit have thj Rod- mouda made here that they have de cided to remain until, q.ixt Thursday evening. . ; Superb Correspondence J ctpcrs t x x x I x TO THE LADIES OF LA-GRANDE Our lineol Tailor made Hpring Suite ia now complete and we have a line ol Summer ehirt waists that cannot be equaled raugiiig Irom If I to $7.60 in price. Pasa by and notice our window. A reduction made ou all tl.eae gooda The La Grande Mer. Co. The New Store J An Interesting Event Many people will te interested in tmariug General Joubert and Onptuiu O'Dounell tell of their pet sod ol pcriencee next Toeatlay evening, den Joubert's nanio waa in every body's mouth during the Buer war, and of carcely lets uote waa hie associate and friend, O'Donnell. No hoture siuce Col. Uopi'laud waa here Iisb aroucjd nearly ao much interest and nthtisisBm among the wide awuke and cultured people of this city. To hear men of world wide renoun It'll of their persons! experiences in a war that excited the aytnpathy and ad miration of the whole world will prove worth while :n any atudoniof human it llaiia. In iho lino of fine correupwidondo papers our snporhj'atock' loaves nothing to Ik- desired, Kverylhitur in nty), tint ami Mnish that has m.it with the approval of tho wi itiiuc pulilic will lie found hero. Tho sUu'k i uilirares aiers ill B0Xl:S, BULKS and TABLETS Uciv pHicn rimo fn prino fmiu Vt renU tn I.TTi. Vuti rnnnot ftlnd I't'ttt-r HHHrirdiiiMit in the ati'to. (lulk paoci-H am u rowing rapidly in fnvor an you can tfit much ir nn J i 1 1 It hh yim want. It i nn uituiintn iral way of h.iyiiiff paper, OHpci-ially wIumi yuu havu an Inrna and varit'i an aPMt.rtniPiit to rhnnHc fmm hh wb iiif'iM ytm. Our tidflct lino Ih Iuvhh and wtII rhim- n. Havo onvohipoa to mutch tho hot tor tntiloU. 1'oiih, pencil, inkn, tiiMcilnut, p,int, or:iHr8 and every tiling in th statinnoiy liuu. Milit an voll uhu ood writiiig papurs when they cont no mora. NEWL.IN DRUG CO. La Grande, Or. The World's Fair Route TlintiK atittr.ifiittintt tin Kiisti rn Lrip, or visii u thu Kmilfiiana l'lirrhaf-.i expo nit ion at St. I ui-i, numot ftll'ord lo overlook the fl-lvntitHyeH oU'ered y the MlHMl Ht ll'IC KaJJ.WAY, U'! i Oil at-cuiihl of it vuri'tua nmli-H :inl h1 wuye, litis bR'ju airopriaK ly nnnied 'Tim WorM'H Fair lioutu." Part-import) frmiMho No: thu eat take the. MiMSouai facikio traiim from I )c li ver or I'uchlo, willi the choicrijf ei.l.er Koiiiff direct through the KannaH Citv, via Wichita, 1'ort Scott and l'luaMant Hill. Two trains daily from Denver and l'nehlo to St. Iuift without rhaiine, rri ii k all ei ' ol leo'lein (npiip liu'ltl, li( iihIhi el clU- i'Kl.tVil ..h.-er vl: Kin .a )r e fe i. u'.ih. Ten iifiily traiioi luivvtun Kai.bart City ainl ft lonis. Write, or rail on W. (3. Meliri.le. Oentral Aent, 124 Third tttretft, Port land, lor detailed iiiformaiioti and ill iirilr itefl literature. Si'SL-t-'-i tf Cleaning Time Iop your alley or ynM nwd clean ing? Have you any old cuhhigh that needr to lie taken away? ff ho, tint; up phone 12.11, and you ran got the gar bage vvatron. , MH.-1-18 ELGIN THE PLACE The Republican County Convention will Meet in that City on April 7. Primaries April 2. The Kopuhlican County Oentral Committee for Uuion County met at the office of tno Secre ary V. 8. 8ar geut Saturday for the purpose of se lection the plaoe (or holding; County Convention, apportioning delegates date for holding primaries and C nul convention and apportionment of im fee to eerve at the primaries bald in La Grande. La Grande being tin only oily in :ha county with a popu lation exceeding 2500, and whioh l governed ty a speeial Uw for oonduoi ing primaries. All delegates wei-' prea nt either in person or by proxuy with the exnep- tion-of Htarkey and Perry,' Hie date sat 'or holding primarin tvaa April 2, VMi. and the date set fo: holding County Oonveuti n waa April 7. Elgin waa unanimously chosen as the plaoo for boldine the Convention The apportionment ol tfelegatea waa baaed on the vote fjr supremo judge, allowing one dilogate for eaob 20 votes or fraotion over one half and ono delegate at large from each pre oinot, lbs total number of dolegates will ha 93, and the apportionment to eaob preoiuol Is as follows. . n-lioel 3 Antehpe liig Creek 2 Cove N. Elgin 7 8 Elgin ' llilgard 4 Island Oity Kamela 2 La O. No 1 La G. No. 2 9 La G. No. S La G. No. 4 4 N Powder Perry 8 Siarkoy Sumniorvillo 6 Uuion No. 1 Union Nj. 2 0 Camp Carson The Rest Room At the meeting of the ladiea who are pushing the proposition of a' rest room for the farmer! and atrangera who visit our oity, whioh waa held yesterday afternoon, a permanent or ganization araa formed with Mra. E, C Moore a president and Mra. H. A. Hodmer as secretary. The proposition of a auitable loca lion for the room w.a diaouaaed but no deflnate aotion taken a it ia' de sired that a Urgir memberahip be ae oured before dsoiding upon a auitable room. Another susatlng will be held next Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 oMoik an I during the ' interim new membera will be aolioited and it ia hrpod that many will join. At any rate it la now certain that auch a room will soon he established Iq La Uraude. ' v !' Executed by Strangling Seoul, March 10-Ou Wmlncsilny, March 10, 13 accomplices in the murder of the Queen of 181)5 wore executed by strangling in the city prison. Twenty two highwaymen were similarly execut ed at the same time. Dr Koshaba Dr Koshaba, the dlstlnqulahed Per sian lecturer, who has appeared In nil the neighboring towns, and has ie oeated hia lecturo in soveial, notably Pendleton and Walla A alia, will te here Tuesday March 24. Ilia lecture will be a vivid deacrlptlon bf tho pre. aentday Persian, and all bis dally uustoniB. Dr Koahaba will appear-In his native costume, sing native songs, lve the Mohamme Iru'b call to prayer, and dowrlbj their manner of living, dressing, courtship and marriage. He comes highly recommended, and all who hear him are guaranteed rare treat. Don't forget the date March 24. OS-TE-OP-A-THY Vvhat Osteopathy Is Not . - Many people bold the idea that Oa toonathy la the aaine sa maaaaga i and some say It la a system of rubbing. In fact some of the enemiea of the science try to make Ihoso ideas prodonilnnto. I want to any to those ee' king lo get a true Idea of Osteopathy that It Is not rubbing. It la seldom that the hands of the oprrator ever slip on the body of the patient.- The Osteopath doea not rub: he takiB Hold and seta a bone, stimulates a nervo, opens up a stag' nsnt blood channel, corrects a llga mentor atendon, puts Into (position a misploood rgan, stretches a con ti acted inne In, and liy scenliflo manipulations Influences the activity of any organ of the body and lu. ieafea or diminlheB the amount of blood flow lo. any part of the system. ,. , But moat to be 'considered is the fnct that Osteopathy cures many a case that never exp eteil recovory. Dlt MOORE, 8ommer Block BIG LABOR STRIKE Fourteen Hundred Mem bers of San Francisco Canmakeis Union go out on Strike. San Frauoieno, March 111 Four teen hundred members of the Cau raakera' Union, employed by the American Can Company, struck this mornl g. The trouble is doe lo ih con pauy's alleged refusal lo abide by ao agreement made witb the union several months ago. Co L Doings The ceremonyof guard mount will oc -cupy the attention ol National guard members to morrow evening. TUs, the principal dally event at an army poat, ia new to a numlerof Do L boys, and,,it ia with the intention of giviu g these new membera of the company an opporunity to learn the drill that the orders were issued. Besldee guard mount, all who wish will engaga in a competitive drill Mot day evening. A prise will be given to the heat drilled man in the company. Heretofore knock down drills bave leen indulgod in by the amMtion ones of the company. These belie thoir pugniiclo'ia name, and are conducted in the ninni.cr of an old fashioned a poll ing imtc'i, Each competing lone drills untlla mistake Is deteeted.; The man who coiiifnita the error falls ont and the drill ia continued until only one la. s left. . 'y.:;:;-: AU frieuds and all interested In the wolfate of Co L are cordially invited to the armory to morrow evening. No hoodlums are allowed, and tbe mem, bars of tho company extend a special invitation) to ladies, assuring them thut they will be treated with every, court- esy. . The executive committee 'filaVHUIi'i'affiaVffifrT'ffi NOTICE ' Having dlsposnd of my na;ery hua. tics;', I would like all tlioae who are iu- (It.lit.nH fj. inn. tn rtlfiitKA I'.,!? aiul uill 'n Jf either by cash or note. My bonka areltj 4- at C L Thorn's grocery storo on rirjM 3! i.riel, where aetlleinmit can be made. M V T II L- Lvnt'l.L-Lr ! J. G. I - MILLER'S CLOTHING WE ARE SOLE DISTRIBUTORS of 111 is woll-kncwn line of rIrudcIi, lioi)PBtly.ij,i(le, honestly priced olothinp;. The "MILLER" brand attached to clothing in a u.ifnntre thut the rii r moil t is the heat in fuliriu nnd innkn llutl nnn be put together nt the price. It is cut ns it Hhoiild he, inude to fit nnd aewed with regard lo wonr. It is not the lowest priced clothing you can buy but it it absolutely THE BEST thut can be bought at the cot. Union Madk. . $10.00 SUITS Which yiii will have trouble in matching at - $12.50. We don't ask you to take our . word. Come and see them for yourself. Largo assortment in latest patterns. . For smartness of style, perfection in fit and atten tion to the smallest detail which goes to make a right . down-to -the . minute s-iit that will please the most fastidious dresser our suits from $12.60 to 120.00 are absolutely the best we have ever shown, We bave them iu patterns which . find only at the exclusive tailors. - Car Shops Burn Albuquerque, t) M., March 18 Piie lait night destroyed the Santa Fe car eliupB. . Loss $50,000, Nominated For Congress ; . Twenty-iltth Pennsylvania Diatriot Arthur L. Bates, Republloau. j fiolf Shirts ln,,rBV"1- VJUII OIIII13 rty of patterna every one of thorn brand new. A vii.it In our shirt di p irtin.'iit alll convhii-e you thai we can aatiafy your every want 50c to 'i.OO, ytusive -f Hate Exi-lnalve atyloats iiol ? aiuu ,ata not one,it aoch a .vf lines but such a varleui styles ar-" . ment In atylus aud. ian olvf,.-,. ( we can suit you,t your " wbat your Iiri ii whiob ,i"uaiv- I' 4 II 1 14 I t - J.- . TBI . -..-" ,; r Jtl.-'.uraarwrr"i