" - urn iiMiMT-nnTi TfH-anUfcCj "wKiir: fr -vWMMfc'" "IS" GRANDE OBSERVER. VOLUME 111 LA GRANDE. OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 19. 5904. NUMBER 114 1 ' ' - LA MORNING Z1 r. T MILITIA TO CAMP National Guard of Ore gon, Washington and Idaho will Camp in Idaho with Regulars. Military maneuvers on a Urge scale will be conducted in Idabo this ora mer lor tlie fi'dt tinri-. in the North west. Arraogf moots me now being made between hi A''jhiut-Geuerale of the states ofO.-i(Oi, Washington and Idaho with Adj itarit-Ganeral Evans, of the Department of the Col u nhia, to have (he militia of the three state-" earn p villi the regular Army for two weeks nrxt August or 8cptembrr and prac'ice field work. Contaot with the regular will teach the " rt-w 'militiamen more than they could learn in lifetime from the military code. Two weekB of it and they will wait to wear their uniforms all tUetime and show the SPRING Our styles in Suits and Coats will bf fouDd to be decid edly in advance of thee bIiowii rlewhere. Our display of NEW- SUITS and COATS is not only tbe largest, but tbe most exclusive. It is a well known fact tbat tbe styles, we show will not be shown el owbere. Some very rich and handsome suits end fume v?iy dressy co.its receive their first mention iu print today. t I t i Superb MMMH ilHIIMIIII 4-H"M'W'mM I MIMMHmHHWW..H MHM lining of their ca,iei like the troopers. . No particular site has been pioked upon as yet, but it will be somewhere in the rolling ot even mouutainoiii country, where a regiment can be tak en out and lost and the rest, of the Army be sent to find it as if it weri a hostile foice. This will necessitate all the frills of war scouts, advance guard, skirmish line, main bodyol 'he army, commissary department and rearguard. All the hardships of war will have to bo undergone w tb tbe killing le t out " Geuerat orders are now being issued from tbe offices of the Adjutant-Generals which will inform the various companies and troops to be ready for the 8ummer euoaropmenr. As the general supeiviaijn of the Commis sary Department will oome under the command ol the regular service, ar rangements will easily be made 6000 man being a small detachment iu the eyes of a commissary -officer in tbe regular Army. A Small Traveler Wilford Leivers piieed through the oity last eveuiug eiroule to Bilt Lake oity, where be will maka hii futura home with relative. Wilford is about 7 jear old and bad come from Rosslauil , It f! . Tbe little traveler is nm king the trip all of the distance sTMie. 1! if 1 f gr .... j. v- i- o VT ST.;;---, SUITS AND SUITS of tan or black viole, Eton jackets, with bolero -effect, trimmed with wide Mack Russian lace, hand t-ilged with gold braid", crn-h Bilk licit, wry full bishop sleevi s, w itb full Hare cliffs, pleaud skirt, silk drop skirt, SUITS of brown uiflnishtd unrated cheviot, tlglit-fitting Eton jm-kct, lined with i-liangeable laffetai vwt with applique trimming, fancy -llk hriil and small gold buttons, ft-gore bkirt, seams bra:d2l and stitchod tu knee, where seam, open into phats and giving it giliceful fulness. SUITS of lil i-!, Ih'k vi' ln, jacket is belt, bt tions. fnncv pilk braid ning. Ja kct also has a stole of silk trimmed with silk nip'iiiiie. Double hell eh cv '. Inn- r Imvc hiliop style, ihe ontcr a full bell jus' hilling short of wrist ; kirt vi-rtically tucke'J, side panels bavn four horiontul tucks, srlk lined throuuhout. PRICES FROM $15.00 TO $65.00 sOrresponaence In the lino of flno corropon-lunre 'pHpora our Hnpnrb stock ' lf!ftn8 untiling to le dPHimil. Kvurythintf iu ntyle, tint and linili thiit. hiw m.t with thp appr:Tiil of the writinic pulilio will Im foun l here. Tho Htwk iiiliniooH uiktb in BOXeS, BULKS and TA31ETS llor paiers range in prico ff'Mii lo cents to 'l.TTi. 'ol enlillot fluil a licttcr asMortment ill tlie steto. Hulk iaiora are urowing rapidly In furor us yoti can get an much or as little na you want. It is an ocouom. ical way of b. lying pasr, especially when you have as large HtliJ varied an assortment to choose from as wn au"ord you. Our tablet line is large and well chosen. Have envelopes to match the belter tablets. I'ena, pencils, inks, mucilage, paste, nraanra and every thing in the atationeiy lino. .Might as well use good writing papers when they cost no more. NEWL.IN DRUG CO. La Grande, Or. MEET AT ONTARIO State Irrigation Associa tion will Meet there on September 19, 20 and ' 2I--Plans Arranged. At a meeting of the Malheur County Irrigation Association, yesterday, ttia date for the meeting of the Bute Irri gation Association was fixed for Sop. tember 10, 20 and 31, and an elaborate program and plans were arranged for theoccasion. Fair Appropriation" Washington March 18 The House subcommittee . on expositions today reported tbe Lewis and Clark Exposi tion bill, earring an aggregate appro priation of $450,000, and in addition authoriiing the coining of 259,000 souvenir gold dollars, which the Ex position authorities may purohase at par and se I at 1 2 each. - GOATS Eton front, blon hack, pluali'd ilk and stitc.icd lull'cta used as trim. (Papers INSTRUCTED : FOR ROOSEVELT Minneapolis March 18 Tbe repub licans state convention adopted reso lutions indorsing Roosevelt . and naming aa delegate at large Senator Ne'son and Clapp, Governor Van Sant, Tbomis Lowry and as district delegates indorsed Wednesday's con FEDERAL GRAND JURY MEETS The Federal grand jury met Thurs day morning in Portland and began business without daisy. ; One of tbe principal oasra to oome before the jury will he that of Charles Cunningham, County Judge Harlman Joe Parks and othors accused of frauds in E. stern Oregon. " .' For New Crusade Rone March 18 Several associa tions of Christian bodies especially of Catholio youths have appealed to Gen eral Garibaldi and Riooiotti to form a body of volunteers to help . Russia against Japan for . the triumph ol Christianity over Badd iism. ,, EARLY FOR LAMBS Wallo.wa County Sheep Man Successf ully lambs 2000 Head During the Past Month- J. H. Dobbin, one of the heaviest owners of slu op in Wallowa county, is experimenting with winter lambing this year and is now lambing a bin d of 3000 head at his home ranch near Jos eph. He is well prepared with sheds, feed and plenty of straw bedding, and ro far has sustained no loss, although tbe weather at Joseph has been very cold and stormy all through Fcbruaiy and March. The usual lambing season in that vic inity iBluy and by lambing in March he will be enabled to place theso early lambs on the markets! least two months ahead of the regular crop, and will there by realize a handsome piolit 1iy being first iu the field with eaily lambB. No Class Tonight Owing to the fact that Mrs. tump- sous pby&ieian has lurbiddou her to fe0 O'H tonight, tbo S.mpsou Dancing olsss will be posipoued entirely this week, and will uot meet again until Tuesday of next week. Contract Let John L tSiHlur iiAn becu uwauk'd tUtt cuutrnct or ihe huilJiug to lio built hy A C lluutmgton acijuinint; iho city liiu tJeuiir Unt'iit. ft will be 10 by (tw feetbud Tueu uuninlblud wilt in iku two very ueitl bueinesij rooms. The World's Fair Route Thosu auticiHtiiiK an LiuUrn trip, or visit to Uie Louiuinnu riirrlm&e t'xH aition at Ht. Ijiiib, cannot a Hun I to uvurlook the H'lvuiitaKt'H o tiered by the MlBKOflU I'At ikic Kaii.wav, wliirh, UII Ht'c-tiintof itti vaiiuUH routes uiid gan- wa, buH b'3ii npprojiriniijly muued "Tim WorM'H Fair Kotile." I'flH-HDK-jrrt from the NurthwHBt take the Miawuut pacikio trKinn from Ih'U i:r r l'u bio. w tin- rtumv nf either I koiity 'lirt ttiroiitch (in KiHtfri City, mh Wit 1 1 ll.i, roil anl una rieuant Hill. Two lraiiin 'laity from Denver and I'uH.bi to Kt. luiH uitbont channel carrying a" rlanM'8 ol uiwmn inlp- inent, including eh etne liKhU-d ob r vatlmi j-arlor cafe .lining earn. Ten daily train ltwcoii Kan can (lity and St Lou if. Write, or mil on W. C. MnHrnle, Oeiifral A(?ent, 1-M Third rtrett, Port land, (or detailed Information and ill imtrateil literature. . ' '-'-'- tf Clecning Time Doei yowr alley or yard need eh an ing? Have you any old rubbish that ueede to tw tukt-n away? If an, ring up phone 12.U, and ynu can gut the gar boge wagou. 3-18.4-18 KOK A fui nl' bed four ol Jlrs Zuber. hUNT ruutn tultsge. In U T GRANGE IS GROWING Six Branches in Union and Umatilla Counties with Three Hundred Members. The ioi I vlty of the Orange In East ern Oregon Is one ot tho most Import ant movements made in this district for 10 years. At this tlmo thoro are six hranchoi of tiiis organic ition In Union am? Umatilla counties, with a total ot over 300 members. . ;, - The three branches' In tho Milton and and Froewdtcr districts have about W monibois and the throe In Union county about liiO. All of them are addlna to their, meml.ership constantly, and are preparing the way for new organi zations later in the season. So far in this and Umatilla couatlos the Grange Is in the social singe, and no business orgnninitlnii has been at tempted yet, but It will gradually grow Into a business organization, us it ba in the Vi llliuuotto valley, taking au ac live part iu public nll'ulrs, and especial ly tit county expenditures. OS-TE-OP-A-THY The foundation rock U on which Os teopathy Is built in: "That an unob structed flow of the body fluids must result in health and that disease of all kinds exoept traumatic is the result of one or more ot these lite streams be coming clogged.'.' That tho clogging Is mechanical acJ In most cases starts from some abnor malty, (slight though It mav bV of it bony structure is a fact which our mod leal brother finds hard to accept as trua, but the truth of whloh la mon strated every day by Oitoopaths by treatment applied along the line of diagnosis. Special Meeting There will be a children's demonstra tion at the Salvation Army Hall, Rat' urday night, March II), at 8 p iu. The children will speak, sing and march and be in a hoop drill. The doors will be open lor every body, and the seats are free. One and all are wel come. Wanted. A dining room Model Restaurant. girl at the tf 1 J. G. i nmmi 13 wauu Golf Shirts (very one of tbein brni.d now. A visit to our sbirt d pirtni mt mill coiivimo vu tbat we ran satisfy your every want 60o W 2.00, NO HOPES FOR MRS MILES Washington March 18 Mrs Miles, wile of Lieuteoant-Guneral Nelson A. Miles retired is lying ill at their home d this oity. Her oondition has bfn exceedingly critloal and although (oms improvement is noted today do nope is held out fur ber recovery. An Interesting Event Many people will be interested in hearing General Joubert and Captain O'Donnell tell of their personol ex- periencs neit Tuesday evening. Geo. Joubert's name was In every body's month during the Boer war, and ol icaroelj less note was his associate nd friend, O'Donnell. No trotnr dnoe Col. (Jopeland wsa here has iroiied nearly so much interest and mthiisiaain anting the wldn awake id cultured people of this oity. To hear men of world wide renoun loll if their persons! experiences in a war eht exulted the sympathy and ad- niratinn of the whole world will prove orth while to any student of human affairs. ' HELD FOR RAPE F. W. D. Mays, Editor of a Washington News paper, Charged with .Criminal.Assaiiltv Poiiuroy, Wash., March 18. P, D. Mays, editor and proprietor of the Washington Independent ot this city, was arrested yesterday aftoruoon on charge of criminal assault, alleged to have been onmniltteil on Pearloy May Pe.irsoll, the lB-yaar-old ' daughter II. J. Pearsoll, a laborer in this city. NOTICE Having disposed of my grocary foul ness, I would Ilka all thosa who are In ' dolitod to inn, to ploase call and settle, either by cash or noto. My books are at 0 L Thorn's grocery store on Fir street, where settlement can be made. Tf O E FOWLER MILLER'S WE ARE SOLE DISTRIBUTORS of tli ieT woll-kni.wti liueof Btauti(:li,honoUr.uaade,hono8tiy. priceil cloiliing. The " MILLER" brund attached lo clothing in a gturnnlee that the gartneut is the hesl in ' fahriu and innke that can be put together at the price. It ia cut lis it bIioiiIiI bo, made to hi and sowed witb regard to woar. It is not tho lowost priced clothing you can buy but it is absolutely THE BEST thiit cult be bought at the cost, Union Mahb. , , c: - . $10.00 SUITS Which yu will have trouble in matching at $12.50. We don't ask you to take our word. ' Come and see them for yourself. Large assortment in 1 litest patterns. Jim Jaitf ............ v'...v., ,', . J'Sf" - - .. i : if - ARE THE 10 TRIBES Story Started that Japs are the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel Easter .Mas sacres Expected. St Peterabrnrg, March IS The fanci ful theory has been started here 'o the effect that the Jananese are the lost . Ten Tribes of Israel. The Idea, while ludicrous, has been seised upon by tbo anti-soniitic press bb a moans ol start ing a new auti-Jewiab outbreak, ThsNuvoe Vremya wontOnly treats it seriously, and the Dally Drekrva says the Jews of Russia are subscribing large sums to aid their new-fonnd . brethren in the conduct of the war, : It Is feared the contention will re the cause of a renewal or the Kishlneir massacres during Easter. Tlri fact is, the Jews aro subscribing heavily to the Russian war fund. ;..- .. ; . Anti-Saloon League The , Aati-dalooa League is i non : Beetarian, now Partisan , movement - to combine the temperance forces, in effective work . It has received the en33rseraent nl men ot all ' parties and -creeds, Dr G . li. Tufts seoratary of the Oregon League with Oapt: Hhoue will , be in Lt G -inde tomorrow. ' . ;; , Dr. Tuf;s nillspBik at the .follow-: log meoti.'g-i! " Vl" 1 Preibybriao Ohtuob.. . laVm-. . Mormon Church v'i., P.0''; "tJonfTai'tJniuoB"'"'""' YiSO p V ' Oapt. Mahone will epesk at. , The M E Cuuioh at '' 11 a m Baptist Oburcb at ,: 2 30 p ro Island City Cburcli at 7 80 p m Committees At Work' The committees . who have the work in hsnd preparing for the first reunion of the students of the Blue Mountain Unniverslty which takes place In this city on April 2nd have matters well underway and those who attend may rest assured of being royally entertained - :FOR RENT . Furnished . looms far light - house J keeping. Inquire of Mrs A E Jones, corner 3rd and Adams Avenuu. -810-22. . CLOTHING .For smartness of style, perfection in fit and atten tion to the smallest detail which goes to make a right down-to -the . minute suit that will please the most fastidious dresser our suits ; from $12.60 to 20.00 are absolutely the be-t we have ever shown, Wc have " them in patterns which . find only at tho exclusive) tailors. Hats Exclusive styles bats not one or' lines but snob a variedhisive ment in atylea and cujS not we uan suti jronfach a ""ftan aoit,' ..tf your b .t . i