Sir.' TEN . DRYS , . March 8th to 18th. In order to clear the space for my Spring line of carpets I will offer: $1.25 Moqivrttes for. ........ .1 .95 ' 1.25 Velvet far. ... . . 90 1.10 Brussells for .70 -1.10 All wool 8-ply for .75 .75 All wool Ingrain for .57 .CO Half Wool Ingrain for... .35 .50 Cotton cloth Ingrain for .30 As they appear in ray show window ranging from 3i yards to 30 yards at cost and below cost. REDUCED PRICES On all styles of carpets during 1 March, and will give one National carpet sweeper, worth $3, with each purchase of 50 yds of all wool carpel. - UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY My undertaker If. B. HISTEN, will respond promptly to all calls, day or night E. ANDROSS HOUSE FUUN1SHINGS Phone 9-1 ' , Residence Phone 367 1202 Adams Ave - ROSES Sses ROSES I etui furnish you with the hest harly loses one year old at 25a each, or to years old at 4"c. Also all kinds of plants, such as Pansies, A-ler?, Petunias, Daisies, Candytuft., etc. I mnko a specially of all xiutsido woik, prnning, grafting, landscape work, gardening, lawn mowing, etCj at very reasonable rales. Give mo a trial, I will guarantee to give satisfaction. All kinds ot trees, shrub, Bmall fruits, cabbage, celery and oinato plants. Open Sundays from 8 to 12 a. m. WM. GILPIN, Phone n6i Greenhouse THEB00TH LANE A Correspondent Ex presses Opinions in Regard to Improving Booth Lane. The Stoddard Lumber Company IS DOING BUSINESS AT THE LA GRANDE PLANINGMILL There is not a newspaper published in I.a Grande that would complete the yearly news it It did not, at this time of 'he year, have an article in gleaming headlinea "The Booth L::ne." These headlines appear and have appeared for twenty yeare or more, to my own know ledge, aod if a person has taken the - La Grande papers for that lenitth of time, he would eventually come to believe that there whb only one road to and from La Grande, and that was the "Booth Lane," and at this time of the year was impassable oven for ducks and geese. ; Why is this wail and lament? Is it because there are a few wbo desire a turnpike to travel on to the detriment of the balance of tho valley? Is It because no work is done upon this road? Is there more heavy hauling over tliii toad than other roads? Totho first and second questions 1 have this to say, that I believe those articles come either directly or Indirect ly from persons living on this road, in them I can find no fault, but rather praise them for the ability they have, in working the people of La Grande, but my kind friends, be neighborly, do untons, wbo are in worse condition than you are, as you would have La Grande do uuto you. KeporlB show there has been more money expended upon this road than has been spent upon five times its length in other sections of the county, Why is more asked for? So far as hauling over this road is concerned, at this time of the year, will say, there is less than others, which I suull mention. The heavy hauling is principally done in thefall over this road; hay, grain and stock are shipped by rail from Imbler and Allccl, there fore leaving light traveling for the winter. Is this so in that part of the valley lying Cast to the Cove? Have the Cove and the tuly country a rail road to ship? Do the products of the Cove come by the "Booth Lane" to La Grande? Over wliafoadB do the grain, hay and hogB come into La Grand from the country that iB to the East and 8outh? Does La Grande propose to stand idly by and let Onion improve the road to the Cove and take our trade, rather than to improve the roads leading in that direction? I hope and prny not, a long as I am a citizon of La Grande. The road commencing at the A. B. O south ot Island City, is almost impass able at this time, even for light buggies, and for hauling load of bay, grain, aud hogs is impassable. Now all of the pro duct from the Cove comes over this road, if it markets at La , Grande. There are lots of bogs, hay aud grain taken into Island City and disposed of, there becouse Uiey cannot haul over this rovd.' This road is as bad now as over the "Booth Lane" was. This road running east from La Grande is not the only road that needs work. The road to Hot Lake la auother that needs at tention. The one up the river by Oro Dell Is another. ' Now if the city ot La Grands would lend it lutlnenco, these roads could ; be made good by commencing In the city and making them solid and permanent as they proceed yetr afier year then the metropolis of this valloy would reap Its reward. . But the old adage, "distance lends enchantment" is true, lor the city of La Grande would rather sweep the yard of a diatuut neighbor than sweep their own doorsteps. Respectfully, A. I. Congratulations. Mr. John H. Oullom, Editor of the Garland, Texas, News, bas written a tarturea congratulations to tba manti lettet of of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, as follows : "Sixteen years ago when our first ebild was a baby he was subject to croupy spells and we w( uld be very uneasy about him. Ve began using Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and finding k ;uoh a reliable remedy for colds and oroup, we have never been without it in the house siuce that time We have H I children I have given it to 'I )f tl'era ! good results." Fo I i by all gists. ' ' FOR BALE CHEAP All the fixtures of the Cove Creamery including oue eight horse power engine and ten horse power boiler, churn and butter works, and a large' cheese-press vats etc. Mrs Matt Mitchell 8-3-tf Cove, Oregon WHEN YOU WANT RUBBER STAMPS REMEMBER ME. I manufacture every style on any mounting and carry a complete stock of Fade, Inks, Racks, Osiers, Rubber Ty., etc Seals, Stencils, Trade Check", Door Plates, Postal Scales. , Write me what you Wfnt, I can please you by return, mail. Every stamp requirement supplied. WESLEY ANDREWS, Baker Cily. Classified Ads . FOR BALE - Two acre tract. East of the La Grande Flouring mill, one bait in good bearing orchard. Small cottage, and good barn. Willjaell for cash or will; trade for good work horaos. L O Grout TF L Grande, Ore, FOR SALE $1600 buys this property, eight lots or of Block 5 in Acme addition to La Grande also one acre lot joining. AU well fenced, with house and small barn new wind mill and 1700 gallon tank and pipes with plenty water to irrigate all, splendid soil, a young orchard also. For additional information address box 371 La u rando, Oregon. ; : FOR SALE Indian Runner Duok eggs , thor ough bred imported stock, inly a Uni ted number. W. N. Monroe, la Graude. 99 2 d 4 w. FOR RENT Four room cottage, wltb good apply at the Model restuarant. well, MISCELANEOUS. 95 cents for Warrants. " The Farmers & Traders National Bank will pay 95 oents on the dollar for your City warrants issued by ' the City ol La Grande on General fund Id payment of bills against the City, . NOTICK One of the best looaiions 'n Eastern Oregon for a Hardware Store. For particulars oall oo or write Haines Real Estate Co. Haines Oregon. WANTED Two girls to learn the millinery trade at once. Inquire of Mrs J R Forrest. tf. . Laundry and running east to tho Cove o it in the last live years: This roadlPrayer Meeting Wednesday from the city limits to the cross roads,! 7:30 p.m. Central Church of Christ Opposite -Soinrner House. . OPEN EVERY DAY Pastor's Office Honrs 1 to 2:30 Free Reading Koom open from noon until 9 p m. Men mid boys invited. Bible school Sunday 10am' Preachiug Sunday 11 a m and p m. at HI "I VJ These are all you need With a Rock Island System time table and one of our folders, "Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeper," you can easily figure out your route to any point in the fcast. The Rock Island has its own lines from Denver. St. Paul and li to Omaha. Kansas City, Chicaeo, Memphis and 1,200 other towns and cities in tne miuuic It is a good railroad and its trains are as com fortable as money can make them Write or call and I will take pleasure in giving you full information. 1 . CORHAM, Camral on1, 140 Third Strtsl, Portland, Or. PORTLAND AND LOCAL MARKETS. Eggs, fresh valloy Butter, creamery dairy 60c per roll. Potatoes BOcts per sack. Applts,u()c. to 75cts. per box. Cabbage, lint, per lb. Tuikies, 10 cte. Il. live weight. rKUKAI.S Wheal 74c trc'Cc per fcu. Oats 1.10 per cental Burle) tiOc per cental 2fwts, eastern, 2bo wheat, H5.40 and 10.00; graham, $3.90, 60o and firBlolass ; whole wheat, f 4: rye wheat, 14.50 aud Portland Market The su'sriy d cline in Eastern and foreign niarlct' I. hi tnkt-ii t!ie lifeoul .,1 Il,e local wheat market. Bu t-r-ttod ei'lifrs are farllrr apart than evt-r ind hiifinepa is at a s'aoJtli'i, aiili the t Led'Cididly weak. WHEAT-"-''' Wiia 7r.-.; blue-stem, 7't ; V . . . mi. BAliLh V I- , r ' 1 i.. Lie nt.,$24; it.i't-'i -f-o. FLOUK Vallty, 3.'J0 and 3.95 iarr;l; hat dwlical straights. 4 20 and 4 10; clear, If .1.85 and 4 00; hard whai patents, $4.00 and 4 10; Dakota hard 4.75 OAf8 No. 1 white, $1.17J; gray $1.10 per cental. MILL8TUFF8 Bran, $18 per ton; middlings, $23; shorts, $10; chop, U, 8. nulls, $18; liusted, dairy lood $19 HAY Timothy, $10 per ton; clov er, $12; grain, $12; cheat, $13. FliOOUCR Potatoes, 00 to 76 cents per sick. Onions 80 cents to $1.00 per sack. Eggs Oregon, 30 32A ct?. F"'ru 25 2c gutter Creani'-ry, 21) snd 30c, Dairy, 20 and 22c, Hi ri lS(i lf)i lb Poultry Chickens, mixed 10c pr pound. spring, 10c and hens, M'c , iurky liv, 17 ' and 18o lb drr-FMd 18 and 20c lb-, ducks, $6 a nil 7 r dor., gci ar( He lb. nvKrior k Oaltlt Hot sleiiia $1.26 and $4 00, medium, 4.00; c.iw $3.26 and $4.00 Hogs Brat large, (at $3. 26; medium large fat 4.76 Hheep Bist weather (3.50; mired ahei p $3. ' NOTICE , Notice is hereby given that my wife riattie Enilck having left my bed and board without iuBt cause, and of hor own free will, and without my consent. I hereby give notice that I will not be responsible for any" bills she may con tract from this date. O J Emick. Jji Grande, Mar. 1 1004 BOARD AND ROOM Pleasant rooms aud good board for gentlemen. Inquire at 601 T street known as the Hughes house. 8 4 tf LADIES ATTNTION During the month of March I will make any shirt waist at the greatly re duced price of from 60 cents to $1.26. Mrs Ettle E Wines. Residence on 0th st between O &. N D.-W.-4.-1. Geddes Bros. Why are Geddea Bros, kept to E, Why do they sell the beat s at the lowest prices . srred Bt'k Tomatoes 8 for 60c Preferred Slock Corn 3 for SOo Preferred Stock Salmon 3 for 60c Preferred Btodk Peaa , 3 fof 50c Preferred 8 took Beans 3 for SOo Don't pay other grocers 20 cents a can for any of tliese goods. Standard tomatoes, com, beans peas, etc., 2 for 26 cent. They have the best butter made In the valley, and their creamery butter has no equal here. Try It and see. Dill pickles, Helnze'a mince meat. Swift's pickle pig feet, premium hams, loose olives. Everything tasty, nice aud cheap Telephoo46l Geddes Bros. INVESTORS IZZZT month can be made by; parties who can invest from $600 to $1500. One eastern investor made $05,000 in 1003, call or writo for particulars The Wm.R. White Co., 312 Pine 81 Portland, Oregon. MEN Tho Dr. Iiiebig Btall, only specialists for men. con tinue to cure all chronic private and nervous ailments, of importance, skin diseases, ihcinatism, catarrah, eto. Dr. A. C. Stoddard, l'h G., for 27 years medical director. 74 sixth 8t., Portland, Or. Ill Yeeler Way, Seat le, Wasb. Oall or write. Express and Delivery Adna Rogers, Phone 1821. All calls receive prompt attention. Geneial express and delivery business. Tl Wood for Sale. A large qnantity of 1G in. wood for sale, lnquiro of Rowe & Uerrman in Old Town or Phone 172-3. All orders promptly delivered tf. FOR SALE A good work team gentle and kind will sell cheap for rash, one sot harness and 1 1 4 Mitchel spring wagon for par ticulars inquire at Ciuddesa Bros Grocery store or wo me at Cinder Pit Hound hooto. 3-11-26 A. P. Norton. DeWitt ' DaWItt ts tka m tak tor haa K i to to buy Wltca Hum Sal. Witt's Witch Haul Sato It tht la (act algalva . that It malt Iran tht antdslltritt eritlnal and anhr aanutna. DaWltt'lla tlu onlf Wllok Mini Bam Wifch-Hazel All othfira u eouatarfctt-ttM Imt tetloni, chaap tni worthies tm Unisrwi. lWltt'WHchHtMlSlv It a apertfic for Plltii Blind, BlMdlnr. ltchlnt l Protruding PtlM. Alto Cuts, .-. Bumi, BmlMK. Sprain, Laotratlona, Cmtiutoni, Bolla, Cvbunclai. Ecuma, Tetter, Sail Rtwum. and til oUmt ftkla Dlaeaaaa, SALVE ntaVaimao mw V E.C. DeWitt 4 Co., Chic! or Sale by A. T. HILL, Of SPICES; . o C0FFEE,TEA BAKING POWDER, Flavoring extracts AbtolurtPurily, flncsm&ver. OrsaiejrSireth.ficasoMbltPrlcei1 CLOSSETftDEYERS PORTLAND, OREGON. 5 Handsome Men v Should protect their beauty by seciag thtt . 5 . they have only COMPETENT BARBERS I i To shave them. We J will protect your face. Z i Evans & Fitzgerald vrv. 'laiJUl, Mil 1llMil 1 ..aMaU Delightful Route, Daylight Ride, Dizzy Crags, Deep Canons.,. A Golden Opportunity Se nature In all ' her glorious beauty, and then the acme of man's handiwork. The first is found along the line of the Denver & : Rio Grande Railroad and tbn latter at the St. Louis World's Fair,. Your trip will be one of pleasure make the most ot it. For information and illus . trated literatnre write SACRED HEART ACADEMY . La Grande, Oregon. Conducted by Sisters ol St. Franol Select boarding and day school for Young Ladle. , Aoademio, Preparatory and Kined garten oourBes are oonduoted on the same prinoiplee as those pursued in our aohoola of Philadelphia. Huslo and painting reoeiye apaola I ttention . . Letters of inquiry direoted to SISTER SUPEKIOB W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt . ' . Portland, Oregon OREGOS umqnPjlcific Ocean Bloumers betwoen Portland and San Francisco every. Uve days -'(- E. O. MOORE, Agent Please " Note Our Success And Increase of business from July 15,1801, to July 15, 1903,12 V rMWMWWW A vory bnniluomp and complete line of MILLINERY now on sale at the Bnrgain Store. OKHCKKH: It. Smith President J. M. IIkbiiv Vice President J. M. Cm iii'ii Cashier F. I.. Ml vkh.1 Asst. Cashier UIRECTOK8: J. M. Berry, J. M. Church A.B. (x,nor, R. Smith 1.. C. Stanley THE IDEAL HOME for a man is his own home. He'will take pride in and improve it. lie ean potter nround in bis spare time and add many things to its comfort and ap pearance. Aod what fun doing it You can have one of these homes if yiu go about it right. Consult u- we can tell you how. It does not require a large amount of cash. Adv thrilty man earning fair wages can pay off the balance. Don't be homeless any longer, years. Surplus fund accum ulated Capital paid In Reliability of .bare tl 2, 5 0 0.00 O O, U U 0.0 0 holders , . 6 0, 0 0 0.0 0 Protection to de-' positore........H18 2, 6 0 0.0 0 Deposit subject to check were, on , JulylS, 1891 . : 41,8 9 8.35 " 1882 7 7,8 9 9.99 " 1803' ' 27,220.13 " ; 1894 20,041.64 " 1894 42,8 4 8.11 . ' -1898 .! 34,897.70 " 1897 43,6 4 7.B9 " 1808 ,.v ,, 78,776.25 " 1809 ; 88,760.19 " 1900 8 9 , 7 0 8.90 " ilOOl 8 8,7 21,8? " IBU2 7 7.8 4 5.; - 10032 lSiSoso CDocs net the Tabove figures a sure you that the mauagemeut of this bank meets witn the approval of Its board of directors and pat rons; and deserving of your patronage. We want your bank lng business, large or small. Your Interest will be protected at the Farmers and Trader. National Bank ts Crandc.Orejon- DEPAHT : xtmHhertnX WW V no. a ko. i. wovsKa'a. ' 1'ortland, Dlle, en ,v koi : 11eton, Walla Walla, tanm - Dayton, PomeroT; vo , 6:am t,Jtow.P 9Mp m : r-a j Ui via Spo- - kane, '.'.. .Portland, Dal Im, Pen- . 1 v NO ft dioton Umatilla Wal- no ' ' Iula,Lew1ston(Ck)lfax Huhoow, WallRCWar ftytfam ! ftlfipm dner, feipokaaa and . , otuer ptiintii eaat and . . .. nortb vlaBpokana, NJtal)ally uianm v-OUy7 AllceT, exmlt imblor. aud Kl a In Ht :'.. Humluy oonnenllons atEfniu 6:30 p m : , 9:15 a m with ntae forruiiita . in Wallowa ooutny j -. La Grande 1110 Adnms Aveuuo, Investment Company, La Grande, Oregon 3655 I E. M. Wellman & Co. rande National B nk I J La Grande. Oregon f. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 ! TrancHCls a eneral banking bnslnnas. Buys end scllsTexchange on J all parts of the world. Collections a Siecialty. I CREAM AfV ANTED farmers, bring your cream tou8 and we will pay the vory highest market price for it. At tho'iiresent price ol butter it will pay you far bettor to sell the cream than to churn it. We are sgents for the famous DE LAVEL separator. The hest fnudo. COVE CREAMERY COMPANY, E. O. Harper, Mgr. Headquarters at Hill & Allen's, La Grande. STALLION NOTICE A great opportunity for you J 16 breed to one of the beat at a : V" very low price. I will make A we this season with mv iniDortA Wc have fratous Hojkney stallion jierns whioh bxumtmmy TSSCK th0 exclusive With return privilege 8 d able in advance. No oth. ' terms. Can give good refer" . 1.: W m. J. llansei-tiata not on. - nut such a varieoV: - . . styles and cul TOTHKKEAI)lii' ul' ?a.V w. . hat yoor hat r ... n a unva lUBt receiver u' paper back novels. we have added BOP' our exchange libr r ! t ft mWHViMMH s , : . ,.