LA GRANDE MORNING OBSERVER. VOLUME III LA GRANDE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 1904 NUMBER .Olfr INSTITUTE CLOSED Last Day's Session of th Farmer's Institute was very Successful in Every Way. Yesterday was the second and last day of the farmfre institute but the benefit derive:! from the mcet'ng wi'l be lasting aoii will continue to grow as the time gon on and s il continues tobetilled. Th corning session was devoted to the dieusion ct the conservation of the roil and the use of the materials whioh usually are allow ed to waste up'iu the averago farm. Itwaaehnwu 'hat the ordinarv bain yard manure which is allowed to rot and waste on the average farm cod tains uinol value w'nch in time the farmer will be nbligi d to buy back in order to bring hi' fiirm back tn its present standard . The musieol pro gram consieteJ of a vocal rolo by Mrs. SPRING Our styles in Suita ami Coats will be f Hind to be decid edly in advance of U.os shown l-ewlierr. Our display of NEW SUITS air! C )ATS is not only the largest, but the most exclusive. Il is a v;ll known fnct that the styles we show will not bo shown el-iwhere, Some very rich and handsome suits ond some vp dressy coats receive their first mention in print tul,i;. - Superb E. 0. Moore and a piano solo by Mm. Clara T. Lylp, both of solos were very pleasing and added much to the pleasure of the mornings wor'c. The afternoon session ws especially interesting from the fact that the La Grande ladies bad charge of the meet ing and had arranged tor mueioal pro gram and refrsahoiente. Mrs. E. 0. Mo.jre waa master of ceremonies and in a vory neat address welcomed thuse who were present from ont cf the town in tiie'oniueof the ladiea clubs of this city. The guests then went up suirs where they wereeerv. d with ice cream and cake by the ladiea alter which the meeting adjourned until seven thirty. The evening session was quite well attendrd, thoroughly enjoyed and much benefit was derived therefrom. Prof. Ueo. Coote gave a most inter esting and very instructive talk oo "Practical bints on .flora culture," which waa listened to attentively and from which much practioal informa tion on culture of house "and garden plants was gleanej. "Aoimal Husbandry in the Grande Sonde Valley" waa the snbjeot of a very instructive talk by Dr. Jai. IVithycoinhe. Die l)r tlrew out numerous hinta thu if follow d up by the fanners of th.s valley will doubt less eeourn benetici tl resultc. The music by ti e 1 ich fchool or chestra, a solo by lire. E O Moore aud selections by the null quarte tte were thoroughly enjjyetl. 10 t ; fi y,- ; . SUITS AND f I IITC of tun or blnok viole, Eton JUllJ jm-ketB with bolero ell'oet, trlmimM with wide hi air k uniaii lure, hnml cguil with gold hniid, criif-li eilk belt, wry full bishop sleuvi b, with fml fl re enffs, jIe;.ted ekirl, eilk drop pLirt. ' SUITS of brown uitlnislud w ir;iled cbevi'it, tiht-fitting Kton jit'-kt, lined -with chanj-e.iblc tiifiVtii, vi'.-t whli iippllqnt) trimming, fiyiuy tllk br-iitl and small gold buttons, i'-goro skirt, senilis hia'dail mid tttiU'hed to ki.ue, vh?.o m'tmix open into pi- ats and giving it net-1 nl fulness. SUITS uf bl uck iHi'tt vitdo, jiicket in bi'lt, buttons, fancy ilk brriid m'h. Jh ket ale has a eMe of Bilk trimmed with silk appliquo. Double I ltd I fll"i'V f, inn- r ulneve tiUh-p tylit the outer n full bell ni falling short of writt ; skirt vertically tucko'l, Ki-le pm-M-J liav fo ir horontal tucks, a'lk li if d tlirouulinut, PRICES FROM. $15.00 TO $65.0 Co orresponaence lu tho line of fluo corro!poudein'o p;ipnrs our aopftrh stock leares liotuiiu; tn Ixi desired, KviTylhiiik' in xlyle, tint mid llnlsh that him mot with the approval of tho writing public will ho foun 1 hurt. The stock embraces pajHTfl tn BOXES, BULKS and TABl ETS I'ox papers range In price from l"i cents to JM.75. Vou cannot Hud a U.tter assortniBiit in tho steto. Hulk papera r Krowin rapidly in as ynu can vet as much or as little n you want. It is rin econoni. ira! wuy of b.iyinir palmer, crtpeciuily when you tmvo na large and varied mi uBsortnieiit'to i hooHi from an n uil'ord you. Our tablet lino 1h lurgo nod well ehoneii. IIhvo em. Topes to match the better tablet. Pens, peif lis. inks, iiiucllaire, pste, erascTH und every thinit in lh utiitinneiy line. Muht aa well use un a) writing pupors when they cost no more. NtWLIN DRUG CO. Let Grande. Or. MITCHELL WINS Simon People Get 14 Delegates out -of a Possible 123 in Mult nomah County. Portland. March 16 (Speoial to Observer) Incomplete returns from the Multnomah county primaries op to 12 o'clock tonight give Joeer h Simon 14 delegates out of it posslbh 123 Mitobell forces win overwhelm ingly on both sides of the river and in Portland The Simon people are not Lin it at all Although the returns are noli all in, Mitchell's majority tour far are so great that it is certain he will win with hands down. Catholic Church high Mass will be sung thiB mo.hing at U:-!0 (Thursday morning) "LeeBons learned from the life of at Patrick." Father Read will preach the sermon. 0 COATS Kton front, blonrm back, pluutod ilk and Ptiii-.ied tnfl'eta used as trim apors Gets 30 Days WMWaguer.or W M Miller, which ever may be his uau.o, having given botn, was yesterday Unci '-'5 and costs in Justice Grant's court for stealing a roll of beddiug from a follow laborer, and In consequence of not having the coin, was taken to Union last night to serve 30 duya in the county jail, Wag ner ia a longer and has beou in town for some dnys, during which time ho htta spent all the money bu had. Mo ia 22 years of age. Justice Grant gave him some gocd advice and a friendly lecture on the error of his ways along with his sentence. NEW WORKER FOR EASTERN OREGON Rev T E Armstrong is appoiuted by The Oregon Childreu's Home Suoiety to travel in Eastern Oregon in place of Mrs J'lliotte Jones Mr Armstrong is oommended to the oonlldenoe of the public, and will work aa Distriot Sup't of the Sooiety if you know of o ildren Deeding homes, or families wishing to adopt children address Sup't I F Tobey at C08 Muquaro Building Portland Ore on , HIS THIRD CALL Rev. W. L. Van Nuys has long Been Wanted bv Presbyterians of Pendletons. Rev W L Van Nuys, who conies to Pendleton April 1, to heroine piintorot the VreBhyteriiiu church, has heun In vited to this church three Union, In too past fays tin- Pendleton Knst Oreao. ian. Once he was located at c-pokana, and since he went to La (ininile, two luvi tatioiiB have been sent to him. He is counted to be ono of the iihlefct minis tcrs in the Northwest, ami Pendleton i foitminte in Ko'rurlng his serviees. f ho PrcBhylerianchurch in this city Is one ol tlio largett and moet active con urentioiifl lu Unttvrn OriiKon, ami Mr Van NuyH mnies to a lichl already well orKaniwd. The special prlda uf the church ill this cily Is Pendleton scud- omy, which is supported by that dc- minatlon, and which is the only PriHli.vteiiuniaciidoiny in Kustcrn Ore Ijon mid Wusliingtou. SACRED HEARJ ENTERTAINMENT A splendid literary an 1 musical, cu tcittamnient was rendered at the Sac red lleait Academy Wednesday evon iug by St Msry'B choir and pupils. Kaeh nuniher war iipiuopriutely schct- ed and well endered. The lecture by Kt Kev C J O'Keilly wasglvim close at tention and proved very ioUiiesting and Instructive. Following wbb the prnm rendered Address of welcome. . . K Idie Hurrouizhs s-'ong "ear Little Sl.nm'ock By Claas Duet Hi lii ve .Me Misses N Walsh and M Iteandoin Song Lakes of Kilhirney It V Class Recitation Connor Miss It Burke Vocal Duet Kestli'Hs Sea Mr & Mrs Coyle. Accompanist Mrs A Newlin Solo Itird's Morning Greeting .Miss Waller Selection ...VlisuM llut: nbend. Vi;:n of St I' tiick Mis J list in Sonit Ilcdelill Mr BisMineit Comeback to Erin Mr Coylo, Mrs Henry, Accompanist Mrs A Newlir, Duett ... M Ibhcs K Maiitersou ct I. wiliy Vocal Quaitet Selected Keel tat ion Domestic TcmpeM Mips Huckiiighaiii Vora' Bclccilon Misa Hettenben''cr Lecture Ht Kev (J J O'Keilly liuarlcl II P R A Mr A MrsO)le, Mr lilssonett II Mrs Henry, Acorn, pallid Mrs A Newlin PAHTUKK Much ni ab indant than lat w ar, and open for all kind of stock durin.: lrll. SmaM pactum for stork nee b d at short no' lee etc. Apply to 1110.11. St. Old town. P. (). l!ox 14. Te.e phone li't, tf IN RUSSIA'S FAVOR A Comparison of Op posing Forces of Japan and Russia Seems to Favor Russia. St. ?etersburg, March lft The Journal today prints a comparison o' the opposing forces of Russia and Japan in the war in the East, saying t.iat Russia baa ' superiority in land armament by 76 oannon,' but is in (erior in warships, whtoh however, is compensated in artillery at Ru aian ooast forta valor of Ruasisn sailors and the neoeesity (or the Jap anese to set apart a number of ;-wai-shipsaa transport esoorta to guard oornmunioatious. There is no doubt as to the issue uf a naval war being the destruction of the Japanese fleet, It is only a question ol the time when the Baltic squadron makes its appearance in Eastern waters undei the most bril liant of Russian admirals. ' Tlio artiole was apparently written free from bias by publio opicion. ADVERTISED liist ol unclaimed letters remaining in the La Grande Or, Pont OQioe for the week ending March 14, 19U1. Backer J R Benson Miss Florence Beaoh H W Brown Thomas Dioeon Rilly Doil Henry Johnson Ed Johnson J. D Smith Mra Jane ; Bean F Caldwell Jesse Hannn Miss J Smith Walter W. . The above will be held 14 days and then sent to the dead letter ollloe When called lor please say advortised March 14, 19114. J. 0. Ardrcy, P. M Died The Btve.i dny old daughter of Mr und Mrs J E Iteynolila died Wednesday moriiliitf. The funonil will ocuiir today ut 10 o'elot k from the resilience. Born liitooKi.Bii Iii this city on Wo.ttiewhiy March III, 111.) I, to Mr and Mrs, John Itrooklcr, a son. Gdf Shirts lnl"Kvr- VJUll Olllll cty of pnttorna very one of them brand new. A visit to our shirt depnrtmont will convince you that we can satisfy your every want 60c to 3.00, 1 J- G. i 1 m ... II .1 . VA. 1 iffjf 1 MmA m f in m i L 'i"r i i mm 1 . VVv'l 9 mm u :i oj The Trainmen's Ball The )leooratlon committee waa busy until a late hour last . night gelling the ball room in proper condition for the grand B of R T ball this evening This will be without doubt the great est railroad ball ever given in this city Every member of the Brother hood has appointed blnmoK a eon tnittee of one to see that every guest present baa a royal good time Thr very best musio will be furnished and truly anlendid evening . " FINE STOCK FOR ! EXPERIMENT STATION) Mr Q. 8, Gammie, superintendent of the Eastern Oregon Experiment Station waa in the oity Wednesday attending the Institute. He had just returned from attending the rale of fanoy atook held - in Pendleton, for merly owned by 0. B. Wade, where he purohased tour fine animals for the Experiment Station They are all shorthorns and were aa well bred as any in the Wads herd whioh waa ssoond to none in the state aa follows' . Grande H jnde-oalved Feb. S3, 1901, bred by J. D. Douglas & Sou of Hope Indiana. Prioe paid 1310.00. ' Latini's Owu-ealved Feb. 0, 1901, bred by O. B. Wade, ol Pendleton. This animal oost 960.00. ' .' Fashion of Meadow Lawn-rlalviu April 20, 1900, bred by O. E. Olark, H. Paul Mr. Gauimis secured this Hue animal for $285.00. Mr.' WaJe ptid $759 for her two yearo ago at the Spokane fair. ! ; j - Dolly Varden 3rd-oalved Fob.. 28, 1898, bred by E. W. Charlton, Dura lerief, Ont. for whioh he paid 91x0.00. Mr. Ga-nmie atatea ' there were large number of buyers present but tbe stock all brought let ter prices than those who attended the bankrupt sale expeoted to piy. The average prioe ol tbe animals sold was 9197 per head which wbilo onnsidered ohaap for 'he stock ( ffiired was.certainly fair . prioea when thecharaoter of the Bale waa takeu into coreideration." ' '" Good Move 'Yesterday aftarnoon at the farmers institute a plan was ptoposed by tlie lailiej tooien rooms in this city which are to be kept open at all time for the benefit of the ludies and gentlemen who may be in the city and who wishing to have some place to rest and spend their leisure time, could find aoeomailutlons. The movement has mot .with such hearty auppnrt that the ladles are call ed ii on to meet in tlio Urtnimerclal club rooms next Saturday alturnooii at two o'clock anil perfect an o' pnni.ntion. Tills is a splendid move and should meet with tlio hearty support of the citizens ol this city. '. '' ' MILLER'S WE ARE SOLE DISTRIBUTORS of this woll kni.wii line of etauoch, honestly-made, honestly, priced clotliing. The, " MILLER" brand attached to clothing is a guarantee that the garment is the best in fabric and make (hat can be put together at tue price. U is cut as it should lit, made to fit and sewed with regard to wear It is not the lowest priced clothing you can buy but it ia absolutely THE BEST : that cart be bought at the cost. Union Mads. ; v" , , $10.00 SUITS Which yDu will have trouble in matching ; ' at x $12.50. '... We don't ask you to lake our word. Come and see them for yourself. Larn ossortmenl in latt'sl patterns. (V GOING TO CANADA Canada ' will Receive a v Large Settlement of La ter Day Saints this Seasons. Q E Eklund and B O Manderson of" - Salt Lake passed tbiough the city yea- tnrday morning en route to Canada: whore they go to prospect for Mor mon oolooy in Albertr . ' Dtab ia settling up ao rapidly that ' the Mormons are searohlog the Weal diligently lor every possible . chance .: for a oolony These men are the ad- vance guard of an immigration' fnto -Canada whioh will begin as aoon as . they report to Utah , They ipeak in tbe highest terms ol Eastern Oregoo and have . many (rlouds in Grande Konde valley have fonnd good homes and are making it ' aotnfortable living in that valley , They aay tbe Mormon adapta him self to the oountry in which he - looat- . ea- His ability ia not oonfin-d to one line ol industry I Utah he ia the variegated farmer - In Idaho he ia tbe -stookman and miner in Oregon be ii , the sugar beet raiser end Iruit grower" aud in Canada he will be the wheat king q the Northwest 'y i ' They r-xpeot to lead a large settle ment to lie Alberta oountry perhaps not in lin t- for tuisteascn's crop but. in ample time to begin next year . General Joubert j Next ToeBday evening; the people of ..'i La Grande will have an opportunity of s y listening to two inon who comuianded , In the Boer army when the little South . Afvlcan renublica were ' struggling ' i against the mighty forces of England. 1 These two 'men are: Geweral Uideon'. ' Joubert and Oapt W 8 O'Donuell.. This , ovent ought to piove exceedingly inter- -i eating, given aa it la by rioted Command- -era in the Boer forces. Copt O'Donnelt, ? as hia name indicates, if an Irishman, , and ia aa loyal to the old sod as any ' could be. The gentlemen will lllustruto 1 their talx by a number of splendid vii ws . illustrative of events that at one time stirred the whole world. '' ' Prof Simpson's dancing elass will be posnponed until Saturday night . CLOTHING For smartness of style, perfection in fit and atten tion to the smallest detail which goes to make a right . down to-the . minute suit that will , please the most fastidious dresser our suits from 112.50 to 20.00 are absolutely the best we have ever shown, We have , them in patterns whiulf - find only at the exclusive tailors. Hats Ex liislve ' Btylca In ' hat? not oue or r m,ima i i your hat we' z Ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 " ' I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-r I I ltttnft""t""Jtt""M . S ' r. .. ,, ' f'-X ,2: : , .r-r". J CI i .t - v