Less than -Cost! I have a few odd patterns of dishes that I am closing oat at greatly reduced prices, to make room for new stock . Now is the time to purchase, the prices in our window. Notice MRS. T.N. MURPHY Hardware and Granite ware HHMtlltlHHmmHHtUlthMHHttll A FEW OBSERVATIONS BY OUR REPORTERS HIMIHHIHWW SPECIAL SALE Of everything we have in second hand goods, aleo inapt on oity property which we have, and will sell on the installment plan. Lots, 50 to $100. Residences, $250 to $1000. SECOND HAND GOODS Spray Pumps $7.50 Winchester, 80-80 7.50 Good s'ng machine 1.00 Pillows .60 to 1.26 Single harness 4.00 Bed Quilts Shotgun Lamps Trunk $ .50 3.50 .25 and up 2.00 Gasoline lamp 3.50 MONEY TO LOAN The La Grande Pawnbrok jsj Corner Fir and Adams. 'Phone 1581 RtmembsrTw still buy and sell all kinds I Second Hud GoodM J J J TURKESTAN ALFALFA The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gation. BROME GRASS " Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc The only Seed House in Union County. A. V. JEFFERSON AVE. Mi reaggg hihat the Fanners Inatl I V i '-wiocrcUl Club. I OKcajitsttainlBf.- Idletoa Gold. The Farmer, Institute will convene in the Commercial Club this eveniug. The little babe of Mr and Mn J E Reynold, ia quite tick. Miss Olive Jones bus returned to Pendleton alter a very p etuant vialt ol several days with friends In tliia city. ' ' Mr ill Moorebead, head electricean at Hot Lake, was rllting In tlie city last night. A very pleasant party waa given at the home of J M Trice last evening in honor ol Mlsa Hough who is a guest ol the family. Joe Harding, who lias been working In the miner at Rowland, B O, lias re turned to this city and will remain here. The La Grande Merc. Co. iu their ad eleewnere in this issue, are ottering a shamrock witii every purchase ol 25 cents or over during this week. On aicouut of the farmer's institute the Commercial Club party will be postponed until one week from to night. Mr and Mrs Merrltt Reynolds re turned from California last night, where they have been ependeng the winter. Chrystal Rebekah Lodge No 5 will give a Shamrock social this eveniug in (OOF halt. A literary and musical program will be rendered, Admission 10 cents. Joseph Koshaba, a native Persian, will deliver a lecture on Persia, it people and customs, in the Presbyter ian church on March 4. This leclute will be exceedingly interesting since l)r Koahabaspeaks from experience. At the business meeting of the En. deavor society of the Pres. church, E T Thome was elected president. Miss Mary Tait vice pres., Mrs F K Noord h ," secretary and Mies Laura Holm treasurer. Win Earls returned yesterday from a business trip to Wallowa County. He was accompanied home by Miss Eva leen Sheets, ol Joseph, who will visit for a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Earls and her brother, Mr Fred Shets. R II Benedict, representing the Pcnn. Mutual Life insurance Co., of Phila delphia, is In the city and will establish a biauch ofiice for his company In this citv, and will act as their local agent hero. Mhw A C Culp, the artist, who has heen with he eieicr Mrs Be.on for the past six montliB, left Monday morning for the East. Miks Culp is an artist of rare ability and those who left orders, with her, for china painting were indeed foitunato. Mrs Fred 8 Stanley, who was taken from her hame at 181 So 23 St to St Vincents hospital last Saturdny, ia re covering rapidly from the effects of the operation It was necessary to perform, and will nodouilt be able to return to her home Boon, Portland Journal. On Wednesday Evening March Kith, there will bo a lecture by Rt. Rov. C J O'Meilly and musical and literary Entertainment at the Sacred Heart Academy. Judging from the personnel and the selections of tlio program a treat is awatiug an appreciative audience. Two young men arrived at tha Rridge- Imrg Saturday. evening. One is a Mr Ashwill, brother of Eugene Ashwill of La Grande, the ether is his hrothor-iu-law. They camo to La Hrando from KansaB last Fall, and are looking ovr Wallowa comity with a view to Inditing here.-Imnaha correspondence to Joseph Herald. Rov W L Van Nnys left on the early morning train for Pendleton to attend the meeting of the Eastern Oregon Presbytery, at which tlino he will tie released Irom the pastorate of the Presbyterian church in l.atlriinde to become pastor of the church in PendlO' ton. He will return Wednesday awi continue the work here until April 1st Prof Simpson's dancing class wil in? et tonight as usual, instead of Tues day night as announced Sunday tnnrn ing. New beginners from 7 till 6i waits and two-step. General ti aching from 9 till 11. The Thursday evening class will bo postponed until Saturday on account of the trainn.on's dance Teaching from 7 till 9, social from 9 till 11 with Ordinal rA. No. 1, the west h und pas-enger train which should have pasieil through the city at 5:5r yesterday morning, was delayed by a freight train wreck about ?0 miles east of Baker City and did not arrivo here until almut not n. A car in a freight train left the rails and ran the tics for'sevrral hundred feet, doing Lut little di'tnsge. cuept lo block the track for several hours. The Kedmond company presented Pavy Crockett last evening to a large sUed uudirnce at Stewurd opera house In a manner which was highly satisfac tory to all present. Tt.e piece in a stroiigenne and Mr Redmond in the leading role that of Davy t'rorket.wns in cai aide hands. Mr R"duiond iscort ly an actor of no mean ability and his llrst apiernnce here wan sullicient in make him a favorite ith the theater going public of this city. His support was strong. In fact the entire com pany seems to be rfoctly balanced which is more than can be ssid of the average ono night stanj couipstiy The Knitting faotnr) at La Orande ia which play La iiranuet seventy live rnihlng with bualneaa and the manager, cont a.id a dollar. The prices for the ara taking cara of their knitting. Pro. week will be ten twenty and thirty rents. We are sorry to learn that Mr P Grant, wbo baa held the position of Roadinaster at La Grande, for the laat four years, fiaa resigned. Mr Grant started to work for the O R. & N. Co. over nine years ago aa section foreman. By bard work and perseverance be baa risen to hia present position, and baa earned the esteem ol all with whom he came into contact. The many' friends of Mr Grant join in wishing him sue cess in the future, w SACRED HEART ENTERTAINMENT Eollowing is the program for the St , Patrick's entertainment at Sacred Heart Academy, March 16, at 7:30 p m. Address of welcome. . .E Idie Burroughs Song Dear Little Shamrock By Class Duet Believe Me Misses N Wa'sli and M Beaudoin Song LaeB of Killarney I By Class Recitation Connor Miss R Burke Vocal Duet Restless Sea Mr & Mrs Coyle. Accompanist Mrs A Newlin Solo Bird's Morning Greeting Miss Waller Vocal Selection. . .At Isb M Betteubcndtr Recitation Vision of St Patrick MissJ Gavin Song Bedel ia Mr Bissonelt Come back to Erin Mr Coyle, Mrs Henry, Accompanist Mrs A Newlin Duett. . . Misros R .Masterson & L Wiley Vocal Quaitet Selected Recitation Domestic Tempest Miss Buckingham Vocal Selection MisB Uettenhen 'e! Lecture Rt Rev C J O'Reilly Quartet O P R A Mr & Mrs Cojle, Mr BiBsonett & Mrs Henry, Accom panist Mra A Newlin Oliver Phone 1571 NOW HERE I Our Spriru Goods. j Call and look them over. TFfcoss & Andrews, : TAILORS AND CENTS FURNISHINGS. manner, cultivating the land alx or eight time; year, keeping the giound well pulverized, and at all times free from weeda, grass and other vegetation May 1st and August 16th of each year ; keeping the trees pruned in the most scientific manner; removiog and burn ing all cuttings and suckers, and in short, do any and al) . work which will . be for the beat interest of the trees. We replant all trees that may die In the first, second and third years, and pay all tinea for three years.' We furnish the land, labor and material, and trees, and three years' care, at the priue of $135 per acre, giving three years In which to pay for It. . Our terma of payment are nfi per cent of purchase price, cash: balance in three yearly payments, bear!, g interest at the ratea of 6 per cent per annum. The purchaser can remain where he Is, make no fmmedia e chango in his business or home interests, making his present business pay for his investment, sacrificing no time while the orchard is being brought into bearing condition, and rest assured that skilled borticul turalists will do the work boiter thno be can unless he has had horticultural experience under conditions existing in Oregon. After trees have bad scientific care, pruning and shaping for three years, the subsequent work is much more methodical and can be success fully done by those without horticul tural skill. . As an Investment it is gilt edge; and is the nearest possible approach to a guatanteed annuity. We have all our work done by. con tract and the contractors are uudei heavy bonds to us for the faithful per foimance of their work. We have executed a bond to the amount ol 10,000, and have appointed Hon. J. M. Church, cabbior of the La (Jrande National Bank, truBtee. hor further particulars see M. L. CAUSEY, President Eastern Oregon Colonising Company. Folev-Roes. h Bhlg. La Grande, Ore. D.-W.-4.-1. From Mr. Walsh I wish, through the com tony of the Observer, heaitily to congratulate the voters ol La GianJe on their excellent choice (or city treasurer, expressed by their aufl'rage yesterday. 1 iip pieciate fully tbe honor they conlei- ed, and promise that at tbe expiration of my term of ofl'ne there will be loucu no plugged or Alexcian coins iu The City Treisury. Ed Walsh Free Reading Room Beginning today the office of Cen tral Church will be opened, for a time at least, s a free reading room. Daily and weekly papers magazines and books will be provided . A man will be in charge each evening. Hours 2 to 9 p ui, A welcome to all men and boys wbo lesire a cozy quiet place for reading. In behalf of tlie committee O. H. King SOMMER HOUSE w B Hack Milwaukee M Reehy City C L Daychert Cincinnati James llaylard Boise Elmer waldrup l.ewiston Henry Neor Portland D I.nmmcr Klgin II P tiardiner Omaha F. I, liruce Spokane A P Frost Portland A Coburn Salt Lake O E Harper Tnion F A McKennon Portland F Baiuerly New York The World's Fair Route Tlioee anticipating mi Eastern trip, or a visit to tlie Louisiana Purchase expo' aition at St. Iamiis, cannot afford to overlook the advantages otl'ered by the MissiH'Rt Pacific Railway, which, on account of its various routes and gate ways, has be?n appropriately named "The World's Fair Koute." Passengers from the Northwest take the Missouri pacific trains from Den ver or Pueblo, n ith the choice of either going direct through the Kansas City via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill. Two trains dally from Denver and Pueblo to St. Ix)uis without change, carrying all classes of modern equip ment, inciuding electric lighted obscr. valion parlor cafe dining cars. Ten daily trains la-tween Kansas City and St Louis. Write, or call on W. C. McBridc, Ueneral Agent, 124 Third street, Port land, for detailed Information and ill uslr.tt.ed literature. 3.2 tf Wanted. A dining room girl Model Restaurant. at the tf Grande Ronde Valley Fruit Farm The tirande Uonde valley fruit farm contains 320 nc.es, and is to be sold lots of of ten lots nil,' an I up, to suit the purchaser. It is situated eight mil es nurth-east of I tirande, Oregon, near the Klgin hraurli of the O. R. A N. ailroud. We furnish tlie pnrchaer. at the end of three years, a thrifty growing apple orchard, one that has been eared lor lr.ro setting, in the most approved SHE ENJOYS a good meal or a dainty supper just as much as you do. If you don't believe it, just ask her to go to dluner with you at the Model Restaurant. We take pride iu sarving everything "just right," and any of our patrons will tell you whether wo give enough or not. Try one of our regular 25c dinners, served from 11 :30 to 2 p. m. , MODEL RESTAURANT ! J. A. ARBLUKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIUHT We sell weekly Meal . A Tickets, Cash $4.50 JlTST SHOES That's all. Wtt Bell the ben tii.ikcH at tlio lowest IHifnible price. We Hro foot titters experienced And reliuMe. C. W. PRESTON Shoe Specialist, Depot St. C O A L GOOD CPA L v In any quantity, Lowest Prices and Full Weight WOOD WO O D Fine and dry any size MILL FEED OATS CHOP BARLEY AND HAY SAVE YOUR MONEY BY TRADING WITH US. PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT. ax rrtAMrtc nriirP rACH TfiMDANY 69 Free delivery 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Retail X Ladies Attention. We will make a epeciul reiluc'ion ol '20 per 'ent on all our SPRING SUITS tin. vtreek ut the SALE. Come in out! look at them. They are the latest things on the market. Laces and embroideries 15 per cent off regular Underwear aod hosiery 15 per cent off regular Cluny lace and Applique trimmings, 15 per cent off regular price. Shoes 10-5-20 per cent off Best America!: Prints . ... .05 per yard Best quality Percale.. .-. 1 H per yd Elegaut Ladiei' Walking Skirts '. $3.51 Misses' Skirts and Wool Novelties 2.52 In fuel everything in the store articles too numerous to mention are reduced duriug tlie sale. We extend a special invitation to every lady in town, and would like to have you bring your husband that we may become acquaiutei with them also. A Shamrock will given ith every purchase of 25 cents cr over this week. La Grande Mercantile Co., Phone 1901 LA GRANDE, ..." OREGON ii y. ii now an i ure my INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its uervous strain rest it; and -at the same time Astist the Stomach and Diges tive Orgaus in Digesting and Assimulating Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Iuvoleed. There is but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KuDOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL A, Ts TELL YOU HILL, Pic-iinlfrm PruoroJct T a n..Mjn "I rtii-tltft'tJ-'H-t'1-H-t-H-t1-frtt l I I H .,, H GUOD TOWELS, 5 Cents TOILET SOAP, 3 Bars 5 Cents SPRING. GENTLE SPRING Not Yet, But it Soon Will Be. Are You Prepared for it? Triilor-Madb Suits, 25 stylos, per suit 11 to 122 50 Shirt Waists 40c to 5 00 Dress Shit l, 50 styles $2.50 to G 75 Waictings, Suitings, Trimmings, Laces. Everything in Men's Goods, Everything in f Crockery and China, Everything iu House t Furnishings, Everything i Hardware, Everything in Everything. f THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, 1308-1310-1312, ADAMS AVENUE. GOOD HOSE, Per Pair, 8 Cents MATCHES, Per Box. I Cent aiiiiunamtiiH n "1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u nnntwi niis wuinpra in TM, ' TV