LA GRANDE MORNING OBSERVER:- VOLUME III LA GRANDE, OREGON. TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH IS, 1904. NUMBER 1010 "1 I.,' ."S-.v v. v:'';V I'M i'- ;':' pM3Ui ill -t",.:;-? tf)J. No living man rau eat, or sleep, or"woik, or piny iu ill fitting t-boes: Start tlie day riglit ry putting your feet into a pair of shoes t bat. are made , to easily and , exactly fit feet. 1 iS What's the Use of Feeling Unhappy? If you've never found the ideal shoe vever bought goodneaa without fault come and see us. There's a surprise in store four you. "Keiths' Konquerors" are the kind! We sell 'era. $3.50 and $4.00. THE LA GRANDE CITY ELECTION The Chicago Store A very hundsoine and complete lino of MILLINERY now on sale at the Bargain Store. K. M. Well man & Co. . i$&4$&$t'4 '"f -. Tlie city election iB over and the city will snou again settle down to the even tenor of its ways and the muni cipal ball will roll on as rerencly as ever. ' The men elecWd are all well worthy of the confidence ropof-ed in thou; by the citizens of the city and there is no ques tion hut the administration of the city nffttira is iu care ful and business like hands The bonding question was fettled with an overwhelming majority. la fact the opposiug vole was-so slight that the vole in faver ol bi nding might be consideied unanimous. This only demonstrates that when this city wishes to join ' hands and all pull together fo. a common good,' the result is always victory. Following are the officers elecl'd: Mayor, J E Foley; Recorder, Wm Miller; Marshal, L Raybum; Treasurer, E J Walt h; Oouncilman first ward, A L Richardson; second warn, O E Fowler; and third ward, W. H. Bohnenkamp. The vote by ward was as follows: FOR MAYOR ; ' 1st. 2nd 3rd Total J E Foley, Cit, 132 194 136 462 Bird F Lewis, S 71 73 29 173 Foley's majority, 289 FOR RECORDER Wm Miller, C 127 130 91 348 HF Williams O 79 139. 75 293 Millet's majority 55 FOR MARSHAL LRjybum, C 90 140 80 310 H C Cotner, I 35 65 35 135 "WTCross, I 66 39 46 151 J Fitzgerald, S 13 25 5 43 Rayborn's plulality 159 FOR TREASURER E J Walsh, I 130 138 97 365 J M Mu.phy, C 56 104 59 219 E C Davis, S 24 30 0 63 Walsh's majority 83 COUNCILMAN FIRS . WARD A L Richardson, O 172 J D Heideureioh, Soo 26 Richardson's majority 146 COUNCILMAN SECOND WARD Q E Fowler, C 208 FSNdwsom, S 63 Fowler's majority 155 COUNCILMAN THIRD, WARD W H Bohnenkamp C 96 AT Mill C 61 Geo J Wngenor, S 5 Bohncnkamp's majority 30 ON BONDING CITY 1st ward 109 for and 9 against 2nd ward 109 for and 18 against 3rd ward 95 for and 10 against . Total 313 for and 37 against M jorily 270 The largest vole was cast for treasurer, the ttal vote' being 647. Bused on the vote for cnuucilmen, the to'itl socialist vote wi:s 84. Sixty votes were found to tic defective in (lie third ward . INDUSTRIAL OUTLOOK GOOD . The Industrie outlook for La- Grande thia season la at this time very encouraging. . The buaineaa be ing done by the buaineaa men air adj located here ia vary satisfactory. Sev eral new Brail have festabliabed them selves in- the oiiy during the pant few mnntha and express themselves aa be ing highly pleased with the palronagt rioeived.- A number ot other huei n -na onnoema are iuvet;ga lug .a Orandnaa an opening lor their pat ticnlar lines, and annie. have rxprtvwrd a determination to come here aa eoon aa they can secure, a li cation . ; Tlieiollouk in tlie vnlloy (or good or ips was nevet blighter. There ba bren an ahuuliance ol tain ao 1 the anil baa never Iwm in a belter oondi lion to receive the moisture, Which insures good snips. Uood aropa in sula prosperity among the (armeri and prcaperity among the farmer, makes buaineaa among the merchant and thua the outlook lor this city ami county is very promising. IN OPEN REVOLT AGAINST RUSSIA Socialist Uprising" Against the Czar Three of the Leaders Hanged Japs Sink a Russian Cruiser. . - - r t llerlin, March 14 The Vcnirwarts . (mm the II. Hindering torpedo boat but FOUND DEAD . SUNDAY MORNING Kuaeel L. Williams was found deal' in hia room - in Ftaher'a lodging house between" 8 ami 9 o'clock Sunday nioruing. Dr. Geo. L, Big tere, who had been called to see him during the night, found biui to br threatened with pneumonia. Thi oondttlon waa aglrivnted by heavy drinking, which ia believed to have been tbe immediate oauae of death He waa a aingle mau and hie n other livea in Tauonia. Coroner Henry waa notified, bnt d'd not deem an inqueet ueceasary According to inatrurtlons from hia mother, tbe body will be. burird in Odd Felluwe oemeteryliere. Illegal Voting One arrest waa made for illegal vol ing yesterday. T. a. Tlllson waa arreted and will be churned with v.jting in a ward where he is not a bonaAde resident. Mr. Till-on attempted to voto in tbe the third ward and hia vote i as chal lenge!, hut he swore it in, It ; in claimed that he had rented a room in tbe wurii a lew days prio to the ele ction lor the p.npo6 ol voting toi ceruin oandidatea. Tlie resulta of his arrest will be wntahed with consid erable interest. reports an open revolt against Kim- tian authority at Bivum, in Ihs Oancaaua b a niob led by revolution ary sooialii-ts which wafa repulsed by '.he polioe. ' It forced the gny-irnnr to wok tbe protection of tbe uiillitary ortifioatinna. 'Biz ring leaders were mbaeqnently hanged. JAPS BUNK A CRUISER ' . Tokio, Hroh' 14 Admiral Togo in H tuplementary report on Tours day's bombardment at Port Arthur aya the Jap inese would have been ible to rescue many mora Russians for the dually fito of the abore bal lerina and the close approach of ; the . orutser Novik. When the Japanese readied the 'sinking Bteregtialitohl only bod es of dead ' Kusaians were found aboard. The remainder ;f the crew are believed to : have jumped overboard. ; STILL HOLD PORT ARTHUR St. Petersburg, March 14 It U of ficially announced that the situation at Port Arthur remains unchanged. The evacuation report waa entirely unfouuded. !v . A Lone Widow. rhe death ol Mra. Rebecca Mays, ged 90 yeara, at Bristol Teun. leaves but one livicg widow of a Revolution ary soldier n tbe United States. Aotnal fighting in the Revolution ary war at Lexington: and Concord, Mass. on April 19, 1775, and tbe latt battle waa -at Yotktown Virginia which resulted io tlie sip render of Lord Oorowal ace on October 19, 1781 Peace waa deo'ared between England and the United Btatee Pept. 8, 1783 and New York waa tvaonaled Nov. 25 1783 Tbe total number or enlist ments dnring the war, waa 1 366,410, and total coat wai 1135,193,705 The United S.atee then xtendej weet to the Mississippi river south to nortb tine ol Florida, and nortb to Canada a little more than one quarter oi Its preaeut area. . Appreciate Creamery Qeorga D Q ipcIIiiio - traveling rcr resentative ol the Commercial Cream Company ol Salem wits at the Bick ers last night en route - from Li Sranr'e to North Yakima, 8ayi thk Pendleton East Oregouian.. He has been in La Qrande for sev eral days on business connected witb tlie new creamery being started there by local capital. Ha finds the hotels and grocers delighted witb the new industry aa it will enable them to get ' their supplies fresh ftom the creamery daily and will do away witb tbe old custom ol keeping bu'ter on. band until it beaomes old because of the long tlixin' no to the creamery and the delay in gulling ordera filled. ' - . The ojule lioners are also rrjoiofog to know 'It it a freab aupply of aweet cream will be alwaya'st band for ice cream and soft drinks. ' ; - j,i . . Mrs. West's Funeral The funeral services of Mrs. N. K. West ocourrcd t- the family residence at 9:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon ' and were attended by the local Circle of Women ol Woodcraft In a body The remains Wdie sent to Portland on the evening train and were aooom pauled by Mr West and daughter. Correction A mistake occurnd (In Jour oil Fri day morning in the announcement of thodateol days sale which we will re- fund. It should be February ?3, If you have any sale slips bearing that dale bring them In and receive the amount they call for, in cash, -" " "TheFalr" - J. G. MILLER'S CLOTHING . 4. 4 4 1 1 1 I 1 1 ..n.44"f4"t-4.44-H-4 . Superb orresponaence Pi apers In the line of fine correspondence papers our euperh stock loaves nothing to be desirod Kverytbiug in style, tint and llninh that has mat witb the approval of the writ ine pulilic will be found here. The stuck embraces papers in BOXcS, BULKS and TABlETi Itttt pa jiers raiiffo In price from !" conts to 01 .75. Voti oaunot (liirl ft liottT atitiurtment in the state. Hulk iBrtiru are Krowhi rapiilly lo fiivr ynu enn ut hm much or un little hh you want. It is an econom ical wuy of IjuyiiiK pnor, eHciully wIirii you havoiih hire ami varied hii H88nrttnnt to rhooM' from bh we afford you. Our Uijlct line is lBte mid well chosi'U. Have envelopes to match the liotter tuliletH. Pens, pem (la, inkfl, utuciltun, panto, HiaHora and every thinK In tlif Htationeiy line. Mitfht Hs well ue kikk! writloK paera when they'iost no more. NEWLIN DRUG CO. La Grande, Or. COMMITTES rOR FARMERS INSTITUTE The fiillowins ladies have been ap pointed on comtnitteea for tlie srasinn oi the Katin is' Institute to be held in La Qrande Wednesday afternoon: Reception Committee Mesdames Anson, Turner Oliver, Uiaoe Snndgiass, Foley, MoKennon Scribcr, Geddes, Jaa McCoy. J. M. Berry, L)l-, Finn, Tom Wode. On Rfreshmeota Mciulamea Uartlltt, Bodmnr, E. C. Mooie, Van Buren, Mulitor, Jas. Snodgrass, Carr, L. I). Knavis, A. V. Andrews, Oilier, Crpy, Ardref anil Misses Fannie McKennnn and Mar garet Kirk The musio for the institute will b (iirninhed by tlie Lylo Tuesday Muai cr.le under the direction of Mi's Har vie MoKennon. . Millinery Opening alia. J, K. For nst will have vrand mi'ltnery opeulng Bittirda', March 19. Mrr. Forrest now has lb swe lesl trimmer that ever cuih t La Grande and will have ton.elbin. extra fine to allow the ladle, oeit Saturday. WE ARE SOLE DISTRIBUTORS o' t lit -t oil kin. wit liui' (if clitini.-.h, lxiiKtly. in itio, lionostly i -c 1 olniliiii. Tue "MILUCIl" linunl ititatlieii to tt'ti ltin; is ii i'ii iratt'eo (lint "lli fiiiriiiont is the licst in I'nlirii' in tl ii i n k- tlmi i'. in h i put tnni'ilmr u' tno price. It is rut. ii- it limili! lit-, tiitnle t.i fit ntitl sowoil with regard to wo.f li in not tint loneat priced ttlti: lung you cun buy- bu it ) MtHi'liilcly I II IJ tlie co.-1. Union Maiib. U EST Unit ont bo bought ut $10.00 SUITS Wliielt yn , will lmve trouble in -' mulching . at $12.50. VVe don't ek you to tnke our word. . Come and see them fur yourself. Large n&Rortinenl iu . latest pittertM. ' For smartness of style, porfeclion in fit and atten tion to the smallest dotail which goes to make a right ' down to the minute suit ' that will please the most fuslidioua dresser our suits , from $12.50 to $20.00 : . are alit-oluloly the be-it wo have ever shown, We have N thotn in patterns which find only at tho exclusive , tailors. ' Golf Shirts ln VJUII OIllllS cty f ,,attBrn. every one of t) em hrai.d new. A vim to our shirt depirtin.'iit will cunvliii e you thni can eellafy yrfur every want 60c tu 1.00. I-'.')JiL"-"f, 1 one p ." Jiavaneun lines nut suuh a vuriedi' ; ment in styles aiid , van ami you, wiia..rour nat j m M r J A 1 ! J stylet, I'M Ml fTTf I mini m imiiHMiimiiniitminiiinH h