TEN March 8th In order to clear the space for my Spring line of carpets I will offer: 1.25 Moquottes for $ ,95 1.25 Velvet for 90 1.10 Bruesells for 70 1.10 All wool 3-ply for 75 .75 All wool Ingrain for 57 .60 Hilf Wool Ingram for. . . 35 .50 Cotton cloth Ingrain for .30 Aa they appear in ray show window ranging from 3 yards to 30 yards at cost and below cost. REDUCED PRICES On al! styles of carpets during March, and will give one National carpet sweeper, worth $3, with each purchase of 50 yds of all wool carpet. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY My undertaker H. B. H ISTEN, will respond promptly to all culls, day or night E. ANDROSS HOUSE FURNISHINGS OFFICERS: H. Smith ..President J. M. Ukkiiy Vine Tiesiilent J. M. Church Cashier F. I. Mkykhs Asst. Cwihier 3055 La Orande National B nk La Grande. Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 Transacts a geueral banking business. Buys and sells ''exchange en al) parts (if the world. . The Stoddard Lumber Company IS DOING BUSINESS AT THE .... LA GRANDE PLANINGMILL 1 1. L. LADIF.S.-We are prepan.l lo make vourdresse, l-"-J''l" fashion, at renson.l.le pri-s. ' also do Plain se.in. Itesidence two blocks north f the little hnok s- hl house. Phone 5i-. Mrs Lewin 4 Miss c'milh DKYS to 18th. Phone 9-1 Residence Phone 367 1202 Adams Ave DIRECTORS: J. M. Berry, J. M. Chimin A. B. Oonley, It. Smith L. (!. Stanley Collections a specialty. Have you a in Chicago or Kansas City or Texas or any where ele, for whom you want to buy a ticket to this city? If you have, call at this office and let us arrange matters for you. You deposit with us enough money to cover transportation, as also incidental expenses of the journey; we do the rest. B. COftHAW, Canaral Aont, 140 Third SI., Portland, Or. A lecure will ! eiven by Rt. Rev 0.1 II Redly on M'rnh 10. at w ,( lemv, hall. A' the same lime an nieriainnienl wiil I given oi.nna--inu of a quartette and aevaral aelie- loitAoytne memoirs ui i"-i choir aud pupilk of the academy. HELP THE BAND W. A. Simpson gives an Unsolicited Statement on Patronizing the Ball this Evening. Editor Observer: I would like a little spaoe in your valuable paper to air my viewa on the subjeot ol the Ball given (hit evening by the band. No one will disagree with me when 1 make the statement that a first olaea bund ia a oredit to any city. There is material in La Grande for the 'inking ol aa good an organization if not batter than the miiistrel band lieiud on the street Wednesday. The expense of maintaining snob an organization ia great and usually falls upon the band boys themselves with bui little remuneration in re turn. The position can be sumed up in a very few words Campaign sea son is approaching and this band should be made a permanent affair. The Loye need uniforms. Every public spirited citlicu should puicbase a tic ket aud swell the fund to at leant two hundred dollars and to those up on whose ears the words danoe and ball has a raspiug Bound, but still en joy a summers evening open air con cert, don't let your predudioe over come your good nature. You need not attend the ball, just keep the open air coucert in your mind and step over to the manager of the band and hand him a dollar. I will say that this article is unsolicited by the band but with 30 years exporieuee as director of bands and orchestra's, I know something of the labor and expense attached to the keeping up of an or ganization if this character. Reap, yours, W. A. Simpson Member of No. 83, National league of musicians. PORTLAND LOCAL Eggs, fresh vallev 26uts, eastern, 26c butler, creamiry 60e and firstolaes dairy 60c oer roll. Potatoes 60cta per saok. Apples, 50c. to76cts. per box. Cabbage, ljct. yet lb. Turkies, 10 cts. lb. live weight. CEREALS Wheal 74c tcbOc per bu. Oats 1.10 per cental , Barley 80c per cental Portland Markets The steady decline in Eastern and foreign markets has taken the life out of the local wheat market. Buyers and sellers are fartl.er apart than ever and business is at a siandttill, with the t. ue deoidedly weak. WHEAT Walla Walla, 75c; blue-stem, 79c; Valley, 80. BARLEY Feed, ?22 per ton, blew ing,$24; rolled ?25. FLOUR Valley, $3.90 and 3.95 per (-arret; bar dwheatstraights. 4 20 and 4 10; clears, 1:1.85 and 4.00; hard what patents, 1 4.00 and 4 10 J Dakota hard Statement to the Public lie it tu.uwli : That I, James M. Murphy, hiving hi-in duly announced .ii the nuiilr M'.hi 0'nviitiiin ol Ix i i wn I. Wrunde (He t tUx , nominei1 for fit i iliwul City Tr'.iMi!tr to be voted for ai tlw; cotnnik; mty elt MlMl liO U'llti r II V Ol.ll., fllHIil! tlilr- pubhc l .term nt : 1. 1 am unilm no f-l iihihikh id nee euhi-r n! tl.i funk- nl tli: city m l .ir-'i xi'ni v n liii.ii" c-Htting ni'o my i in n't-. Ijimtrii if t In nit y. 2. Tha- u;i n ni vi-cMou rid h- ini'll'iJ "I Hi dll It' of HUCll ( tliil', I -c.i I tf f I i vvM -nil lini.k hi ie the depotdt u' such furdri, in efpinl proporthM , is i.enrly Hr pric'liib and if cith'T bank siiMlI rc-IUMp mi the .'tiin ' ie -v. ilp. Ml, tir if ihcy .luttilft beinuur. in l he on nion nf tbp City Cout.cil, innate a such deposi tories, I sliail olli-r sncii luoda to any other hiok in this county, approved by tli" t'lty Council. 3. Thai I s.hhll t xf-ciite such botoi as ri iti.red, and one ttiat sImII meet .i e approval nl the prnpoi anihori'ies hefoie entering upon mi dii'iei, and icdoall in my power to eliminate rom Hie pn'.itica nl this city, any j'ist charge of un airneaa sgninat the ad ministration of i-uch oftice. 4. That my reaaon for making this statement at this lime, la, that 1 m more dim rauaded, Irom my ihservaiinn,and tbe discussion in the 'onvention nnminatint; ma that it fa tbe sense ol all cltasei that the heat The A. E. andS. L ' The Alpha Embroidery and .Social League ' and soma ol their friends were entertained Wednesday evening by Mrs. J. Whitby at ber home. Tbn evening was pleasantly, spent in games alter wlnoh refreshment! were served. Members present were: Mr and Mrs Jno. Anthony , Mr and Mrs Uaisten, Mr and Mrs A V Oliver Mr and Mrs O W Thomas, Mr and f Mrs J Whitby, and Misa Berger. Their were present aa guesta Grandma Bobbins, Mrs Coyle. Mr and Mrs J K Wright and Mr and Mra Fluyd. City Election Notice To whom it may concern : Notice Is herohy given Uiat there will be a Gen eral Election held in the City of La Grande ;Uoion County, Oregon, on Monday the 14th day of March 1004, for the purposed electing a Mayor, Re coider, Marshal and Treasurer to serve for one year and oue councilman from each ward in said City to serve for the term of two yearn. And for the pur pose of voting npon the proposition to authorize the Council of the City of La Grande Oregon to issue and negotiate Twenty five Thousand bollara Addi tional bonds of said City for the pur pose of constructing a City Hull for said City. The polling place in the First Waid will be in tie Old Council Chambers, and the following nsmed persons have been appointed to act aa Judges and Clerks of said First Ward Judges C J McLain J P Clark and John WIIbou Clerks W V Monroe and J E Reynolds and S N Bolton. The imlling place In the Second Ward will be in the File Department lluildiug on Elm Street, and the following named persons have been appointed to aut iiajudgos and Clot ks of said Second Ward Judges II W Stoner, John Baker and V G Masterton Clerks Win Grant and I R Snook and T J Ornioml. The polling place In the Third Ward will be in the Gaugloff Bu'.ldlni; ou Fourth Street North of Jederenco Avenue. And the following named persona have been' oppoiuted toaet aa Judges anil Clerks of Biiid Third Ward, Judges Ferry Stephenson J M Hilts and L 11 Ruinnielhart Clerks Ueorge If Currey and O J Scriher and Chester Nowlin. The polling pieces will be open from 9 o'clock A M to 5 o'clock P M of said 14th day of March 1904. Dated this 3rd day of March 1904. H T Williams Recorder of .the City of La Grande Union County, Oregon. AND MARKETS. wheat, $5.40 and $6.01); graham, $3.90, whole wheat, f4; rye wheat, $4.60 aud 4.75 OAI'S No. 1 white, $1.17 J; gray f 1.10 per centr.l. MILL8TUFF8 Bran, $18 per ton; middlings, $23; shorts, $19; chop, U. 8. mills, $18; linseed, dairy tood $19 HAY Timothy, $10 per too; clov er, $12; grain, $12; cheat, $13. PKOOUCB Potatoes, CO to 75 cents per seek. Onions 80 cents to $1.00 per sack. Eggs Oregon, 30 32J cts, 18'rn 25 2c iiutter Creamery, 27,1 nd 30o. Dairy, 20 and 22c, store 1616Jc lb Poultry Chickens, mixed lOo per pound, spring. lOo and hens, lUc , turkeys live, 17 and 18c lb dressed 18 and 20c lb-, ducks, $0 and 7 er doz. geese, 8c lb. LIVESTOCK Cattle Best stecrB $4.25 and $4 00, medium, 4.00; cow. $3.25 and $4.00 Hogs Best large, lat $5.25; medium large fat 4.75 Hboep Best weather $3.60; mixed sheep $3. method of wiping out what is con munly k owi. as "the hauk fight," is to Heal 'loth factions fairly hut firmly- In witi. ens whereof I have hereunto i.ia'f'd my ham' and sent, litis 8 li day ol M.in h, I!) 14. skai. Jamkk M Muhi'HV 1 1. pn s c- of F. rt Ivasiiok m. Chant ."Mlh.rr ll'irl nil worn lo lielore llur il.iy ol M-n "i, I '.I 4. Win (i If ANT Jimi.C" ol the The World's Pair Route Tli-ni' anlii'i. inl;iig an Kat'rn trip, or ia visit to the Louisiana l'linhai-e expo ttition at St. I.nifl, oitmol a mini lo overlotik tlio R'lvitiitinff-a nWvrvA by the M imimu'ri Pa 'ric Haii-wav, which, on arciuiil of itri vflfioun routus and Kate- ways, Iihh iiwii iipT'priHicly iiam'l T)ih WrirM'ti Fair Route." Iisfiii.:(.rn from tho NortliwcMt tak Uih Mihouiii pacific IrahiH from I)en- or i'm lilo, h it ti the rhfnre of either Koinji dlreet ihroiili the KiitiMM Cllv, via Wichita, Fort Hcott and I'leiiHuut Hill. Two train daily from Denver and Pnetilo to Ht. 1iuis without change, carrying nil clanwii of inclern ei n I la ment. inc'luiliriK electric lighted uhcr vatlon parlor cafe dining cam. Ttn duily trainx between Kansas City aud .St Louie. Write, or call on W. C. McHride, it?neral Anetit, 121 Third ptreet, Port land, for detailed Information and ill unrated literature. 32 tf Classified Ads I FOR 8 ALE Two acret tract, East nf the La Grande Flouring iifcll, one half in good bearing orchard. Snjall cottage, and good barn. Will sell for fash or will trade for good work horaost L O Grout r T F J La Grande, Ore. for sale I150O buys this property, eight lota or of Block 5 In Acme addition to La Grande also-flne acre lot joining. All well fenced, with bouse and small barn new wind mill and 1700 gallon tank and pipes with plenty water to irrigate all, splendid soil, a young orchard also. For additional information address box 371 Laurande, Oregon. FOR SALE Indian Runner Duok fens, thor ough bred imported stock, i nly a Uni ted number. W. N . Monroe, La- Grande. 99-8 d 4 w. FOR RENT Four room collage, with good well, apply at the Model restuarant, MISCEtANEOUS. 95 cents (or Warrants. The Farmers & Tradera National Bank will pay 95 oenta on the dollar for your City warrants issued by the Ciiy of La Grande on General fund in payment ol bills against the City. NOT10F! One of tbe best locations n Eastern Oregon for a Hardware Store. For particulars call oo or writs Haines Real Estate Oo. Haines Oregon. WANTED Two girls to learn the millinery trade at once, luquira of M ra J R Forrest. tf. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that my wife Uattie Eniick having loft my lied and board without just cause, and of her own free will, and without my consent. I hereby give notice that I wil) not be responsible for any hills she may con tract from this date. O J Einick. La Grauilo, Mar. 1 1004 BOARD AND ROOM Pleasant rooms ami good board for gentlemen. Inquire at 001 T stroet known as the Hughes house. 3 4 tf LADIES ATTNTION During the month of March I will make any shirt waist al tho greatly re duced price of from 60 conls to 1.2o. Mrs Ettie E Wines. Roaideuce on 0th st between OA. N D..wi-4,-l. INVESTORS fiStrr- mouth can be made by parties who can iuvest from $500 to $1500. One eastern investor made $(15,000 in 1903, call or write for particulars The Wm. R. White Co., 812 Pine 8t Portland, Oregon. I'IL.11 specialists for men, con tinue to cure all chronic, private and nervous ailments, of importance, skin diseases, lhemstistn, catarrab, etc Dr. A. C. Sioddard, Ph G for 27 years medical director. 74 sixth St., Portland, Or. Ill Yeeler Way, Beat le, Wash. Call or write. Express and Delivery Adna Rogers, Phone 1821. All oalla receive prompt attention. General express aud delivery business. T 1 Wood for Sale. A large quantity of 10 in. wood for sale. Inquire of Kowe & Herrman in Old Town or Phone 172-3. All ordora promptly delivered tf. FOR SALE A good work team gentle and kind will sell cheap for cash, one set harness and 14 Mitchel spring wagon for par ticulars inquire at Goddess Bros Grocery store or a o ine at Cinder Pit Ruund house. 3-11-25 A. P. Norton. La Grande Investment Company, 1110 Adams Avenue, CREAM WANTED Farmers, bring your cream to'us and we will pity tho very highest murket price for it. At tht jprosont price of butlor it will pay you far better to sell the cream than to churn it. We are igents for the famous DE LAVEL separulor. The best made. COVE CREAMERYjCOMPANY, . E. O. Harper, Mgr. Heudquurters at Hill & Allen's, La Grande. Geddes Bros. Why are Ueddea Bros, kept so busy? Why do they sell tbe beet foods at the lowest prices . 'referred St'k Tomatoes 3 for 50c . Preferred Stock Corn 8 for 50c Preferred 8tock Salmon 3 for 50a Preferred Btodk Peas S fof 60o Preferred Stock Beans 8 for SOo Don't pay other grocers 20 cents a can for any of these goods. Standard tomatoes, corn, beans peas, etc., 'J for 'is cents. They have the beat butter made In the va'ley, and their creamery butter has no equal here. Try It and see. Dill picklea, Helnze'a mince meat. Swift's pickle pig feet, premium hams, loose olives. Everything tasty, nice and cheap Telepnon 401 . Geddes Bros. SACRED HEART ACADEMY La Grande, Oregon. , Oonduoted by Bisters ol Bt. Franc) Select boarding and day school for Young Ladles Academic, Preparatory and Kined garten courses are aouduoted on the same principles as those pursued In our sohools of Philadelphia, . . Musio and painting receive apocia Mention Letters'of inquiry directed to '' SI8TER SUPERIOR DeWitt DaWItt Is th. earns tak fcr wlwa Eu n to taif Witch Hull Salra, Witt's Witch Hual Sarra la lha orlrlnal and only ttmrina. la fact DaWIH'alatha onlvWIUh Haul Salra that la mad from tha anaduKaratad Witch-Hazel AH ottwra u oountaift1tr-bM fml tation. cheap And wonhlflM area dintanwi. DflWltl'i Witch Hutl Sahra it a ipecino (or Pllti; Blind, Blaadfnr. ItcMrtfVKlProtrijlngPllaa, AlaoCula, Burnt, Bniliea. Spnlna, Lacarattooa. Contusion, Bolia, Carbunclei, Ecu ma, Tettar.Salt Rlvautm, and ail otbar Skim IX Ma. SALVE niMaao ar E.C. DeWitt i Co.,ChicM For Sale by MILL & ALLEN av"i JaajMaa& O f SPICES q COFFEE,TEA, BAKIN9 POWDER. FUVODINCEXTRACTS AbMlultPurlry. Finest Flavor. (jrtarcstSrmith.fitawnabltfrices. CLOSSETftDEYERS PORTLAND, OREGON. THE IDEAL HOME for a man ia his own homo. He'will take pride in ami improve ft. Hu can potter nrniinil in Ins spare time anil add iintiy things to its curnlort and np- p'irncfl Anil wh l Inn d"inn il Yun can have nna nt those homos il V"n ui' Hb.iucit riht. Consult us w can lull yun how. It cloou not titiire a largn aninunt of cash. Any thrifty man earning fair wait" Ciin pay nlT the balance. Diin't be homeless auy lonser. La Qiande, Oregon I m Handgome Men - Should protect their r beauty by seoing that . tliny have only , COMPETENT BARBER ; . To shave ; them. We will protect your , lace Evans & Fitzgerald A BUSINES PROPSITION. Why pay high p.ices for Hay . Feed, Wood and Lumber, when you save money by buying of us. We are in a position to undersell all other dealers in in Union county, and beiievd to our advantage to do so. A trial order will convince you that we are not ortlvjable to undersell, but are doing so. We have combined the Lumber business with our Feed business and would be pleased to figure with you when in need of Lumber. Try a months busi with us and see for yourfelf Yours for money saving, LARSON &NOE LA GRANDE, Cor. Jefi'erson Ave. and Fir St, - Ill . Oregon KiraaVW aWiUr Union Pacific t K il LAORANUB. : NO. 8:60 p, tn. NO, 6. 8:10 n. m. Halt Laka. Donver Ft. I NO. 1 . no h . Worth. Omaha. Kantwii ttUdKtut. 1 10:;to p.m niriiiniiu, UHiivni i tiiw NOl. SifiOa ra tllOUm, Willll. Wallft.l Davton. Fo mero . NO 0.06 p m ColfUx, Mtwcow,Bpo-l nauu minus -tl th via Hpo hano. PoHlnnd. UhIIpa, Pcu NO 6 9:1ft p m d ouin Umatilla wei- lulu. l.ewlnton.Col(kx Muhcuw, WalHiowWar other potula east aud uortn via gpoKmiu. Hvi Daily I 'iland City. Alloc! Imbler, and EIkIu connections atftigln BtindHy 9:16 r run Riage ior punt In Wallowa county Ocean Btcnmers betweoo Portland and Ban Francis o evory live days Please Note. Our Success And Irjoroase of business from July IS, 1801, to July 15, 1903, 13 years. Surplus fund accum ulated $1 2, SO 0.0 0 Capital paid In .... 6 0,0 0 0.0 0 Reliability of share holders. 6 0, 0 0 0.0 0 Protection to de positors $13 2, B0 0.0 0 Deposit subject to check were, on s : "' July 15, 1891 18P8 . " 1893 " 1894 " 1895 " 1896 ja " 1897 . " 18118 " 1899 " 1000 " 1901 ' 11)02 1903 r-i il,B9 8..15 7 7,3 0 9.99 , 27,2 2 0.13 20,041.64 42,3 4 8.11 84,397.70 43,j 4 7.59 7 8.7 7 0.iJ5 8 8,7 6 0.10 8 0 , 7 0 3.90 8 8 ,7 2 1,67 7 7,2 4 5.38 1 8 2 .1 0 3.76 Docs not thn 'nhnvn Hvnsna u. sure you that tho mamij-umont of this hank meets witn the appnjval of Its board of directors and pat rons; and deserving of your patronage. We want your bunk ing business, large or small. Your Interest will be protected at the Farmer, and Traders National Bank La Grand, Orrjon- STALLION NOTICE i A great opportunity for you to breed to oue of the oest at 'a I v very low price. I will lnalcles this season with my impo'V'JjjJJs fmaous Hojkney stallion ,Jnd s STQNTNEY T4SH'iy, With return privil " able in advancp'"'!1 terms. Can gi cei as to his yjat , r m