.... irmutr w.jafS'fc, a. f )-3 Less than GOStT:'J::-;:-- ; ' ' 1 have a few odd patterns of dishes that I am closing out at greatly reduced prices, to make room for new stock . . Now ia the time to purchase. ' Notice the prices ia our window. MRS. T. N. MURPHY Hardware and Graniteware A FEW OBSERVATIONS BY OUR REPORTERS SPECIAL SALE ' ' Of everything we have iu second bead goods, aleo , . snaps ou city property which we have, and will sell on the installment plan. " Lots, $50 to $100. Residences, $250 to $1000. SECOND HAND GOODS Spray Pumps $7.50 Winchester, 80-30 7.50 ' j Good s'ng machine 1.00 Pillows ;,. .60 to 1.25 Sipgle harness : 4.00 Bed Quilts $ .50 Shotgun 3.50 Lamps .25 and up Trunk 2.00 Gasoline lamp - 3.50 MONEY TO LOAN The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams. Remember" w itill bay ud tell all klnde of Second Hud Goodsjf 'J t jt ... j 'Phone 1581 TURKESTAN ALFALFA, The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gation. ' BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House in Union County. A. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 : Wanted. A dining room girl at the Model Reataurant. tf . . Mrs J E Dlshman, of Elgin (pent yesterday in the city. Ellli Kirtley returned from a risit to Chehalla, yesterday morning. Mian Anna McAliater of Eu tor prise, ia vlaiting in the city a few daya aa aiie ia on her way to Pendleton. The Wbist Club will be entertained thie afternoon by Mrs Uiven and Mra Snodgraee at the home of Mra Given. Mra Chaa Kineey will leave tbia morning for Portland to Join Mr Kinaey. Mra Mc Call returned from Spokane yesterday morning and reports her daughter's health is maim improved. A Eaton and wife were over from Union yesterday to attend the Prohibition Convention. ' Mra P A Black, who haa been quite ill for the past week, la reported to be slowly improving. Harry Benton of Elgin will preach in Central Church of Christ tins evening at 7:30. Mra Graham and Mra Knllingtoii were over yesterday from Union and were the guests of Mra Shearer. The Misses Catherine and Noma Black will leave this morning fur Cove to spend aome time itu their cousin, Mrs Geo II tiolmea. Hove Baker of the Methodist church and Barton ol the Piesbyterian church, were over from Uuion yesterday to at tend the Prohibition Convention. The aubject for the sermon at the M E Church this evening will be "Christ's power on earth to torglve sin. 1'ho prayer meeting will be held at the home ,f Mra Hacket. We are informed that the Observer was in error yesterday morning, in Btat- ing that J D McKcuuon bad pnrihased the Ormond grocery Btock, as the sale haB not ytt been consummated. Willie Marks, a youug man from Shelton, Neb., who has been visiting at the home of Mr and Mis C Walker on North Birch street for several days, left yesterday morning for Brattle and Bound points. Mr Marks ia in Bearch of health and a permanent location. A very delightful programe was rendered by the memltors of the Donata Literary Bcciety Monday afternoon, at the Bacrod Heart Acadainy. The most interesting feature being a humorous recitation by Musior BylveBter Hcuipe. Several new u, embers joined the Society and ull wero woll pleased. I Mr J P McMiintis, publisher of the Pilot liiiuk Kueunl, pphl the Observer a pleasant call 1-iwt m-cuing. Ho Iiub heu in the nowHpaper business tor thiity years, and established the Peu- leton Tiibuna and the North West Live Stock and Wool Growers Journal. Editor Mc Mauus is a very pleasant genllomati and au ontertainiug talker. Prohibition Rally The Central Cbnrcb of Christ was packed laat night with people who lis tened eagerly to the masterly presen tation of prohibition principles by Senator Oliver W. Stewart. Eugene Knox baa lost none ol bis ounning and his readings were vastly entertain log as well as calculated to point a moral. The singing by the Knox trio was excellent. The Prohibition Party ia lending all its energies this year to ward obtaining the auccesa of the local option law next June. Mr. Stewarts ap;eoh has been character ized as tbe most seusible and logical presentation cf the purposes and prin ciples of Prohibition ever bard in La-Grande. Why Go to Some Un experienced Man to got your measure taken (or u suit of clothes and then cutne and pay us live - dollars to fix them up for you? Come to uswe have tailors to take measure and can give you a fit, $13 and up. This is our business Wearo tailors. "Ross & Andrews, TAILORS AND GENTS FURNISHINGS. Trainmen Ball La Grande Lodge No. 315 K. o! L F. will give a Grande ball Marcb 17 at the Comraeroial Club hall. Tickets $1.00 Extra ladies 50 cents. The best of musie will be furnished and a roysl good time af-surd three yearly payments, bearieir inter! at the ratea of 0 per rent per annnm. The purchaser can remain where bo is, make no irainedia e change in his bueineea or home interests, making his present business pay for bis investment, sacrificing no time while tbe orchard is being brought into bearing -condition, and rest assured that skilled borticul-1 turaiiBia win uo me wora ueiier ma.- he can unless he has had horticultural experience under conditions existing in Oregon. After trees have bad scientific care, pruuing and shaping for three years, tbe subsequent work ia mt'cb more methodical and can be success fully done by those without horticul tural skill. As an Investment it Is gilt edge; and is the nearest possible approach to a guaranteed annuity. We have all our work done by con tract and the contractors are under heavy bonds to us for the faithful per foimance of their ork. We have executed a bond to the amount of $10,000, and have appointed Hon. J. M. Church, cashier of the La Grande National Bank, trustee. tot further particulars see M. L. CAUSEY, President Eastern Oregon Colonizing Company. Folev-Roesi h Bldg, La Grande. Ore. D.-W.-4.-1. The Minstrels Ward and Wades minstrels played last evening to a full house. The show pleased the audience and every one went away well satisfied. The orches tra is deserving ol special mention as it was far above the average. Council Meeting At the mooting of tlio city council last evening an onlinauce was puneod ox- tend inn the water nut ins to district aorofs the track ami qIho through that portion of old t-jwn and the sent ion lie low the hill which Is commonly known asthoflitt. This extension will require about four thousand feet of pipe. A petition was also read asking for a side walk on that portion of J tiler son ave nue between O and N Btreeis. This ex tension to the water mains will be ap preciated by a lurenuiiiber of rexidoutB who Imve hereto for . been without tire protection. City Election Notice To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that there will he a Gen eral Election held in tbe City of La Grande ;Union County, Oregon, on Monday the 1 Itti day of March 1004, for the purposeof electing a Mayor, Re corder, Marshal and Treasurer to serve 1 for one year and one councilman from each ward in said City to serve for the term of two years. And for the pur pose of voting npon the proposition to authorize the Council of the City of La Grande Oregon to issue and negotiate Twenty five Thousand Dollars Addi tional bonds of said City for the pur pose of constructing a City Uall for said City. The polling place In the First Ward will be in t.ie Old Council Chambers, and the following nsmed persons have been appointed to act as Judges and Clorks ol said First Ward Judges C J Mcl.ain J P Clark and John Wilson Clerks W N Monroe and J E Reynolds and S N Bolton. The polling place in the Second Ward will be in the Fire Department lluilding on Elm Street, and the following named persons have been appointed to act as Judges anilCleiks of said Second Ward Judges H W Stoner, John Baker and W G Mnsterton Clerks Win Grant and 1 R Snook and T J Ormond. The polling place in the Tiiird Ward will be in the Uangloff BuMding on Fourth Street North of Jell'erence Avenue. Ami the following named persona have been oppoiuted to act as Judges anil Clerks of said Third Ward, JudgeB Perry Stephenson J M Hilts and L II liuinmolhart Clerks Ueorge II Currcy and C J Scriber and Chester Newlin. The polling phcos will be open from 9 o'clock A II to 5 o'clock P M of said Mth day of March 1004. " Dated this 3rd day at Marcli 1004. II T Wii.uamb Rocorder of tbe City ol La Grande Union County, Oregon. SOMMER HOUSE 3-3-tf .Ira Matt Mitchell Cove, Oregon. naoiiarurip I butter works, and a lam rlieeso-iireiw 'lron dauvi . - i atura ol tne vove uramari -$sIgtat bora power englna ' mr hollar, chnrn and J P Hrowu Chlrago F Trulm Kltfin J K Bradley St Louis J LI Stoddard Sumptor I .eon Stoddurd do A K Andrews do T K Trnhm Klin J Youiivj do will VanaHHche do M tt I. mover do A M Inlyus Oniaho I 11 Craner Kansas City V V iVrver Los Vocs New Mexico C 11 Sl.opnrd Portland U K Coyne ilo A lloyd Spt-kane II H Catton Walla Walla D Ahloit San KntnciHco FOR RENT Five room cottage. Inquire of Miss Berger, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notico Is hereby niven that Dr. O. W, HiirirtTH nn nn December 30, 1!H)M, ap- l-ointed executor of (he last will and tPBtatneut of Msry M Bipifers. deceased by aider of the County Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Union All claim against said o.itiite must be presented to him at Ia Grand)', or to T. II . Crawford, his attorney, at Union, duly verified within six months from his date. Lit Grande, Oregon, January 15, HK)4. G. W Hirers, Executor Grande Ronde Valley Fruit Farm Consolidation The Grande Rondo Cash Co. and The Grande Ronde Produce Co. of which Metier!) IarstMi attd Noe were proprlet ors have bt-on comblneil under the name of tlio Grande Koiidc Cash Co. and will continue to do business both at the ttore room formerly u-ed by Iarxen and Noe. Phone 1116 and the mill of the Grando Ronde Canh Co. Phone 1M-1. The Comprtny are now better preparwl tlian nver to handle the coal, wood, feed and ma hinery busi ness and alt orders left at either place will receive prompt attention. It is safe to fy that this concern i so situat ed and In shape to handle their line belter than any other in the Held and a trial Mill convince the most skeptical, tf TO THE ItEAMNG PPHLIC , We have Just received a new lot ol paper back urn-els. In addition to these we have added 30(1 cloth bound hooks to our exchange library. Ncwlin Drug Co, The Grande Rondo valley fruit farm contains o'20 acre, and is to be sold in lots of of ten lots and ani up, to suit the purchaser. It is situated eight mil es north-east of Ia Grande, Oregon near the Elfin branrh of the O. R. N, aiiroad. We furnish !ie purchaser, at the end of three years, a thrifty growing apple oroharO, one that has teen cared for from setting. In the most approved manner, cultivating the land six or eight times a year, keet ing the ground well pulverized, and at all times free from weed, grass and other vegetation May 1st and August 15th of each year keeping the trees pruned iu the most scientific manner; removing and burn ing nil cutttiig and muckers, and in short, do any and all work which will be f-ir the best interest of the trees. We replant nil trees that may die in the first, second md third years, and pay all taxes for three years. We furnish tbe laud, latvr and ni-Uiial, and trees, and three years' care, at the price of 13T per acre, giving three yoars In which to pay for It. Our terms f payment are Mi per cent ol purchase price, cash: oalaoce in G OA L GO O D C O A L In any quantity, Lowest Prices and Full Weight WOOD WOOD Fine and dry any size MILL FEED OATS CHOP BARLEY A KD HAY SAVE YOUR MONEY BY TRADING WITH US. PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT. Notice to Contractors Scaled uidn will-lie received until 7 o'clock p in Wednesday March Kith 1!HM (or tbe construction of a one Biory and basement, brick and stone store build ing according to plans and BiciuVat!onf which may be seen at the resilience of A C Huntington or at the residence of C K Thornton Architect La Grande, Oregon. Bids may be for work and material or for work only. They may also be for the entire building complete or for any part of It as stone work. brick work, carpenter work etc, all ex cavating to be done by owner. lhe nndeiBigned reserves the right to reject any and all bids, A. O. Huntington SHE ENJOYS a good meal or a daint' supper Just as much as you do. If you don't believe it, just ask her to go to dinner with you at the Model Restanrani. j We take pride in s rving everything ' 'just right," and any of our patrons wiil I tell you whether we give enough or net. ; Try one of our regular 2.1c dinners ' served from 1 1 : 30 to 2 p. m. MODELj RESTAURANT J. A. AKBUUKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NlOUT We eell weekly Meal . eA Tickets, Cauli ?4'3U JUST SHOES That's all. We sell the best m.ikes at the lowest possible prices. We are foot titters experienced and relialde. C. W. PRPSTON Shoe Specialist, Depot St. GRANDE ROUNDE CASHCOMPANY. Free delivery 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Retail Important. THE LA GRANDE MERCANTILE CO. will be ready for business Saturday, March 12. Now don't fail to come in mid see our line of ladies' and children's furnhhings, slior-s, dry goods and notion?, and BUY WHILE THE BIG 30 DAY SALE IS ON, what you need for spring Remember that everything in the store will be reduced and you wi'l save money by wailing for the opening. WATCH OUR AD. We will give you some quotations. La Grande Mercantile Co., LA GRANDE, OREGON How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve . the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at the same time Assist the Stomach and Diges tive Orgaus iu Digesting and Assimulutiug Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Iuvoleed. There is but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL TELL YOU HILL & ALLEN Prpcrri.ltinn Drnaoist T fl drarA.. Or 1 -ops- T w. 4, ,- GOOD TOWELS, 5 Cents TOILET SOAP. 3 Bars 5 Cents SPRING, GENTLE SPRING Not Yet, But it Soon Will Be. Are You Prepared for it? Tailor-Made Sails, 25 - v ies, . f r suit ll 10 $-22 50 Shirt Waists 40. to 5 00 Dress Shirts, 50 styles. . f.'.S" to G 75 Waiftinga, Suitings, Trin Miiiig.--. Luces. Everything in Men's Goods, Ev. rything in Crockery and China, Everything in Houst Furnishings, Everything in Hardware, Everything in Everything. THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY, 1SP8-13UM312, ADAMS AVENUE. GOOD HOSE, Per Pair. 8 Cents MATCHES, Per Box, I Cent 0: a. m m m - 31 -ht nor!, .:.. 'try y rWf. v J