TEN BkY's March 8th to 18th. . In order to clear the space for my Spring line "of carpets I will offer: 1.25 Moquottes tor. .95 5 1.25 Velvet fjr 90 1.10 Bruesells for 70 ! 1.10 All wool 3-ply for 75 .75 All wool Ingrain for 57 I .60 H-lf Wool Ingraiu for. . . 35 ' .50 Cotton cloth Ingraiu for .30 As they appuar in ray show window ranging from Si yards to 30 yards at cflst and below cost. ; REDUCED PRICES On all styles of carpets during March, and will give one National carpet sweeper, worth 3, with each purchase of 50 ydn of all wool carpel. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY : My undertaker II. B. HISTEN, will r.ppcnj promt tly to all c.tlls, day or uight I F ANDROS Phone 91 : J- rlNi-IWJJ) Residence Phone 367 : HOUSIC KU RNKSIIlNtJS OFFICERS: R. Smith rrcs'ulent J. M. Bebkt. r. . . . Vice President J. M. Church..'. Cashier F.L. Mkykrs Aunt. (Valuer 3655 rande National B La Grande. Oieon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 TranehctB a general bauking Imeinws. Buy ft and sellB exchange on all parte of the worM, Collections a specialty. The Stoddard Lumber Company "Will Ibe ready for business in n lew days at tlie LA GRANDE PLANINGMILL LADIES. We are prepared to make A tec lire will hew:ven by Rt. Rev. jour dresses 'n all the iip-m-dalp JJ0 Reilly on Much It), at the 'iixhions at reasonable priees. We I R,aiemy , hall. AMh same time an also do plain sewing. Residence two ei,.riilllneit will he jiiveii cunsls' lilocks north of the little brick s. hml j, ,, 1)U irt(.lte BIi raVeral sel. c house. Phone 57-S U n-.. by t tie inembcra nf Ht Marj's Mrs Lewi- & Miss mi'h i -ir and ini.nl o! Ih- academy. 1 " - 1202 Adams Ave t DJRKOTOliS: J. M. Berry, J. M. Church A.B. Conley, K. Smith I.. C. Stanley SOLD AND BECOHMENDED BY A. T. Hili, Prescription Druggist. 10,000 War Horses Spokane Wash March 9 It to prob able that tbt Jsps will tide. Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon buret in their fights against the Russian Bear. A contract to aaid to have been awarded to Dr Armstrong, of Nelson, B. C , to purchase 10,000 head of horaea (or the Japanese Army. The horses are to be porchaee'l in Washington and Oregon, and are to be entailer than the regula tion cavalry hor-:es in nse in the United States Army. The contract provides that the horses are to be delivered at the rate of 1000 per month St Patrick's Dance The Brotherhood of Railroad Train men will give a grand hall in the Com mercial club on the evenicg of St Pat- tick's Dir.- Preparations are making to make this the tersichorean event ol I the season. - The following ouiniit'ee has charge ' of the dance, viz; R Eversole, George Gourley, A i.ong, Harry Walker, Ed ) PORTLAND LOCAL Eega, Iresh valluv SSuts, eastern, 2(o Battel, creannry 60o and firslolass dairy 5u per roll.' Potatoes 80ctg per saok. Appl(S,50c. to 7Acta. per dox. Cabbage, ljrit. per lb. Turkies, 10 ots. Ih. livo weight. CKKKAI.3 Wheal 74o tob'Oc per bn. Oats 1. 10 per oental ' Barley 8tle per oental Portland Market. The steady decline iu Eastern and loreign markets has taker) the life out oi the local wheat market. Buyers and sellers are farther apart than ever and business is at a standstill, witb the t. oe deoidedly weak. WHEAT Walla Walla, 75c; blue-stem, 79c; Valley, 80. BARLEY Feed, 22 per ton, brew iiit,$24; rolled $26. FLOUR Valley, If 3 .90 and 3.95 per tarrel; bar dwbeatBtratghts, f.4.20 and 4 10; elears, 3.8.ri and 4.00; hard what pateuts, $4.00 and 4.10; Dakota bard Statement to the Public Be it known: Thai I, James M. Murphy, having been duly announced at the regular Muss Convention of the citizens ol La Grande the regular nominee for tbeclBce of City Treasurer to be voted lor at the coming city elec tion do under my oath, make this public statement: 1. 1 am under no obligations to use either of the banks of this city as a deoositury of funds comiug into my hands, belonging to the oity. 2. That upon my election and as sumption of the duties of suob - office, I shall offer to each oltho banks here the deposit of such funds, in equal proportions, as nearly as practioable; aid if eithar bank shall refuse me the court sies ol such deposit, or if they should b6coui, in the opinion of the City CouLCil, unsafe as such deposi tories, I shall iffer sucii funds to any other bank in this county, approved by the City Council. 3. That I shall execute such bond as required, and one that shall meet the approval nf the proper authorities before entering upon mv duties, and tudoall in my power to eliminate from the politics ol this city, any just charge ol unlairness against the ad ministration of suob office. 4. Thar, my reason for making this statement, at this time, ib, that I am more than persuaded, rotn my observation, and the discussion in the convention nominating nte that it is the sense of a1! Hisses that .he best When your lungs are sore and inflamed from coughing;, is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply. FIIDLEY': HOtJEV AND TAR stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is a safe and never failing remedy for all throat and lung troubles. The Doctor! Said Hi Had Coniumpllon - k Marviloui Cur. L. M. Ruggles, Reasoner, Iowa, writes: "The doctors said I had con sumption and I got no better until 1 used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It helped me right from the start and stopped the spitting of blood and the piin in my lungs and today I am aound and well. THREE SIZES 25o, BOo, and ffl.OO REFUSE 8UBSUITUTES TOreis, George Henry, George Graham and E Walters. The price of tickets to one dollar per oonple; extra Isdy fifty cents. PARE TO ST. LOUIS FAIR Chicago, March 9 A committee of the Transcontinental Pass nger Asso ciation today decided to recommend to the general meeting of the association the adoption of "circuit rates" for the St I.ouis Expoa.tion from Pacific Coast points. Under thia arrangement, the rate from the Coast to 8t Louis through Chicago will be $75, (07 60 direct to St Louie and $72 50 direct to Chicago through St Louis. The question of stopovers being allowed here waa not settled. The committee also decided to recommend adoption of homeaeokers rates, good the first and third Tuesdays in May, June, September and October, to all points. The general meeting of the association will be held here to- morrow. ' . AND MARKETS. wheat, ,6.40 and $0.00; graham, $3,90, whole wheat, $4; rye wheat, $4.60 and 4.75 OATS No. 1 white, $1,171; gray $1.10 per cental. MILlBTUFFS Bran, $18 per ton; middlings, $23; shorts, $19; chop, U 8. mills, $18; linseed, dairy lond $19 HAY Timothy, $10 per ton; olov er, $12; grain, $12; cheat, $13. riloDUCK Potatoes, 00 to 76 cents per sack. OnicnB 80 cents to $1.00 per saok. Eggs Oregon, 30 32i ota, F''rn 25 29o Butter Creamery, 27) and 30o. Dairy, 20 and 22Jo, store 1516Jo lb Poultry Chickens, mixed lQo per pound, spring, lOo and hens, JOc, turkeys live, 17 and 18o lb dressed 18 and 20o lb., ducks, $6 and 7 . er dor., geese, 8c lb. LIVESTOCK ' Cattle Best steers $4.26 and $400, medium, 4.00; cows $3.25 and $4.00 Hogs Best Urge, fat $5.26; medium large fat 4.76 Sheep Best weathers $3.60; mixed sheep $3. method of wiping out what is com monly known as "the bank fight," is to treat bath factions fairly but firm- In witness whereof I have hereunto placed my haur and aeal, this 8th day of March, 1904. Skal James M. Morfhy In presence of f. s. ivanhok Wm. Ghant. Subscribed an J sworn to before me this 8th day ol March, 1904. Wm. Grant, Justice of the Peace. The World's Fair Route Those anticipating an Eastern trip,, or a visit to the Louisiana PurcliBBa expo eition at St, Louis, cannot afford to overlook the advantages offered by the Missouri Pacific Railway, which, on account of Its varioua routes and gate ways, has been appropriately named "The World's Fair Route." Passengers from the Northwest take the Missouri facikio trains from Den ver or Pueblo, aith the choice of either going direct through the Kansas City, via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill. Two trains dally from Denver and Pueblo to St, Louis without change, carrying all classes ol modern equip ment, iucindinr electric lighted obser vatlon parlor eafe dining cars. Ten iluily trains lie! ween Kansas City and St Louis. Write, or call on W. C. McBride, General Afrent, 12-1 Third street, Port land, for detailed information and 111- iistntod literature. :t-2 tf aa?anenQhsasaaiZaA I J Classified Ads FOR SALE Two acre tract, East of the La Grande Flouring mill, one bait to good bearing orchard. Small cottage, and good barn. Will sell for cash or will trade for good work horses. 10 Grout TP La Grands, Ore, " FOR BALE ' ' ' 1600 boys this property, eight Iota or of Block 6 In Acme addition to La Grande also one acre lot joining. All well fenced, with house and small bam new wind mill and 1700 gallon tank and pipes with plenty water to irrigate all, aplendid soil, young orchard also. For additional information address box 371 La u rande, Oregon. . FOR SALE Indian Runner Duok eggs, thor ough bred imported stock, inly a lira led number. W. N. Monroe, La- Grande. , ; - 99 2 d 4 w. FOR RENT Four room cottage, with good well, apply at the Model restuarant. MISCEIANEOUS 05 cents' for Warrants. The Farmers St Tradera National Bank wilt pay 95 oeuta on the dollar for your Oity warrants issued by 1 the City of La Grande on General fund in payment of bills against the City. 1 ' NOTICF One ol the best locaiiona n Eastern Oregon for a Hardware Store. For partienlara call oo . or write Haines Heal Estate Co. Haines Oregon. 1 1 ',' NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that my wife ffattie Emick having left my bed and board without Just cause, and of her own free will, and without my consent I hereby give notice that I will not be responsible for any bills she may con tract from this date. O J Emick. La Grande, Mar. 1 1904 WANTED Two girls to learn the millinery trade at once. Inquire of Mrs i B Forrest, . ,. tf... BOARD AND ROOM Pleasant rooms and good board for gentlemen. Inquire at 601 T street known as the Hughes house. 3 4 tf, .. LADIES ATTNTION During the month of March I will make any shirt waist at the greatly re duced price of from 50 cents to $1.25, Mrs Ettle E Wines. Residence on 9th st between O A. N D.-W.-4.-1. . INVESTORS fer 00'0 month can be made by parties who oan invest from $600 to $1500. One eastern investor made $66,000 in 1903, call or write for paiticulara Tbe Wm. R. White Co., SIS Pine St Portland, Oregon. ' "ll a srjeoialtiata for men. con tinue to cure all obronio. private and nervous ailments, of importanoe, skin diseases, ihematisin, oatarrab, etc. Dr. A. G. Stoddard, Ph G for 27 years medical direotor. 74 sixth St., Portland, Or. . Ill Yeeler way, Beet le, Wash. Call or write. , Express and Delivery Adna Rogers, Phone 1821. All calls receive prompt attention, Oeneial express and delivery business, 1 1 T I Wood for Sale. A large quantity of 16 in. wood for lie. Inquire of Rows A Herrman in Old Town or Phone 172-3. All orders promptly delivered tf, 0RS. BIGCEKS & BIGGER I-ifrsrctAMS and flnaatons U. W. Diggers, M. I). Geo. U. Bigger., M. IX Telephons Nos. Oltlce, 1821 - Residence, 41 Omre, KalsUin Hulltltna over J. M, Berry's duor vest of lormur residence, Dr. U. W.tilggera LAGHANUtC ; ORKQON Ptofesslnnal calls nmmntlr attended to, oav or night. La Grande 1110 Adams Avenue, Investment 1 cream Wanted , Farmers, bring your cream to ui and we will pay the very highest market price for it. At thejpresent price of butler to sell the cream than to churn it. We are igents for the famous DE LAVEL separator. The best made. COVE CREAMERYCOMPANY, E. O: Harper, Mgr. Headquarters' at Hill A, Allen's, La Grande. Geddes Bros. Why are Geddes Bros, kept so bnsyt Why do they sell the best goods at the lowest prices . Preferred St'k Tomatoes S for 50c Preferred Stock Corn 8 for 60c Preferred Stock Salmon 3 for 50c Preferred Stodk Peaa - 8 fof 500 Preferred .Btook Beans S for 50s Don't pay other grocers 90 cents a can lor any of these goods. Standard tomatoes, corn, beans peas, etc, 2 for 25 cents. They have the best butter made ' in the valley, and their creamery butter baa no equal here. Try tt and see. Dill pickles, Helnie's mince meat. Swift's pickle pig feet, Sremlum bams, loose olives. Iverythlng tasty, nice and cheap , Telephon61 Geddes Bros. SACRED HEART ACADEMY , La Grande, Oregon. -Conducted by Sisters ol St. Franol Select boarding, and day sobool lor (, -. . Young Ladiea Academic, Preparatory and Kined garten coarse, are" conducted on the same principle, as those pursued in our eehooli ol Philadelphia. , . Muslo and painting receive spaota Mention ., Letters ol inquiry directed to SISTER SUPERIOR ' OsWmtsstoajsawstMtewata- E i a at aw Wnk Hmtk Si WHt'.wSci Mmtm torn skat la awes ansa tat sn SiSirilii Wilch-Hazel AJsVirsisiissliihai imlail satin.,. kas sTaT jwiaIms raa ennmss. rMWm'tWadi HaMttilvs Is a nirtrle (r Wlaai Seat, .lutus, ' Manias PraSraauw PUst, AiMCata. famsT BralsM, SMsaTlawaaaaa, f ifitiH' Sods, CaflaaaMM. Baaaaav sMfi rmwAiuaB ut LC.DeWlttstC.,CkkM For Bale by HILL & ALLEN IE ro , spices; k o BAKING POWDER. fTJVORiNOEXTRtCT iwuhiAiHfv. ? nMsmavor; OrnrtslSffth.PttMTAsfctyic CLOSSETaDEVERS ' PORTLAND, OAI40M. THE IDEAL HOME for a man is his own home. He'will lake pride in anil improve it. Ha cau potter around to his spare time and add many things to its comlort and ap pearauoe. And what fun doing it You can have one of these homes If j"u go aboncit right. Consult us- we can tell you how. It does not require a large amount of cash. Any thrifty man earning fair wages can pay off the balanoe. Don't be homeless any looser. Company, La Giande, Oregon butter it will pay you tar , K iSgoine Hen : Should protest their I tuunh tin ft... , they hate only '. COMPETENT BARBER "To have them. ' We will protect yonj; fad Evans & Fitzgerald A BUSINES .- PR0PS1T10N Why pay high p.lces ktr Hay Feed, Wood and Lumber, when you save money'' by buying of its. We are in a position .to undersell all other dealers in in Union county, and beiievd to our advantage to do so. . A trial order will ' convince you that we are not onlyjable to undersell, but arc doing to. We have combined the Lumber business with our Feed business and would be pleased to figure with you when in need of Lumber.. - Try a months busi with us and see for yourfclf . ; . Yours for money saving, . LARSON tSc NOE LA QftANDE!, Oor. Jeffer8on Ave, and Fir St, OREG01V nana Rekeaal ' ; . la oaAnoa. NO. fc&Op. m. MO. a. 1:10 a. m. Bale Laka. Danvar Ft. NO. L LAG a. m. -NOIl Worth, Omaha, Kansas! viiy.or. Miaia, unioaco ana mtmu K Portland, Pallas, PanJ KOI. &.-30a m aiMin, wiuia wan, no a Mil Ool flfcx, Hoaoow,Bpo- UllfMUIW . .11 TO BPO Portland. Dallas, Pan J dlston Umatilla W.U lnla,Lewlaton,uoinx Uomow, Wallace War! Still pm dner, Hpoaaaa ana other point, east and uurw via pywi.i. Mr i Dally xeeat Bunday una mraw, Imbler, ana Elgin mnnaisilovia atKula tit a m will) aiaee wr ponta iu vrauwwm auwnr Ocean Steamers between Portland and Ban Francisco every five days Please -Note Our Success And Increase of business from July 15, 1891, to July 15 1903, 11 rears. i Surplus fund accum ulated tl 3, SO 0.00 Capital paid in .... 6 0,000.00 Reliability of abara holders 0 0,000.00 Protection to de positors. (18 2,600.00 Deposit subject to ' uiwk were, on " ' - . July 16, 1891 41,6 9 8.36 . 18M 7 7,3 9 9.99 " 1893 27,328.13 " 1894 . 20,041.64 " 1896 . 42,3 4 8.11 . " 18U8ajf 34,397.70 " 1897 " "43,647.69 " 1898 7 8.7 7 8.25 " 1899 83,7 60.19 " 1900 8 9,7 0 3.90 " 1901 8 3 ,'i 2 1,87 " lt.02 7 7,2 4 6.38 1903 1 8 2,10 3.76 Does not the bove figures a sore yon that the management of this bank meets witn the approval of its board of directors and pat rons; and deserting oi yonr patronage, we want your bank' lng business, large or small. Yonr Interest will be protected st tb. famtrt and Traders National Bank U Crandt, '.Oregon- , er aii tnr vrtTTrrj a a a ' flip, to biW to one of the best at V very low price. I will ft Illll fBHalllll WILLI III v - ini .'Ma - imaous noccney staiiion -7 : 8TUNTNEY T4.S8(VjJ;,', With retorn prlvllegitried able in advance. Jaf " terms. , Oan give--om a to his oolf 1-': ,