: t , - J 'i ' firM Oik l. 1 . T '1 -av 11 THE RUSSIANS AND JAPS Are Having Some HOT TIMES Right Now. It U not quite to bot here, but we have tbe hottest BARGAINS ever shown in La Graode lo all uew aod up-to-date gondii. No oM or shop-worn goods, but tbe ltteet and beat at prices that no one bere can duplicate. Our Motto If "Snwll ProflU and Quick Rtfumt." No eipenae in book keepers, oolleotora and bad debts. Call and let us show yon that we oan do aa we aay. Extra bargaina in good JEWELRY. We bave an expert jewelrynian wbo apent ten yeara in tbe Elgin watob factory. All work done promptly and guaranteed. " THE RAINBOW STORE LA GRANDE MORNING OBSERVER CURREY BROS, Editors and Proprietors. . jSntered at tbe Port Office at La Grande. Urcmn, aa Becond 01ta KM Mattel. Published Dally Except Monday. One Year in Advance. . ... . is Months in Advance. . . .'. . . . t3-&0 1 8ingle Copy $6.50 1 Per Month.'. .65 I ,05 J ; AN INVITA10N TO Y0U, THIS 18 A SPECIAL INVITATION TO YOU. We are receiving daijy many new desighs in Wall Paper and Wall Pecoratione, and we extend this special invitation to yon and your friends to call and see them. " We are anxious to have yon see our line and we fee) sure you will be delighted with the visit. Yours Respectfully, Stackland & McLachlen PAINTS. GILiS AND GLASS Paper Is Cheaper Than Coal and Looks Better. In other words if your walls are well papered jour fuel bill will be reduced. We do proper Paper Hanging at drices you can afford to pay, HARRIS & PRICE .. .. . Painter, Papnr Hangers and Decorators. A. 0. HARRIS, Phone 1CC6, J.M. PRICE, Phone 1491 IP BROKEN HEARTS could be mended ae oeatly, quickly and thoroughly ae I can repair your jewelry there would he no sor n w in the world. No matter wiiellior it te a watch, ring, a neck lace or a baby pin dear from asso ciation needs repairing, bring it to me and it will be mended so you oan nut tell It from new. My speoialty is natch repairing, Bring it here and bave it done honestly, ' expertly and cheaply. J. H. Peare, the Jeweler BBS Freeh Chocolates Fresh Bon Bona Fresh Nougnct Fresh Curmels Fresh Ta fTey Fresh Salted Peanuts Frer-h Salted Almonds Fresh Popcorn Fresh Friiiil GREENE & CO. HHtV ALWAYS ON TIME Wl en jou order groceries Irom us you are sure to bave them delivered on time ANOTHER THING When you order groceries from us you nro sure to getthe very bestto bohad. Wekeep only the best The next time you are nt our store sk to see our speoinl line ot BREAKFAST BACON & POTTED MEATS C. RALSTON STORE NEBRASKA GROCERY B Cor. Fir and Jefferson Sis. $ ht hor'- THURSDAY MORNING. MARCH 10, 1904 FLOUR SHIPMENT the Orient, five of the great powers in the aggregate have 85 ships iu there watching events, not knowing what day events may plunge them and their nttliou into the conflict, and equally ignorant as to which side they will line up for. Tbe increase of flouring mills in Oregon points to a lime, not far in lhe future, when the great er part of the whent grown in Oregon will bo made into flour, and this tate will cease to be an exporter of wheat and be come a large exporter of flour. This is a desirable change as it will give employment to both capital and labor at home in stead of sending the wheat to foreign mills to be made into flour. Our Hhipmeul of flour for the first half of Murch will reach 107,500 barrels whioh will go iu three large ships to tho Orient. For the year ending with "ral'd lo i88U "ef i Twenty five Thousand Miliars Adili- ueoonincr iauz mere were shipped from Portland, Oregon, 6,614,719 buBhela of wheat, for the year ending with December 1903, the number of bushels shipped from the same port was 4,445,106 bushels, a decrease of 1,169,613 bushels. The ship ment of flour Jrora Portland, Oregon, for the year ending with December 1902 was 1,037, 636 barrels, and for the year ending December 1903 it was 3,600,926 barrels, a gin of 2, 563,290 barrels. Should the present rate of in crease of flour shipment and de cline in wheat shipment from Oregon continue it will not be very many years until all the i wheat grown in the s'.ate will be manufactured into flour by our millu, and exported as Hour. This means not only the em ploy men t of more capital and labor in Oregon but it also lot una the oHV. I j, bran, shorts, middlings and screenings will be fed in this stitle and be con verted into more valuuble forms. The live stock, dairy and poultry butiiueus will respond to the availuhtlity of the additional 80,000,000. pounds of mill feed by a htrge increase of their several maikotuble products, MANY WAR SHIPS. Tho Pacilic; ocoau bears upon its bosom tho war ships of mauy nations. The mothers, who have sons riding on these float ing implements of war, must study tho geography of a strange and far oil' part of tho earth, and learn to pronouiico names that have strange and heathenish sounds before they can toll to their neighbors near what point in the mystic, iudofiuite realm, the Orient, their sons are float ing in some great black ship bristling 'villi ponderous guns and lilleil with munitions pro pared to kill men, wreck ships, or demolish cities. Russia has a fleet of 79 w..r ships and Japan has 1-7 float ing engines of destruction. These two nations are tit wni with each other which accounts for their presence on the other side of the ocean whose easier u breakers roar and lash the west, ern coast of Oregon. The Scientific American of tho 5th inst under the statement "It may be of interest to ap pend a complete list of the of the fleets of the great powers in the Far Fast," gives the names and tonago of 32 war ships and six torpedo boat de stroyers belonging to Cireot liriti.ti). The United States liu City Election Notice To whom it may concern : Notice is hereby given that '.here will be a Gen eral Eleetwn held In the City of I.a tiruude ;Uuton County, Oregon, on Monday the llth (lay of March IMOt, for the pur)MEGof electinif a Mayor, He corder, Marshal and Treasurer to Berve for one year and one councilman from each ward in said City to serve for the lorni of two years. And for the pur pose of voting upon the proprosition to authorize the Council of the City of I.a tional bonds of said City for the pur pose of constructing a City Hall for said City. The polling place in the First Ward will be iu t.ie Old Council Chambers, and tho following nsmed porsous have been appointed to act as Judges and Clerks of said First Ward Judges C J Mcl.ain J F Clark and John Wilson Clerks W V Monroe and J E Reynolds and 8 N Bolton.' The polling place in the Becond Ward will be In the Fire Department Building on Klin Street, and tho followiug named persons have been appointed to act ys Judges and Oletks of said Second Ward-Judges H W Jifoner, John Baker end W Q Mastorton Clerks Win Grant and I R Snook and T J Orinond. The polling place In tho Third Ward will be in tbe (langloff Building on Fourth Street North of Jell'orenco Avenue. And tho following named porsons have b'ien oppoiuted to act as Judges and Clerks of Baid Third Ward, Judges Perry Stephenson J M Hilts und L II Knninittlhurt Clerks Oeorge II Currey and 0 J Scriher and Chester Newlin. The polling places will be open from 0 o'clock A M to 5 o'clock P M of said Uth day of March 1904. Dated this 3rd day or March 1004. 11 T Williams Recorder of the City of La Urando Union County, Oregon. Congratulations. Mr. John H. Oullom, Editor o' tbe Garland, Texas, News, has written a faetnree congratulations to t ie innnu lettei of of Chan.berlain's Cough HnnieJy, ks follows: "Sixteen years ago alien our first child was a L'Hbv he was subject to crimpy "pel's Hint we wi uld he very uneasy about him. We began using Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and rinding ii such a reliable remedy (or colds and croup, we I'avo never been without it in the house since that lime- We have five children and hate given it to all tt thecn with good results." For Sale by ail druggists. S T 10 WARD'S OPERA - MUSE Mr. Eil. lied mini and His Fatuous Company Will op-nn Weeks Engagement, Commenc ing Monday, March 14- Popular Prices. Seats on Sale Saturday Morning. 1) lithlfiil Route, Daylight Ride, Di.zy Crag, Toep Canons. A tiolden Opportunity See nature In all her glorious beiuty, and then the Heme of in mi's handiwork. The lirs' is found along the line of the Denver it Riotiiande Railroad ami tlm latter at the St. I. ui 20 cf her navy there, including World's Fair. Your trip will lie three of the largest buttle ships olie of ph-iiure make the most in our navy. France has 10 war ships there, Germany 7, ami Italy 2 While the two comhattants bave jointly 200 war vessels in of it. For information and illus traled literature write W.C. Mi'lUilDK, (ten. Agt. l'ortlan J , Oregon SKCREST.BROS. DEALERS IN New & Second-Hand Goods, SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE. Gardinier Building FIR STREET ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to announce to the public that I shall continue business at Hie old sfaml. selling the best line of clothing, gent's funiis-hiugs, huts, ri ps and shoes All are familiar with the re'ini ie line of Hart, Shad'ner & Marx clothing, Lo-igl.-y hats, Flo-shein shoes and our up -lo-datn gent's furnishings. In these litios our etock is in and y-'i for iusj:"ctioii. All are invited to call and examine our stock. StillwBll X; : VandBrmiilBn Wish to announce that on Saturday February 27 they will open a first class Meat Market in the old Staud J "THE BOSS" Corner Railroad & Fir St, J We will always keep on . hai.d a good stock of fresh j and smoked meats, sau- sage.-, fish aud poultry, J and will be glad to meet , all my old patrons and as many new ones. All Z orders will receive our J prompt attention. J Phone 4fli J. M. BERRY A Two Light Electrolier Empire style complete with etched glass shades and all attachments put up iu y. ir residence for $ 15.00 See samples in our window. La Grande Light & Power Co 1 m 1 fbi rj d m 1 is pi 11 lr!lllrlli!r p HOME GROWN I Healthy Apple Trees i In Variety, Thtilt and Prices. I can furnish large or small orders of Apples iu 0j my varioty, also shrubs, uines, weeping trees and Pj small fruit3 Caroiinn I'ophirs, HI ick Locust, Syca- Pj more, Mullmry, Ciilalpa, l.intleu. .Maple, Larch, Birch, ysi film, Abb, Privet and r a 111 any variety. p Write for prices to Con. I"! ir.t, !'. WM. (iILPI .s' t;r;i 'Pie. ue 1 !' :s I. LaGran li-, Ore. A IMUSIS pi iiiiiiwriigfl "ifflmtzmimmzm iimiiiiii: 1 DO YOU WANT s CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? I S If so, wc can : ii you on .-ome J I line claims in . County, McDaniel McDonald, I WALLOVA, OrtEGON ' THE ABC Laundry Is now I! adv.-l fni. I' :j- With our new up-to-date Plant we are in a Position to turn nut the l si. of work. Shor Older wuk n .icinllv. I'lmr.e Xo. 1 .ri Call us up and our w 1:011 ill rail. ABC UAUNDRY PHONE i85i WE TKIM PRICKS as closely as wo do our meat. We know that the average housekeeper likej to save 011 her niaat bills anil we try to se cure her trade by selling ust as low as self preservation will permit. KOK THAT REA80N steaks, chops, roastx, etc. can always he obtained at oar shop a little lower than our nearest eon.peditor. As to the quality of our meats we will let our largo number of satisfied customers speak. Bock & Thomas Early Risers ...'.... For quick relief from Biliousness, Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun dice, Dizziness, and all troubles aris ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver, DeWltt's Llttlo Early Risers are un equalled. They act promptly and never ripe. They are so dainty that It Is a pleasure lo take them. One to two act as mild laxative; two or four act as a pleasant and effective cathartlo. They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. Their tonlo the liver. PRHPARBD ONLY iY E. C. DaWitt & Co., Chloairfn For Sale by HILL & ALLEN NOTICE: I would like nil my old friends ami enftorrers to know Ihut I hsve rent ed a portion of A. J. Webb.s fee.l t)ris for I.IVKUY l'l'KI'OSES ' and will h found there for buslncM with flret-e)"s ris and good arcoim dations, I ill nlso honrd horses k the ir.ontl,. Horses hou;lit, Bolil Hnd exchanired. G. W. ALLEN a hams aVi:. Phone 1641. ET Like a Comet is famous remedy does for the stom ach that which tl Is unable to do tor Itself, even If but slightly disordered or overburdened. in the sky comes ine star ot health to the weak and weary despon dent dyspeptic. (X curing an s 1 0 m a 0 n troubles and digestive disorders. w w A vn UWWvA 1 11 HMVI 1 Kodol auonllf. ih. 1 (ulcea of digestion and doeS the Vnrb .f ik- stomach, relaxing the nervous tensinn orhlU the Inflamed musclci and membnnnt ik-t organ are allowed to rest and heal. It cures Indigestion, flatulence, Palpitation of the heart, nervous tvnnai. 1 all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying and strengthening the glands, membranes of lhe stom ach and digestive organs. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Tan BmIm P.. . "pfij in, flMII km 9 m VwWfcr boi lr, ForSale by HILL & ALLEN , . " " vium la um H J V-'Tri,vT(.-'vrsP-rr,.V s4!s-