La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, March 10, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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What's the
Use of Feeling
If you've never found the ideal shoe vever
bought goodness without feult come and see us.
There's a surprise in store four you.
"Keiths' Konquerors" are the kind! We sell 'em.
$3.50 and $4.00.
The Chicago Store
Ladies, and you need a pretty Veil. Sea
the new weaves nl colors in this line.
Military waist sets, beautiful ribbons, nt
the Bargain Store.
E. M. Well man & Co.
Nj living man can eat, or
sleep, or work, or play in ill
fitting shoes:
'. Start the day right ry putting
your feet into a pair of shoes
that are made to ensily and
exactly fit feet.
iwf f4fr$3$$$
In tbe line of fine correspondence papers our superb stock lc-ves
nothing to be desired Everything in style, tiut ami llnisb that bus nmt
with the approval of tbe writing public will be found ben-. The stock
embraces puper in
Hot pmwrs ranitn in price from 15 cents to il.75. Vim cannot (Ind
better assortment in the stete. Hulk pairs are growing rapidly in
tnvur us you can get h much or as little us you want, ft is an econom
leal wny of buying paper, especially when you have as laro und varied
an assortment to choose from as we alforcl you.
Our tablet line Is lurgo mid well chosen. Have envelopes to match the
better tnblets. Tens, I'eni IK itiWn, mucilage, paste, ernmTH and every
thing in the stntionei lino. .Might as well uso good writing papers
when they '.iost no more.
La Grande, Or.
Prohibitionists Met Yes
terday and Nomi
nated a Full County
and District Ticket.
Union County Prohibitionists met
yesterday wlih J W Oliver and W A
A orstell both of La Grande, respective
ly chairman and secretary of the con
vention. Harry Benton ol Elgin, Thos Steph
enson ot La Grande, and A B Eaton of
Union were'appoluted a committee on
enrollment of delegates
A committee on nominations was ap
pointed aa follows :
Thos Stephenson, J A Oliver, and Jobn
W MuAlieter, of La Grande, Edward
Baker, J B Wolfe, and John R Reeven.
of Union, H Benton, of Elgin and R M
Shaw, ot North Powder.
The platform committee consisting
of O H King and Jas E Clark of La
Grande and J H Barton of Union
brought in the following report which
wne adopted.
We the representatives of the Prohi
bition paity of Union County, is con
vention assembled, offer to the voters ot
the County the following platform of
1 We declare our allegiance to the
principles of the State and National
Prohibition party, the only party that
dares to make an open fight against the
greatest enemy of the home, the church
anil the state.
2 Wo lavor the passage of the Local
Option law to be voted upon at the com
ing state election.
3 We declare ourselves In favor of
hnnnat and economical government and
the shict enforcement of existing laws.
J II Barton
Jas E Clark
The report of the coniinittee on nom
inations was uduptod as follows:
Joint Senator Wallows and Union,
John W McAllister of La Grindu.
.Joint Rep. Wallowa and Union, J Ed
ward Blair ot Enterprise.
Representative, A K Eaton of Union.
Sheriff H A Thomas ol Elgin.
Clerk W A Worstell of La Grande.
" Recorder II A Thomson of La Grande
Aseesor R M Shaw North Powder.
TreaB W F Landrum of Union.
Commissioner E Roberts of Cove.
Coroner Di S L Corpre of Cove.
School Hunt Prof Emanuel Synder
of La Grande.
Constable Justice Peace
Union L B Wolfe O S Allen
Eluin J H Henderson A F Hall
La Grande Eugene Aaht III W 8 Wines
iti..iv Rxeentive Committee W A
Worstell, chairman, Secy, James Chirk
Treas, John W McAllister.
Dolegates to H'nte Convention Harry
Benton and J II lion.icr.wn of fclgln,
John W McAllister K H Taylor, W A
Worsiell, J W Oliver mil Fmmett Clie
nimlt ol La Grandu, A F, Eaton Enwnr.1
linker John Reeves and w K 'Landrum
ol Union, A G Conklin E F Roliorts
ii, a len 15r 8 L Cornie and J K
Lantz of Cove.
'Washington, March it The navy
department has Cbee Foo advices which
state that a large Japanese land force
has arrived at Fung Wai)g Cnang and
Tallin. These points arejso located, it
la believed the Jauanosa are on the
Russian flank, and the naval attacks a?
Port Arthur and rallMfiWan were
merely a diversion to detract attentiou.
War department oftic als deny the
Berlin statement that (lerinfaelo has
been refused to h ve American mill
tary a ttaches w itji the arifly .
Tokio, March 9. Japar ese war Bhips
Tuesday evening bombarded Fort Tal
ien Wan on Korean bay! Later they
proceeded t Port Arthur and bom
barded the fortresses then
Negro Shot
Springfield O. Marob 9 Rioliard
Dixon a negro who fatally abot Po
liceman Charles Gollins.jeaterday was
taken 'rom the county fail at . tbia
plate 1 at night by a mow of 800 men
and shot to death in theft Uil yard,
Later the body was bun to a tele
graph pole at the oorriir of Main
street and Fountain avenue and tbe
mob spent balf an hour riddling tbe
body with bullets from several hun
dred revolvers. , ,
After tbe shooting the imob visited
the combination dive and boarding
house which was the scene of tbe
murder of Collins and burned it.
inmates had lied before ike mob
reached the place. i
With tbe arrival ot foldiera
morning order prevailed. The streets
are praotioally deserted tan morning
tho ruina along the railroad track he
ing the only reminder of last night'i
stirring scenes. Throughout the ser
ies ol mob acts not a iwrson was
scratched except the victim of Ivnoh
i-Uw Richards iWaKmr"--
Bpringnel ' Marcli 9 "Look out for
tonight othoi dives sorely will go the
way of the Levee," is a remark heard
ou all sides today.
Of 6,000 negroes in tbe city few are
so m. Many have left the eity the
balance have barricaded their houses.
Judge Mower this morning said a
special grand jury will be oalled im
mediately to prosecute the lynchers,
The judge takes tbe riot as a personal
blow and is on the verge o prostra
tion. Obituary
Mrs. Emma J. fluydnnii who died in
thiseity lost Bud da", was born in
Mkkb rounty, Ohio Kob. 26, IB50.
In 1870 she emigrated to Nebraska
and in 1877 st.e wnn married in Mer
ret County, Nub,, to V: W duydnm.
With her h unhand hHp went to Lnnls-l
iftna in 189', and .Inn. !), H) she i
came tu Oregon for tlin benefit ol her 1
health , bnt. g a uuir-n r liom con- j
Runiplion, For a time it deemed that
tier hopes were to bo realized as her
health began to impiove as soon as;
she oame to Oregon, but the dreaded
disease had fastened Us hoU upon ber
and la t Hunuay slie ptusod away.
the luneral waa held from the M. E
Church. Ucmth 7'uetdty afiernoon at
2 o'clock Rev. Com p ton. the palnr ol
Aciating. The Odd Fellows and
Woodmen of tbe World had charge nf
arrangements and the iuierment was
in Odd Fellows cemetery Bhe leaves
to motirn her death her husband, two
boys Frank aud O'Neal an J a little 7
year old daughter. O'Dea).
Farmers' Institute.
The committee having charge of the
entertainment fentnees of the farmers
institute which is to be held here
March la and 1M bavo arranged to give
one hours time of tbe Institute to the
ladies. Daring this time the institute
will lie entirely in the bands of the
ladles, and the jrentlemen 'iave
tnkeabBek seat. The roipplnte pro
gram will be announced latter for tho
entire meeting.
Wallowa Will Exhibit
H'epv have lieen taken to prei.nrc
auiuihle exhibit ol the resources
Wallowa County for the leis ami
Clarke l''alr next veir. The County
Court has decided to make an appro
priation ol 1000, provi led that the
pie of the Comity will subscribe
equal auui ol inoia fur Uie puruuse.
By Committe Appointed
by the President to
Make Suggestions on
Land Laws.
Washington, Marob 9 Tbe com
mission appointed by the President on
Ostober 22 1903 oonsiiting of W. A.
Richards, Commissioner of the Gener
al Lanu Offioe; Uifjord Pinohot, Chiel
Forester of the Department ol Agri
culture aud F H Newell Chief Engi
neer of the Reclamation Sorvloe to
make suggestions regarding revision
of the laws relating to pulillo lands,
has made to the President a partial
report which was sent to Congress to
day. It reoom mends the repeal of tbe
timber and atone act, and tbe substi
tution ol suitable provisions for sell
ing alter appraisal, the timber ou
publio lands that is needed in large or
small quantities for industrial pur
The committee also reoommeods
tbe repeal of tbe law permitting
iignment ol entries under the desert
land law, and urges the importance of
a more oareful adminiitration of la
especially as to those provisions relat
ing to obtaining an adequate perna
nent water supply.
It advocates the restricting of the
commutation olause of tbe homestead
entry where auoh entries are located
within forest reserves or where the
land is chiefly valuable tor timber. It
suggests the outlines for a law per
mitting hnmesteaJ entries upon agri
cultural land within forest reserves
and the survey and description of
such agricultural lands by metes and
nounds rather than by the regular sys
tem thus permitting the agricultural
lauds to be selected along the valleys
and to emnraoe the good tillable land
without taking in extensive tracts of
side hill.
The recommendation also is made
that when lands aro restored to entry
aiter temporary segregation smplt
lime should be allowed homestcadeis
to exercise their rights, giving them
the preference over persons woo may
wish to seleot the land by tbe use of
sorip or other form of entry.
I I ! !!i4il;'V&.':
,1 t:' ' .
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Long Creek Row -
W. O. Harrymao editor -of the
Long Creek Light who has been
bound over to tbe oirouit crurt of
Orsnt county for complicity in dyna
miting th offioe' of tbe Ranger at
Locg Creek two weeks ago gives the
following complimentary notioe of the
Portland detective who worked up tbi
ease and caused Harrywan't arrest;
"B. F. Selvage, elalming to be an
ex pert deteotiva from Portland ' but
who bas tbe appearance and aotione
of being a bouncer from some B re
cent beer joint arrived iu Long Creek
a fortnight ago with a rush and a
whirlwind and taking the' town Ly
storm. ' ' ', ' ,
"He wanted tbe people to under
stand that be was Detective ' Selvage
from Portland; oame here to Qod out
tbe oulprlt wbo blew up the Ranger
and that everybody mustdanoe to bis
music .,;V : ' 5 i'.;' ;;' -
"He roared and prowled around
hero for a few days and then: dragged
too innooent viotims to Canyon City
where be succeeded In getting . one
held to tbe oirouit oourt. If this foul
mouthed sleuth hound is tbe best de-
teotive Portland baa they bad better
import a few,"
Anderson A Meyers, the" tonsorial
artists, are taking on metropolitan
airs. - They have always endeavored
to keep abreast of the times in the ar
rangement and management of their
parlors adding to tbe oonvelnsnocs -
their patronage will warrant. Tbo
laeest addition to i-beir arrangements
is tbe adoption f the number system.
On entering the shop enoli customer
receives a number corresponding with
the numerical order of bis entrance to
the plaoe. : When his term oomes the
artist whose chair is vacant touohos a
button, 'whiob rings a bell and regis
ters his uiimber on a large dial over
the mirrors. . ,,:L.J:::-,
Of tbia- fthtW'ntmstOWff"Ttnf
enter the plaoe aud if Hie shop is fulli
be may tecoive bis number and leave
and still retain bis turn.
. Indoor Base Ball
In another place dipt Jas (lllhain is
calling upon his aggregation of pla' erB
to appear at p-actlci this evening at
the Commercial club. The Blues, it
will be remembered,' were defeated by
a very close margin last Thursday even
Ing, and they intend that such an
event be rendered impossible In the
future. 4
Of Our Boys' and Youths'. Suit Department.
Look tLera over rarefully; they tell an interesting story to tbo
parent who takes pride in dressing their boy right down-to-dtite.
We give special attention to our Boys' Department, and cun dress
yotir boy bead to foot at saving prices. '
The .LargeHayi Barn
Belonging to Jj.e.
Fowler Goes up in
:f A T a- .
? ,f
About 11:30 last night an alarm of
fire was turned in and was quickly re
sponded to by tbe department.- The
tuene ol the Are was the large hay
barn belonging to Ed Fowler on Jeffer son
Ave. Tbe building was a mass of
flames on the ins de by ib time '-the -Are
fighting machinery arrived on the
scene but owing to .the fact that' the
building was covered with, sheet iron
tht flames were confined to" tbe ; in
side until well under oontrol, 'V;
Streams were soon playing on- the-'
Bimes but the faot that the barn ( was
full of hay and a high wlud was blow
ing rendered It impossible to save the
struoture. , Tbe origin of the fire la at ,
this time unknown. 1 '
The Observer reporterwaa unable
to find air Fowler last -night - and we
are unable to state the amount of his
loss or the insuranoe tVjarried. ; The
building contained a large quantity of
bay however all of wbbh was oonsum-.
ed. ". ti : :t ''4 .". ,'.
i Mill Accident
-, - - , - - - . . -: r V ,
A large aaok of sack id -flour tumbl
ed o'vet at the La ' Grande Flouring
mill yesterday morning falling on and
completely burying M L MoCorinick
the president of the company : ami
the miller Wm Allleon.. Both men
were cpnBiderab y bruited np and Will
not be able to resume their duties for
avawvVadfta.vJtt.bAe-rWr:. broken .
however, ' -,
, Preacher Whipped His Man
Milton, March 0 Rev R T, Cart
wright, the Christian minister hero,
came out first in a lively fistic encount
er yesterday, with Otis Inglo, a harness
maker. The trouble was. tho resultlVf,'
an old misunderatandieg. '
Blues! Blues!
All the Bluos are requeototl to meet
(or base ball practice thla even inn af
7 0, at the Commercial Clob, -
1 ' , Jaa Oilham Capi .
! i 1 ww