JOb. I i t. "TV J. .. : A A Two. Light Electrolier '0r Empire style complete with etched glass shades and all attachments put up iu y c ur residence for $15.00 See samples in our window. La Grande Light & Power Co LARGE NUMBERS OF HOMESEEKtRS OFFICERS B. Burnt J. M. Bbrkt. . J. M. Chdbcii, F.L. Mkykrs. President Vice President Cashier Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS: J. M. Berry, J. M. Church A. B. Conley, R. Smith L. C, Stanley 36S5 La Grande National B nk 5 La Grande. Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 I Transacts a general banking business. Buys and sellaRexchange on all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY H. B. HAISTEN, an experiunced Undertaker, Embalmer and Funeral Dirtctor, will respond to calls day or night. Satisfactory service Guaran teed in every case. Are Now Coming to Oregon Cheap iRate's Commenced March I Many Will Investi Grande Ronde Valley. Classified Arj ' F0R8. Thorough bred B. Hock and P. Ro e oooibed While Leghorns erL (or sale. 0 D. Huffman E. F D. Box 9 I.a Grande. . " If j ' FOR SALE i Fnah milch oow, gentle milker 6 veara old. iiood size, inquire ol U Couch, Island City. Our Line of Funeral Supplies is the Largest aud most complete in Union County. Rates reasonable. E. ANDROSS HOUSE FURNISHINGS Phone 9-1 Residence Phone 367 1202 Adams Ave The oheap home teekera' rates on all railroads terminating in the west went into effect on March 1, and the flood of immigration into Oregon has commenced. No. 1 was run ia two sections yesU-rduy morning. On the first seotion were 15 immigrant oars all filled with people seeking homes io Oregon. Some half drzea got off at tbia point and will took over Grande Ronde Valley. On the second section were about 10 cars of home seekers, and a number from this train also stopped off in La Grande. Oregon )ust now is the Mecca of the rent laden farmers of the older slates of the East who are endeavor ing to better their condition. The yonoii men (or whom there seems to be uo opening in the over crowded East are also looking to Ore gon and other western states, for a place in whioh to establish themselves in business and the professions Almost every dav will witness the arrival of those who are ready to giasp at opportunities and waut to estab lish permanent homes, aud there is no reason why La Grande oannot get her share of tbe influx of borne build ers. But La Grande baa a part to per form. Tbe city should bo made at tractive. First impressions are often lasting and the hnmeseeker should be made to feel as soon as be gets off the traiu that "Here is tbe plaie I have been looking for." FOR SALE Two aera tract, East nf the La Grande Flouring mill, one half in good beariug orchard. Small cottage, and good barn. will sell for cash or will trade lor gooa workhorses.' L 0 Grout T F La Qraiului Ore. ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to announce to tbe public that I shall continue business at the old stft'ti'l, selling the best line of clothing, gent's furnishings, hats, caps and shoes. HUNT THE DEAD Relatives of the Victims of the Scaffold Disas ter Threaten Lives of Guilty Contractors. Minstrels. The greatest minstrel show extant is that of Ward it Wade, who appear at the opera bouse of the 9th inst. This season there are forty white gentlemanly artists with the company and never before in the his'ory of min strelsy has there been suoh a com bination of sweet singers, matchless oomediane, olever dancers, aud re markable omsioal expert. Hear tbe two bauds.and the orohestra of fifteen Ward &Wade Minstrels are to be at the opera house on the 9tSi inst. Seats at tbe usual place at usual prices. New York, March 3 Three hund red men worked all night in the rums of tbe Hotel Darlington. At 10 this morning live bodies had been reoovered aud Hie rescuers report eight more in sight. One is cut cleauly in two, The list of dead will not exceed 13, and 111 wouuded arc in hospitals. The construction loremeo is under arrest, and none ( the oontraotors can be found. Open threats of violence agaiuat the contractors are made by surviving workmen and relatives of the ki'led and injured men Suit for daningat aggregataing $00,000 have already teen begun sgtinst the the owocr9 and contractors, on ac count of the death und injuries list, acd a suit for if 5,000 !; the owners of the Patterson apiitment house adjoin ing Alfalfa. The Reeky Mountain Husbandman says it is simply wonderful to mark the change that baa bean wrought in Montana in the past twenty yea.'s by the alfalfa plant. Tbe farm ers on the bench lands onoe thought it necessary to own also a piece of bot tom land on which to raise bay Gradually tiiey began to experiment with alfalfa on the ben in lands, and now it is doing for that a'ale what it has done for Utab. The hay ricks are thick on the bench lauds and farm at ck is in good condition. for sale 1500 boys this property, eight lots or H of Block S in Acme addition to La Grande also one acre lot joining. All well tented, with house and small barn new wind mill and 1700 gallon tank and pipes with plenty water to irrigate all, splendid soil, a young orchard also, For additional Information address box 371 La uraude, Oregon. - FOR SALE I have quite a quantity of household goods which I am offering for sale very reasonable. Call atjny residence on Park St. : Mrs ChaB Kineey. FOR SALE Indian Runner Duck eggi, thor ougb bred imported stock, i nly a lira ited number. W. N. Monroe,' La- Grande. 99-2 daw. FOR RENT Four room cottage, with good apply at the Model reetuarant. ' well, Geddcs Bros. Why are G.'''' Bros, kept so bunyt Why io t'ey the beat goods at the low: pncee . . Preferred St'k Tomatoes 3 for 60c Preferred Stock Corn 8 for 50e Preferred Stork Salmon 3 for 60o Preferred Btodk Peas 3 fof BOo: Preferred Stock Beans 3 for 50o Don't pay other grocers 20 cents a can for any of these goods. Standard tomatoes, corn, beans peas, etc., . for 26 cents. They have the best butter made In the va'ley, and their creamery butter has no equal here. Try It and see. . ' Dill pirklee, Heluse'a mince meat, Swift's pickle pig feet, premium hems, loose olives. Everything tasty, nice and cheap - Telephon 401 Geddes Bros. MISCELANEOUS. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that my wife Hattie Emlck having left my bed and board without just cause, aud of her own free will, and without my consent I hereby give notice that 1 will not be responsible for any bills she may con tract from this date. O J Emick. La Grande, Mar. 1 1004 LADIES ATTNTION During the month of March I will in ike any shirt waist at the greatly re duced price of from 50 cents to (1.25. Mrs Ettle E Wines. Residence on 0th st betweon O 4. N D.-W.-l.-l. investors -assr 10 month oan be made by parties who can invest from $500 to $1600. One eastern investor made $05,000 in 1003, call or write for pailiculars Tne Win. R. White Co., 312 Pine St Portland, Oregon. MEN 95 Cents For Warrants The Farmers fc Traders National Bank will pay 1)5 cents on thn dollar for your City warrants issued by the Ciiy of La Grande on General fund in ptyment of bills agnim.t the City. All are familiar with the reliable line of -Hart, Shaffner & Marx clothing, Longley hats, Florsheiu shoes and our up-to-dat" gent's furnishings, lines our etock is iu and open for inspection. In these All are invited to call and examine our stock. J. M. BERRY The Stoddard Lumber Company Will be ready for business in lew days at the LA GRANDE PLANING MILL finOHG THE CHUKCttK w rmrL Announcements of Ser vices Sunday at Different Places of Worship LATTER DAY SAINTS Sunday School 10 a m Regular Services 2pm Mutual Improvement Association meet conjointly at 7.30 p m. T F. ST PETER'S EPISCOP LCHURCH March 0, Third Sunday in Lent Sunday School 10 a m Morning Prayer and Sermon Ham A lay Services. All invi i d On Thursday evening March 10 at CHRISTAIN SCIENCE 7 :30 tbe Rev. H. D. Chambers will 8 Irene King. 1st Reader I conduct the services. All invited. The Christain Science services at! The Dr. Liebig staff, only specialists for men, con tinue to cure all chronic, private and nervous ailments, of importance, skin diseases, ihomatism, catarrah, etc. Dr. A . O. Stoddard, Ph G., for 27 years medical director. 71 sixth St., Portland, Or. Ill Yeeler Way, Seat le, Wash. Call or write. Express and Delivery Adna Rogers, I'hono 1821. All calls receivo prompt attention. Geneial express and delivery business. T 1 Wood for Sale. A large qnantity of 10 in. wood for sale. Inquire of Howe & ilernuari in Old Town or Phono 172-11. All ordern promptly delivered tf 0RS. DIGGERS & BIGGERS (HVHtciAKS and HVIMIRONH ' U. W. Blncem, M. P. Goo. L. Mifgeni, M. U Telephone No. rou to to bur DaWTtt's Witch Witch Hutl Salva. Haul Stirs U the Original and only remrjna. la fact DsWltt'alith only Witch HtwlSalw that U road from lb unadulterated Witch-Hazel At) otban art ootmtarf alte baaa tmt- 7 tattona, cheap and worthlaaa avea aanierous. DaWltt'aWltch HualSahra a a apeewe tor nmij anna, dwooiivs Itching and Protruding PUea, Alto Cut a, Buma, Brulaoa. Spralna, LacaratJona, Contualona, Bolls, Ctrbunclta, Eczama, Tatter. Sat Rheum, and ail other Skia Dlaeaaea, SALVE t mspaaaD r E.C. DeWltt 4 Co.,Chic. For Sale by HILL & ALLEN Ob, IIB1 Kualdclico, 41 OltVe, KhIhioii llulldinic over J. M. Kerry's store. Ibttltlciire on MiicllHim Ave. HtMMind door! or tiiruiurn'Jtlriemw, llr. (l.W.itlirKers I.AUIIANI1H - OHKUON . Plufawlonnl call, promntly altonded in, duv or nlsht. the residence ol John E Page in Town every Sunday at Ham. All are cord. lly invited. TF CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST Services Hunduy March 6 i Bible School 10 a m Morning Worship 11 a ml Evening 8ervios 7 .30 p m j Moining Sermon a study of John i 13:1-17 I Evening, "Some Unrecognixed Need" Subject to change. A cordial invitation to all. Gld, BAPTIST CHURCH I Sunday School Ham ; Midweek cervices Wednesday tven ' ing at 7:30 p ni All are cordially invited. M E CHURCH SOUTH 3rd and Jilleison Sis Preaching 11 a m aud 7 :30 p in Bible Day Morning Subject, "The Word of God" Sunday Scbool 10 a m All invited. One Night In June The clergy ol ml Otu principal cities, where it Iiai appeared have pronounc ed "One Night Iu June1 to be one of the greatest moral lucone to mankind wtnch ha boeri depicted on tha stage for the laat decade. It ia a pUy which appeala Io all amueetnent lov er, mere is a oeaiuiiui love story woven around the life of a country Parpon and tbe Vilinge hellf ; it ia one of intense heart intereat, aud at the aame time there ia juat enough touch of cty life and ita ahadowa t4) temper the quiet story and mke it one of ab'Oibinor intereat. Thii much talVel of pUy will be seen at Howard's Up- ra Hmi6, Tuesday even iog Maroh S. Prohibition Election The attention nf the Prohibitionist of Union county, Oregon is called to tbe county convention lobe held in La Grandr, March , 1004. 1 lie convention will be called to order at 10 o clock a m at the Lien tral Church of Christ corner ol Wa... invton Avenue, and Depot Street. A fill . county ticket ol officers will be nominated and delegates selected lor the State Convention. All Prohibitionists of the county will be entitled to seats. W. A. Worstell, Chairman Union Co. Prohibit inn Ex-Corn kTX Tarn mi mmm If Qf SPICES, o COFFEE.TEAr BAKING POWDER. FLAVORING EXTRACTS AbsclurtPuriry, FlMslFlsvor, OrtaloilSlrcth,Co50MblPrlcl CLOSSET&DEYERS PORTLAND.. OREOON. Should prpteat their beauty by . $ecjiigT thjaf they have duly S. M ? E T.E JI:f arber To shave" tiiemW will protect vour lf&co Evans & ' Fitjrald -L xV'jjiT SACRED HEART ACADEMY La Grande, Oregon. ' . Conducted by Slbttrs ol St. Franc) Select boarding and day school for Young Ladiea "' ' Aoademio, Preparatory and Kined garten courses are couduoted on the I same principles as those pursued in our schools of Philadelphia. ' Musio and painting receive spool ttentioo Letters of inquiry directed to . SISTER 8UFERIOB pay hign p.itt or nay Feed, Wood and Limber, when you save money byStrtJ of , i us. We are in a pos1om1 undersell, all other dealervit in Union -county, and beilevt); to our advantage to do so. A trial order will convince you Jhat we are not . onlyjable to undersell, but are doing so. We have combined the. Lumber business with our Feed business and Would be pleased to figure with you lwhn"in"'need of Lumber. Try a months busi with us and see for yourfelf v Yours for money saving, . , LARSON & NOE L A ' G B A N DE, Cor. JjiHerson Ave, and Fir St, dm ' 4 m i . w . . OREGOIt DeWitt snd Union Pacihg !",.". t-,; W NO. 8:60 p. m. NO. a. 8:10 a. m. Salt Lake. Donver Pt. Wortb, Om.hs, Kansas Icity, at, Louis, CtHeaso a nut. 1 . : i . . NO 1. 5:60 a m 9:1ft p m N48 Unity " Hundiiy :1S a m Time Rohednl LA OELANDK. Portland. Dalles, Fen CoKbx, MOBOOW.&pO- .KVtUOtUlUMI a . Ui Tla UpO knne. uiuuu uniaiuia wai-i Uilfi,LewlKluiitColLUxl hltwcow, Wallace Wur dner, niKiKHae auai other KJltitw wwt until ntirm via nwiiiic. 'nluiid ,Clty, Allcel I in it I er. aua n-igm cunnecUoua atKlgln with HUifto for ont in Wullowa oounty NO. 1. t 4tUa. m, NO ft 10:30 p.rn T NO 4 Vosp n NO 8:30 a m Oooan Steamers between Portland and l Ban Krancifwo ovory live days a: Please- Note Our Success f La Grande 1110 Adnras Aveuuo, . OLD COLONIAL HOMES W re picturesque, but they licked the convenience of modern dwellings. A family in very moderate circum stances can get really a better home today than that of the wealthy a I oontury ago. Our himes which we are waiting to show you, contr.ii every possible con venience and are models .of comfort. When you loam how easy it is to own one, you will wonder why you ever paid rent. Investment Company, La Giande, Oregon And increase of business from July 15, 1891, to July 15, 1903, 12 years,' '-' . Surplus fnnd accum ulated 2,50 0.00 lanital naitl in 6 0. 0 0 0.0 0 Reliability of share- - noiuera a u, u u u.u u Protection to de- positors (18 2, 5 0Q.0 0 Deposit subject to . . . tneok: were, on . . s . July lft, 1891 41,6 9 8.35 " 18P2 7 7.8 9 0.69 " .- 1803 . 5 -27 .420.13 " 1804 .. ,. 20,041.04 " 181)5 " i 42,84 8.11 " 1808 34,397.70 " 1807 tfi 4 7.89 " 18! , 7 8.7 7 0.25 " 1899 . 8 8, 7 6 0.19 ".,'1000 !f 8 9,7 0 8.90 "ilftOl 8 8 ,7 2 1,87 " 1002 . ' 7 7,2 4 5.38 1003 5 18 2,10 8.70 ' Does not the labove figures as sure you that the management of this bank meets witn the approval of its board of directors and pat-' rona; and deserving of your patronage. We want your bank' ing business, large or small. Your interest will be protected at the Firmer, and Traders National Bank . .' ' Ls Orsndi, 'Oregon- .J The Observer giws nowi obtainable. ,he very latest m n till CREAM WANTED FarnierB, bring your crcuui to lis nnd we will jmy the very higlinnl mnrkct price for it. At . tlmJiircHout price of butter it will pay you far betUjr to Bell the cream than to churn it. , We are igents for the famous DE LAVEL eeparator. The best made. ' ' COVE CREAMERYCOMPANY, E. O. Harper, Mgt. HemlquurterB at Hill A Allen's, La Oraudo. J STALLION NOTICE A great opportunity! ,or you . till . i . . . . io nreeu to one oi tne oesi at a very low price. I will mak-' this season with my inwove1 fniaous Ho jknpy stallion With return privilege f .jt- "V able In .advance, Mf&t.f: g&M terms. Can give. ftt-- il AW" i