J v .;. ,. 1.-..WB.. ...... J: rs H ' l. t a D ft WILL CONTINUE IN BUSINESS I irish to inform the publlo that I am going to continue the Hardware and Crockery business, and will endeavor to conduct the business on the same plan as it has been in the past Thanking you lor the past patronage and a continuance for the future. MRS. T. N. MURPHY Hardware and Crockery mmm itt4 A FEW OBSERVATIONS ; BY OUR REPORTERS SECOND HAND DEAIERS We buy and sell all kinds of second hand goads WE PAYCASH Bargains in all kinds of second baud goods. We also hare some choice city property, with or without im provemente, which we will sell chap, and give you your own time to pay for it ip pay it monthly in place of rem and thereby own' your property. Lots 60x180ft $90. Residences from 1250 to $1000, witn ground. Second hand goods Cook stoves $4.00 to $12.50 Bed room suit $12 50. Iron bed $2.00 everything ia proportion. JfloneY . to oan The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams. Remember we stilt boy and tell W Sacoad Hud Good J ell kind. je 'Phone 1581 TURKESTAN ALFALFA The Dryland Alfalfa grows without irri gation. BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and ail kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' w - The only Seed House in Union County. A. V. JEFFERSON AVE. Oliver Phone 1571 THE WALKOVER $3.50 SHOE WE CAN FIT YOU, AND EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED a n a J B Btoddard arrived last night from Bumpier where he bee been for several days. Mr J U Leiahman and children are visiting friendu In Baker City and Suro- pter. . MrsKallenbacIc who has been In the hospital In Walla Walla returned last night- Mrs Ed Murphy left last night to visit relatives and friends in Portland and Cbehalis, Washington. Rev Boss of Elgin is in the city as sisting Bev Walker pastor of M E chaich In a series of meetings. The mieslonerr society of the M E church met yesterday aftei noun at the home of Mrs A C Huntington. Do not forget the indoor baee tall to-, morrow night. It will be swift gam aud one you will delight in seeing. The many friends of Mrs' A F Lewis will be pleased to learn that ebe is un. proving under the care of Dr Richardson. Saturday evening La Grande lodge No. 41 A F A M will confer the mas ter masons degree. A foil attendance .is desired. There will be a leap year party in the Mormon church Friday night. A cor dial invitation is extended to all respec table people. Mr and Mrs D B Heudricks who have been in Portland returned last uight and will proceed to their home in Elgin this moruing. E L Buasy placed an order yesterday for a handsome Landow, with rubber tires and up to dote in every respect. It will arrive the last of the month. C 1 Huffman returned from Iuibler last night. It was the intention to or ganize a grange- there yesterday but it was bo stormy, it was postponed for a few days. The little son of Mr and Mrs W fc Hirkley is not suffering with diph tl.erl, as was stated in yesterdays Observer. Ho fur he has not developed the desei s though he has been exposed. Owing to the illness of the Rev Father Iteudf he will be compelled lo potpon iie lecture entitled "Can a Priest l-'or- to've Kins?" which he was to have givei Mar. 2 until March I). Architect C K Thornton has enmplet el plans for a brie k building, lor A C Huntington, which will bo built just as soon as tile weather will permit on his property adjoining the council room on 121m street. The Salvation Army Officer's thank the people ol La Grande for helping so generously in the pound meeting that was announced for last Suturday night. Hoping they will receive as much iu re turn for their kindness. TbeCotnmervial'club party was well attended last evening and all present spent a most delightful evening. These club parties are becoming quite popu lar and tho entertainment committee is to be congratulated upon the success of their work. -L J Marshal Rayburn left last night for Portland In response from chief Hunt, that H Smith who 1b wanted in this city for the larceny of an overcoat and 820, was able to leave the hospital, where he has been ! teveral weeks. Rayburn, expects to return tomorrow morning with him. Master Earl Carpenter who has been on tho retired list for the past three weeks owing to a bad sprained knee which was cauaed by a fell upon the concrete floor ol the basement of the high school, waB able to gu out on the street ysteiilay without the aid ol crutches. Mr Leo Slovene, aT, brother of CM ltlevene, one of the. Observer force, was over from Cove yesterday perfecting ar rangements to start his saw mill near Cove. He will cut about one hundred thousand feet at the present site of I lie mill nr.d then move to a point on this side of the valley. On Friday evening there will be a meeting of tho Chrlslain Endeavor society of tho Presbyterian church, to hear the reports of the delegates who attended the convention in Pendleton last week and to receive the Chinese banner. This banner was presented to the national organization to be present ed to the state making the largest per centage of gain in membership. Oregon secured the banner,' and t ffered it to tin district making the greatest gain. East in Oregon than secured it and it was offered to the society making the greot est gain .mil the a ttrande society won it, open a showing of over 300 percent A Royal Good Time Justice Court Justice Grants Court was occupied yesterday afternoon with the case, the State of Oregon vs Earnest Lewie. Gro ceryniea Mc Coy is the prosecuting witness. The point at issue seems to be tho whereabouts of some thirty or forty sacks of potatos. It seems that both Mr Lewis and Mr Mc Coy bad potatoes stored in the 8ommer house basement and when the final accounting came there was a shortage. There did not seem to be as many sacks as Mr McCoy tbooght there should be. There fore the action of law,' Justice Grant will render his decision this morning. It Is altogether likely that the mistake witlbe discovered as it is a certain fact that neither party iu the case is guilty of willfully btcaling. a a a ss & Andrews, JJ itAILOiVS AND CENTS TURNISHINGS. ? w Sal Tho torreslnrs certolnly had a royal good time last evening. Every arrange ment hail been made to have a good tune anil if any one failed it was not be cause the committee had not done their pert. When it comes to having s ireniilue social time the Forresters are surely past grand masters in the art. H D DDBBtlilii FOR SALE 1500 t.nys this property, eight lots or ' ol lllock 6 In Acme addition to La Grande also one acre lot joining. All well fem-ed, with house and small barn new wind mill anil 1700 gallon Unk am pipes with plenty water lo Irrigate all splendid soil, a young orchard also For additional information address box 371 La rendu, Oregon. Lyle Musical Toe Lyle Musical held its regular ses sion jestTday under the eadersbtp ol Mrs W B Sargent. The subject for dis cussions was the Romantic period in piano and s ngs. The following pro gracce was rendered. Piano Solo Steptisnie MisB L'r. r e Hunter. Vocal Solo . . ,T (a) Cradle Song (bj Hark ! Hark ! the lark ! . . Shurbet Mrs E C Moore. Piano and Mandulin Duett Waltz of the Spirits Mesdames G U and F B Currey Vocal Duett Inspirer and hearer of prayer Mesdames Ralston and Sargent. Piano Duett In the Arena The Mis-es Harvey and Fanny Mc Kennon. Coming Attraction The pilruui nf ijtowrinU .(-.' tlCHleH) Will be WrflJ tvipulivc! (Ill r.onth with Iirt clae- rtttrt.utti:n- I rhe first will he U:)4p To.ii'h O bu ' Mjnighl. N.ir cfuien 1 One N p'it in lime" Mrcu 8 next Ward fc W.i. iiipHtrel.i Mtrcii i) und then E l K - - maoa conifiiiiy lur a week o-nug lHrch 14. Grande Ronde Valley Fruit Farm The Ciraiuk' Honda vulky fruiL farm contaiiiB ;tU ac.erf, ana ia tu la sold in ioi of of ten lota iuk' nn J up, to Kiiit tie purchaser. It is situated eight in il ea north-eaBt of La Uraude, Oregon, near the Etin branch of tho O. K. N. aiiroad. We furuUh the purchaser, at the end of three yeura, a tlirilty growing apple orchard, one that has been oared lor from setting, in the moat approved manner, cultivating the land six or eight timed a year, keeping the loanl well pulverised, and at all times free from weeds, uraes and other vegetation May 1st and August l&thof each year; keeping the treed pruued iu tho most Helen title manner; removing and burn ing all cuttings and suckurn, aud in toil, do auy and all work which .will be far tho beat interest of tho trees. We replant nil trees that may die in the (irst, riOt-niid rtnd third years, and pay all taxes for three years. We furnisli the land, labor aud material, and trees, and three years' care, at the price of $l3o per aero, giving three vara In which to pay for It. Our teimsof payment areW) per cent of purchase price, cash : balance iu three yearly payments, bcarii.? interest nt the rates of 0 per cent per annum. The purchaser can remain where he ip, make no immediate change In his business or home interests, making his nwit luisinose pay for his investment, naciilicing no time while the orchard In being brought into bearing condition, and rent assured that skilled horticul- tiiralifts will do the work better than he can unlets he bus had horticultural experience under conditions exiting in Oregon. Alter trees have had scientific aare, pruning and shaping for three years, the subsequent work is much more methodical and can be Buccede fully done by those without horticul tural skill. As an InveBtn ent it i Klt dge; is the nearest possible approach to a ttuaranleed annuity. We have all our work dono by con tract and the contractors are under heavy bonds to us for tho faithful per- foiinance of their work. We have executed a bond to the amount of $10,imi, and have appointed Hon. J. M.rhun h. catihier of the 1-a O-rande National Hank, trim tee. For further particulars see M. I.. CAT SKY President Katcm Oregon Culoniiing Cotiipany. FolevKoes. h Hldg. La Grande. Ore D.-W.-l.-l. NOTICE OF PROPOSED f ; STREET IMPROVEMENT Notice is hereby given of the propos ed improvement of dreekoond Street in tbo City of La Grande, Oregon, by the construction of a sidewalk seven feet wide on the northwesterly side of said Greenwood Street from Adams Avenue to Washington Avenue and orosewalk across alley Said sidewalk to be constructed at the expense of the abutting property owners and cross walk to be constructed at the expense of the City. Notice is hereby farther given that oo less said proposed improvement is defeated by a remonstrance signed by two thirde of the abutting property owoera and filed with the undersigned on or before the 8tb. day of March A. D. 1904 said improvement of said Street will be oidered by the Council of the City of La Grande. Dated Ibis 20th. day of February A. D. 1904. H. T. Williams Recorder tf the City of La Grande Union County, Oregon. 91-0 LADIES ATTNTION During the month of March I will make any shirt waist at the greatly re duced price of from 50 cents to 1.25. Mrs Ettle E Wines. Residence on 9th it tetween O 4. N D.-W.-4.-1. FOR 8ALE Indian Runner Duck eggs , thor ough bred imported stock, i oly a lim ited number. W. N. Monroe, La Grande. 99-2 d i w. L C O A G OOD C O A L In any quantity, Lowest Prices and Full Weight W O Fine OD W O O D and dry any size MILL FEED OATS CHOP BARLEY AND HAY SAVE YOUR MONEY BY TRADING WITH US. PRICES ALWAYS ' RIGHT. GRANDE ROUNDE CASliCOMPANY . S Free delivery 'Phone Main 18C1 V holesale and Retail g FOR SALE 1 have quite a quantity of household goods which I am offering for sale very reasonable. Call at my lesideuce cn Park 1st. Mrs Chae Kincey. FOR SALE Tco acre tract, Kat id the La Urande Flouriutr mill, one hall iu good bearing orchard. SuialWottage, and good bam. Will sell lor cash or will trade for goad work hones. L C Grout T F La Grande, Ore. SHOES The best thnt uioney can buy. Cio (xp iiuunls they huve sloul tbe lest for years, and tli pitnts un ike the shoes we soil em lie closest comparison Our line of Shoes is complete, .a'lies, oeiits. MiMes, Youth fc an Jhildren's'Shoes' S3? Tliu i.-oi and the ctjk m winii ...nKft or uninako a reeiuuranr. Both niif-t lie good or eleo thoae who yut mil move from instead of towards tho door. The Model restaurant has tho cook an artist in his line and the choicest food of every description 1b procured daily. This is prepared in a way that will tempt the dullest appetite and the quality is high enouKh to satisfy the sharpest one. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUUKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT We sell weekly Meal , I 1 :1 RPBDW Tickets, Cash. $4.50 JUST SHOES That's all. i i;y youk nkxt pa in Ol- SHOES FKOM V ve an expt rtv orl iir iu i l-ari-e of on- LV tlF,Y I l-.l JIJMKNT RAINBOW STORE STDRF WBAI 4 HOW CAN I CURE MY INDIGESTION? We sell the heat makes at the lowest possible prices. We are foot titters experienced and reliable. C. W. PRESTON Shoe Speciulist, Depot St. Si : THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS 1-5I3EN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands und tens of thousands of people There is hut one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at the same time Astist the Stomach and Diges tive Orgaus in Digesting and Assimuhttiug Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing tho Organs Iuvoleed. There is hut one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in aud WE WILL TELL YOU HILL & ALLEN Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore " 1 NOTU'K Notice Is hereby given thst my wile lluttie Emick having lelt my hed snd bosnl without jift cense, snd of her own free will, end without my consent. 1 lierehy ive notice thst I will not lie rn.mnsihle fors-ny hills ehonisy trsct from this dale. U (irandn. M"r. 1 1"0 ATTKSTION All members ol the Indoor Bess Bell Aseneietloo ere rrqu-sled lo be et the Commnrolel Club Wfdiieidsy eveniog. If you ere meeni joo , con- O J Kinlrk. member this a m a a a a m u u n IBBBBIKllilQ Nine ounce Denim Overalls I 50 cents per pair. RfiaaeaBBiiBafiBsa Clothes I LUCKY I 2 i a &i pins a 2 cent per doz. S3 H You are indeed if you trade with ua There is no chance nhout,it. You are not only lucky to able to get the good values 3 we offer, but for every Dimes worth nurhrscd of us for cash vou eet u st inn u-liu.li 1 " - ti - ....n lifts value.' Fifiv of these stamps, or five dollars in trade secures you a nice useful dish. ti -rr J -l -., C. ..,l, i L i it .i mis outr uoo nui umy iasi mi a wtci ur iwo Diu, an the time. H H a a a a Sec the beautiful line of Sorosis Under Skirts on display in in our window. THE GOLDEN RULE CO 1308-1310-1312, ADAMS AVENUE Fancy Quilt Covering 5 cents Per yard WE TAKE PRODUCE Toilet Soap Three Bjrs for 5 cen D CI n u a Q BBBBBIflBllBIBRQSHBgBBB "rTWL, juu:e-n ui yuur eccupitinsr Wltn.'ss I nee cmpijjcd la thu W '