SECOND HAND DEAIEKS We boy and sell all kind of econd band goada -;;:WE PAY CASH Bargains in all kinda of second hand goods. We also have tome choice city prope.ty, with or without im proTements, whioh we will sell chap, and give you your own time to pay for it in pay it monthly in plaoa o! rent and thereby own your property. Lots 60x180ft $90. Residences from $260 to 1000, witn ""Second band goods Cook stoves $4.00 to $12.60 Bed room suit $12.60. Iron bed $2.00 everything in . proportion. :: The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fit and Adams. : Remember we U11 buy and tell Wod. .'Phone 1581 f gecooa nana uoaamf : A FEW OBSERVATIONS BY OUR REPORTERS , . scouu ru - ; , , . . jj Ma aBaaWBMaWsala ,. TURKESTAN ALFALFA Mrs J W Beriberis Id Salem at the bedside ol ber mother who i very sick. City Editor Lee O Hendeiaon is on theelck lint suffering with what le fear i tn Worse a oaee oi pneumonia. u. m... urrivad - from Boiie Cltr to be with bla father Cbai Mo- Olnre who haa been quite c ir - lime. ... , .. Mr J J Walah, son of uniei w' -patoherTboi Walsh will be the acting ...t .inrlnur he abaenoa of Mr .6.-V " nlpnnAtt. . . W I Blsnett, night agent at the depot .- Imvii UXlaV lUf loiuaua expev.o whef he will remain a ---actlug business. ., The American Order of rroteetion will serve lonch at K of P Hall March 2 at 7 :i)0 p m. All membera are urgeu u be present, Mlifl Gertrude Johnson, sister of Mra. Wm Aitchlson, who hae been In the city the past two months left last even- ing for Spokane The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri . , gation. '"' ' ' ' -'' " BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Balld Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House in Union County. SAFE CRACKERS AT WORK AGAIN Athena. Feb. Safe craokers blew onen the Dostomce safe in this city last night beeweeo 1 and t a m., and made good tbeir escape with about 4U Ineasli. (be entire con tenia of the safe. . Entrance to the noatoffiee waa effect ed by boring through the rear door, and removing the bolt, the job being done by tome one perfectly laminar with the nremise The explosion wUich ebattered the safe door, waa beard all over town, and a large orowd rushed down to the bank, tninking an attempt waa being made to rob tbat building, bat on reaobing the bsok, Cashier Le Grow , who was the Siat to reaob the build ing, found that nothing had been molested there, and the orowd then Prohibition Convention The attention of the Prohibitionist of Union county, Oregon is called to the county convention to be held In La Grande, February 9, 1904, t Tbe convention will be called to order at 10 o'clock a. m. at the Cen tral Church of Christ oorner of Wash ington Avenue, and Depot Street. - A lull county tioket of otticers will be nominated and delegatea selected for tbe State Convention. All Prohibitionists of tbe county will be entitled to aeata. ! W. A. Woustell, Ohaiaman Union 0 i. Prohibition Ex-Com. Organized IK I'M ClJVw. . . 1 . ... JIUUV HUW.U, . . T M Stubbleflold and daughter Eflle Went ta tbe postofDce, finding the sate , untnot,n are in m ,innr h own into traemencs ana me Ul D . . , tools lying on the floor, but the robbers gone. This ie the fourth safe blown open A. V. BFFWRSON AVE. Oliver Phone 1571 j geaejpSIHeMeWewBeaeWewawaaiaaMBT BnnDDnaon-iBBBBBnwnBBBBj Is Ul UUIIvIMB""" . . n1.Li.,..,.iii wfii Antn an exclusive enoe store ii he can secure a suitable loca tion. mi I. a nnaltlnn WaUlDff ftt the Observer office for the young lady who would like to learn to let type. i. j think you wouULJike to learn call at this office. . ri.... aaveral bova In the scnooi yesterday who Tiad been strangers to .. nnm for some time, rue lilt! KIIWI r 4t.A . anflrlnn cnailKe oi ui. CBUBB O . ii.railon was the person ruKuruii'K . , , ..I MmiUun BlVen mom "J Bsyburn. Yesterday he rounded up four or Ave boya who had made a steady i I nir irtlrtnt Rim Ulttruicu uruuiico w F"a them up to the rehool and turned them over to Principle Ilpckinberry. This is - I nd one Wllicn sumim " .... .. n.a tVin nra 1111. aiinreoiatea ny me paro,,- uhlnto excerciBe the proper co.nru-. .tuir fhnif bovfl. Bemembm that Undo Trms Uiin ni im here tomorrow night, ana ..... are aoimt vou bad belter secure .,. tndav lor Beats are g"inn mmnrrnw eveuinii win .... .. i. -in h a ouestion of llltie la.e. . ' .innillnii room only. . rvfinnnnr returned from Union La. wbprfi he baa been ransaot- ig business relative to his addition to this city in Umatilla oounty within the past moulh, and the work has evidently been done by the same parties sa tne same genernl methods have been pur cued in all the robberies. ' Tne rob beries mentioned are tbe Milton sta. ti'ou safe, oi the O R & N 00:11 pauy, tbe Oregon Lumber Yard sale in rend It - ton, the Cayuse poatolhce safe and the Athena postnfnoe sale. Birthday Party A very ileaant birthday pirty wnt given at the hiiine ol Mr. and Mr John Hoak on Saturday jlterno'm lu honor ol the ll.'tb. birthday ol thtii little cl mi u titer Csruline, Tho.-o who were prenent : Sophia, Jolinie, Kntli and Ni-aln. Hoak, Golbci Uvm, Alicoia Santuec. Bdith Unh, N.-liii Walker, Orillo Hugauw, l)lbert Hol mes, Hiith Ootner, Eva Uotnur, l.m- ern Wissler, Harold Wimh'r, AgneB and Eugene Grant, Ruth HarriK, Mamie Moore, A I morn Walker Zulma and Pearl Looklieart, Golna Carpi n- ler, Maud Walker, Ltah Miller. A number ol the old Bine Mountain University aludenti met Monday even ing andecfectod an organnatlon by tbe eleotion of J B Reynolds president E S Eckly. vioe-presideot and Turner Oliver, seoretary and treasurer. Tbe object of the organizatiou is to bold annual reunions." Tbe first will be held in this oity in tbe near future Committees on program and general arrangements and invitations were aDDointed. Tbe date will be announo ed by tbe committee in a few days Sacred Heart Academy A lecture will be given by B. Rev. 0 J O Reilly on Msrcb 16, at the aoademy, ball. At tbe same time an entertainment will be giveu consist ing of a quartette and several seleo- toos by tne members of 8t Mary a choir and pupils of tbe academy. Central Church . Prayer meeting and nornalola'a on Wednesday evening this week. Members and friends will please take notio?. i V V ; FOR KENT Five room cutlage. Inquire of MIbs Begxr. COAL GOOD COAL In any quantity, Prices and Full Weight WOOD W O O D Fine and dry any size MILL FEED OATS CHOP, BARLEY AND HAY SAVE YOUR MONEY BY TRADING WITH US. PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT. GRANDE ROUNDE CASHCOMPANY . c j.ii.,-, -Dkon. MainlSOl Wholesale and Retail THE WALKOVER I $3.50 SHOE 19 . . S WE CAN FIT YOU, AND S : EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED a ' n S -Ross & Andrews, 5 TAILORS AND GENTS FURNISHINGS. ..HIIHIII rgjrgjiai mmmm HOME GROWN Healthy Apple Trees In Variety, Thiilt and Prices. I on fumlBh largo or bihbII orders of Apples in ,.X also shrubs, uines, weeping trees mid My.iWrniU olrollna Poplars, Black Locust, Sycii 'm0S MuSutT, OaUtlp., Linden. Maple, Larch, Biroh, Sim! ABb. Set and roses in any variety. Write for pricee to Con. Plant, Box 004, LaQraude, Ore. VM. QILPINS' GREEN HOUSE - Pkone 1101 in ony. 1 - Tbe following young people apent Qrande Ronde Valley Fruit Farm Sunday In Union. I The Gramlo llonile valley fruit farm Martie Mdriou. Allie Bievenn, .1... 3,0 .,., ttn,i ifl to b .m ilan MoOall.Graoe KlDBey, Qleva Mo- ,ol8 of o( Ujn lotB allj aj Up, tosult ir.n. Edna Bohllke, 1j w waniuu. tne purohaser. It is Bituated eight mil rniimher. J B bmlvU, Jaivajeuiioou e8 noPti,-eaBt 01 J.a urande, uregon, . " m.on -Nink Reaver. I near the Klirin branch of the O. R. & N onrs li I ii 1 - TtfED I We furniHh the nurchagor. at the eml D.l'M.,Tn iho cltv Monday 29th, 1904,of three years, a thrifty growing apple U1IWJ - . -1.1 nn Of I .....I... 1 ull,,,t l,.,a ,u ... (P ii .1 .l.n Mim IIHI UIV nu.. luiviiniui ...w uuu uvu.i uii v Mr and Mrs W 8 Berkley, of dlphtli-1 from Betting, in the most approval mi.. tn..a.., mk nlace yes-1 manner, cultivating the land bik oi erm. xne - . , a , , terday afternoon In tne 1. eigin limes a year, Keeping me giounu . Athai ohlld in me same 1 won pniverizeu, ana at an- iiinea ireo family Is quite 111 wiinn-""" "' """" "" "a t... il thmiiit to have passed the uangur HKy iat ana August 101 11 01 oacn year kMnl,. tl.. t.... n.nnn in .1..., '. I sclentiflo manner; removing and bum s flirvMhopia 1 HIV. ing all cuttings and suckers, ana Lipillllviiv. short, do any and all work ' which will n. nf nur readers has bandea in be (,r the best Interest of the trees. We ..un .i 11.0 fallowing "sure ronlaut nil trees that may die in the lor UUU11UR.1UU " 1 - i . j;.,i.n,U Whiie Ibis first, aeoond and third years, and pay oure iui .... I.,,. ... w 1.1, maybe sure, saie . - - u.AlWttaihn.Sem'tMn, at the price of have reason to believe that iheir child- 1 .. hree , rn have this dreaaeu on ,,., , ., their family dootor and see what lie Qar rf paylnont re 5B per callt t.hlnlifi about the cure ana iohuw 0r u.,rci,tt0 ..rice, cash: oalnnce in advise to the letter. There ie a vast tiree yearly payments, bearing iiiterost .ni...,M hatween diDhtberl ', mumps ... ile rKtc. 0( 0 per cent per annum. .. I 'IH.a 111. fnmaiii uiliti.A lift I, nr hnat ran. . ..- "Use a little gun powder every little Is, make 110 Immediate change In his ... ...1. .(.. .nnanaini IHD 1L 1 UUOlllUOO ui mime luiui.o.o, i n ii 1 1 vi um. 1 - . The food und the cook are what make or unmake a restaurant. Both muH be ooiul or else those who eat will move frnm inHtnml of towards the door. tiia Mrwlnl restaurant has the cook an artist in Iub line and the choicest fond of every description la procured rlnilu. Ti,!8 is prepared in a way that will tempt tho dullest appetite and the quality is high enough to Batisiy 11 sliarpost one. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUOKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIUHT We sell weekly Meal Tickets, uaBn $450 JUST SHOES That's all. 1 .-.I nut nme coaloil on a flannel rag and put it on the tlimat SOMMER HOUSE A M Gourad 17373 THE KAULE KYK of an expeir can delect the sligliu law or defeotive grinding in all lenren AH that are not absolutely perfect an summarily tejeoted. 1 donl wain tbem at any price, though I am oiler urged to keep them at very much re duced pricee The eye is TOO DELICATE An organ to tamper with and I .ud olakaea It is your duty Ii youraelf to gel the best l.el me hel you to do your duty a.. 11 aiUniloD nid to all filch .i.b Itwelrv repairing Peare, the Jcwelerj L O McDonald R W Williams W B Back W M Rice W K Gardiner H 1. Darman G 1' Teed Mrs J 1 Mulliiiie Mrs 8 V Devino Fred Pluckner B A Welbon K Oenot C 11 Hasted J H Alexander K A Wade and wife M K Kahn S K Oorbino K E A' bite 0 K Roy and wile 1) Hill W C Ash M 8 Roscnatall 1, A Baker J L Beban Albert Gibbons H K Noll Imbler Portland do Milwaukee Walla Walla New York Portland do Walla Walla do St Taul Baker City Ontario Ore Seattle Eugene Kent Wash Portland do Chicago do Baker City Tocoma Chioago Port lam Omaha gummeivllle Medical Springs SHOES The best that, n oney can buy. No exj"-ri uhiih. bh they have stood t'.e lest fur ypitrs, and th prices art ik the ihoes we sell eai he clopest comparison Our line of Shoes i" complete, ui'lies, oents, MiBRes, Yontli e an Children's Shoes- RPBOW STDRF F-1737 BUY YOUR N b XT PAIR OF SI10KS FROM l ,V(! hi. v.- an oxpcrlv ork imp in . hari'e of on JEWEIRY liKPARTMENT RAINBOW STORE ' i : . present business pay for his investment, nacrilii'lng no time while the orchard is being brought into bearing condition, and rest assured that skillod horticul- tmaliats will do the work belter than he can unless he 1ms had horticultural experience under conditions existing in Oregon. Allor trees nave nan siicnnuc are, pruinug and shaping for throe years, the subsequent work is muiu more methodical and can be succesi fully dune by those without horticui tin ill skill. As an Investment It is gilt edge; und is tho nearest possible approach to a guaranteed annuity. We have all our work done by con tract and tho contractors are under heavy bonds to us lor the faithful pcr- foiniance of their work. U'n Imvn executed a bond to the ammuit ol UUks). and have appointed Hon. .1. M. Church, cashier ol tho 1 (I rondo National Hank, trustee. Hr further particulars see M. I.. CAVSEY, President Eastern Oregon Coloniting Company. Foley Roosih lllilg. La Oriinde. Ore. D.-W.-t,-l. We sell the best makes at the lowest nnsHible prices. We are foot Utters experienced' and reliable. C. W. PRESTON Shoe Specialisf, Depot St. HOW CAN I CURE MY INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous Btrain reet it; and at the same time Assist the Stomach and Diges tive Orgaus in Digesting and Assimulatiug Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Iuvoleed. There is but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and ; WE WILL TELL YOU J HILL & ALLEN Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore LUCKY Clothes Pins 2 cent per doz. ATTENTION All momberi of the Indoor Base Ball Association are requested to be at the Commercial Club Wednesday evening. If you area member this meant you , Another Grange Deputy organiier Voorheee met a member nl the farmers lu the Masonic hall Satimlay altemoon at Sumner ville. lhere was a good attendance and muota enthnsiani and the requir ed number baa been secure aud the organisation will bo perfected today. Nine ounce Denim Overalls I 50 cents per pair. I You are indeed if you trade with ua There is no chance about it. Yu are not only lucky to able to get the good values we offer, but for every Dimes worth puuhrsed of us for oaah you get a stamp which has value. Fifiv of these stamps, or five dollars in trado secures you a nice' useful dish. This offer does not only last for a week or two but, all the time ... una a imm a See the beautiful line of Sorosis Under Skirts on display in in our window. THE GOLDEN RULE CO 130S-1310-1312, ADAMS AVENUE Fancy Quilt Covering 5 cents Per yarj WE TAKE PRODUCE I Toilet Soap Three Bars for 5 cents. ' 1 juugi- toil i jour eiH'iipaiion f Vltn -I was eiupnyed n a a D n