.? ..ki.r.. f Yi V. Maiamcr-i.-siiairBiiaiifliiaiiaiiaiiaiict ' . HOMEGROWN : Healthy Apple Trees" 4 In Variety, Thillt and Prices. v I can furnish large or small orders of Apples in any variety, also shrubs, nines, weeping trees -and small fruits Carolina Poplars, Black Locust, Syca more, Mulbnry, Catalpa, Linden, Maple, Larch, Birch, Elm, Ash, Privet and roses in any variety. Write for prices to Con. Plant, Box 604, LaGrande, Ore. WM. GILPIN8' GREEN HOUSE , , 'Phone 1161 m 0 BOODDODBBBDOBDBnBBBBV 0 SOLE AGENTS IN LA GRANDE a O For the Celebrated 9 AND HANAN MEN'S SHOES These are two strong lines and we have them in the latest styles. The price of the Walk Over is $3.60 to $4, and Ilanan ranees from " $4.00 to f 7.00. , Spring Samples of our Tailoring Department Has received an elegant line of spring samples . . Come in and look them over, we believe you will want a suit from our many new putterns. a u a a a a H S3 E3 a . m n btoss xr Andrews, a P - a D - TAILORS AND GENTS FURNISHINGS. . H A FEW OBSERVATIONS BY OUR REPORTERS BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB TURKESTAN ALFALFA The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gat ion. , . . BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfalfa and all kinds o1 Garden Seed in bulk ......... j Seed Wheat. Balld Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House in Union County. f F W Hambetl, the I X L Merchant has been quit 111 lb put week, bat hll many frlendt will be pleased to know that he la ranch better. Joi Binith will take a layoff on ac count ol badly apralned knea. The In jury was caused by (ailing against the wheel ol the delivery wagon. Mr J W Scrlber states be U at a loea to know why in the Hat of creditors in the Wade estate bis name should appear as he neither filed a claim or authorised any one elan, either personally or In the inteniat of the Fanners and Trader! Ba.ik. I ho county seat petitions are pouring In, already over 2000 signatures have been received and there are several pre cincts that bave not sent in their list Hud there will be quite a number yet that will come in from the precincts al ready reported. The total numb:r will easily exceed 2500. The Cove will vote on Incorporation today. The question baa been one of intense local speculation bnt the ballots will tell the story today. The wile and family of Mr a. Htewart, the jeweler in the Rainbow store arrived yetiterday from Ann Harbor, Michigan to make thin their permanent home. lira Rosenbum, who baa been In 8n Francisco several weeka placing the j apring order for millinery for the Rain bow atore has returned home and la a chort time there will he an opportunity for the ladies of this city to call and view the latest fashions of the season. M E Hotchkiss, T, A Stoop and E O Blsnchar and wife, of Elgin, came in on the Elgin train last evening. Miss Agnes Vest, one., of the popular young ladies of Joseph, Wallowa County passed through the city yesterday even ing enrouto to Hot Lake to spend a few days. Miss Vest haa been in ill health fpr some time and will try the virtues , of Hot Lake waters to restore her to her former good health. J R ItoBB of the firm of Ross and Andrews, was at his place of business a few hours yesterday, alter a severe siege ol illness, uiused by rheumatism. a Laura Holm ia visiting with Missoa Uail aad Gertrude Huffman in Pendleton. Geo 8 Craig, one of the prosperous farmers ol Wallowa county, came over on last evenings Elgin train, from Enterprise and went on to Walla Walla. The funeral' of the late Wm Bay took place yesterday afternoon from the family residence. There were many of the old pioneers of tho city and valley present. In reporting the election of officers ol the Republican club we omitted the name of J H Peare as secretary, who was reelected for another term of two years, Mr W II Dclaney, a former student o' Rev Father Read, arrived yesterday Irem the east and is so well impressed, with our city that ha will undo l btadly remain permanently. Have you secured your ticket for "Phylis" to be presented next Saturday by local talent? You muBt be prepared for a treat and you wilt notbedigapoint- ed. If you do not think La Grande is growing, just take atour of the city and note the new dwellings now in course of construction. District attorney Sam White haa re signed the state chairmanship of the democratic central Committee, given ns his reason teat he expects to be renominated for prosecuting attorney and that In case he was his time would be fully occupied. There is no doubt but be will be kept busy all r g!.t. Frank Bilk was before recorder Will iams yesterday for his mix up Sun day morning an I enriclnd Hit, city treasure to the extent of ten dull irs and the cost. Knights of Columbus Baker City council Ho S Knights of Oolumtos was 'organlied la Baker City on Feb SI and elected the follow ing officer ' ' - Grand Knight 0 Y Murphy; deputy grand knight I U . Bowen; Cbanoelor J H Peara ol La t ilrande; Warder, WillM Griffin; Recorder Albert J Durr; Chaplain rigbt, 0 O Beilly Bishop of Balier City ; Advocal Thomaa Walsh, ol La Grande. ' :- The Knights of Columbus ia a fra ternal order whose members belong to the Catbolio oburoh' II has not op Derated long la Oregon having one cooooil in Portland and one in Baker City. The worlds almanao for 1904 gives the order a membership in the Uuited Bute of 88.000. Rain at Pendleton Pdndleton, Ore., Feb 22 A heavy drenobing rain fell ovu the county early yesterday morning. Old timers say there is mora moisture in the ground now than tbey have seen at tb ia season to 20 oi more years. JUST SHOES That's all SOMMER HOUSE JEFFERSON AVE. ei? Phone 1571 FIRST BALLOT FOR HANNA'S SUCCESSOR Columbus O., Feb 23 Separate bal lots will be taken in the House and Senate at noon on March 1 for the eieotion of a auooeajor to the late Sen ator Hanua and a joint session will be hold at noon on March 2 to deolaie the result. This ia provided in a joint resolution introduced and adopt ed in the Senate tonight, and which will be ratified by the House tomor row. Congressman Dick ia expected here next Wednesday. I ill I 1 T 1 I I I ST 17373 THE EAGLE EYE of an exnoir can delect the slightest law or detective grinding in all icr.scs. All that are not absolutely perfect an Bumraailly njootfd. I dont want them at any price, t'-oiiRh 1 am olten urged to koap them at very much, re duoed priocs The eye is TOO DELICATE An organ to tamper with and i you need glanses it is your duty U yoursell to get the heat 1-U me bel you to do your duty Bttict attention paid to all witch clock and jeweliy repairing Mrs August Hug Elgin Rose Nicholson dn Bert Bamer do J R Early Spnkaoe I) A Movarlane Elgin R S Martin Portland IV J Davis do O Lankand Salt Lake Geo B Bent Chicago J W Irwin Tocama W R Hunt ' San Francisco Mrs E J Forsythe Enterprise M E Campbell , Denver C,J.McLAIN( Presid-at D. CKOWE, Sec. Trea GRAND R0NDE CASH Co. (Incorporate. FARM MACHINERY. FEED OF ALL KINDS, WOOD and COAL fwo car loads of best coal ever bfoSht57.25 to the city. We sell it Delivered for r iixteen inch Wood delivered, $5.00 extra rim. nrtxent cnnnlv of Bran is heavy Snorts and Bran. We do all mr own milling and can furnish the t ratio with chopped or rolled feed in quauties to suit. Get our prices. OATS EXTRA FINE WHITE $1.10 cwt. g We own our building and mill and are in a position to meet competition and will do it. GRAND ROUND CASH COMPANY. V F. rfpiivprv 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Reta We sell Shoe, and leave milli nery, hardware and mousetiaps for other people to sell, Shoes absorb our attention Our stock is is fresh and always up-to-date. C. W. PRESTON Shoe Specialist, Depot St. THE ABC JLaUIlary for Business C" J. H feare, the Jeweler! Are AH For Him New York Feb 22 The Republioan state oonvontion to choose New York's delegates to the National convention is truing to be the most unanimous affair in the world. President Roose velt's friends, who have been on ten terhooks beoauso of the fight between Senator Piatt and Governor Odell are smiillng again . Both of these great men after muob feinting and dodging have come out into the open and an nouno id their belief thai 'e Presi dent should be formally indorsed and the doloxtttes instructed for him and' the Roosevelt men don't care whether Piatt or Odell wins out. With our new up-to-date Plant we are iu a Position to turn out the best of work. Shor1 Order wnk a specialty. Phone No. 185 Cull us up utiJ our wagou will call. A B G LAUNDRY PHONE I85l SECOND HAND DEAIhRS ! We buy and sell all kinds of second band o.mIh WE PAYCASH v ' 1 For everything we buy, making it pnssiMo for us to ell cheap. We have our own drlivery wagon, thereby saving tbe expense of an exprossnmn : AH kinds of Crockory, Hardware, Tinware and o Jewetery, at bottom prices. Phone us if yt u ,'nye anything to sell. oan Sa Grande Pawnbrokers - onov to r. ' v . 'glwga ' "i rtxr Vt and Adams. -T.tui ir kl0,i 'Phone 1581 SHi DoodaJi -.t ' WANTED A lady wants room and board in private family. Best of relrances given Inquire at this otlice. Teachers Meet Th teaoheie of Union County nill neot Saturday. Fib. 27, at Uuion. A giH'd proirrame has been prepared The oxercises will begin at 10 a m and cun.inue all day. tt.M lo ttiiltr Frettch Coffee. The peculiarly di-llfloua Havor of cof- , ' an acrveil ly tin" French hostoas Is nalil to Up dnp to the fact that wucn roastlnir the btiin she covers It very tllclitly wlien done with melted butter and Mint Instead of egg. aa la often o:i In this couutry. How lo Clean Meerschaum Ptpea. Oun who lina a beloved meerschaum pipe mny be glad to learn Just how to flenimo It In a very simple way with out Injuring the beautiful coloring, which can only he produced by faithful attentlou to my Lady Nicotine. Place a eienlKa ClasalSMtlM. "Now. children." aaya the dear teach rr, "I bave explained to you how yeast iruwa until It is full of ce!U Whlcr. Ittle boy or girl will tell me tlie UUu: om to which yeast belongs? ' I The little wise boy lifted nla baud. I "Ton may tell, Johnny." "The criminal kingdom, teacher."- Chicago Tribune. I rraetlral. The Roostcr-Wliy can't you Ihti I met I swear I'd go through Are an. rater for yon! The nn Oh. don't he rldlcillow -.hi knnw yon can't awlm, and I Ju i lie iniell of bumed feather. Freeh Chocolules Fresli Bon Bo lis Fresh Nougact Fresh Oitrmels Fresh Tafley Fresli Saitcd Peanuts Fresh Salted Almonds Fresh Popcorn Fresh Frui GREENE & GO- OUT OF TOWN property is a department to which we give a great keul of attention. II yon are looking for a Binall farm, we know of seAeral, A comfortable Jenburban home for the wife nn i bairns? W o have ttieni in BOVfral lcralitii-s. AND I.ISTKS. The lime !o hioli nlti r. a.- suburban propel ty i right nwivj&vl later on when everybody else"! doing the same thing' Bend yon our list? Certainly. La Grande 1110 Adams Avenue, Investment Ccrrpany, l.n Gn nde, O: f pon CREAM WANTED Farmers, bring your cream io r.3 nnd we will pay the very highest market price for it. At tbe'present price of butter it will pay you far better to sell the cream than !o churn it. We are 9gonts for the famous D13 LAVEL separator. The best made. COVE CREAMERYJCOMPANY, E. O. Harper, Mgr. Headquarters at Hill & Allen's, La Grande. fig m IS : HOW CAN I CURE MY INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do IhL; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at the same time As.ist tl.e Stomach and Diges tive Orgaus iu Digesting and Assimulatiug Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Involeed. There is but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL TELL YOU HILL & ALLEN Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore 1 rf ttf HttftrrrT Nine ounce Denim Overalls 50 cents per p ir. LI JOKY Clothes Pins 2 cent per do? A FAVRO.TK l'l.ACW with thoso 'no knhw what good living means is THE MOUKI. REKTATRANT. There are all the llttjo arwawriea tliat heln to make a meal eijnyablo - a well set table, comfortable scuts, plenty ot ( room, courteous waiters ami elllole .t; service. I The chief attraction, howevor is Ihe ex i celient food and good cooking, and the prices are very reavonahlu to. OPEN DAY AND NUillT We fell weekly Mel . t a Tickets, Cah MODEL re:::.' ant . You are indeed if you trade with us . There' is no chance about it. You are not only lucky to able to get ihe onod values wo offer, but for every Dimes worth piin hrs -d uf us for cn-h you get a s'ump which bus value. Fifiv of these stamps, or five dollars in trade secures you a nice ui i ul dish. 5 This offer does not only last for a week or two but, all the lime Sec the beautiful line of Sorosis Under Skirts on display in in our window. THE GOLDEN RULE CO ; 1308-1310-1312, ADAMS AVENUE a a B a s a a m a Fancy Quilt Covering 5 cents Per yard WE TAKE PRODUCE Toilet Soap Three Bars for 5 cents. B ft a Jiirigr-- vt nat i your Occupation' Vlltita-l waa empio;cd Iu lh : f. I 8 i