A ll 1 I 2 I EL OME GROW N" i . : Healthy Apple Trees ? : . In Variety, Thiilt and Prices. ' :' t can furnish large or small orders of Applos in any variety, also shrubs, uiues, weeping trees and r small fruit Carolina ; Poplars, Black Locust, Syca- more, Molbury, Catalpa, Linden, Maple, Larch, Birch, Elm, Ash, Privet and roses in any variety. , Write for prices to Con. Plant, Box 604, LaGrande, Ore. : - : WM. GILPINS' GREEN HOUSE -; 'Phone 1161 , LaaaaaonaDoaaDnimnaQBi i ... a r SOLE AGENTS IN LA GRANDE a For the Celebrated a WALK-OVER AND HANAN y S yMEJN S SHOES ra w These are two strong lines and we have them mm iu uo luwpt BiywB. me price,; or me want- 0 D II in the latest styles. Over is 3.50 to $4, and Hanan ranees from 4.00 to H7.00. V n a a a a Spring Samples of our Tailoring Department Has received an elegant line of spring samples Come in and look them over, we believe you ,, win want a suit irom our many new patterns. Boss & , Andrews, TAILORS AND GENTS FURNISHINGS. a n n a si S3 a a v aa is mtJIIMHIMIllltttttttttttt1tT1'f,aAf" A FEW OBSERVATIONS BY OUR REPORTERS daaDoaDDDaaaniiiiBEs TURKESTAN ALFALFA IHBMliaihiaPBBWgff!!3gMB! The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gation. f BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfalfa and all Kinds o Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Balld Barley, Oats, Eic. The only Seed House in Union County. Jm V". Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Phone I57I One hundred delef (tea attended the Baker county distriotof tbe Knights o.' Pytliiit at Baker O'tt, Saturday, Elsie Walker eame over from terprias Haturday evening to Tint with bia brother, Bev. J O Walker. Olen Qraham and bia little brother were over from Uniou jreaterdaw. Mr Graham and bis wife will leave for their old borne in Ooloradu as soon aa Mrs Graham is able ro travel. Mrs Pearl Brooks is down from K mela visiting with ber mother, Mrs Adeook. Mayor Slater made a business vitit to Elg-in yesterday, Mr Loo Mitchell of Union, is visit ing friends and relatives in tbe city. E W Bumble, of Elgin, arrived on the Elgin train last evening. Sam Wade, a well known farmer and stockman of Lostine, came over on last evening's Elgin train. F J Holmes and wife and O B Hun ter and wile, of Island City weie in the city last evening. John Calvin, a retiied merchant of Enterpriae passed through tbe city yesterday enreute home from Cl., where be been spending tbe winter. E L Wiley", a stockman of Wallowa, arrived over on tbe Elgin train last evening. J I Wade and F L Bobineon, of. Snmmerville arrived in the city last evening. D H Bonrr, of Elgin arrived in the oity last evening. Dr Whitiny and wife and D A Mo Farlane came over ltom Elgin on last evening'B train. J M Edwarde, a well known farmer (ronvtbe flora section in the nortero part ol Wallowa county was a visitor in tbe oity yesterday. Tbe Elk's big ball attracted a large number from outside towns in this eod Wallowa county 1 MrB B M Grandy who was reported dangerously ill Sunday morning was muon better yesterday evening Mr and Mrs C S Williams returned hjme 8uuday morning from their wedding tour. They visited friends at Portlan.', Eugene and Ashland Jaok Hills, tbe old meat market man is reported very ill with typhoid fever MrB Siekles of Tocoma who has been viBitiug her brother Mr Fred King for several weeks baa decided to mnke La Grande ber home and for the present has rooms in Mrs Hattie McDonald's residence on 6th at Revival Services still continue at the M E Church Bouth Bev Howard will preaoh at least one more night Prayer meeting this afternoon at 2 :30 and services in the evening beginning at 7 :30 Much interest has been shown and some have proteased con version All are invited to attend Evans A Fitzgerald, the barbers will move from their present quarters tbe first of tbemontb to tbe room just completed for them in the new Bull building. So when you fail to fin d tbem at their old stand do not think they have left town. Just keep going on towards the railroad tisck a few doors and you will flu J tbem just as good as new. Ralph Worstell returneJ Sunday uigbt from Loutfraimt. Colo., where he has for seveial months been hold ing the important poiition of assist ant chemise ut toe sugar factory there. Mr Worsle.l has been asked to return to Lougmout next fall when Che campaign opena again eote ttie labratory at a substantial increase in wages. Articles of incorporation bave been riled with the secretary of state for the organization of tbe Sugar Beet Irrigation Company of Union tbe capi tol stock is $3480 aud the incorpora tors are J H England, W J Tuwnly and F S Bramwell Mr and Mrs Robertson wbo bave been visiting Dr und Mrs L D Reavis left last evening for their home in Missouri In reporting tbe oity council mo t ing Sunday morning, the Observer in Willinib Vk Paris Feb 22 Tbe Petit Pariaien ne's London corrsepondent says tba during an interview preceding tbe de patnie from London for Bt Petersburg yesterday of Count Beackendorff, the Busaiao Ambassador, Lord Lands dwooe, the HiitUb Foreign Minister, intimated to bim that King Edward was willing to effur bia mediation in tbe war In the Far Kisl if tbe Czar thought be could acopt it. Severe Earthquaka. San Franoiaco Feb 21 One of the aevereBt earthquake fliocks San Fran Cisco 'has experienced in years struck the oity a few minutes before 3 this morning. The vibrationa were of short duration but unuaual power, and were followed by a heavy wind that lasted only a few seconds. C,J.McLAfN, Presidnt' Sec. & Trea JUST SHOES That's all. We sell Shoe, and leave milli- 1 1 a tv Viarrl arara anil mmiflaliOhD advertently stated that the bonding ' , " , ... . . . . s for other people to eell, proposition would be voted upoa at . . . i u f. r , ... , ... kiioea nbsorb our attention tun regular uieoi.'oii iu .ruut,. v e ohould have stuted at the city election in Maroh. Ben Grandy Jr has purchased a five acre fruit place in Kruitdale, and will move to his new home in a abort ,ime. , Read tbe new ad of E Antlrnss A Co which appears in Ibis mornings Observ er. Mr Fred Sheets, one of the Obsorver force, spent Sunday nml Monday with friends and relatives, in Union. . Our stock is is freeb and always .up-to-date. C. W. PRESTON Shoe Specialist, Depot St. J. J. LILLIS PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER.,,, hop on P si betw Phone I22g ataetaiifasattsiasitsi alcpj THE ABC Laundry Is now Ready for Business 17373 . THE EAGLE EYE ol an cxpeir can detect the slightest law or defective grinding in all lenses. All that are not absolutely perfect arc summarily rejected. 1 dont want hm at anv nrice.-t'-ouKh 1 ani olten urged to keap them at very much re- duoed prices i ne eye is TOO DELICATE An nrcan to taimur with and i vou need clauses it is your duty to yourself to got the best Let mo hel you to do your duty Stiint attumi. n mud ! U wlch olook and jewelry repairing J. H, Fearet the Jeweler SECOND HAND DEAItIRS We buy and sell all kinds of second hur.il pnjds WE PAY CASH For everything we buy, making it posaiMo for us io sell cheap. We liave our own delivery wngon, thereby saving the expense of an exprossnmn . All kinds of Crookory, Hardware, Tinware nml n Jewelery, at bottom prices. Phone tt if yen have anything to sell. SOMMER HOUSE Hon Mitchel P B Sibley J M Hnoraon J K Flynu Hairy Neor M T Lsning Geo Simmons Joo Summer Jna Mish W T Stewart Win Patten C Lockwood ,M U Volward and wifo (irnce Wright K P Schow .1 W Wehlwr John.Mowror A R Hunter Misa lluuter ! Dr Whiting & wife j Mrs H Cave ahd children Miss Maggie Madden ! C Lockand I H L Kuner S S Litcliflold It Me (..art by il HttUFScroan ito E Miller I O II Dickinson K II Dully I Portland With our new up-to-date Plant we are iu a Position to turn out tbe best of work.- Shor1" Order woik a specialty. Phone No. 185 Cull us up and our wagon will call. 8 a a a a a a a a a v a a a a i aannBnnaa3EB3aaaiws3jna! ABC LAUNDRY PHONE i85i Elgin Kansas City k. y. Elgin Salt Lake Union Walla Walla St Paul Island City do Elgin do do Salt Lake do San KrancUco San Francisco San Francisco Union Boice Portland Fresh Chocolules. Fres'i Bon Bona Fre?li Nougact Fresh Carmels Fresli Tall'ey Fresh Suited Peanuts Fresh Salted Almonds Frosli Popcorn Fresh Fruiii GREENE & CO- 1 ISSSZiSSSSZiSXSS.SSSai'S s-GRAND RONDE CAS H CVJ (incorporate. d FARM MACHINERY, FEED OF ALL KINDS, WOOD and COAL fwo car loads of best coal ever bSM$7.25 to the city. We sell it Delivered for r Sixteen-inch Wood delivered, $5.00 Our present supply of Bran is extra heavy Shorts and Bran. We do all our own milling and can furnish the trade with chopped or rolled feed in quanhes to suit. Get our prices. OATS EXTRA FINE WHITE $1.10 cvvt. We own our building and mill and are in a position to meet competition and will do it. g r.RANn ROUND CASH COMPANY. LV -mm ab- w - - - rjpfc y Free delivery 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Refa g OUT OF TOWN property is a dj'ftruitent to wliich we give a great konl of intention. li yon are ookint ior a bmaJl farm, we know of se.ttm0( A coiufortatife Suburban liome for the wife an 3 bairn?? We have thein in several .realities. AND I.ISTKX. The limp !o look oftir u suburbui propei ty is rijjht now. Mot htter on whn everybody tleo 'm doing the fame thing' 8eml vcu our lUt? Certflinly. La Grande L110 Adams Aveiuio, Investment Ccrrpany, l is G)t!U!c, Otrpou CREAM WANTED Farmers, bring your cream !o us und we will pay the very highest market ju ice for it. At thejre8ent price of butter it will pay yon far belter to sell the cream than to oliurn it. We are sgents for the famo-js DE L.WEL separator. The best made. COVE CREAMERYgCOMPANY, E. O. Harper, Mgr. Headquarters at Hill & Allen's, La Grande. 11 HOW CAN I CURE MY INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do f i'-; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous ttrain rest it; and at the same ti me Assist the Stomach and Direr live Organs iu Digesting and Assinntlnliug Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Involeed. There is but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSI'SPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL TELL YOU HILL & ALLEN . Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore t . 4. t A Onnlnt 1. title Maid. ! This iilctiliv shows how thrt Itat't girls of Inlli; ni;n wen (livssed. Cad ' you linncino this inall. (Ilpuinnl per ' son riiniilut; or Jumping or tiHlullui: oney to ix. The La Grande Pawnbrokers v ' ' Corner ' Fir ' and Adams. v, i fin 1..-5- fi. sa Nine ounce Denim Overalls . 50 cents per p. ir. LI JOKY Clothes Pins 2 cent per doz. m 3 You are indeed if you trnde with 113 A VAV1UILTK I'LAO". with tlio?e who kulnv what koo1 living iiiesna i? j THK MODKI. UKSTATBANT. j a ''a j n Tliere is no chance aliout it. You are not only lucky to able to ( wo offer, but fur every Dhiu9 worth ptin-hrsed of us for on li vou gi-t n value. Fifiv of these stamps, or tive dollar? iii trmle ;c ures vou a nii-e This offer docs not only last for a week or two but, li iii.- 'ni ' V.'.Ilt03 ' WIi! Il (he time a : : X V i, X 's i . .: : .... PR1NOB8S ISABELLA. m nny ehllillsh Rinuea? Sho was s nrrnl bnby, bolug the Princess Isabella. :uiiKlitor of rblllp IV. of Spain. Aivj ou not Rind that the little irtrls of to-, nay are not crossed up ta tbat fuuuj-, sdiT oM style There are all the linje vsaories tliat help to liKikc a meal enjoyable a well eel table, eomfortaMe wite. plenty of t. 0...1 rttn..tn ., j room, courteous """ 1 service. "hecbiot nttraelion. however is tbe ex '.i.cni r.wi n,,.l mHvl c 'kimr. niul tbe piices are very r'sonbe t . Ol'KS HAY AND XI(ill.T We sell weekly Meil Tiekels. i h $4.50 MO 13 11 RliSTAUKANT Sec the beautiful line of S )rosis Under Skirts on display in in our window, THE GOLDEN RULE CO 1308-1310-1312, ADAMS AVENUE Fancy Quilt Covering 5 cents Per yard WE TAKE PRODUCE Toilet Soap Three Bars for 5 Vils. sfllfllBIIBlBiggKgp n a s a a H 3SB Jiloire- w nat i your Oocupanonr Wllnta I waa cuiptorcd Iu ttm i