& Two Light Electrolier ! ' . ss r Empire style complete with i ?hed glass shades and all attachments put up iu yonr residence for $i;.oo See samples in our window. La Grande Light & Power Co j it(iitiiiiiiinitli)t(( m m OFFICERS: K. Buna President J. M. Bhhut. .... .Vice President J. M. Chubch ', Cashier t. L. Mkykbs Asst. Cashier D1UECTORS: J. M. Berry, J. M. Church A. B. Conley, R. Braltb L. C. Stanley 3655 La Grande National B nk La Granite. Oregon n CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 Transacts a general banking business. Buys and sellajloxchange on J all parte of the world. Collections a specialty. FURNITURE Spring house cleaning time will soon be here and there will be many articles that you will need. Our line the most complete in the county to select from, n tour of inspection will dement tr;(e the fact. Tf you want u BedRocin Suit Side hoard, easy Chair, Couch, Carpels Rugs, Linoleum, Pictures the latest creations of ait Ma'.ie w, Window Shades, in fact every tliii g u.-uaily found in an up to date establish ment. We can please you in a-sotmcnt, quality and pi ice. E ANDROSS Leading Furniture . House in Union Co. WHITE ROSK FLOUR a B B 3 m a m B B Js nulled with the idea of pleasing every dealer's high olass trade-customers wbo apprecT te quality. The name of the Pioneer Flouring Mill Co. guarantees re liability and highest grade in every sack of tlou bearing the White Rose br md. P;oneer Flouring Mill Co. B B B H P S C O 3 B 3 3 K S - O a ES a S3 J Si El G m m DUMMY ROWAN DOES TIME IN CITY JAIL ... 1 ... Gets in a Three Cornered Mix-up "Just for Fun" but the Fun Ceased to be Funny, the Wrong Man. He was "Dummy" Rowan, one ot the prize fighters who have been in the city for several dsysaod a brother to "Silent" Rowan, who was knocked out by Andy King satutday night, spent Sunday night and pari ol yester day in the oity jil in company with Frank Silke. Silke is still ioduranoe vile awaiting trial on toharge ol a .salt and battery, and ' 'Dummy" was re leased yesterday . The story of the arrests is told by Marshal Rayburo as follows: Sunday morniog Silke and Rowan entered Lotus's saloon, Silke being intoxicated. John Keller was in she saloon at the time and Hilars is said to ave accosted nun wun some very nnoornplimentary name. Keller claims that be protested against th f, indignity in 'a gentlemanly manner. The deaf and dumb pugelist seeio t them "chewing the rag,' as he ex . pessed it, and supposing them to be in fun, sparred at Keller several times, al so in fun. Keller sparred back, whe n Silke ttruck Keller, knocking him down. He is said by Keller la have then jumped on liim bitting bim and stamping bim on til be was uncons . clous. Dr tirlis.Jion was called to attend H e vnuuuJ ram, vtlm is said tobeq.11,0 bully injured. 11 j wa' unable to 1. 11 his si.lt of the story un- jj Hi yesteraay n?n be uutirely exbon 0 rated Rowan, wbo t as releaiel. PORTLAND AND LOCAL MARKETS. Egg, fresh valley 2fkits, eastern, 2&o Batter, creamery 6O0 and firstolasi dairy 50o per roll. Potatoes 60cts per saok. Applee,50o. to 75c ts. per box. Cabbage, ljct. per lb. Turkies, 10 cts. lb. live weight. CRKALB Wheat 74c toBOo per bn. Ones 1.10 per cental Unrley 80c per cental Portland Markets The Portland wheat market con tinues its firmness but no changes in quotations were made during the WPik. As a result of tbe strength of the wheat market flour is quoted firmer with the demand larger Tbe Oriental business is act over large but somu ordinary bu-'s are reported. Prices there are just high enough to admit of a sufficient profit to ship. WHEAT Wall Walla, 73o; blue-stem, 78c; Valley, 79. BARLEY Feed, 20 per ton, brew ing,$20; rolled 521. FLOU It Valley, $3.76 and 3.85 per arr. I; bard wheat straights, S3 90 and 4 10; dears, $3.65 and 3.76; hard what patents, $4.20 and 4.60; Dakota hard wheat, $4-80 and $5.60; graham, $3.75, whole wheat, $4; rye wheat, $4.60 and 4.76 OATS No. 1 white, $1.07; gray $1.05 per cental. MILL8TUFF8 Bran, $18 per ton; middlings, $23; shorts, $19; ohop, U. 8. mills, $18; linseed, dairy tood ?19 HAY Timotby, $16 per ton; ev er, $lii; grain, $12; cheat, $13. rKODUCB Potatoes, 60 to 75 cents per sock. Onions 80 cents to $1.00 per sack. Eggs Oregon, 30 32i cts, iru 25 29o Butter Creamery, 27) nd 30c. Dairy, 20 and 22Jo, store 15 a 16 Jo lb Poultry Chickens, mixed 10c per pound, spring, 10c and hens, )0o , turkeys live, 17 and It lb dressed 18 and 20c lb-, ducks, $(i and 7 , er doz. geeso, 8c lb. LIVESTOCK Cattle Best steers $4.26 and $100, medium, 4.00; cow $3,25 and $1 00 Hogs Beet large, fat $5.26; medium I arge fat 4.76 SheepBest weather? '3.60; miscd sheep $3. Birthday Party Mies Hilda, daughter of Mr and Mrs 0 A McCrary, yesterday afternoon en tertained a number of her young friends in tbe celebration of the thir teenth anniversary ot ber birth, The afternoon passed veiy pleasantly in deed, with games, iruiio, recitations and other amusements thai are famil iar to young people. Miss Hilda, was the recipient of numerous, beautiful and valuable gifts from ber relatives and friends. Mrs McCrary served de licious refreshments to the young ladiea when they had tired of play. The guests oc this pleasant occasion we're Mary and Mands Stone, Luoreee Wood, Anna Mara, Haiel and Ruby Tbiosen, Marjorie Miller, May Cald well, Gladys Farquharaoo, Louise Baker, Clara Melville, Frances Farqn barton, Edith Rush, Marguerite and Hilda MoOrary. Tbe Observer wishes Miss Hilda, many bappy returns of tbe day. RECEIVES REPLY. Russia Anxious to Main tain the Neutrality of China and Confine Hostilities to Possible Limits. - f T. ' WANTED.." 1 furnished rooms with board, or 3 rooms fnrnisbcd suitab'e for light housekeeping must be centrally lo cated. Apply to the Eleotrio Light office. . POSTS ...... u hi u. pu.to iu r na 7 and 8 cents. Apply to Jack Chllds "menu nop. rosts are in the old town- J M in P 27. FOR RENT ...vu .vMgu, . luiiii.iiou lor housekeeping; also a furnished rcom with stove. Inquire of Mrs. Zuber. St. Petersburg, Feb. 20 Russian's roply to Secretary Hay'a note ou China was banded to Ambassador Mc Cormick today. The reply was given to Mr McCor- miok by Foreign Minister Lamsdoitf, and was promptly dispatched to Wash ington. It is known that the term of the reply are along the lines prev a ously indicated, being a virtual ac ceptauce in prinoiple, with tbe excep tion of Manohoria,whiob ig now the theater of war, and where Rubsie's special interests lie. Tbe Foreign Office explains that Russia is as soli citous as tbe other powers that tbe neutrality of China Bball not be brik en, and the area of hostilities be con- tlned to tho narrowest limits. Call Meeting There will be a call meeting of the La Grande Prohibition Alliance No. 11 at tho home of W. A. Worslell, Tues day evening Feb. 23. All members and friends of prohibition are request ed to ho present. 1)0 6 Classified Ads -ii' -i -'1i irTi-iii FOR SALE Thorough bred B. P. Rook and Roe combed Brown Leghorns oock erels for sale. C. D. Huffman R. F - D. Box 9 La Grande. Gcddcs Bros. Whv are Gcddes Rro. keoi ' busy? Why du they wll Hie I e;t g'o'lB at l he h .west pi 'ee-. Preferred Hi'k To i.atf S f-.r -iv Preierred S'ock Corn 3 for 5c Preferred Sto. k Siihncin :! for fiiV Preferred Htodk Peas 3 !f ' Prererreil Stoi-li tean :t 'or D.in'1 lny other er ceri -0 cent a can tir anyol thoe k1. , BUndaid tomatoes, uirn, lieane peas etr., 4 for 2S rents. They have the be butler made In the m'lev, and their . renimTy bi-.lter l.as no equ.il here. Try it and fee. Dill i. kls. H mzes n in. e meat, Swif: s pfc-klo V premium hems, innee nl ves. Everythina ta'ty. "e che'P i'ul pliu" Gcddcs Bros. Old Newspapers 25c po 100 at The Observer Office , DeWitt you eo to buy Witch Haial Salva. DeWltfi Witch Hatfl S"lva It tha orifrinal tnd only Rnutr8. In (act DeWiH'sts the only Witch Hel Salv that It mads from th unadulterated WitchHazel AUothrrB tn counterfeits baa Imi tations, cheap ir.d worthless even daneercu;. DeWllt t Witch Hiie! Salve Is a spsciflc fcr Files: Blind. Bieedfne, Itehlnc and Prtnifi'nt P'i- AlwCuts, Bums. Bruits, Erraina, Lacerations, Coiitus'or.s. fc-.'iis. Carbuncles. Eczema, Tetter. Sa'l Rhejm, and all other Skin Dl&eR3, SALVE n'un iwif mi '' immmr r LV. 0 sncss, o QrtiUy V . : . v. " Prices. m IF THEY ARE WEAK You are in constant danger of Pneu monia or Consumption which can be prevented by FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR if taken in time. IF THEY ARE INFLAMED You already have the first symp toms of lung trouble that may prove fatal and you should not delay taking FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It cures all inflammatory con ditions of the respiratory organs. IF THEY ARE OBSTRUCTED It is dangerous to use harsh expectorants which strain and weaken the lungs. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR soothes and strengthens and enables the tubes to be naturally cleared. MEV'SHOalf TAR gives the greatest comfort and relief in advanced stages of lung trouble and never fails to cure incipient Consumption. Contains no opiates. For Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneumonia and Grippe. It stops the Cough and prevents Pneumonia. See That You Get FOLEY'S Honey and Tar A POLICEMAN'S TESTIMONY J. N. Patterson, night policeman ol Nssbus, la., writes: "Last winter I had a bid cold on my lungi and tried at least a half dozen advertised cough medicines and bad treatment from two physicians without getting any benefit. A friend recommended FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR and two thirds of a bottle cured me. I consider It the greatest cough and lung remedy the world." THREE SIZES 25c, 50c, $1.00 mmmm rsfaafi any ii SOLD 1ND RECOMMENCED BY ZZ Hill & Alen, Pescription Druggists. FOR SALE , FreHb milch oow.' eentle milker. 6 years old, good size, inauin of a Oouob, Island Oity. j. POSTS FOR SALE Parties desiring porta will do well to address O. O. Taal, La Grande, box S74. d and . OLD PAPERS Handsome Men?y Should . protect their beauty by eeoing that ; they have only COMPETENJ BARBER To (have them. We v will protect your face.' Evans & Fitzgerald FOR REIN 7 room oottage. oenterallv loealM with barn, for particulars call at Land office. Inquire of E. Robinson. WANTED Room and board, or fumlxharl mnmo for light housekeeping. Inquire at nieciric iigm omce. FOR RENT Five room cottage. Inquiro of A. O Huntington. Express and Delivery Adna Rogers, Phone 1821. All oalls roceive prompt attention, Oeneial express and delivery business. .: ii Wood for Sale. A large quantity of 10 in. wood for sale. Inquire of Rowe & Ilerrman in Old Town or Phone 172-3. All ordora promptly delivered tf. The En worth l.encue wll! sive a V1 cntine Social Friday evening Feb. 12th at the AI. E. Church. The High School Orchestra has been engaged to furnish tho music. Thore will be dain. ty refres'.mente. Ths public is cordial ly invited. Admission 10 rents.' M1SCEUNEOUS. V d ARE PREPARED TO MAKE luans on illy i r farm property, on short m lice, for sums of $300 or more No delay after abstract la completed. See us if you need lin ney. 24S-274 ' la Uraudelnvestment Co From IfSOO.OO to $i 000.00 a by narties who INVESTORS month can be made can invest from $600 to $lf00. One eaatnrn investor made SGB.OOO in 10113, call or write for particulars Tbe Win. R. White Co., 312 Pine St forllaud, Oregon. OREGOK sioUMONPiiCinE UPM The Dr. Liebig staff, only J'lLI 1 nnRnlAlfiilt.H fur mnn nnn. I -" ' w" tinuo to cure nil ohionic. private and nervnUK ailments, ol liniortance, skin diies-es, ihematism, catarrnh, ete, Dr. A.C. Biuddanl, Ph U for !i? veais medical diresinr. 74 sixth 8t., Cortland, Or. Ill Yeeler Way, Seai I", Wash. Call or write. 0RS. BIGGEKS & BIGGERS ' 1-rtYHiciAvs and HuHOsoNa U.W HlRKr, M. D. Geo. L. Illsusrs, M. Ii. Tolctibonn Nia Olti, 1X31 . . kuildcnco, 41 omeo. Hfllston llulldinv over J. M. hiotv. INkIiIimii-o on MitcllKon Ave. smind Please Note Our Success Herry'i iliNir v irt of loruier rvdldutiiX', Dr. O. W.Blmteni IjA OHANOE - - OKKGON ritifewiloual taIIh prnmlly altDded to, day or night. SACRED HEART ACADEMY La Grande, Oregon. Conducted by Bisters of St. Franvi Select boarding and day school for Young Ladiea AcsJemie, Preparatory and Klned garten courses are conducted on the fame principles as those pursued in our sohools of Philadelphia. Mii'ic and painting receive specta llen'.ioo Letters of inquiry directed to SISTER BUFERIOR And inorease of bnslnesa from July 15, 1891, to July 16, 1903,11 years. Surplus fund accum- ulated $1 2,5 0 0.00 Capital paid in .... 6 0, 0 0 0.0 0 Reliability of share holders 6 0. 0 0 0.0 0. Protection to de- r poeltors. fl 3 2, 5 0 0.0 0 Deposit subject to t- . tneuK were, on July ID, 1801 . i8oa " 1808 " 1804 "1898 . 1806 " 1807 " 1808 " 1899 " 1000 . ' ; looi " 1002 ' 1003 " Ladies Attention You are osntioned to temember that Smith tbe repair man can make that sewing maohine nf yours run just as.Rond as it did when it was new He will call at yonr house and bave it tuning in first olass shape before be leave Leave orders at tbe La Orande Pawn Biokers or phone No 581 41,5 9 8.38 7 7,3 0 9.99 27,220.13 0,041.54 42,3 4 8.11 84,8 9 7.70 43,6 4 7.69. 7 8,7 7 6.25 8 3, 7 6 0.19 8 9,7 0 3.90 8 3 ,7 2 1,67 7 7,2 4 5.38 1 3 2,10 3.76 Does not the Jabove figures as inre you that the management of this bauk meete wltn tlioa-proval of its board of directors and pat rons; and deserung of your patronage. We want your bank ing business, laige or small. Your interest will be protected at the Farmers and Traders National Bank La Grandf, Oregon A BUSINES PR0PSITI0N Why pay high pjees for Hay Feed, Wood and Lumber, when ." you save money by buying of us. We are in a position to undersell all other dealers in in Union county, and beiievd to our advantage to do so. A trial order will convince you that ' we are not onlyjable to undersellbut are dointf so. We have combined the Lumber business with our Feed business and would be pleased to figure with you when in need of Lumber. Try a months bus! with us and see for yourfelf Yours for money saving, LARSON & NOE LA GRANDE, 4 ; ; Cor. Jefferson Ave, and Fir St, I . . rf " i DKrarfraa Ilm, , " vbobi , .' LA OBAKOC. ,,- ; 1 fr I' S'p.m. Bait Lsks, Denver Ft. NO. U NO a. Worth, Omaha, Kansas !5 a. m, ' Portland, Dalles. Pen- t VOL ' dleton, Walla Walla, ... . Dayton, l-o JueroT; NO 8 j 5-f.0a m Uolntx, Mrtftoow.Hpo- . a a . th via Upo- , kans. . . Portland, Dalles, Pen. N06 dloton Omstllli Wal- ' . lula.Lewlston.Oolftta NO Moaoow, WallaoeWar , 9:lfipm duor, Hpokaae and s.auaoi other points east and . north vis Hpoltane. N''I'?',,l'.ly 's'and City, Alloul, iS.i linbler, and Elgin Sunday connoollous atKlgln 9:1ft a m with stage forponts 1 In Wallowa county f Ocean Steamers between Portland and San Francisco evory live days STALLION NOTICE A great opportunity for you (o breed to one of the best at a very low price. I will malte . a a Ibis season wun my imported fm.ous Hookncy stallion y- With return privilege WfT ai- 8TUNTNEYT4SSO ..4 (JaW able in advance. terms. Can give goody-' ;.' CBS as to He uu. Win. 03 , 7 1 "ij $ t,' i. ft i ) 3 s. tr I m 1 .Hi '..,.,7 V-V--''r'''"